j i Stf 6REAT ' UTRAVAftANCI i-t V'V Prince Rupert Daily News i tir Ml !f sure (. .t i As I See It Tito's Break With Stalin At First Looked Like Ruse Monday, March 30, 1953 by aa In jrprndent aally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of print Kupcn anJ Northern unci Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Auult Bureau of Circulation Canadian Dally Newspaper Association, runilshed b "Hie Prluee Rupert Dally News Llmltaa J. P. MAUOR, Predn H. O. PERRY, Vlce-Prwldant "Tovari.sh Joslf Vlssttrlonvlch, how strong you are!" Hut Stalin's inixxl suddenly chunked. " 'Oh, no, no, I won't live long'," he said. "'The physiolo Ky l.t WIS Mil I l(iN When It was first announced that Marshal Tito had broken with the Soviet Russia, the news seemed to be too good to be true. (more ... By carrier- P-r weeR, afte; per month 1 00; per year, 110 00 ffcjiS-:pD gical laws are having their way'." and doubt was expressed as to j x V iv I Hhi I noil th Mahal's slncerilv. It was moioiov ana otners gm to weir ; suggested that thi might be a ! and shouted, "Nret. nyet, j f ruie atreed upon bv Stalin and J'f. need vtu hove S run to throw tne Western allies i lng life ahead of you ' Stalin B.C. ELECTION A few months ago a B.C snoog nis neaa in uenmi off their guard in the belief that DfSCf 0 ' there was now no fear of a Ku-slan drive through Yugoslavia. 1 here was some ground for thl That was in the spring of 194fl, and It took another seven years for the physiological laws to dis- i pos of the dictator. Needless to say. Tito ahed no tears over the ; passing of the "Boss" of the Balkans ; election would obviously i , W '5 have returned the Social j y' Credit party with a clear sr''.fyjf suspicion In the memory of Moscow s double-dealings and in the fact that Tito still claimed to be a Communist. majority . It is possible j y.;: j Premier Bennett was1 - ri But these suspicions were dis-, , 1 Look at Our A-1 Cors Before You Buy. Try One of These and Be o Sotisfied Owner. ! quite sincere when he i then publicly boasted hisi party would win all forty j eioht seats! ' priird, for me t h ist, on read ' ing Tito l story, "My Break With Stalin," portion of which were imbll.shed as a serial in The Sun- ' Ulay Times i London), In Which the Marshal present pictures of Htalln as a crafty and unsrrupu-' lous despot and his ministers as ; fawning sycophnnts I '111 Plymouth Tudor, 22.000 careful miles Only SIK3.M THE NEW- I'lM Mnnarch torilor Truly a luxury ear $l?i.oo Tito says he first met Stalin In Since that time the situation j In B C. has changed. The Soci.il j Credit frovernment alienated , chunks of former support. Never j did so few lose so much so fast. I It is one of the few govern- i ments in the entire history -f , ! Ford K-d.iR Ever Extra ... timta I14 I'lvmoBlh Srjjo A real family man's car ... $I?M.M By mail Pei month, inc. per year, u uu. - jtUor'.zert aa wood class r.-.all Of the Post OfKoe Department, Ottawa Session Accomplished Little the extraordinary events of the last ALTHOUGH few days in Victoria came without warning, a backward glance over the session just ended makes them appear not so strange after all. Rarely did the session stay on a normal legislative track. It was more like an unplanned meeting hetween members of opix.sinjr political parties who suddenly find themselves bunched together on the same speakers' platform. More important issues were forgotten in the anxiety of each to embarrass the other. Those who were in the gallery described it as a comedy which was at first amusing and then merely ridiculous. In view of the lack of a majority, or even a strong plurality, for any party, perhaps this much w as to be expected. But expected or not, it accomplished little for a province already suffering from the absence of positive leadership, and it is prolv ably just as well the end came as quickly as it did. Unfortunately the question of leadership is as far from an answer as ever in fact, farther. With the exception of the Socreds, no party now has an experienced leader who could be counted on to show the necessary authority if called upon to be Premier or head of the opposition. Indeed, neither the Liberals nor the CCF has a formally appointed leader of any kind, experienced or otherwise. In Dean Fin-layson the Conservatives have a young man who seems personable enough but whose 200-odd days in the House and whose limited executive experience in private life hardly qualifies him to meet the exacting demands of Premiership. i Canada ever to have been over- I New Hrrriln J -liy Charlie Knight In AND M TIIK TIIIKI) PKKSON lKC IDKS the Windsor Ktur. 'September. 144. and had several ! talks with him at the Kremlin. , and at his private house Stalin i promised to send a "whole tank corps" to enable Tito to "liberate" Belgrade and agreed to : withdraw, Russian troops from j Yugoslavia when this was accomplished. These first talks were "very cool" and Tito later learned from Dimltiov. the Bulgarian premier, that "the Boss was terribly angry with you and stamped with rage" because of a telegram Tito had sent to him which began. "If you cannot send us assistance, at least do 'Five year .k Auliimilir frr, S.iltl Viriain ONLY l.ilwrul Tddris . . ti -See 11 at - SI'WIsL IMS Anglia liaiior Clieaier lhan the bus u JN Trucks 16 J-Ton Knrd- Vcry us-efu! $7l 'If you don't kiuiw curs . . . know your dealer' Bob Parker Ltd. Fhoii 1 Th Horn of Primal? MrrvV thrown on a straight vote In the ; House. There Is. f believe, not a single j rase where a government which j was beaten in the Hoti.se and i consequently, forced to go to the people, was ever returned victorious. THE FINAL downfall of the. Social Credit government of B C. fame on school taxes. The ; municipalities were asked to Rive up their guaranteed one third cut of the provincial sales tax, Parliament Hill By Edward T. Applewhoite, M P., Skeeno RUPERT RADIO And Ell Flnce I started writing these alwaya sold a substantia part of . not hamper us." JIJ Ird W. little letters i they can hardly be their pack to commonwealth I At this first meeting. Tito says, called "columua") I have Uken ) marketa. the United Kingdom In j"I noticed that Stalin could not In return for a complicated and vitem V riiThioVic greater interest In the products ; particular. On hi recent vLut bear to be contradicted. In eon- ' ' 1 ouoious,of protpsslonal columnUU. here Mr. Butler. British Chan- versatlon with the men around- i a (imOL. t nm cinftirpriii hv whnt tihtr Af gjcrhentier. w ns ttiot him he is coarse and tourhv." con fused grants. In this new system there was: ellhpr thf.lr Bpp!,iung ignor- i sympaUx-Uc aud pronUsed to di- , Afi.er this "very painful" Inter-rank. discrimination around the j i view Stalin Invited Tito to Qr ,,Plil)eraU dLstort- cuss the matter with his govern- supper city of Vancouver It is to the , p : m fcu fetMn to Brttjln. . at hu vma where he js. "we credit of one honest Socred. Bert i , ... , Hmnk anlt toa.iU iia.u deep in into inin n the ni.iii night take that mjM The Britwh Ministry of Food For instance, Price that he refused to be rnce, mat ne reiuMa io oe an an ! 1 had llot asrfi to this crude in just ce ; BellinRham TV station n.iinn which hirh t h,.ve have nnw now ncrecrl a(,reca to to huv buy 14 ji.whkj 000 to drinkinu. accessory . , . ....... .. . . . i.jh . rv ih liw.ffu i u ra-th r.f r.,ruM Kulmnn: thev a,'n 1 Icll SH X I Prwrt cursed rnvvcii mvsci! io nis own cny. ne owo against, i - " " " ' .i .T. ... out loud for having drunk so his own Bovernment ciency oi me wmwe siavimia i win ciiownt im- vjijc unu iiuom , . . . .. ; . IB. HIIU 1 1. inn i,.iHt-,ii im t... io aicoit $250,000 or more. But we are desired. As Minister of Fisheries, i ! behind me: . . . ... . i tniA ihai n..liit,uh!im la a Ar Klnflnir atrnnolv sunnnrted St.. Andrew's Cathcd; A MEMORIAL SEM for her late Mojesty ; QUEEN MARY P.M., TUESDAY, MARCH 31 Service ennHuileH by the rertw these tlii lifts which should intrigue all believ- """ w" , " , , .. . 1 - That That's notliim' nou.m,, type of relay sUUon. It would be ! Mr Butler's suggestion that we - ers in noetic lustiee For Mr. Pries " J i .. ,k AmwuinvA tha iimi n rau nt-ivnto Hit hnuln O ! ''in ta , U the same man who won his . Visit to Moscow u seat only on the fourth count , " ... Z. .. -- I .... ... .in Uie soring of 1M6. and Stalin and held it because a recount!31. ", . . " ,.T' i "a"l..,. U said to have "aU,w.ared to be nrl that that originating originating raoio station nac ; tne ornuiii can earn inc uumu - - t was refused on the ground fnr future nurchaMi of our dto- , '"O"1 eordUl, if there can be any the name on the conaitueney was ! Vancouver ideseribed as Burrard instead of ' And. talking of radio, a eolom- ouna. won, oy nrKiuuiiK ium ui i muiumr un niaiiu part ... He behaved tliplomntl- . i i . i , . - i ..n.... - n .... r-. i Mr. s nr !i r n.i Rn my or n I vancouver-ourraro, in vnr icpai . nisi in nicruincjiuprnwniji"-' - cnl!tf and nivlv As we entered i News" of March 13 said: "... so onswaiea nis value as Minister . petition. he smiled at ui with yellow, ir- , i far this session the Special Radio I of Fisheries. 1 regular teeth." I REPORTED In this space Committee has been inactive."!: months ago that 74 percent j Well, at that time there wasn't FOR SALE ray . . . Reflects and Reminisces New leaders will be found and there is some comfort in the axiom that the 'occasion maketh the man." Meanwhile, however, it is disturbing to reflect that B.C. moves ahead w ithout established direction at a time so vital in its growth. While there is evidence that abundant new capital is being held ready for investment in this province, it is unlikely there will be any move in this respect until it becomes more apparent what policy will govern our affairs. It is even possible that potential investors, tired of waiting, will turn elsewhere. Yet there Is no cause to lose heart. Whatever transient difficulties it may encounter, B.C. cannot le denied itsgreater destiny. In as little as five years this small passage in history will be forgotten, other problems will have been met and overcome, and B.C. will continue to progress on its own massive momentum. The men and women at Victoria do not create this force. They merely do what they can to guide it. OTTAWA DIARY , During the conference lie ask-1 ;ed many queftlons about the re- j sources of Yugoslavia anil turn- ed to military matters and for-j elen policies, especially with j , Bulgaria, Hungary and Albania i It was long past midnight when t Stalin laughingly Invited the' : whole nnrty to his home ffir sup- i ' per. He ordered a secretary, a : ' j ' typical Russian colonel, to have; the cars ready Then he turned ' to his guests and continued to ' 1 of those who answered my New; one. ine immuiee was not sei Year quiz predicted that 8ocredi ! up until March 20. would win more seats than any ! Then there were the numbers other one party in , 1953 , B.C. :0f columnists who kept harping provincial election. I think erm upon tn(. possibility or probability siderably fewer would give that; of a Dominion election, this same guess now. .spring. As though there was Here are some solid facts to 'ever any likelihood of Mr St. remember. Last year the CCF ! Laurent plunging the country In-ran first with 31 percent of the & a general election during the first choices. Social Credit came i celebrations of the Coronation- A sate asserts that too many people talk in high gear but ww. .... I i think in low. second with percent ana me or during the preparations for j lest He was extremely courteous, Liberals were third with 24 per-surh celebrations. Not two minutes passed i In this militant aee. evervone 1 ''tly. cent. That is the vvr was and he summoned the colonel I . .. i ,j.fcn,D nnlth. . . .think of flcrhLv Waan t It "t"u"'' U " 1 members down here agree with the " ",r ,' . " again. He asked whether the Liberals were only 2 percent b-i. .... .kh. m h- . ... (only hind "Socreds. j fisn attltude to takelwe rath I arguing about i the atom bomb - - ... . blast in Nevada? cars were ready. The colonel became ffdgity. Stalin suddenly changed. The pleasant. itty host turned Into another man. He trembled wlfh rane he shouted. "Old stuff! Wellington at Waterlo yelled: Up Guards and Atom. Sure he did." The election was actually won - hop that -Mike" Pearson does on the third and fourth counU.not grt tne us. Secretaryship. Moreover, the Social Credited j vve want him here, and CCF voters gave each other Recently j hsi(1 one their second choices rather than j Ed PauIserij who had jUst recast them for either old party. tnrnpd mm - ml.lm u, Korea wait a minute! This r'Ption! ' "FLYING LADY," a speedy little CnV: is growing growing faster faster than than the the supply supply erp repeated well Into the night. ' Q ',nn W ay (rencrai consent oi s?na-'tions for words, as when he tors. Commoner.? and Press Oal-''pounded, the desk la front of toy correspondents alUte". Par-! him and'angi-By shook, his 'fist sunn rose from his chair and it-riywi. (juwvrcu uy u v -u - I HAZARD no present guess of of teachers and baby altters. and Japan, m-here he was one of an U N.K R R A. team planning aid to Korean and Japanese went to a corner and began to mph, or con be run ot f rolling speed my own on this election. But .mmcrit Hiii s Man of the Ses-! under the temptingly hawk-like A change Is necessary in the'P13 wdz of Russian folk Roussell, Suite 8, 930 f I point out that whereas the farm-i-. and fishermen. Mr Paul Coll or write: D. Third Ave. W. Hazciton medical service, effec-,mus": ouigiim aoiv.v. ne on:.in ion so lar isn t any member of , nose of J. M. Mactlonnell leader either of the Houses of Pariia- of the PC opposition. switched vote system wornea iniser... ' own ,)ne tn. fisrilri- .. PRICE' Molotov favor of Social Credit last time, ;t, "7, tive next month. A difference in' w ?"" it will work against them this ; ,IL 2 VnZ 1 6 would IP"" an 'ntlal. ,'1 othen shouted out to h Im, even though this is spring. And PFRSONALITT Parlament Hill never sees anything to even remotely resemble these Gordon performance in its ordinary humdrum routine. It definitely relkhes them, even if the particular M P. who happens men t. i He's an outsider who dropped! !n for a brief visit during the pa.st week and In the course of it managed to furnish the session with its liveliest and most colorful interlude so far. In other words, he's Donald that was quite some years ago. A couple of days ago the House passed a resolution In my name for production of "a copy of all letters, telegrams and other communication from the 1st day of January, 1951 to date, between the Department of Public Works that's a season, where the Skeena and Bulkley. winding by the lordly Rocher dc Boule. can make a fellow feel poetical Small wonder that sturdy pioneer, the late Dr. Wrlnch, remained so long. tn he nn the reeplvintf onrl nf thi time. I The Social Credits are in ex- actly the same position today as the Liberal were Just one year earlier. They have to win the election on the first count, or they won't win at all. Last year the CCT failed completely to educate its own followers to face the fact that Social Credit was its worst enemy at the extreme opposite end of the pole of politics from the CCF Moreover, while some rich and powerful supporters of the Lib (Canada) and the Government Gordon, President of the Canad-j Gordon wratn may mornent--lun National Railways and pn.stiarilv unappreclatlve There Ls a master of the difficult art of:sound reason, furthermore, for seeping politicians at arm's ' parliament' -irwtlnct of healthy length wnere the affairs of thejrespect or the cm PrPSidPnfS publicly-owned road are con-unconventionaUly. u lt: cerned I Being president of the CNR is PI.AINSPF.AKING j definitely or should be a non- The C N R President. rW.n't i political post. The tradition SO iiii of the Province of British Columbia or any department there-: ot respecting the proposed transfer of the Fishermen' Float at Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C , to the Government of Canada from ioderation the Government of B.C." My eral party made no secret of the motion was passed by the House, ! fact that they would do anything wear either striped pants or a!Iar is that lt has been kePl as subject to consent being obtained , i even to sabotaging their own homburg hat when he comes to!UL" uy " ".uu. And Donald Gordon, in his lack party to keep the CCP out of Ottawa for his annual appear-i of obsequience to politicians who happen to have the letters from the B.C. Government. j It was good new for tht fish- I ing industry which Hon. Jimmy ; Sinclair, Minister of Fisheries, ! gave us in reply to a Question I j asked "on the Order of the Day" as to whether any progress was I "M.P." added to their names l is best in nil things recognized as following faith fully in the Sir Henry Thornton power provlnclally that Is not true of rank and file Liberal voters. For instance,' In the crucial Burrard scat where Socred Bert Price was elected on the fourth count here is how the final Liberal votes went: For Social Credit , 2414 For CCF 1923 . For Ihe Finest in Office Supplies SEE DIB6 PRINTING COMPANY ance before the House of Commons Railway committee. Any ability or special talent in diplomacy which he possess he keeps carefully concealed. Instead, his speech and manner are of the homespun variety which makes hi-s meaning at all times plain, even occasionally disconcertingly so. tradition of discouraging any political interference with man agement. being made in the negotiations for the sale of the carry-over of canned salmon. The Minister reviewed the situation whereby the British Co THCOONIS (eft, ciiwr CJ y It's a rough way Donald Gor THE REALITY of Canadian Doll- don has of making his point. But it' effective. And it's lumbia salmon canners have For example, he told one M.P. on the committee that a remark which he Interjected was "acan ttc today is that while CCF and Liberals are bitter rivals j provincially they may be in '; a few month be forced to form I a federal alliance, or see a Drew-! dalous." The M P. meekly re No Sploshing Low-Duples.sls combination take SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (CP) THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM frained from arguing the point. At another juncture he expressed the vigorous opinion that hotel Manager Robert 8. Pitt should "pray to be protected from his friends." The "friends" A rm.iint mIM 4fcm UW I - w.ia.a. . itvLi.i, iit.iv. iiiat lull. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING MUFFING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WIT!! EASE . . . SHIP VIA tlNDSATT Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 it 8 Cor. 2nd nrl Park Ave, pools of water in the ttreets prompted police chief I. L. Robertson to warn motorist against splashing pedestrians and other car. While there is no specific penalty for plashlngs, he point Fine Pointings VANCOUVER (CP) Among a fine collection of French impressionist painting on exhibi alluded to were the PC members of the Committee. The PC's looked uncomfortable under the re MtN WHO. THINK OF TniunnnflYV PRACTISE MODEBATI buke, but offered no retaliation tion here from March 24 to April i " - .... a., cut And so it went. Sometimes the ed out they could be liable for Ihli odvartiiamant h not publlihtd or displayed by tha Liquor Control Board or oy "' - 1 are works by Manet, Renoir, Degas, Cezanne and Van Gogh. I CNR president substituted ac cleaning bills.