' r- L k mnTads I .v.v.-.v.v.-. VVV.V. .V.V-V kSuhfect to Change) l tui- i.tiyri t,y iiew.' Monday, April 27, 19i3 BLACKWOOD on TO: Buy-Sell-Rent Trade or Hire I Phont MISS WANT AD 748. She will be qlod to help you place DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY Hy EASLEY BLACKWOOD ; CARS FOR SALfc IfflB RAI IT I'.tr.n tWM lwl Mr. M,uzzy Puzzles Foe IJy a Single Safety Play One of the faults of Mr. Muzzy is his stubborn refusal to bid the full strength of his hand when that fa ' I -niliin MWrim r. pickup in excellent condition. Aluminum back. 2 mounted spares. Phone Blue 734. ilOO' FOR HALF. Special Thousands of Titles . from our LARGE RECORD STOCK 78 s ...39c ca., 3 for $ 1 45'sandL.P.'s..13 0ff McRAE BROS. LTD. 654 South dealer North-South vulnerable NBTlh (Mr. Muizi) 8 K Q H A 8 5 D J 10 8 ,S 4 C-Kil uvt r.at (Mr. Abel) (Mr. Meek) S 3 S 10 9 7 4 2 H Q 10 7 3 H J B D K 7 3 D A 8 C J 10 CQ B 7 Knot h (Mr. Champion) 8 A J 5 H K 4 2 D Q t 2 C A S 2 The bidding: 15c pm daam pmA br nap int. PI a ;,s-iified Kales ,lt 4.30 pin. day pre-,i publication. 3 i f iits per word per "n- iriiunu:iii chunte SO .),,., 50 cents; Calds ,,,K-i. Deullr Kotlces, Mil ices. Marriage an J ',, ;,t Announce menu, ,1 il;iy d':uble price, fin Refunds I ti(t i i it ri'-ponsl-, i . Min d ads inserted v hi uiifiiT wrong ,.,r. unless notification received within i-r- i ; i f f.rst l-rtion. AiiV(IMKNTS i.iid p;ntl"S April 1 -Id I) L. Spill)'; IJon- -.-, u 30. Asmk latliW ten, .'Icluul, May 2. I'rcifesMon.il Wo-I- .s.ilr, May 2. PR SALE OLLARS WORTH! V.'OrJDERFUL r ERTAINMENT I Y Of !E DOLLAR Dunb ar ;, ,S. uti-ti baritone IN 'Chief Sneilieer. Department of Pub- FOOTHILLS (snotlcss) enal.iM, wrK, Ottawa, at the oftl.e of I'llOlie 651. I'llllpotl, F.Vitt <he UlMrlct Knalneer. Port Office C'O. Ltd. (C) j Hiiit!.mK. New WeMmuister. BC, and ". j hi It. Pout Officea at Vancouver, FOR SALE Cherry red Studio prime Ruivrt and Hartley Bur BC Do Ccp,n !.it lo-,li f i i m ,nmf n re rt4 tvl m, I la.k f.rf cVj ',,4 Bl'SISESS FLKSONAI.S REMEMBER MOTHER On Sunday. May Kit 1 1 with COUTTS CARDS from McRAE BROS. LTD. PLUMBING, automatic oil heat-Inn, sheet metal work. Phone 543 Call 6J0 th West. Le-tourneau. tel NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim ited. Distributors for: Mining. fiawmlll, ligi'!ng ond Contractor1 Equipment Inrpilr-!"! Invited, irnnvllle Island, Vancouver 1. DC. (tf RADIO DIAL CFPR J20 rC-'oeyclea MONDAY PM 4 M The Pohble Prom Pluto 4 4f kecortied Interlude 4:5s Htocli Quot-ationa :fK To be announced 5 2.Internaiional Commentary 0 .o UN jodMy ft hwt Nevw; Weather Reiort 'W-Have You Heard') 6 (Xj Kupjwr eV renade (i 4i Smiley Burneite Hkrw ' 1 00 ffC Newil 7 is vm: News Roundup f 7 :l Hummer Fallow 8 OfK-rtlee Club S Iii H; Hynij)ioiiy Oreh. tl OO -Now I A,k yu tl -30 Here'a Juliette 10 -fiU BC NewH 10 l CBC Newn 111 '15-election Talk - l iberal Awn. I 10 30-PortraHa prom Memory 10 45 Jo Ktaflord ; 11 .00 WeatlM-r hei,rt II U t - Music Till MKInlKlit 2 ()--i.,-oli . TTJEf.DAY I JAM. j 7in rj. pi.hermen's Broadcast 7:15 Musical Clock 7 ao h; News: Weather Reect j 7 31 Musical (Mof lt i g 00CBC News 8 10 Here's Kill flood ft 1A Mornlne sili(r B no - kiorniiiK Devotion K 4 Lmie ColiCert ini-Bli(; riews and C. mm.ntliry 0 15 Mui-ieal Vanillic tl S 'i :n.e fclinal 0 (S) Mornlinj Visit 10:15 -Hiurrs or lhe Purple Sn-e" 10 SO This Week'a ArlKt 10 45- Mu Iral Kltelie 1 TOO KinlerK:,rO n of tho Air 11 15 Houndiip lime II SO W.aihi r lort Mat- MKniw IlTkJd 11 :3.l hi, int. 11 str Scandinavian Ui l-,IV ' PM la-00-Mld-dav M.l.aUca 1 IS CBC News 12 .!S -Proirani Hsmrnti 12 30 B c r ami Uiuakit U55-P.ec Int. I CIO Afternoon Oincert . 1 :45- Pri wiitiiiK . . . St.oo BC. Sihooi Broadcast 2 :to Trans-t.'anala Matmi 3 15 tiecord for You 3 45- Hit Parade Queen Mother Tries Luck With Salmon BALMORAL, Scotland (CP) Queen Mother Elizabeth, an expert angler, tried her luck on two miles of good trout and salmon fishing in Scotland during her 10-dav Easter holiday i lounee and tricycle, Rood j Tender win not he cimHiuered ui-rondltlon Black 717. 1CI j made on printed forma tuupllcri I I ; uy top la-puriini nt and In uceord- ' FOR 8ALK House, 3 room. K m t . f .irntvhprl i o'rmn 9. tlOlp) tl Soutn West North I C Pasa 1 D Pass 1 NT Paaa 2 NT Pasa Pn Puaa The Frenc'.-. fortress of Louis - bourg on Cape Breton Lsland was built between 1720 and 1734. BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OIT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe THE KLKCTRICIAM D Ouyatt site ' ' ' Iyabie to thr. rd, r FOR SALE- GiKid building ; on 1 1th Ave 1 v, lots. Quantity j lil lltrr 1J,,i (H M ln th, trm of second hand lumber and ; .,r ,r ,0,,; of lhe amount bricks on lot. Any reasonable of u.r tender. offer considered. Contact U NtjTR: Upon applttatlim In the 8. MannuvjiU, 7 Cow Hy. tiiKl.Tai-.tiMSI. tue I fiartment will ( JUJpl iiip!y lilije-prinla and uriecltlriilloil ' . 1 of ihe wirle on depoait of a sum (ft FOR SALE Hoy's bicycle. Phone j :"n in u.e f.n-m of a certined nanit lilue 877 alter 5 pm. I03pi i "r"r .. . , Miini.wr of Public Wortca. The de- FOR SALE Standard, older I"" " released on the return model Remington typewriter. ,,'" '"e-prw, nni Mieclllcatwn , .,, .-o aoo uhin a month from the date of cheap Phone Blue 448. or JTO . iUtm t), ,f no turn,d 6!h Ave. West. 'JJP1 within that period the depoalt will Vi, tiiUFT """U,,Br:RT FORTTEH. terfleld suite; Monarch oil Acii.ik Secretary. Kpace heati-r; one large enn ! rd-partmeut of public Works. Phone Blue 254. I lOOpi jOitawa. April 21. in.vi. (iu-) ' m-'KNKR8 cleaned ..IHUUlUln. MTFD CHURCH building. repairs '' ,' 4 '" 1 t - 17' . . V'i.- '... Ml' - at. f; it T if - s "I. "i , ' s-- V f k r- - he. -A.-'ft ,'rt tr- 'i " 1, , -..: -,IJ;-'i ..ih v . V 'r J' I .'n . , , ft t ' ... 'V , .-... ,'- r - t- - ' . ! 5 .... ' i t ' , 4'- " LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. . "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S AgentsAllied Van Lines Ltd. ON AY, MAY 4TH nt 8.30 e at ;kv Watts Si Kicker-lv flioe Store nd ll:i.'d.tie. i 104c i A:.i ual Music ttnd :iv..i. M.iy 5, 6, 7 and laar. May 6. 4 - I W A bake sale. rilun & Anderson R. U V." A Halibut Far- action is called for. In today's deal, his second bid should have been three no trump instead of two. Mr. Champion could hardly be ex-J pected to make three bids on his near minimum holding and hi." pa"s of te two no trumn i call was Justified. j He made three-odd by a slm- ; pie safety play. "Why put any strain on me, ' Muzzy?" he asked. "Why not go ! straight to game over my one no trump bid?" "Why, I bid every time!" re- plied Mr. Muzv Indignantly. "I i bid diamonds, then I raised your no trump . . . "What I'm trying to tell yon." Mr. Champion Interrupted, "is that a-s soon as I opened the bidding and you looked at your hand, you should have decided ! to bid game somewhere. When ; I bid one no trump on the sec- I ond round, slam was; out of the question. 'Also, it .should have been clear to you that three no trump I was our best spot for game. Why . dilly-dally errumd with a two; no trump bid? I can't bid your! hand and mine, too." ' Mr. Champion was right. His opening promised one third of the deck in high cards. Mr. Muzzy also had a third. That added up to two thirds or about ; 65 per cent . . . which calls for 1 a game, bid unless the partner- ship hands are rank misfits. j Nine tricks were easily ac-: cumulated by letting Mr. Meek hold the first heart trick with the jack. A heart was returned and Mr. Champion won with dummy's ace. He led a small diamond and the queen last to Mr. Abel s king. The heart return was won ln the closed hand with the king and the nine of diamonds drove out Mr. Meek ace. By reason IT FAYS TO ADVERTISE Only 5 hrs. 20 min. from TERRACE to EDMONTON $S7.70 CoMaMcut Pacific i Consult your Travel Agent or Canadian Pacific Airlines, Phone 7S r ' 'lariat! t 'JLLMV'j' Th, ...tpr. r oi..,!"' Mr. Cliampion's foresight at your ad PREVIOUS I ; WANTED j I CASH FOR Scrap; copper, bras, batteries, I radiators. Phone 545 Call 63'J I 6U1 Ave. West (Cl TENDERS CEAI-Kt) TKNtiErtS, addressed to the ' undersigned and endciraed "TFN- tK n.m ruiii and ArrnoAtK. HAKTI.kY ISAY BC". will he received in the offiie of the Brry, t'titll 300 pin. 1FD8T). WBDNES-DAY. MAY 27. 1U.M Plana, form of contract and specl-f cation can be awn and forms of I ; lender obtained ttt the office of the j ! ! j toniutiona a-t form therein. Liith lendi-r niui-.t le accompmiii-d by a cerlilud th.iUe im a charUTrd Today's Stocks ,1 ((line.) ft. D. Johnston tj. Lt4 ' i VANCOIVER American Standard .. 17', B R X .02 Cariboo Quartz 1.10 Congress .07i Crinin Babine .10 Giant Mascot .39 Indian .064 Pend Oreille . 4 50 Pioneer , 195 Premier Border .07 Privateer ; C4 Sheep Creek .75 Vananda '. .02 1 2 Spud Valley 041, Silver Standard ..... 100 Western Uranium 2,35 Sil-Vun - 40 Dorreen .26 F-stella - 51 Oils A P Consol 31 Calmont 145 Home Oil 8.50 Mercury lSi, Pacific Pete 11.25 Royal Canadian 13'2 TORONTO Athona 15 Aumaqtie 18 Bevcourt .50 Buffalo Canadian 21 Consol. Smelters 2550 Conwest 436 Donaida 67 Eldona 35 East Sullivan . 4.50 . CHftttt .YeltawJl&Ue..1Jijm God's Lake 82 Harricana 11 Duvex 44 Little Long Lac 65 Lynx 12' j Mudsen Red Lake .-. 1.50 McKenzie Red Lake .30 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 2 43 Negus 17 Noranda 66.00 Louvicourt 15 1 a Pickle Crow 135 Petrol Oil & Gas 57 Sherritt Gordon 4.35 Steep Rck 7.10 Silver Miller 81 Sweet Grass 59 Golden Manitou 2.30 Landover Oils .33 Rlx Athabasca ,.. 2 50 Buenos Aires Bombs Explode BUENOS AIRES (CP) Bombs exploded in front of the Military Club army officers social club here early today causing considerable damage ln the building. No casualties were reported. The club Is a few hundred yards from the Foreign Ministry building. Hugs Industry NEW DELHI The republic of India, with 27 new cotton textile mills established in the List three years, now has about 400 mills employing a total of a lHt Cam! lawtl W CninH DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe (i FORCE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 12T Cor. 2nd and Park Am. pt-ofeitonat JOHN H. BULGER OptoMelriil Third A7enue John Bulger Ltd. John F L. Hughes, D.C CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only. 21-23 Besner Block . ' i: Phone Blue 442 . - H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 899 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. v- ! Phone 317 P.O. Box S74 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws ? Sharpened ;. !15 lsl Ave. W. Phone 909 Dee and are part of Bii khall 5 ' ton1e' r- h"d no to lead back at this i point first esute. Scottish home of the Queen and the Duke of'?"d he, ,GFfnders nad woa tnelr last trick- ! Edinburgh, now a favorite hull- S I day home for the Queen Mother. ! Z Since Queen Victoria bought I , IxrV,r,T,e I? Prob,em Balmoral Castle, the "home 'i LLCOLN. ng.and 0 Farm-waters have been extended six ers ln 'he eastern countries may miles on the rieht bank and cnanS?e their crop rotation to seven on the left meet attacks by the wheat bulb Birkhall estate is within! 1 rub on winter wheat, which tramping distance of the castle caused serious damage for the and Prince Charles spends a ; third year In a row Sowing of lot of time "helping" the Queen ! . , , . . . and the Queen Mother to land Wlnter neat after Ptoes their catches. seemed to bring the heaviest The Queen Mother learned to ! attacks. . I.ei'uin auditorlti!::. HYDF. llouiu- wirint; and electrical repair 14U 0th Ave. West Phone Red I5. OOfll MAOA7.INKS, nOTct'lej. hddie'a New.i Btard cl WILFORH Electrical Works. Motors boiiKht, wild, rewound and repaired. tf Chimney cleaning. Painting. Cellinps, walls, windows washed. Orecn wn. (10lp KELP a rein on your povern-ment. Join Social Credit tfl-day. t!02 PROVINCIAL Affairs are your affairs Join Social Credit today. U02I PLACE your classified ad in this paper at the economical j.lx time rale. H Words for 3 cc.i-secutlve days cost $135; 15 words for six consecutive days cost tl HO. And lemember yo,i can phone our ads Just cail 748. I felly News ( tf-ncl NEARLY evrot)dy uses 99. fe' TRANSFER Furniture crating. Phone 580. i 10?pi AGENTS for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd.. for oxygen, acetylene and nil welding supplies. M.ndsav'a Cartage At S'-omge Ltd. Phone 60. ci MF.SSENOFR Service Liht De livery. Phone Black 6'.'7. Beer bottles picked tip (115pi WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER ELECTRO!. CX. Phone Blue 970 for Parts Sales Service, j Ill IP WNTI I I EM AI.E WANTED Housekeeper to live In Write Box 857 Daily News (98pi slirNf)GRAPHER-CLERK Rate $21200 per month increasing to -$242(10 FlW-day week. Must be single and able to r vpe W p.m wit h r.rifl ret liteed of 120. Box 661. Dally News. U03 WANTED Industrial concern requires typist with general office experience. Box BrtO. Dully News. . (100) IU SINESS OPPORTI'NITY FOR SALE Greenhouse business and quarter section land. Two four-room houses lone rented), chicken house, etc. Fully equipped and going concern with crop including 1200 tomato plants. Large bedding plant sales In May, June. Ill health forces sale. Smlthers Glasshouses, Rmithers, BC (09) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax speclillst. H. G. Furk, Rtone FulMinir. Red 593. (20m) BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE Eight-foot round-bottom skiff, like new. 1236 2nd Ave.-West. Or Red 517. (98p) BATTERY SERVICE RUPERT Battery Shop. 234 East 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 128. Re pairs, recharging an,4 rebuilding. V'nrlt guaranteo. , ic) ,. CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1947 Pontlac sedan with low mileage. Full price $1095 00. $365.00 down, balance your own terms. Fully equip '.Phone W ir 68 (J3usine55 & DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Montnly Bulletins any kind of Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40 lew than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Givi us your mailing list We do the rest. Train Schedule STANDARD TL11E For the East-Daily except Sunday. ...8 jp.m. Frm the East-.", tv."'YV ? i, Daily except Myiiday S:W 'pjii FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less . Phone Blue 939 Cltincie &hlt CHOP SUEY . . . ..-.CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. I Hollywood Cafe FOR SALE Electric guitar, eis--and amplifier iHawaliani.! perfect eotiriition. Price $HK Phone Blue 33H. CJtlpi REAL ESTATE WHY PAY PENT? $1500 cash, balance as rent, give you Immediate possession of this wartime four Harbor view. Full price $3500. BRIDE'S SPECIAL Fully furnished wartime four with large breakfast nook, fleet rlc range. Fridije, wash ing machine, vacuum cleaner, l.itin. etc. Basement, hot fair furnace, automatic oil burner. A real nice home. Trice $4950; terms. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342 Black 197 evenlnes (981 i FOR SALE House, good central location, fmmediate pos-sessioJl. Box 658, Daily News. (1001 FOR SALE Partly finished house on 8th East. Reduced to $2700 00 for quick sale. T. Norton Youngs, Real Ei-tnte end Insurance. Phones 451, Res. 618 tQ! FOR KET FOR RENT 3-room unfurnished apartment. Quiet adults only. Blue 292. (98) FOR RENT Board and room for 2 voung men sharing. Call Blue 639. " 1981 F0R RENT Room. Black 717. ... . .......v., .,i -. , (ton " (!8) SINGER SEWrNft CENTRE rent portable ruashlnos. Phone 864. C ROOMS FOR RENT Call at 337 8th West. (1001 FOR RENT Two-room furnish ed suite. 645 7th Ave. and Thompson St. (98pl FOR RENT Light housekeeping room. Phone Orecn 8(14 nfter 5 p.m. (102p FOR RENT Board and room for two men. Call at 879 Summit Ave. after 6 p.m. (99p) FOR RENT Two-room furnished suite. 238 61 h Ave. West. (103) FOR RENT Room and board for working man In privn'e i home. Phone Red 140. (103)1 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT 5- or 8-room unfurnished house. 1 child. 3 adults. Phone Blue 804. (101) TAXIS and TRANSFERS CITY TRANSFER Long Distance CRATING and PACKING! Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effects Moved to or from any point ln B.C. Phone 950 fish at Glamis. her childhood home, and since has fished ln Canada. New Zealand, Australia and Kenya. Scottish Celebration INVERNESS, Scotland ? Many Scots from overseas will attend a Coronation ball June 12. sponsored by Scottish clan societies. Most clan chiefs have already consented to be patrons janl Invitations to overseas vis itors have been sent through clan .societies. . and . tourist organizations: Prince George Luxury Steamer SAILS FOR VANCOUVER nd Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For'KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MidnlBhl Comfort and Service For reservations write o I call City nr Depot omit Pi-;- Rupert, B C. i lny tea. May 12. Auxiliary Tea and. !i"W. May 13. .Star tea, May 14. of the Moose Eprlitg iy 21, Mmise Temple. iJBr.tig sale. May 20. milters Variety Show, !-' "I. Capitol The- lan missionary tea, it" sale. Ancllcan May 30 f n Church tea May 30. !'oruii.ition tea, Civic ' a. June 4 Church W.A. 8prlng 11. V,'uiiui;'.H League P" ten, j,me 11. at the f Ir.;. M. V. McCaffcry, I.e. West. V VI II NOTICE I - in Prince Rupert I' 'spiial Monday morn-I 1053, Jean Faure. 3' loved artist and aunt J1 1 Anthony Faure. She I ' DoeslHiig, Holland, f vice to be announced I tlt it- NHtl, NOTICE In the city" Friday ! 3, Edward John, age iiiriiM-r 7, llln street. A Wright will enn-I' ' s n t Orenvllle Court I - P.m. Tuesday, April '' to follow In Falr-S"''ry. Legion members r" h.c. Undertak- se of arrangements. (It) 'RSONAL I"T be responsiliie for incurred In my ''less COntrorfeH K J. Melntyre. 805 (98p) :S! PERSONALS DAY SUNDAY, ep Mnlhcr'. lliii n,, j. . " The Complete Travel Service 1 1 For Outside Orriera Phnr.. IM BLONDIE BTcTilc" YOUNG ?&f ' i : ,-'-,',' 1 1"- MI Uilll ilill I i. OH, BOX I I s1 GOU.Y THAT WEANS I : .y---' I ft""" I i--- I ' " S' V (klvCWN C. I'm A GROWN MAN NOW ) UNTIL ""N , I J ( r uicaorO ' '; ' '-,- " ''' eXLEXANDEC?, KS KEV r-- f AND FiSSE to COME AND T ( vnii rpr ) v yJ-fU ,' t; ' . i : oecioeo votieS ) go as I please u?om V $lyHAiTlr ' - -l . OLX ENOUGH NOW S sleyAV- I. MARRIED 1 ) 'Cs1' I t -W V-eN ' , TO VOUROwn) . , V-f ' HAVE sV" iiC ?54 " ; ' ' :&Mi "t KM Jllltt , p 'S? First Ave. and McBrlde K- e" r,,lay at THE to go. m l?T7iii?si ffaSah Wfiftfn f BsiGcn5niril W; J' 'uke. U03I ped Fiaser and St. ready 98p) ' 'V 750.000 workers. . : . j