HINTS ON HOME BUILDING, REPAIRING, ftEMQ Prince Rupert Daily News Monday. February 2. 19a3 SAANlCh TV ODeration1 iVhen Pting Start at Top rM J f Ve1 f hU own hu wilt find the ! of P-'nt h'W or",1 bfck CBC Plans In B.C. by U V. jvslern for cover:.". Amateur Can Paint Room Successfully . . Wnen stepping woik at lunch PLUMBERS fc an yourHiniW and llralin, atop vivrratTP r pv,,,, .... Th CBC ill build ft 290-foot ,..a.., t ...iiuwiiy.. advise or at Itie end of ti.e day. proceed tth construction of a trar.sm.iuer on Fromm i p,inlu m wide horironu. 1 painting at a w'ndow or door- tlewn traaMwtwr and studio 'sen an eieauon of about m i(nps (rom llp t0 , frame, ur. prefer .biy, at a corner in Vancouver as soon as etjuip- I -tiC official . Bruiu should, of course.' vt trie h Phone Blut Tne home-owner can eccnora gnu it availab-e er announce! forced to root uw ic a anon , (he sjime dire; m Ttie un.irr-rtat ihoutd dry for ically pair.t a room s'jccva&ful'y. , today by Kenneth Caple Caaa-.oi5-.ai.ee lartncr up iw mou..- u ru)t inrlv :u w iul Uys in-fore app'.v'u t:c 1 t:frf" a?--,-. Car.' MrBrlU. .nd rl(u dian Broadcftstir.f .irpor!mr. win pecnox- - in. .. ah.uld b faiiah cwt Thf fewer e.-U ap- ral director. rdeuu cube are, , aummndm, - n'"' ,1 tKf.er. with a ft simp.e pointers. ay Cco-trer pain'. authorities. Everythirii ihoaiu be removed 17' .1 Mr. Capte said tne CBC na -7. -'rr. 777" . Ktm. siru.- Th. brush Msauld be! rt. ..,ri f .. . . . , Mr Can e said tfie new y.aiiun. i : .'i.i twin " j . . ... .w iinn iin a sii for a pui ii. -Nemspaprri iaia wi s:ir'WVer m h vancou iranunu iv i.frf r: -xp-.ru ' w be in cpcraUan be-.dipped , iv.U the point W a dep.t. "Vl'f forv i rw end of thia year aiU'ol ftbuat r. then wiped and dtp-"rT: ur.de 7 riwr nv BC. Uer M4iUndipeU again win iht piinl hai ' fjir will we c.eanir.g paint vr.at negotiations are ; Walls, troudwork and ceUint nouncMi that ft downtown euiid- as fir east a ChiUiwaca il he i n -. ' ! sliujkl be sajootn and aashea ir.g ill tx- purchased anj auip- east coa.-4 of VanctKiwr la.-id Th' ": h t-'ial U ton ..eau ' it'.ean and crack, repaired. ped aa CBC' !eseTswn and pro- r,,m ccmox to Victoria. U-aoVu. however, will ui.p. Tne PaLi! ceding first, aa.ls next duction stadio : ! a iiu r DRESS UP YOUR HOME C I For . . 3 TTt ! 7T . e A ( iiv-ns-n-n FT a lo-i i-p ""f ! I et-on c ji I WITH SMARTLY-STYLED WINDOWS AND DOORS (Exterior And Interior) We ran supply aiid u.. doors and windows to t; dimensions and style to Expert Workmen, Complete Electrical Service your particular requirritftii Weil-deigned tnia, K doors are the key-iwse Wfll-gronmi'd h. Roller Saves Tim By paimtng rth a roller, the home-owner can often complete; Uit ai; of an E.erage room in one evening, doing a profeuuna! joo free of streaks, iap mart or j irip. i " Roilets are of two types: dip I which is fed ".he same way as a' 1 brush; and self-feeding, in which ; a center dr-jm in the roiler is filled .h paint before starting. On Many Surfaces ' Sizes of rollers ran from 2" to; ' 9", with 7" most common. They ; can be used oa wood, piaster, aluceo, crick, metal and other i i surfaces Special covers are) iaviilabie lor textured surface f and for .ipp!iiig A short nap is best when painting a nvth i surface. To roller-paint walls or ceiling Phone 909 for Estimt DESIGN C-3:-H has many ir.ieiesti.ng plan features For instance, the kitchen has a 3-way exposure, with the front area r3'rvci for dining, under thiee corner windows. A double ccn-.parur.er.t sink, with range on the left and refrigerator on the right. U located under the rear window. Two ciosets are also provj?d. with a sid- board between Each bedrcom has a iarge wardrobe ctoiet i:h overhead storage, the front rnd rear entrances have coat c)ats The centre bed-roorrf can be used as a work or p!ay room This p!an is aiso available with gab'e roof Floor area is IOCS sq. ft. and cubage 21.573 cu. ft. For further information about DESIGN C-3:-H. write the Small House Planning Bureau. St. Cloud. Minn. In Canada, the Small House Planning Bureau of Canada. Saint John New Brunsck. GRANT and NEWTON ' X SEIL ' BUY TRADE etc: GREER & LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 7SS l irtt Ave. Wrnt LIMIT! D IIS lit Ave. W. rn.k: Canada Life Reports Increase For 12th Consecutive Year first do the eozes and comers Th a thin brash, as the roller, cannot get into them. I.' the area to be pa:r.'.ed u large, this should j be dor.e as the rolling progresses so thai no edges become tacky by the time tne atfjaceni surface Is roiled Coionzer paint au- thontles sugaest this method a I a mean o! avoiding lap marks. .... .i ." . . 7i i :'HC - ':' ,T - i j Sterling currency items are included for both 1952 and comparisons with other years on the basis of S2 SO for the pound st;iing This is a change from the $3 08 rate used a year ago. New business totalled over 8p?ciil to The Daily Ifure TORONTO Exceptional progress during 1352 was shown in the report presented at Canada life's 106th annual meeting. E. C. Gill, president, and Ed-wfn G Rr-.kr phftirrran nf thf HOCKfV NKSHT AT "TMI CAtOIMS h't a iporh todx m Toiomo Saturday N.atii't H.H L hortr Ir.z Eastern a.-,d Western zene of the Domaison of Pakistan' and scparatsn.. by 1X0 mi.es of the Republic of lida. rh fomaut Map ll Oa6m hoard, reported that new records 13 million compared with 1179 had been made in new busines. "Moon the previous year. The business in force, asset and m2 includes $175 million p.(o.ir' tx fl' ipKioaAm pot cokwf lo CaoaVj tmtKmtt gam. sum!.! a i.a,n was mart, oi me insurance ana is mikion News Wont Ah excludes i Try Doily of annuity business but in interest earr.ines. For the 12th consecutive year new business produced by the field organization showed an increase. ON THE ALLEYS New Records Set in Mixed 5-Pin League revivals, increased poliries. dividend additions and reinsurance ceded to other companies. It was pointed out that the f omoany's sales of ordinary new i life Insurance in Canada showed an increase of 1? per cent over 1951 comparca with an estimat-l ed industry average tf around I 10 per cent. Similarly, the com-I pany's gain in the United States was 34 per cent as compared ' With an industry estimate of 13 per cent. Business in force now totals approximately S1.720 million i made up of life insurance of $1,490 million and annuity business of $230 million. Gain for Extra Washroom Exlra Comfort . Do you have "bathroom line-up'1 in your home . . . do you have to wait your -A Of J If wmVe tlie Linl of jr.n'vlio reiirni1 to tlw rM-ilrnirnt f a great erf.rinawe. )-n jim'll lw Iriilr eiilhn-ia-lii- alwuit the l.rillunt new Moiiarrli fi l1' 5. Krufii llie l-an lme of lU hanUme IkmIv 1i tlie liiti-fj-liin narlne i.f its iuullrt n-rry, llw tu-w M..n.ir. h I a pw lure of lann.-.l wrf.:iJii!l. See llii iii.i-mlu i lit c ar at your Monan li ilralcr's . . . hX at llie wrr of gla that mean i ture-iinil.w stilnlily f-r driver anil aenj;er alike. Keel llw carer rewi- ..f Munarcti'a we.i-iin-luilt VJ1 eiij-ine in rr'lil ilv Iraflir iit on llir l.roail. Irailit merp of llie oen nail! 'I 'lie ii-rb ne l'V1 Moiianh is on lily in or Moiian h dealer uliowrooin now. Se it . . . drive il . . . iim.I ..ril know. Ikw.hiI a doubt, thai fluff a Jin- cur moitm. Munanh Mungi,! Two new season records were ' established in the mixed five pin bowling league last week. Broadway Cafe set a new sin- ! gie game score of 1 405 and al high three of 3.771 in "A" League and Bob Shearer set a new high three mark of 805 in "B'' Stague. j In "A" division. Johnny Com-1 adsna scored high game of 348 the year amounted to $166 million, largest in the company's history. "Our life insurance .n force in Canada and the United States increased during the year by over 11 per cent which is considerably better than the re turn when your family sults for the. life insurance in- and Vivian Wrathal topped the whole ; 1 dustry a in the two comes in from work or play? Avoid this nuisance by installing an extra washroom. The cst is amazingly low ... the convenience immense. Call us. ' PHONE 174 . women with a high single of 288. countries," it was stated. rr .ULJ- HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE 'N 0 ! '..' ?iST Hl:vm - . I mmMm -w I ft! W .1 r Joy Bradley, with 752. had high, three. Claudea Sanderson, for the third week in a row, topped the women bowlers in "B" division wfth a three-eame score of 649 ar.d Jordis Hill rolled high sin-f le of 268. Jerry's had high game of 1,167 and also high three of 3.158. Results: "A" League Oceanview Hotel 4. Miller Bay 0; Cook's Jewellers 4S 69 Taxi 0; Headpinners 3. Penguin Hobby 1: Shenton's 3, Orphans 1; Fashion Footwear 2. Broadway Cafe 2; Canada Life Painting and Decorating General Contractors Building and Repair? of all kinds. Smith & Elkins LIMITED P.O. Box 274 P U. Box 1670 Phone Red 894 2. Pushovers 2 "B" League Jerry's 4, North rth-! I s 4,' I ern Glass 0; Jersey Farms GRANTHAM Electric Electrical. Contractors . NEW CONSTRUCTION Booth School 0; Acme Clothiers 3, Thorn Sheet Metal 1; Daily; News 3, Hi -J ackers 1; Bulger's 3, Hill's Shoe Store 1; Harold's 2, Conrad Street School 2. Standings: "A" League Headpinners 24, i Broadway Cafe 23, Cook's Jewel- . ler 22, 99 Taxi 18, Pushovers; 18, Fashion Footwear 17; ton's 15. Canada Life 14. Pen- i . guin Hobby 13. Oceanview Hotel ,12, Orphan 9. Miller Bay 7. - "B" League Harold's 21, Jersey Farms 21, Jerry's 19, Northern Glass 19, Daily News 16, Thorn Sheet Metal 16, Hill's Shoe Store 15, Acme Clothiers 14, Bulger's 14, Booth School 14, Conrad Street School 12, Hijackers 11. REWIRING OLDER BUILDINGS 844 Summit Phone Blue 293 -,l SEE YOU MONARCH DEALER Thelrfay oralty of London, England, dates back to 118 9 when Henry Fitzailwin was first mayor. 11 IPAIICEi LTD.' ! . FORD-W,OrJARCH DEALERS r Prince Rupert, B.C. v NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. CENTRAL CONTRACTORS P.O. Box 13S1 Prince Ruprrt COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL - - DOMESTIC CONSTRUCTION and MAINTENANCE Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST Room 10, Storie Building Phone Blue 593