CUBS ENTERTAIN MFum, jp rt Daily News At II 27, 1953 Phils Take - Three More on Week-End PROMOTED TO SCOUT ntj More tluin 50 C'ub turned out at an atherlns Friday night to wish "good ,'., I IK..1- m.n,U,. r. .,. ..... . . "WU(1 U.I ii .laces I Jq Set Hot Pace in National i i League V A ?! , r,..n,.iv,i.. n and ',! -i in n SuiKiav twin SATURDAY Aft -A- I NEW YORK (CP) Philadolphia 7-5 National Phillips ernwnuD whiz kids of bill the hottest Week-end baseball results: 19.")(K currentlv are New York 7. Brooklyn 5 Cincinnati 4. Milwaukee Scout troop. Those honored were Everett u m'01"41 k of the 2nd (Conrad Cubs, Bobby Bu&sanirh t !( Jimmy Russell and Garry Parkin. uewuiOrj. Art Williamson was In charge of the The new Scouts were welcomed into the t,lK,B J'f ' Roi hc. The s busy evening concluded wm, th, , RCMP film produced under the force's vcuih '' SPORTS RoSi, lly (JAYLK TAMiOT II SATURDAY American Chicago 6. St LouLs 4. Philadelphia 3, Boston 4. Detroit 3, Cleveland 4. Washington 2, New York 4. SUNDAY Detroit 1-2. Cleveland 2-12. Washington 5. New York 4. Chicago 2-3, St. Louis 7-0. Philadelphia at Boston ppd. I thing In baseball, j The Phils are riding an eight-tame winning streak, earned partly at the expense of the favored Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants, and lead the National League by 2lj games. They pulled away from the !pack with three wsek-end vlc-i tories over the tail-end Pittsburgh Pirates, edaing them 7-6. Saturday and trimming them St. Louis 8, Chicago 10. SUNDAY New York 4. Brooklyn 8r St. Louis 5, Chicago 7. Cincinnati at Milwaukee idoublchcaderi ppd. Pacific Coast League SATURDAY Hollywood 2. Oakland 4. San FrancLsco 7, Los Angclea 4. San Diego at Seattle ppd. Sacramento at Portland ppd. SUNDAY '-as: 1 ( K am U i NKW YORK (AP) Even thoillill Court Dismisses Appeal i that the Uoston "cold pox;' are rm im,. . .'. ... ' ttiiu u, ILil'.yvwd 8, Oakland 2. Sacramento 1, Portland 8 San Francisco 1-0, Los Angeles plitti-rmR array of utars wincn CUst (,u... 8-4. Yaw key millions ha been dispersed, to the r Ktill comes as comcthing of a shock the firs you sec the cradle corps trying to win a h from a grown-up American lxaj.;uo club. Scarcely a nnrat Is really fain-, Mm I San Diego 4-1, Seattle 3-5. Western International SATURDAY Edmonton 12. Trl-CHy 13. Yakima 4, Wenatchee 4. Spokane 2. Victoria 10. Lcwiston at Vancouver (dou- ft S i' . sS i' X . t Jt To Reduce Jail Sentence VICTORIA ff-B.C. Court of. Counsel argued that the judge should not have d.ffere.iUated Appeal ha. dismissed an appeal sentence reduction for between stealing from the gov-Walter for a James Callaugher. serv- eminent and from an individual. , ing six mourn months for theft of navy He argued, too. that Leading who seaman William Gordon ' had been jointly charged in the . . rnn,rl counsel Jasenh Jasepn Appellants pieaded guilty. McKenna. QC 7' sen had ' only been'glv three m,"Bt5'ir? -u comment that "this business ofJP5- M.. McKenna suggested a sus-has stealing government property j the'pended sentence or at the most, got to stop" and it is in public interest this kind of pil-i three months, the same as Goffering be brought to an end." dem- llhe 30-year-old patriarch t s . I third Billy Ooodman t P T jecond nod maybe ime elderly 1 . f.Prt t,.. " . ifeerrr In the irttrheft b,x. . '..r4 ly.eheadcri ppd. EXAMINING SOIL SAMPLES In the Jordan Valley, a water development expert (lefti gathers data on Irrigation possibilities. The United Nations Relief and Works Aitcncy for Pale.itlne P.efunees recently agreed with the Kingdom of Jordan to provide $40 000 000 for construction of an imitation and power dam in the region. The dry laud, given water, might support up to 20 000 refugee families. rhirwi;j vnil fii-l Vmi nikivt ! r .. . .. mm have doted off for four or five SUNDAY Edmonton at Tri-City (double-header i rv 1 Calgary at Salem (double-leader pnt Dick Cernrrt, tV t man. also Is a una in home rum ui -;r v Yakima 6, wenatcnee j. years, and where did tlvse jtrunire kids come from? Where are Ted W 1 1 1 1 m v Itobby lerr. Vern Ktepen , Johnny Pesky. Dom UiMauKl and thwe other ocker w)h Insurance For Sick Vorkers mw. the iijphunM! U 24. There 'i om oa Billy Conwilij, t u , It Is murh the r,s,. ever to Like ll fi OTTAWA (CP A limited form who leave work because of IU-of unemployment Insurance .i .ir ,rtr.r" will h nut Iwfor". Exlstliin li z Lslut ion nrves lu- only ye.sterday were rarkinn; up I enemy ultrhern and earnliiR all SPORTSMAN'S DIGEST mp. STREAM SIGNS . FOR TROUT V leagur And ihe R, v stead of trysnr. to tw , nant, have fa-vs-i from Ihe bulb. Watchine Urn i honor urouU pUj u c Yankee, you M i i. for them and tn,( rarllament by the government uraiu- benefit only to ime tnai money? thin week. J unemployed who are available The baby of the DiM-isrIoh. The measure U expected to be for work. A worker cannot col- you learn. l.i mutim on th-the last major government bill lect benefit If. after beln put bench, nurslnj hu eye troulile Introduced at the current ae.ssiou' o( or,t- hc ecome til and and thinking of retiring. Th cannot call at hU unemployment other are eow. nf of Pariummt. Parliament now now In in Its its Ust , . .. ., hi wuh thc .1,1 f a klixllv tlo-,- E'liQg to have I hiri , " , .'rluaue " ton man you are brought up t-illiut joii thinlt, mubr It will provide unemployment,' I. , , , ... hh aate cm- . . .. Thi. rn arvrment of eoveraie. i1 insurance cpvriar -u..., .... . .. ... .. . k,. , i,,,flM .h. -"irj-ji I who become ill after being ll was UiiOrrM'Kni, in nuv m-: ..j ... .- -...- v jive any Increase In insurance ulrurk out to Gene Stephens, i Hie cir.y u! to. ! thrown out of loba for other rea contributions bv I sotii It will not cover those employee and He to oo w tw one in centre-1 !. a wtnu a( art j field. Tommy L'mphletl. Mill Ovrmarj emmr.U t employer. The .sU-8t!liy-lloiliS J3G0 0O0.- Telkwa Names the relatively minor additional ; TODAY To WEDNESDAY Eveningj 7 5 Oram. HO ouiciai wmmir ui j Imm Mpa i the extra amount was available.; I but It milil run to about " 000,-; (HiO a year, compared with the! SUO.OOO.GOO paid out in beneliu! during the lait fUcal year. Fire Chief TFl.KWA W. Kinney w.i. elected chief and J Iown y a-s-uiiint chief of the newly-form patch cm wateb auonooxoco y tifcMTea cxoet vtei INCHCATES A HOl. WHERE THe CueKr ussews to habo a thojt. o&e:o oolocb CAUS6 FOAM C KOKEN SU- FACE VWlTEBS ASOVt THEM. THE. cuoneNT goo6e cwt Melee's BEFOBE ANO AITE" OULOe THAT PWCVIPB COVER ANO weST, against A yraeAM-s Foca. TOOT MSLDOM XI0 THEM-SELveS IN OAV LHT. ieH -THE FA4TEB, IXWCN WATER ANO A- lons the eo&e of the main current whebb a katubau cove" pwovipeo. ish bes1 in twe slower: eo whe tmev can part imto the main channel cm roco. No change i comempianu. , ed Telkwa villas volunteer fire i either, in the period for which TOTE - EXTRA Fealurelte: TltOtBLE IN LAWS" CARTOON brigade. Sixteen other men have bineflU are payable, which now volunteered to Join the Urluade Fire Chief Harry Haywood of Smlthers attended the organi run to a maximum of one year., The proposed government ac-; lion represent a compromise ith organized labor, which ha' l-en prevsiiiK for traii;ht unemployment InAiiranre lor tck-iii-.s whether or not the worker becomes 111 on the Job. WOlths AKI.NT Ml .sSAKr . . . 1 HIS rilTIUllJ zation meeting. SuiiKc.stion for future Inter-briuurt" competitions between brigades lit MaJ'lUn. Houston, Telkwa and fimithers was made by Chief Haywood. SM KF.TI.Y AT TIIK HI.M'H HUM I.OMMW siKitll I.Al .IIS HR I TM I.I "TOP SECRET' 1 AKHINO (WAIt HOMOLKA KAII1A ( I AT GCOKOE COLE Couple Wed Through Ad Get Separation Tenders Called I For High School VANCOUVKIt (CPV -A twi'Julit romance, jiiartlnif from a lonely TKKKACK.-Tend-rs are to 1h called for the building of a new Junior-M'nior hiKh m IwhiI on the i urrram. lu'lilnii the Aleer oron- HAW ra TODAY And TUK he.irt art and emlinis In a lesal ..... ! i,,n struck k another anoincr (lis Where does the money go? cn.s-1 , i r ADITA I'l.US "ItOVAI. IIHUTAOL- IM C()IX)H SHOWS 7:009:10 RUM M : cordant note In Supreme Court,' a; jMK,n as iwrc- 'tracts are let. Standin-.;, 80 1 and Edmond : (.v,.rnmonl ., r v a , W1, ii s n tttittw Fanny StaiKiiH!4. n, man. nc year aso a a result of a "matrl-, inony 11 .suited'' ad and loyally; separated a year ago. now are on Norol Visit opposing of a $3 8aO law-, f.s f Ik(rwrtlBn f,(, SUIV J' .trover Narvik. wiiKh will pur PHONE (S Taxi a Olull " iiibsaivt . Mr Doris Pa.s.smore llripave in me .orona',ion naval , dau.iti r r(,vjew at Rpuhead In June, later nf Mr. Slandlns. contend nfl tnal .,,, ii (SnnHg aill 111 TTtfrt she loaned her stepmother th .li.spuud sum, the proceed of i-ale of the house where the el At times most of us have looked at purse, wallet or bank-lK)k,anJwondcrcJ:'"V hcrci the tiKMiey go?" llach year wc at Imperial add up the company's bills to see what happened to the money we received in the previous 1 2 months for the gasoline, fuel oil and other products wc sell. I Ierc's where each dollar of Imperial's 1952 income went: CRUDE OIL and other raw materials wc Uxight, plul freight, took more than half of each dollar. OPERATING cxcnscs took more than 2H cents. This w as the cost of searching for and producing crude oil. States. Under Commander Charles Herlofsen the destroyer will rail at Halifax. New York and Annapolis. Md . returnlfig by way of Newfoundland and HEATEDCh ponuPT FDfif"F ti-rvi. ui. i:tiisi Itl.OtK. SIXTH STRH ii i derly couple lived. Mr. Standing supfrtcd liU daughter' claim. Mrs. Standing said her liu.s-band told her hc owned th i Mni if. rnR rrtrUtr reft Ihii drcriiiemrni it not published or displayed by 1 he Liquor Conirnl IViMirJ ur by ihe Cfoxrnmcnl of llnush Culumliia. Teak Merl'l OH' Arctic whallmc saw about 400 whale in the vear of In 1857 hunting In Mr. Passmorc name merely history -n.itr- riDFNtf. to a.sist In getting a pension lor north. , his former wile. neciol She said her husband Instruct ATTENTION FISHERMEN! - 71 28.20 cms .ha.. and S-.'""11 ed her to accept the cheque lor I'Jcl your he sale from Mr, rasamore, a io was then getting the old-age. ..... vPttr we're clearing Outfit from us it real pension. Ber reductions... ALL KINDS A Make A Model it A Year TO KMT VOl! . . . fsavinf I'rlre tn answer to aucstlorui. Mr. All-Wool , , . The I,rtB Standing admitted hc had con sports cealed ome asset when ne applied for an old-a(?e pension for his first wife "but thousands of '51 riy month Z-rtoor, 22.000 10.00 tents other were doing the amc thing." J Kt TS SHIRTS S( KS, PANTS I'NOKK- mile. Good oiuipe throughout I7!15 and of manufacturing and marketing the hundreds ot ' products w e supplied for thousands of uses. 1 hrough-out the year high quality products were made available w here and u hen you needed than, TAXES to provincial and federal governments trxik 10 cents. And this did not include gasoline tax, which ikKiwling (in where you live took from 24 to 36 cents out of every dollar you spent for standard grade gasoline. DIVIDENDS paid to shareholders for use of plant and eiuipnieut amounted to 4.06 cents. TO REPLACE worn out equipment and to make snre that we can supply your needs in the future 3.42 cents w as put back into the business. f i I tm mm m rnu'" Mr. Justice Whittakcr decision. '5 Custom Ford rordor. OixmI m i i ii i rublier. Heater. 8ea Mist Oreen l3ns '59 Meteor Sertaf. New 2-Ume 4.06 cents WF.AR uriiitut' ( I.OTIIKH SIIOFS, ETC. A real family car flKIS ' SI'LdAI. SPKCIAL r. Miinarrh t'onvertlble. com A IK New Schedule storting May 1 u a - - pletely automatic with every possible extra.... A Must See E tents HNIIKKMI.NS ALL WOOL C3 THICKS Leave t Prince Rupert 12:00 Noon for T.(i Studebaker l'lekun. Not u scratch. Handy canopy PANTS Best tAlloring, all size. Sell at $12.00 pair. Now, pair J8.75 SLF.F.PING KOBF.S with zipper, lined Special $9.95 back 12!5 KETCHIKAN IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED oil maku a country strong (too) WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP WRANGtL. rn COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! ond other Aloskor. c.n- All our Used Car carry a 30-day guarantee The Home of Friendly Service Bob Parker Ltd. "The Home of Friendly Service" ... .iff with conn' 51 DIBB PRINTING COMPANY c CATTLE AH."" , WHITEHORSE Roe Yr Hriwrrn B'lMKint anl Hul Hotels fl I 1