TH3 WILDS3T K 17.3 WESTS. SCREEN FLASHES -4? , I Vancouver Gets WFU Franchise ) For Next Year Gordon & Anderson Set Terrific Pace to Down Mansons 53-46 to Tie Cage League Leadership 2,1 DVERbAW "l comeback counted for extra j gaining control with a wide! P. : points as they oiiiscored G-As roen floor before him. He drib- cop OorJvn & Ar.-i-ryjn rushed ! gymnasium. Ma.ihor. off th-r.r T-.-et Saturday ! Score was 53-49 it ail happened in the second 11-6 bird hard to the basket with no cju quarter, and it happened like. Joe Davis and Rupe Holkestad t-ppo.iuon near ham. Mansons chu meht v, li" the sentjr basketball ajr i.--id-rhip in An improve luiir.g for both 5f . Xf!i W iSf 7 i V CapitoJ and Totem theatres next l"I f ?Jn I B t. month return, many screen fa- Uf frTTi I Lr-1 '' A vontes. an-.or.g them such not- VI J -vf y Vr.Tl.'I 1 If J " " m I 1 ables as Bir.g Crosby and B-o j AtT VntTriB R raTT rr..i 4- fAlttiP fHr long absence is George Raft who! J I,. 'iDlft B UUt liUli Urs with newcomer Dorothy! i J "v gc.rr.f- .sf-i n in c Centre thf, the ;;htr.:r.e with Alex Bill's hard-' of the G-A carers and Art Olson hd fcren rompieteiy buffalooed. s ire souad ttrrr.ine on the heat ' cf M anuria t the scoring pace Then Davis muffed the iay-r.i setting a fciU:r.g pace they i with 15 points each. .up. tned to score from the re- bound, but also muffed that. Kcpre-er.titives of the Vaneou- Hart in " Lon Shark " VW n KWKU DP C Pr.:.-e P. ?:' D ..;. w it..-.:.j". Fi-arua.-y - ii3 llliilNiili(iair. I Wallace's : ver c.JO. nrat-u uj pirAiucii rci4.iTK air ompieuc Art Mr. rer, a.-cepted the term for Feorvary: ; and rormnjer.s o: aarr.ii.ance oi t : ,r "l ib calls toractad.' never reiinq'i-shed. j Bv the end ol the third quar- MarLr.s started off with a ter K0-dd Saturday night spec-let fit pressure, outsconng G-As .; tators saw Mansons' strength 17-14 in the first qtiarter. In j slipping and .several players tal-the second frame, however, the Iter The hard pace was telling jewelers were held down to six; on oe'h teams G-As. ceter-pomls while G-As looped n j mined to overcome their great-tseht field goals and a penalty; est co-tai-le in leazue shot f;r a 31-23 lead at half-1 leader -hip, .ni-'i crowded the t.rr. j play to fast finish. rirl h.'... t.i gruelHng-paced j The event was r.ot without its tvent was little haxpered by Slighter rarrr.ents for the rooung CAPITOL -Rodeo with Jane Sigh TODAY And TUESti Feb I- ALSO -CIIMPAGNE FOR TWO -CENTENNIAL SPORTS" CART(M)N NEWS capa-ity of H&jO persons. ley Liements CAPITO Feb 2. i Calt.e Town with Dennis Morgan. Philip Carey. SHOWS 7 ond p.m. . Ft Mors PUmrsth, Fee. 4, 5 Loan Shark witht George Raft. Dorothy Hart; i S.T.oney with F. MacMurray. : Johason.' ' Feb J. 7 The Brigand with; fl So per cer t of the season tickfU must be sold before play j;ets uruier way Delegates voted 3-1 to allow Vancouver back into the league after an absence of 12 years l I aiKVuvK lit tJil expected back at the cixist ti-ii": row and will begin .:nrt'.e i.a'e'f o Is', for a man-jBt-r .-w- jii at the team penalty calls The pace was set fcy hard-pressing G-As. out to I e'nr thires between them and i the Hart wig-led eager who: e-irlier in the season snapped an ea.y league lead away from before their very noses. I Closest M,n.sor.s came within -a c.i of the elusive hard-:v ,c:r.? blue-shirts after half- If r i t !' f " I !r I ' I; 71 spectators, divided evenly for th'ir favorites. For instance, one penalty call f.ared ip into a sudden controversy between referees Boyo Gumrh and Sev Dominate who finally decided on the matter after much fKiger-pointing. raised v.ices ar.d wild gesticulations. In another instance. G-A'i star guard player Joe Davis. bal!-luwkd a Mansons player. r inrj m was at trie ena cr tr.e s1' hird quarter, with score at 3i- Anthony Drxter. J Lawrence. Feb 8 Swan.pflres with B Craboe. Virsir.ia Grey, Abilene Town with Randolph Scott. R Fleming Feb ?. 10 Something for the ' Eirds with Victor Mature. Pat-: aeis Ne. ; Krb. .1-14 The Stooge with Dp .in Martin, Jerry Lewis Feb. 15 -Boy f 'he City with Eat End Kids; Bionue Savage Feb. 1S-14 Beravse ef You , ;ih Loretta Young, Jeff ! Chandler. until finally Mansons gained control aeain and scored at the other end of the court. New man on Mansons lineup was Steve Dumas, gained in an approved transfer from CCCs to repiice Ted Amey who moved to O-As. . Tuesnay meht. G-As get their Vs ci -rv; ti tmb li the top if the iezue as hey face the 'hi--d wnijr team. CCC pu!p miners Tn the Inter B division. Gn-ral Motors won their 11th straight game without a def-t "vfrpowennf Sports Shop 42-28. w hile North Stars ousted Esquires 43-32. Lineups: Inter "B GENERAL MOTORS Morri-n g. Sedgw ick. Nelson 4. Strand ?. Grey 4. Sankey 5. Stewart g. vnrbei 4. Young. Shenton 2 Total 42. SPORTS SHOP Chorm 7. Pami! 8. Adkins. Ronson. Ware 13, Phillips 2. Total 28 Inter "A" NORTH STAR Morrison . Young . McKay 6. Sar.key 12. Letouraeau 7, Black. Cameron I. Helm 2. Total 43. ESQUIRE Martin. Smith 3 Sedgwick 8. Jeffrey 4. Parneil 2 Wesrh 2, Forman 2. Chrlstoff !. Total 32. Senior MANSONS Olson 15. Webster . Bill 11. Hartwie. Spring 12. Dumas 2. Sather. Totai 48. GORDON ft ANDERSON Davis 15. F.aten 7. Hoike.stad IS. In this frame, the jewellers' I II.. ..WakherColdr. it v I n'nnnrnmir nnrrrnfin ni imr Tnr. ? P n Our Twin-Engine yi0i J QViO ( Ll ti "" - - imphibian E ta il Ai TOTE Today to Wednetdoy Evening Shows 79 p.m. .1 r A Mi II H ri.AVEKS Till Feb 1J-21 Aoove and Be-Beyand with Robert Taylor, tieaaor Parker Feb 221 Was a Shoplifter, with Scott Brady. Mona Free WIT Hockey Scores SATURDAY MIL Boston 9. M r ai 0 New fork U. To:,rU) 4 Chi'-aito 0. Dr:: MIIL Ci.'iary 1. Tacurr.a 11 Vancouver 10, New Vet:Tun-t-r 2 5. Sakatron 5. OSHL Pen... to;, i. Katr.i'AtpA 7 Kci'jwna 7. V'eri.on 6 VtlflL Spokane 8. NeiMn 2 Trtl! 10. Kimberiey J. SUNDAY NHL Detroit 5 Toronto 1. Montreal 3. Boston 4. New York 1. Chicago Q. MHL Ca nary 1. Sfattle Nelson 9. 7 Comfort-Speed -and Safety AIR LINES Phone 266 man; Seret of Monte Carlo 1 Feb 33-25 Indian Uprising with George Montgomery. Audrey Long. Father Is a Bachelor with William Holden. Coiee n Orar - PRINCE RUPERT to KETCHIKAN with connections to SEATTLE - WHITEHORSE - ANCHORAGE tONSl'LT VOIR LfKTAL TRAVf L AGEXT WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE j Arney. Webber 10. Hebb 6. Cur- 3 Call 112 That's' the Cab fori A Feb 28-18 Thunder In the East with Aian Ladd, Deborah Kerr March J Let s Go Navy with Bowery Bys, Waco with Wild Bill Elliott. j '. in I m Feb - 4 Stop. You're Killing Me with Brodem-k Crawford.' Ci.ilrt Trevor Feb 5-7 Plymouth Adventure with Senf er Tracy, Gene Tier-ney Feb 9-11 Ruby Gentry a1u!t with Jennifer Jonea Fet. 12-14 -Ptwiy Soldier with Tvrone Power, ("ameron Mitchell. Feb 18. 17 -California Conquest with Cornel Wilde. Teresa: Wright. Feb. 18, 19 Cave of the Outlaws with MacDonald Carey, Vrxis Smith F'b 20. 21 'Neath the Shel- LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. EaUblKhrd I'll MOVING . . . PACKING . . CRATING MIIITIM. . . . FORWACIUMi . , T()Kt(,E Experk-nced haiuiiing Local, Natlnn-wk!" ir.d World-wide Shiprmr.U. -MOE WITH I ASE . . . SHIP VIA I.IMISUV Agenlw Allied Van Linen Mil Askfhe man who flies mi fhone 0 or (4 tar. Zn4 and Tut " NOT8 trrms Palms with WiUiam Lun-diean. Jane Greer Feb 23. 24 1 Dream of Jeame with Ray Mtddleton. Muriel Lawrence. Reb. 25-28 Road to Ball with Bu g Crosby. B"b Hope. Mn-h 2-4 Tomahawk with Van Heflin. Yvonne DeCarlo March 5-7 Breaking the Sound Barrier with Ann Todd. R.i'ph Rirhard.son 'Aj;':'kBVV'vV; "I wih you could come up with me in n v Sabre: you'd love it ..." ; , "Swoosh you're off! Swoosh you're ' tack! What a ride smooth as silk fist as sound! And what a feeling to have ali that power under your- control!" 1 V We wih to odvise oil of our cool customer, H: due to wage increases in 1952 ond to the u" 9 per cent increosc in freight rotes, w hovt rV it necessary to raise the price of our McLEOD RIVER HARD C0AI DIPLOMAT and BLUE FLAV COALS by 50c per ton SMMmM Brendan Macken Canada's Top Tennis Player MONTREAL CP Brendan Macken and Mrs Hanna Sladek. both Of Montreal, are Canada's top tennis players according to lHe 1932 Canadian Lawn Tennia As.clatton rankings In moving back to the No. 1 spot. Macken reaalned the ranking fellow Davis Cupper Lome Mam of Vancouver took from him In 19M Main this year ws ranked No. 2 v.'ith James Macken ranked No 3 Mrs Ujuisc Brown of Toronto and Pat Macken of Montreal are INCREASE EFFECTlVii ASH 7H MAN WHO fites 0N A year or two ago, he was a young civilian just out of school. Today, -he's a fully trained Air Crew Officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force. . . brimful with a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. He knows that Canada's defence effort is a mightj important business and he's proud to be a part 6f it! -;.ooo Htx tola FEBRUARY 4th Since we still hoe a fair sock of cool on we suggest that you ORDER TODAY ranked No 2 and 3 am;ng worn n Dr. Georges LeClerc. chairman of the national ranking commit tee and year Davis Cup team non-playing captain, said ond your order will be supplied ot fhe PR-VIC PRICES until ond including February 3rd. INCREASED COAL PRICES will be os follows, per ton: -''If- Uli "-W- I the of the ranking was the placn.g of Davis cupper Henri Rorhon No. S.and Jack Spencer No. 8. But, said Dr. LeClerc, their ranking was Justified by their over-ail tournament record for the year. Brendan Macken rated the top sp-jt for several reasons. He won the Ontario provincial champ-' lor.ihip, won both hi singles matches against Mexico In Davis Cup play and became the first Canadian to take a match from : the United States team since 1331. 'when he defeated Bob Perry. Main took second place by a slim margin over Jim Mat ken. SCRVE CANADA AND YOURSELF, AS AN AIEwGRE'W- OFFERER f il Kill. KM Kl ITi t S IT. ivil" "IS Krnionr Mrrel. 1 (Mill IK, Hi: i. , Phone. Tatlow 777 or Tattow 757 I !,. ' 4 Pltast mail l me, uithnut obligation. Jail particular regarding tn- j rolmenl requirtmmti and oprnmgi u atalUbll thi K C.A.F. I Ji J V NAME (please print) .. . . , fc ." (Surname) (Christian Name) ! ' ' J STREET ADDRESS I il 1. - Jl CITY PROVINCE j EDUCATION (by grade and provioce) .;..... . J "" " I ' I CA J. 53 I sWJ,.a,a,.s,sal.a,.s,a,a,......J McLEOD RIVER HARD CO LUMP EGG NUT STOKE' 2140 23-40 20 00 M DIPLOMAT EGG COAL 00 BLUE FLAME COBBLE COAL $19 00 3 For compe(e dclaih on training, rerfei of pay and other bunefiti, see the Career CouraeMor of your nearest HCAF Recruiting Unit or mail fhe coupon fo-doyf aii . m TrD AiDert&JVicv.anei Curling Results HIGH KCHOOL C TR.LINO Following are results of Saturday's games:. 9 SO (irnw-Batemsn 7. Boulter 9; Auld 4, Murrison 7; Kaar-dal 3, Bell !8. 12:00 draw Henry 10, Huslk 5; Rowbotham 7. Oam'olln J; Bell 7, Boulter 11. ikiiTrn IitolJmmiajIi F 0RCE Phone 116 ' 117 Cow Bay Road