V. ipii. PAG H COMMU NSTY ) 4i ' fRIENDL Y NEIGHBOR!. Y SER VICE ' ' (- v , J . 13 If RADIOS ic APPLIANCES RECORDS FI.EKTWOOO RADIOS CROSLCV RADIOS AI)MIR.L H K FREZ RKKKICFRATOKS i FASi Vi'ASnF.RS lRKSTOMT WASIII RS rut I'hnne 100 Opp. Tutr-iii Tlicatro It's a pleasure and common sense to shop in your own home town because when you spend money in your own community some of it will find its way back into your own pocket . . . Let's all buy at home and keep our community prosperous and thriving. Read this page and if you find your name you will receive absolutely Free two theatre tickets to one of the local theatres. And if it does hapiwn lo rain while you're downtuKit. the Ci ALLEY In the plare to paw X pleasant fr miniiiet ilrinkinj a hot nip of the bvt coffer ill toun. "MEET ME at the CENTRAL" Quick Businessmen's Lunrh . Italian Dishes a Specialty Friendly Afternoon Teas After-Show Snacks Galley Cafe CENTRAL CAFE THE SPAGHETTI 1IOCSE Prince Rupert UPHOLSTERY Custom Tailored Furniture REMODELLING REPAIRING REBUILDING Your old Chesterfield made like new. Phone Blue 818 330 Second Ave, W. See Von's f or . . . Tender Loaf, Sliced ENRICHED Bread. VAN'S BAKERY Toble Tops . . . Mirrors . . . Auto Gloss Window Gloss . . . Plote Gloss Sven Rronke. 13G3 6th Ave V, NORTHERN GLASS GO. FIRST AVl.NCl: i:T (NrxlU Incluslrial Weldincl Box 1621, Stotion B Fhone Red 884 "YOUR FAVORITE PAINTS" Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by using Baprone and Satirt-Glo for spring decorating. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. T. TRANSPORTATON M. C 2: SYSTEM LIMITED Ctty Bus Service VTTtr'ATr Messenger Service f jjLMfWA Trucking, Coal H -s. j and Kindling . LLJJ" Phones: 640-530 rlgft Insured Carriers I he I unpletr Tm 1 (S I Expertfcl: Complele -S J Electrical k Phone m 611 Jrd Ave. W. BOWLING There Is hardly anything In the world that dome man cannot make a little worr and wll a little cheaper, and people who consider price only are this mans lawful pre." John Ruskln. Art Murray's wear We have open alley every afternoon j ' and evening, with the titration of I ff f' Monday afternoon and Tuesday and I (I Thursday evening. fr- fff Phone Red 709 ZTjr R. E. MORTIMFR REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Phone 8& 353 Third Ave. West SPENCE ond MATUIK Painting Contractors For the Best in Point Jobs Phone Blue 881 GRANT and NEWTf " ' r 4 , t t " 1 H r r 1 , ...... ; r. . I. " i t . w s 1... .....: -i. I ...... 1.4 . i .1" LIMIT!' ! ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 7J$liNtf Phone tZ9 FKEE THiATKE T1CECETS LOOK FOR YOUR NAME Starting Thursday, April 31) Capitol Theatre "COME BACK, LITTLE S1IEHA," Starring Hurt Inrastcr and Shirley Ilooth This poqe is o regular weekly feature cf the DAILY NEWS ond there will appear in the advertisements names ond addresses of people living in Prince Rupert. Read the advertisements eorefully, ond it to the DAILY NEWS office ond if you find your name, clip out the advertisement present and you will receive absolutely free two theatre tickets to your favorite theatre with the com-plimcnts of the advertiser ond theatre manager. THREE LUCKY PEOPLE WIN EACH MONDAY McRae Bros. Ltd "The Store Thot Service Built" HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Stoves -k Refrigerators Woshcn k Only 1 1 more days till MOTHER'S DAY Sun. May 10 Finest selection of Mother's Day Cards ever- now in stock. From 10c to 25c 3 THE VARIETY STORE Where your Dimes are LUtle Dollars" You'll Be Safer On... DUNLOP Midway Grocery "Shop at the Independent Fxx1 siores for Quality and Service" Phone 659 Rupert Butchers and GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 "Independent Food Stores' provide Free Delivery to ail' parts of the City" Skeena Grocery 'One of Your Independent Food Stores-Phone 581 or 582 Lyons Fine Foods "Independent Food Store Mrs. Elvira E. Miller 1348 PigBott Ave. stork only Top Quality Brands" Phones: 250 - Red 465 TIRES GRANTHAM Electric Electrical Contractors NEW CONSTRUCTION We earry a romplele tf of tires and tubes and maintain a rompletflr rquipprd tire rrp;iir denartmrnt. YUKON JEWELLERS EBY & SONS LIMITED - GENERAL CONTRACTING - INDIAN CRAFT SOUVENIRS FINE BONE CHINA SLATE TOTEMS BOB PARKER LI PHONE 53 Hasten Home Mail Delivery Call us to supply ond install letter slots Shop F-hone: Blue 156 Residence Phone: Blue 3SJ REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY Phone Blue 615 J. Alexander, Prop. REWIRING OLDER BUILDINGS 844 Summit Phone Blue 293 SOL! FLEET-FOOT ARCH-CUSHION Running fcDaily News Wont ods will help you sell or buy, rent o room, hire help, find a lost article or do practically anything you can think of. WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Phone Green 136 for the octive fc In BLACK, WHITE' it The STORK SHOPPE Specializing io INFANTS' CHILDREN'S and MATERNITY WEAR rPfl and W " All H See the at U E W ! . . . P.O. Box 1471 Ph. Blue 810 BROWNIE MOVIE CAM Fit A Costs Onl $50.00 George Hill & Sons (Next to CommgJ McCulloch Chain Saws CIIKIS-CRAFT BOATS Pacific Electric Phone Blue 992 FRED SCADDEN Pointing and .Decorating Don F. Saunders 445 5th Ave. W. Pnone Green B3 P.O. Box 5(R GREER & BRIDDEN LIMITED BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS FOUNDATIONS, ASPHALT ROOFING, CONCRETE WORK INTERIOR ond EXTERIOR RENOVATION Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 Prince Rupert, B.C. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Painting and Decorating General Contractors Building and Repair of all kinds. P.O. Box 1670 Phone Red 8!I4 The ELECTRICIAN Douglas "Guy" Guyatt Phone RED 165 119 Ninth Ave. W. SEE US WHEN MODERNIZING Adding new convenience and new beauty to your home? Then be sure to call us for the moi,t complete Information on how our up-to-date plumbing and heating equipment bring you bonus thrift. Phone 174 Smith & Elkins LIMITED P.O. Box 274 LOOK Nylons 54 Gauge, 51 Gauge 15 Denier Every pair perfect New. spring shades. Sizes from 8VL to SPECIAL Per Pair S$ VC ii ii i ...in A, EVERYBODY LOOKING FOK THE BEST IN QUALITY I)HY C LEANING ANI l.Al'NDRY, CALL 5. IDEAL CLEANERS & LAUNDRY Call office on MiBrlde St. or on Second Avenue aero.su from the liquor store. BLACK & WHITE TAXI CO. PHONE 65 "EVRNTUAI.LV Why Not Now?',' For Vonder Brite Cleaning Superior Laundry Call PIONEER CANADIAN LAUNDRIES Phone 8 . Phone 118 male !"-" LADIES' WEAR WE LEAD . . . OTHERS FOLLOW. "TOMORROW'S STYLES TODAi