rrince Kuperi uaiiy 4evi Monday, erruaTy 2, 191)3 i rod Ojporwiry VANCOUVER CP A new for British Columbia's red jD Al KenWatscrfs fjrf , 1 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISI NO :30 PM. FOR BETER BUYS AD - TAKER DAY PREVIOUS Muh)cct to Chance; battery service i 'C RUPERT battery Bhop, zn tsun 3rd Ave. Phono blue 18. He-puira, r-i-hargii.,? and iuu'l-HUt. ri!s KUanuilrd. Ir CFPR Km hale PM. 4 :M 4 46 1 PHONE 748 rSAPLWF FOR riawilK-d Kates rt u; ffc- P- Pre- u, pjuilralion. L lfenUKf per .u.PSt sc rents; Cards TtoriltJ. ram . k".r..ta and fJjtJJT dmjHe PI" drll"UH-U WA. Vuii nlll"'1 a I?. ;n Auxiliary Valentine fib 13. A ..will.. u dunce, vainaun nan. I) 13. pm. ui z 10 m&initirir. i. dr. Feb. rro. 11 n. t t'iird tichuul Umi Kiwi rifih.tnt mil". Mun-h 12. 1 ' . ... H. I () , V p HI lll'l I in-- - i:..;ir, v.iOIV. Ul I'M. j FOR BALE Coal ind m stove, davi-tiiMiit. Excellent condition. Apply 62'J 6th West 27p FOR SALE Slromhprg-CaTbion S - r p e d radio-gramophone Heaufitul 'inut finih. Mux . tly New. 131) POK SALE Automatic! Rnckga I. ' V' ,4 w.imt uiiik una Korkgas heater with permit. U-d vciy little. Black 3'J6. (iiii FOR KAJJ-: Qm U'C heater, brick luied fliHMt rendition Phone Itcd 707. (271 KM KALE Sw.-dhh mTidi rn (liCiittrfiild tulti-, Udrooin suite, r'rklge, miscellaneous hutrn, nulni-priimiirapti. new mimic MHti!'tillcd rimUns. Hirst tit (li uwi i m. He. Plione Blue 1U2 ii'8i -t- - - ----- . ; , - I f T , ' .raB Cftttirn w. ri'. .so ,h im,uir Ua. Con- TWliin.l .H isitlitsl cot I. nittrw tit. 1'hlluol.l, JEvltt Ai 8 H I a J ran n knt com f ma i1p t'honp fiif-i n 458 room. 130) SINCiEH KtWINO CLNTRE rent " portubic marr.im-ii. Phone KM KALE All rnamrl klU-hrn ruiiKP with two-wick oil burn-i rr: Maxwell washing machine und thrtp years; double bed arid KprinR; one Iwd-ntfiiuS; b.ibv Tib Phone Bln &4 619 5th East. I2!)p SIGHTING THE BROOM Set your sisthu on the broom and kep them there until your stone is well on lu way. Keep your eyes glued to your target all the way through the; motions of the backswing, forward kwitig and the follow-through. Any flicker of the eyes, any momentary diversion, no matter how fleeting, will affect the direction of your stone. Forget the rock you are shooting at. 530 fYiR KENT Plwplni? room. Blh Wcit. 0 recti 738. C FOR it, NT Unht hi rmm t'lHin" after 6 pm. houwkeep-Oiwn RSI (32pl uxi!i.ay Vuliitini! ,u Si!urit.iy. Ki'i. 14. MM. nakl, 3'.'7 6th Avp. n Auxiliary '! unil i Hhiiw. M.iri'll m I AiiXiiLiry 8innB falf, I'TA WlUto E If 1 .-, M.irrh 28 ! r l' i !inu S.ilf April 2. I n Auxiliary Card purlict r.r! 18 v ! jr. s Ca'.littliiiJ t.i.a:w U.). April ,ar. M..y 6. P'i'-t ule. May 20. i fKKMAil.K a;. Hijcmnery Co. Mm-. Uitntiutor lur: Mining, LoKRint and Con- ' L'jui;mienV Lnqulr-j r.T!t"d. Omnvllls Iiiand.1 iuvit 1. BC. ttf( j I'KI) t !j:'al Works Mo-i xi sTit, ijid, rewound and; a iui' S fr.r Canadian Liquid 0 Hi) . fur uxvK. n. aeety-j ") all w-iduitt sttppliei. i InrUiRe Af tjt"rax- (ci 1 irfTRin.AV D Ouvatt, " l:nn and Elii triral .r H'l 9in Ave Wt I him fcf'NT Blrepmn rtiom, ni"r Mi Hrlde, for men only 212 5th Ave Et. Biark 164 (29pl KH RENT Thre-room apartment with bathroom. 533 8th West (Hp i FOR KF!NT One-rivim furnished cabin for working man only. Apply after 8 pm., 74fl and yellow cedar may be opened ; by a gift to Britain from the! B.C. Lumber Manufacturers Ai-'. sociation. A cargo of cedar recently was delivered in London to be turned into sample hut-' ments for armed service personnel. PORTSMAN'S PI6ESH usficjrp SOURDOUGH BREAD AND PANCAKES... V1 .-r'o III Nil 1 I JT A NORTH WOOOS TREAT YOU CAN TRY AT HOME BEFORE SURPRISING fUS IN CAMP AfVx WEU-J CUP OF FLOUR A HO Vt CUP OP WATER. LET IT SET IN A WARM SPOT A DAY OR TWO UNTIL. IT HAS BUBBLES A NO SMELLS OUR BEFOHE USING. THEN ADD 1 CUP OP FLOUR, 1 TEASPOON OP SALT, 1 TABLESPOON OP SUSAR AMD Vi TEASPOON OP BAKING SOOA. MIX POU6M WELL j SHAPINfi IT INTO a loaf. bake to ooldcn brown. Just add mope water for pancakes SO MIX WILL POUR EASILY MEN WANTED TO Sill TAIIOIID TO MtASUM CLOTHIS iBassdU ONUS SUITS v.-, roe riiMscn fob Kil.HT M.. rull itv-f": rfltrlrbL Br-t... v. vm y.i b-w iui It Is I. I, twMunaM'., Al rm tit: ktm RiM Hull fur ttitc- frrlf. All 90t tMfflt f-rf-Dlf. a wmio S iinuyti bp.nrs4 of vir Ma. TODAY AMI ' 1 1.14. I K Ali.ll T Vol K- 5? i i.r. run iiti:K ia.- I AAU KAMrlJ.A. I Y o) C. o) 1k t,mtfmm k ast anlliiai. - araa la a Cat barf St W a Cm jfA CaUbla e. CLEARANCE SALE STILL GOING ON M E NEED THE ROOM Some have gone but there are still plenty to cmvose irum. 195(1 MONARCH SEDAN Lovely shade of green. Trv this one 19"5 1949 PLYMOUTH One of the better buys S14Z5 1MX rilKVROI.ET Smart two-tone, radio and heater. Don't miss this one at $1195 l4s PLYMOUTH Nice all around $1095 TRUCKS 1946 FAEC.O Y-TON PANEL Lots of eood running left - S'5 BEFORE YOU BUY TRY YOUR A-l USED CAK OEA1.FK Bob Parker Ltd. Phone 93 "The Home of Friendly Service' F--, ( BiONDit CALLb'D AND ' ." AkCO ur TO TFI I NOl 1 Block it out of your mind entirely. Concentrate on one thing and one th:ng only your skip's broom. Only two things will cause you to miss the broom (outside of twisiins the handle or pushing the stone at the end of delivery : 1 1 When the start of your bsckswing is off line. 2i When you take your eye off lire broom during or particularly Just before you release your stone. Time and again w.ien I had missed the broom, I found that I was lookinc at an opposing stone that I was trying to remove Instead of Lt the broom. Invariably I was narrow. The closer the score, the touRher and the more Important the match, when you get set ln the hack, say this over once to yoarsetf "1 must concentrate on the broom." And the faster the shot you are playing, the more important the admonition becomes. Actually, under stress of competition, young curlers are apt to get Jumpy and cannot resist the Impulse to throw a fast one to gi-t lt ovi-r with. A niLss by you or one of your men tif you are up a few points i, and the panic Is on. In the last two years, two Manitoba hiKh school championships were literally thrown away, by surh " hit and run'' roiethods. 9 It Is easier and safer to piay normal "take-out" weigh;. Set your sights on the broom and settle down to a quiet, unhurrped swing As the stone leaves your hand, reach out aftea it and point your fingers, all of them, straichl at the broom. Then, and only then, you can say to yourself, i am on the broom." Next . . . "The Knee-Pod Leogue". . . Fulton St, I28i FOR PFVT RiHim and break- f"r man sharing or in- l 14? 8th Fast. Pru ne Own "81. 2 VANCOCVEB via Waypoints SUNDAY SS. CamoMm 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Chilcotin, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR KOKTH QUEEN CJIARLOTTE ISLANDS Jan. 28, Feb. 11 SS Chilcotin, Midnight FOB KOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Chilcoiin, Midnight Jan. 21, Feb. 4 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 (SuAineSS & DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Monthly Bulletins any kind of Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40 le?s than .regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Give us your mailing list We do the rest. CREER 4c BRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors New Construction, Repairs, Foundations and Re-roofing 215-lst Ave. W. . Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Sows Sharpened 215 Lst Ave. W. Phone 9M PRINCE RUPERT UPHOLSTERY Custom Tailored Turniture REPAIRING - REMODELLING REBUILDING Ph. Blue 818 330 2nd Ave. W. BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKJNG FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 "Broadway Cafe r dliinese 2)iifie3 Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open fi p.m. - S:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 GEORC.E DAWES AUCTIONEER ' Phone Black 46 and Red Train Schedule STANDARD TIME Far the East-Daily except Sunday 8 pm Fr.m the East Daily except Monday 9:50 p.K .T PAYS TO ADVERTISE fKVs Vviff Lfcf WITH ME TO ( WM'NOy ( THANK I USED CARS See Superior Au!o SERVICE LIMITED 3rd Ave. W. Phone Green 217 professional JOHN H. : B U L G E R Opium dri if John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ' John F L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:110 Eves.: by appointment'orTly 21 - 23 Besncr Block-Phone Blue 442 . J H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE Si INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black '899 LING THE TAILOR Tailoring - Alterations and ' ... Clothes Made-to-Measure 0 Sixth St. Phone 649 SCCTT McLARCN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 008 3rd Awm W. Prince Rupert. B.d! - Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 i DINING ; PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW , SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe PRINCE GEORGE Luxury Steamer SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m.: For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service For Reservations Write or Call ' CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. . By CHIC YOUNG S Ot-,R W.fe WAS AFJTA.O OL''D FORGET THE HAMBUffCER.ii; SHE CAME IN AND GOT IT, j HtKitLI- r r i"M v :, i i t- I. RAUIO PIA1. 1240 Kilocycle atONDAT -Valley of the Sevrn HUters CHC NeWS. WelitlK-r W,.,u.r, 4 6i-Hu;lc WmiUtmui A fio Iiit. Coitimt-niaiy lUwlmie 6 m ' Him I Ak You' 8 4f Hnuifjr Murni Ui fmiT t ut: N-wt 7:l;nc; Nrw Houildup 1 M hviru liuy Vrtxtjum W - Tlw flrmnln SniKt-m 8 1ft C'B KyniHMity tr-h. -u,,i,i,l lr, H.-uliu F'iriim it : Hrri. ji,u.-it 10:0O C'UC Nr.-, tn-in 4,H; N;. 10 l -Hmnnrtai Aflalr -Hdrrrdii I 10 SO Tin nim 1 1 JK 'VrmluT K IKir. H OT Mliaic ml Mulijii-tit la w-bitii oil Anna. Tt'EKDAV A M 7 "l B C FilM-rnw-n' Mrotdnu, 7 1.1 MniM tlur 7 w- ik: Nrwn; w.-nihrr R.-p-.rt 7 K- Ml I'll t4 hi; Ni-w II Hun Bill ri)Md I ft M'iriiliie .H.,ni( -M'irniiif lt-viitlmi 4". i.im cu oo- bik; N nl Cimimcntary tf Milklral VarH-llm 8.M IIUI Klpnal 1M0 M i,il, Vutt H'-" . Purpm sr'- IM :i -Thin Wwiri Artist 10 4- Minimi Kllctwil 1 1 -M KimlvrFart-n ul tl Air 1 1 I h - Hmuirl 141 lloji! 1 1 an -Wvinx lUjjtjrt II SI- Mrwitr fcrua II H3 Hrc int. tl :4-6cniliniiruin W li.'t PM , ta 00 -WldKlNji M'kidlra 11 IS tK: N' 1 2 :'if Kvf ram Rer.nm vATorvi:it American Standard : 07' Bralorne 4 80 B R X 03 Cariboo Quartz 1 38 ConKreM .06 Cronin Boblne .15 Oiant Mascot .43 Indian Mines 09 Pend Oreille 600 Pioneer 183 Premier Border .14 Privateer . - .06 Reevej MarDonald 2 SKI Shxrp Creek , 98 Silbiik Premier 31 Taku River 08 Vananda .02', Salmon Ooid A21 ; fipud Valley i4 Silver Standard .. 1 30 Western Uranium 4 00 Sll-Van . - .56 Oil Anglo Canadian , 7 90 A P Con .35 Calmoot . . . 1 73 C 4c E - 12 25 Central Ledue 3 60 Home Oil 11.75 Mercury 20 Okalta 2 85 Pacific Pet 1175 Royal Canadian 16'i Royalite 15 00 TORONTO Athor.a 16 Aumaque 20 Beattle Duqtiesne 35 Bcvcourt -t IK) Buffalo Canadian 27 Consol. Smellers 31 50 Conweitt 505 Donalda 58 East Bullivan 6 35 Oiant Yellowknife 10.35 God LaW 91 Harrlcana 15 Duvex ." ,46 Joliet Quebec 33 Lynx 13 Madsen Red Lake 1 60 McLeod Corkshutt ... 260 Noranda .. 77 50 Pickle Crow 145 Petrol Oil Ac Gas 58 Sherrlt Oordon 535 Steep Rock .; 8 45 Silver Miller 100 Sweet Grass Oils 70 Golden Manltou 3 10 Greece Creek 0R' Londover Oils 44 Rlx Athabasca 2 55 Nesbllt Mihine 2 75 voTirt Examination!! for the portion of Awistaiil Kiiwt RiinKer will held t the fniliiwiim mum t the rtnies mid llmi indicated: Tuemtay, March 3rd, 8 00 m Biirna Luke Wrdnenday. Mrch 4th. -00-m Urn I there. Friday. March Bth, 00 am. Trrriiee. Saturday. Mnrch 7lh, 00 m Prlnoe Itupert. Appllentlon lornw nd full partlcu-lu-i mny be ohtalned from the District Forester t Prince Rupert or the m Rancrr office t enamlnatlon Completed uppliration torma hntlld be forwarded to me unirin Forester by February nana, or iinii ihn must be nreaented to th ex aminer at the time oj n nuimi-tUiii.ui eiamlnatlona are he'nir eon- ducted to lbllah ellRlble llitt tor 1D6.1 fire aeaaon mpiui'mmii. r.iMii uch IHU pointnieuta to positions now vacant will be made accorrtinc to candidates' andlii(r In the examinations rwplovment will be for period or alx ii months at sturtlnu salary ot tins 00 per mouth and expense away troru Headquartera. Candidates iniwt be cltltwns or one ol the nations ui the BrlUsh Cam. inonwealih, and must have retried In British Columbia for one yeur The eandldats tmurt be physically capable of the worn Candidate must be 31 years of age No examination tre la charged If IU.J ! i BLACKWOOD on deride lae a EASLEY BLACKWOOC Fake Hid Not When Players Have .No Plan, , . Many of the letters I receive trm resdtir contain questions referring to the ethics of the game. Clearly, there is much misunderstanding as to just what constitutes unethical play. H'M'Kli TO KENT WANTED Thive- or four-room nititrlmiilil rtr iw lLl:trlsi Phone Green 338. i28d WANTI.II WANTED 1 j or 1, horsepower AC motor Wrtie Box to'.1.. Dally News (26-nct Ur.AI, ESTATE " PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. Real Estate and Insurance Now I,iK-tcd at 345 THIRD AVE. VV. (Nxt to Style Burb!r Shopi PHONE 301 Are Vou Fully Covered AnotPxt Fire? - , " 1 50 1 FXJR SALE ElRhl-room hou cement basement. 336 th West (32p TAXIS And TRANSFERS Start the New Year Right Change to BLACK and WW IE For a Clean, Dependable Taxi Service, Call 65. "Fvrnf unlly . , . Why nut now?" CITY TRANSFER Long Distance Furniture Movers CRATING and PACKINO FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effects Moved to or from nny point In BC. Phone 950 First Ave. anc1 MrBrlde (e) last Portrait Helped Preserve Coffin In Egypt, long centuries ago, when an important young lady was mummified, her portrait was painted on the headpiece of her coffin so she could enter (he other world with her best rce forward. The painted surface provided another advantage too. it preserved the coffin. Kid lf.i 13:1 ' ME KNOWLES For pt jal di-liverie and r.e-r ,si-rvii-e. Phone 3. 33pi :m0SS FOR ELECTRO- now made al Prince R'l- I Rmltv Co.. Thud Ave W jrt ii s sj-i vice, phone IC) ITS. nov.'llier Jddie'i S'-arfd, (e Y ever, bud y us 90. l'l!j(iM, tter w.im to babv-(28pl l.afk 5M WK-E that from this I ill not lie renponslble ny acfnunu Incurred tn 'me othT than by my--K Tyvse. Oona River, i28pl ANTH-MAl.E P-A man to mart his biwnrs Almoit no J required. Rewing ma-'xpi-nence helpful, but 'wnn.,1 Rq)y to nx Daily News. I'7, 'ANTtll-IJMVF. O-llousekeeixT requlr-"merliately t Umk , 'mr2 adult. 2 " rive room bungalow. i. ! Private room. Good 5n Heaiiby middle-aged n Pferred. Good, ron-,' ivrnianent home for " .il 235 8th Ave. Went. K27p) stuTttIon TH ' nrili MORE PER , "Irtrewlng enveloiien nter. 8,.nd $1.00 for 'nstruHins. Lln- Mln 9. minol, ' oark a guarantee. 1H1 l(T Kol Nr, n n tnt 836 b Flnfler please Fraw St. Reward. - '2',P) HAI.E 1037 Chevrolet. (30) rh1951 harcll"P ron- t?e 8U visor, - cin 'w495-Trrms --r: (29pi ,&TANT come ipil,ili.j.. O Furk, "iMIUI lln!;. Red 53. (20m) Unethical South dealer Neither side vulnerable NortN (Mr (tale) ' 86 3 J H K JITI D None C A kl Q J 10 Went t,at Ur. Master-) ( r. New) 8 A T 8 K 10 S 4 H H a U K QUI S D 10 MIS c i eta c a a feoutb (MR Keen 8 J C H A Q 10 4 S r a j C 8 4 The bldilion: South West North Kaat 1 H Pass 1 8 Pass a U fast 8 H All pass which you and I were not aware of." Of course, Mr. Masters was right. There is nothing wrong with a fake bid as long as the player who makes it is the only one who knows It's a lake. BLONDIE I vou? vvifTphied-. V-i MP BJMSTF AP AMD SAID ) MOT TO rcGETTOeP.'i HOME THE POUND OF - mm TO vtnen a piayer hesitates for a long time before playing to a trick, when holding a singleton of the salt lead; or when he makes an audible remark concerning -the strength or weakness of his hand, there Is no question but that he is being unethical. There are many situations, however, which are not so clear-cut. I want to do a series of columns for you to try and clarify the subject. Mr. Dale's bluff bid of pne' spade ln today's deal may or may not have caused Mr. Masters to lead the king of diamonds against the final contract of six hearts. In any case the diamond opening enabled Mrs. Keen to take all the tricks. After taking out trumps, she was able to discard all three of her spades on dummy's club suit. Mr. New didn't 'like It. "Lead a spade, Masters," he said, "and we take the first two tricks. Incidentally, what kind of a spade bid was that? I don't think it's ethical to bid a spade on three to a five spot." Mr. Masters didn't like the result either, but he came to Mt. Dale's rescue. "You're all wrong. New," he said. "We were had,, but we were had fairly. A player Is entitled to make any tid ric pleases as long as tt has Just as much rhanv to fool his partner as it has to fool his opponents. In this case Mrs. Keen thought Dale had a pade ult. just as I did. The spade bid would have been unethical wiy If it had held some private or secret meaning tor Mrs. Keen V J I NOT TO FOvCjfcT THE I OU OU NOT NOt TO TO rOKQ FOVbtT J V -t-U I I I WE HAMBL.'PGEP II if ill . 11 ,-r