VICTORIA REPORT . 2 Prince Rupert Daily News 'J As I See It dusty cunbni '"fit Wednesday, February 3, 1954 VICTORIA The Liberals may the Legislative Built The i.ih.ri. have only five members in the Legislature, but those five are ment services are always expanding, and that costs money. No one. he says, wants the services cut, yet everyone howls for economy. Perhaps the Lib nothing &s ,h ; f 4 by '? Of, mjk Independent dally newtpaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlno Rupen and Northern and "entral British Columbia. Msmbw of Canadian Press Audit Bureau ol Clrculatloni ' Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. , Published by The Prince Rupert Dallv New Limited. i J. T. MAOOH. President H. Cl. PERRY, Vice-President showing they're going to mane themselves heard at the session and become the erals, at the session, win ten me ui tiuum. i a I , ,l hn mnnpv run more I i I" ", i"K labor, Wllh deeply concern,; "us ' deterioration management relate j Subscription Rates: By carrier Per week. 25c; per month. tl.OO: per year, 110 00. Indeed, it seems that at this ; govt-u,.... - ..... moment the Liberals have stolen 1 be saved. I , s u ways easy o, Itio ns to do that, "sound, the ball of opposition away from oppos is strangely good, too puWcbMH the CCF. The CCF . . Hiff,.,iH ! ninresscd by calls ior govern- By mall Per month, 7Sc; piT year, (8 00. StC; i 1 4-lu( no tmm 1,1, f we call But. when an eminent to reT rs it on o couVe in their op-' ment economy. Z iolr the Liberals And, at ment, as always, oner or later; board of rep t.hl. moment the Liberals have I happens, tney re usuui.y jum u cupao.e individual time study to the"' disputes. Advances. grabbed the initiative and intend vspendy as the Bovwnmeni. attitude to the Liberals The to hang f' ? on L to ! 1 it. L They're W,L going ,,?. Ipge is rather strange. It seems province s economy " L"Z.tZl ;rnMic There they're opposing Premier i found where th, nig w ? r , for the sake of labor and m.n eye, so that wnen ine nexi eiec-1 , - . . - - Liberals have : The plementary." tion rolls wound the Liberals l opposing long said, like everyone else, that won't be torotte. the PGB should be compieiea. MP's Pay Raise WHEN members of parliament debate raising their own pay they know they are handling political dynamite. Hence the speeches in the House on this matter were surrounded by a sense of tension and drama. The MP's know that there are few people who ever get the chance to set the scale of their own pay. But .the MP's also know that In this case they are compelled to act. Year by year, by their own votes, they must in. woerai w.u a. w. -1 ab(mt.fac, (.on.s a vemoer rjy-eieciion was a puw--ui , ,,-,. Liberals say c,,v , The this about the shot in the arm to the Liberals PGR: "We are presently ol the opinion that a highway along the coast to Squamish would cost less than half as much as the rail extension contemplated; it would open up the magnificent Howe Sound country, give access by automobile to Garibaldi Park, and give faster Their suiting spirit- hive been buckd up no end. They now see a ray of hope. The fiv LI'WFal MLA's leader Arthur Laing; P. A. Gibbs of nK Ev: A. Bruce Brown of Prince Rupert: Gordon Gibson of Lillooet and George Gregory of Victoria held a pre-sesslon I say whetlfer they think their own pay is fair, too low or too and less expensive messenger and freight service to the Peace River country. We think, however, that no steps should be taken until u full enquiry has been held by a committee of the meeting In Victoria, to plan their legislative strategy. Judging py what they did, they're vnm to do plenty of talking this session. For instance, they're going to I ,,ll..,ln,i U'hl'H ('VI)CltS COUIQ THE "SPACE CADETS" of our young set probably will want their parents to buy this latest type of atomic suit, now in vogue at the huge plutonium-produclng plant nt Richland, Wash., operated by General Electric for the Atomic Energy Commission. The plastic, balloon-like attire provides a protective barrier against radiation in "hot" areas and permits a man to determine the extent of contamination and do clean-up and maintenance work In such areas. The "train ' in the rear Is a flexible plastic tunnel leading from suit to entrance port in the wall. It provides air and serves as an entrance and exit passage. An air is used only If the suit becomes torn, or punctured. I nammer away ior n-.mumy. .. . , de(,l(iion maoe on You Nai We Sh high. ' THERE were many fine speeches made on this debate. But I thought the best, to date, were made by two Liberals and two CCP MP's, The whole House has long accorded respect to the veteran Authorized an second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa Inadequate Salaries . people who have any close knowledge of MOST the responsibilities of a member of Parliament will not object to higher salaries for these LHiblic servants. ' The present indemnity of $1,000 per session, xlus $2,000 tax free expenses, is modest when measured against the total of .$15,000 for members of the (j.S. Congress who have approximately similar Juties and expenses. ! Greater financial reward, or less financial sacrifice, may attract a higher calibre of men and ,vomen to Parliament. j But this unique service was never intended to ip either a profitable or. permanent profession, lather, it is, or should lie, regarded as a position of aonor and of service. As such, no salary scale can e' fitted to it with any preciseness. ; For the conscientious and hardworking member, the financial return will always be incidental Old inadequate. I For the one who regards the office merely as n opportunity to move around at the public expense, and as a probable means of enhancing his actual or probably income, the remuneration is too high. As for members of the Senate, unless there is a drastic change in the present system of appointments and operation, they should not be included in any salary boost. Being a Canadian MP, we are frequently told; now is a fulltime job, although many members seem to have combined it quite well with other occupations. No one can represent a constituency properly unless he spends at least as much time in that constituency as on Capital Hill, , For the private member, that should be easily possible. t MPs did that they would earn the country's thanks as well as the boost in pay. They issued, after their meet- the.(.1(.ls ln lne best Interests ing, a press statement calling j 1)l)vi,,ce as a whole." upon the government "to reduce j , . , ,,. 1Vl earth tl I One wonder. hy on p public expenditure." and thev want the delaying ac-co-ooeraUon Libera s said they would "prefer their to this effect." Uon of an enquiry by a legLsia-"Wc committee. Surely there suggest a thorough and , "ve been enough enquiries Into of .have vigorous inspection every government department, with I lhe PGR. u, ,i..(r..ii ,...,, i. vii.ui" I The cov. i ninc-nt must he Complete iky, vice wins. Iiousrhuld-lc w iirlil -mite I (KM. I REFLECTS Vancouver member, Angus Mac-Innes. In the last parliament there were frequent predictions that Angus was about to retire. He had undergone a severe operation. Yet now he stands in his place in the front row of the CCP, paler than he used to be, but more rugged and healthier looking than for years past. Kay WSTAM't ,irf', rivo i ii,r,.i Mr A'u "wo commended n Us decision to i;o and REMINISCES believe a reduction ln the forth- "head wnn me nqiiaiiiiMi-u t fKTAfiK Alia Plimie liO Vancouver extension oi im- PGE. In the past, governments said the POE should he finished, LINDSI ; press n sWe .sTTle of of Mr. Maclnnes touched on his but, as an excuse for doing coming budget Is a practical possibility, and we think this additional purchasing power in the hands of individuals will be more effective in our economy than under government control." However, Premier Bennett, nothing, had someone or other winter will be six weeks longer. No groundhog could see anything that looked like his shadow on Feb. 2. own hard life as an orphaned farm boy, and then for his long proposed the Prince Rupert drydock has a sameness. Why on earth, it seems to ak, should the railway not want to continue being the proud pos- "Inve It tn enquire into it. and then the findings were hidden away in a years as a hard working street railwayman, working long hours for meager pay. He said, with sessor of a splendid plant liko At Least Year quiet but convincing candor the drydock and shipyard, .sit -that he had had a softer life as ualed as it is in one of the most n MP than he had ever had j prosperous and promising parts Come in for who'll be Minister of Finunce hy the time the session opens, has ! said that the budget cannot be lower this year, that govern- Border Town Needed to Restart before. But he based his main of Canada? ,JT3 i ' ( a Demonstration case against increases Irj tjrt MP's pay on the ground,, that Oil Refinery Ever feel curious about the sort of folk Uiat helped start Prince Rupert? To suggest. not so many are left would nut be entirely correct, yet nevertheless, the number may be said ; this would further tend .to jjep-i arate the MP from the people j he represents. The whole House i knew that Angus told the t'ruth when he said that the vast ma- By DONALD 11 SC II WIND ABADAN, Iran t,v-The mammoth Abadan relinery has been See ALL the FRIGIDA! to be growing steadily fewer. ! jonty of Canadians have a ! harder time making ends meet li X-iTwl Has Biggest Stamp Business ST. STEPHEN, N B (CP) This town on the New Brunswl.-k-Malne border claims the biggest stamp business in Canada. Only two or three comparable firms T largely idle since 1952. Today there is hope that n solution to the Iranian oil dispute is near but even with a settlement it will take a year or two to get Abadan back into full produc- Many hundreds have long since passed on, while others though still on mrth are not in Rupert. All were young in spirit and outlook, and some day we'll have to do our best to try and remember. CUduc DAMPJl MODEL HO-35 rS0 than do the MP's, even at present scales of pay. BUT TWO MINERS made the really clinching speeches. One was a Liberal, Jim Byrne from East Kootenay. Th.e othe.rf was CCF, Clarry Gillif.itfja Heran 299 75 1 fetiorl rrom " PARLIAMENT By E. T. APPLEWHAITE, MP Skeena tion In the United States have great- The refinery, operated by the ', er volume. Parliament voted on lhe sal- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., was The company here which ma Us OUR BUDGET PLAN, WILL HELP YC ary increases Tuesday and the taken over by the regime of stamps by ;the 'millions-, to col-former premier Mohammed Mos- lector; was founded 23 years an') result was as expected. Who ever imagined members would i sadegh jour federal public building at pests. For this success we can coal miner from Cape Breton. Sfhithers is evidently gradually I als0 tnank tne' friendly interest Jim Byrne told the unvarnish- , . , 'of Mr. J. G. Taggart, federal ed truth when he said that a looming an operating concern. , fleputy minister of Agricuiture. I man with a youn? family just r f.i'. v.. neglect obtaining more money GORDON & ANDER Phone 46 by Ralph O. Garcelon, now 45, who started with a mediocrecol-lection. The company seldom deals ln rare stamps, but ships its offerings In huge quantities. Last winter five tons of one could not "get by" on the pres Fearing a possible attempt to fire the giant refinery as a desperate protest against the return of foreign participation, the Abadan military governor, Soor ent indemnity. He spoke in dignified but candid fashion with 1 , note wnn sausiacuon umi ( , t am endeavoring to get from stj'ps have been taken to estab- j transport Department, copies iish a position of fireman- of the report or of the results of ,.V , , ,Hh the preliminarv survev carried the practical problem a young Esrafil, recently redoubled his I grouping alone were mailed, force of secret agents in and! More recently, rows of girls at neat ,de.ks assembled 100.000 around key installations. . uul uii uiuy irtianu witu a view Mr nas: ijoes ne ciose uj ma tle heating, etc., there. Talking deterrnlnlng the feasibility of real home-town home and move o heating, I gather from the j an airport there. As I am of the j his family bag- and baggage to weather maps that the Interior opinion that all the money we j Ottawa? Or does he keep up two sfrtions of Skeena have had j voted for this purpose has not; homes? Jim (a long-time smrip rolri snells We have i been used, I am trying also to! union official) declared that According to officials of the when the chance came their way? Of course ten thousand is an improvement on six. So is sixty substantially better than forty a month as pension for those not in thc house. SCREEN FLASHES Films,, scheduled for showing at tne.. .Capitol Theatre Uns National Iranian Oil Co., Esra-fil's first act after taking over Abadan two months ago was to packets of C'.echoslovaklan Is-; sues, 40 to a packet, for a total , of 4.080,000 stamps in the single I offering. In another period the! qufek-finijered glrl.s slipped! 5.000,000 Yugoslav stamps Into 100.000 envelopes. The company employs 00 or i have more detailed information I any self-respecting trade union hjd some really bitter weather 1 -rush the area's Communist Tudeh party. About a dozen Avtomatlt WASHER compiled the information which wmk, bc a.ohamsd to pay its would be absolutely necessary !,,... . , oftoals thc sfale tne MPs ! before a cost estimate could be i hfiun rf"Piurl dewn here. Jl have taken up with the Minister of Fisheries, the matter have been sent to Khargh prison Island.- " - i ; : 1 mills Av"w of better protection against for- PrePireu. , in i u i. uk, i ! An nrt.icle of conslderab e in-! t t t Reports or the' Coining oil negotiations havfr.ljrouWis.Mu the wllh l.mout Judi-Mlw I Feb? V to 6, The' Cruel Sea- surface what seems to have been appears in the" Janu-) liametit' ever 'liearcT a Tmore more workers in winter, its busiest time. . ' , . ' , , Mn Garcelon became'a stamp collector at the age of lo. Asked why stamps fascinate 'o many people, he said: "It's the attraction of some Jack Hawkins: midnight, Feb n.vprv .tjonnri was i UKe ours. nfcH. hv tha Prinra Rururi nh. arv 93 issue of the government rinwn-t.n-enrt.h or convinclne T White Goddess John Hall. , . . h-liclnl Atthm . . "Hf"" ilr-llir9h " IUI Sun-a tlilt ton . . . laving Cyclt-fDM iljW. a dormant liking for the British, despite the abuse heaped on Britain and all Its works during the Mossadegh regime. Company wwri ft loam . . . ! S- thing from foreign countries and eimen's Co-Operatlve. Mr. sin-1 Pupation, Foreign Trade, un- j ch than that made by. Clar-.Melissa McClure; Home at ctoir has assured me of the de- ler the title: "Norway Looks to- , Seven Ralph Richardson, Jack 'rArtment's desire to co-operate ! the North." In fact all Cana- CI" u" s ' Hawkins; Feb. 8 to 10, Sangarec a fully as possible. He agreed dians should find this outline It was the kind of "big broth-ArlPpn Dahl, Fernando Lamas, vflth my suggestion that as much of Norwegian northern devel- er" speech you might imagine i Feb. 11 to 13, Return to Para-aj possible be made of airplane Pment interesting. The large- a man making, say in a private ! dise Gary Cooper, Roberta officials pleading not to be , the scenes of different ways of k (jouil olu'uijs be proud i uuui-u Mi.neu wmi uumixuuii life. And there's the satisfaction as they expressed the hope of lhat come-s wlth completion of a ""-tinn one or another of the in project, getting an album n Britons who worked with or over j complete set." pfrtrols. It seems to me that the scale of skilled labor Feb. 14, training t caucus if he were about! Haynes; midnight, Big and the tripling of the area j . ' . , . . ! Frame Mark Stevens, Jean RUPERT RADIO & Bl w reure. i ne v,ape nrriun cua. . . Beware Mv Lovelv-Idtf vnrm uttiore on nauoimnauiiuii. ; Mr Oarcelnn Is nnt. vry knowledge that a plane rrlight at any minute appear out oj nowhere and sit flown beside a vessel fishing illegally, would miner told how he had first j LUpjno, Robert Ryan; Feb. 15 to come to parliament, not of his 17, Roar of the Crowd Howard 313 Third Avenue own wish, and how he had never l". Helene btanley; I lie MarksmanWayne Morris. Feb. 18 to 20, Kiss Me Kale- Kathryn Grayson, Howard Keel; midnight, Feb. 21, Johnny Holi with Canadian Issues in the last few years. "In my opinion, Canadian stamps were among the most attractive Issued anywhere up until about 1950. Since then Canada has put out quite a number which are far from attractive." He considers British colonials, designed and printed in Britain, tops in stamps from an aesthetic standpoint. yet been able to pay his way, as an MP, on the pay scale now in force. The real argument for the increase came of course from the Prime Minister. It was clear and The plant formerly employed ' 50.000. At nationalization the Iranian government was committed to keening employees, regardless of whether they were needed. Thus, with production slashed to perhaps five per cent, the refinery has been shouldering the full payroll, plus maintenance costs to the tune of $1,-500.000 a month. Most of the production staff Is idle. The catalytic cracker has been untouched by the Iranians since under cultivation are stressed. The greater part of the area referred to lies above the Arctic Circle. If anyone would like a copy of this, I would be glad to send him or her one. My appointment as Deputy Chairman has meant some changes. My seat in the House of Commons has been changed to one in the second row near the Chair. My office has been changed and I now have an office to myself on the main floor. This I accepted with considerable regret as it breaks up my partnership with Karl Eyre, Member for Tlmmins. with FLY... day William Bendix, Hoagy Carmlchael; Devil's Playground Hopalong Cassidy; Feb. 22 to 9J nrMl Rlnnv ITnrisinff .tpff simpie. unie, uie Mrs pay '-s chandler, Faith Domerquc raised into line with the cost of Feb. 25 to 27, Peter Par all- hf a very great deterrent to tiose who might be tempted to tjkq chances. It was with regret that I l4arned from the Post Office department that the Evelyn pfcst Office was permanently Josed. However, as we could not find anyone willing to undertake the duties of postmaster there, I suppose there was nothing else to be done. Residents ot Evelyn will now use the Stnlthers post office. Congratulations are certainly doe to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce for their success ln obtaining local inspection of deep-sea ships for insect " J : insurance with cartoon feature; midnight, Feb 28, "M" (adult entertainment) A woman's true definition of a "bargain" is buying two things spending almost a full year ln Ottawa no MP would long be able to hold the job unless he it shut down. One tower has a David Wayne, Howard De Silva; section torn away. Valves and j r the price of one, even fittings are rust-caked. I though she does not wish It. Invasion U.S.A. Gerald Mohr Peggy Castle. EHUS had Income from other sources. BA Oil Workers s BALLOT BALLOT i whom I had shared an office ever since we both came here first in 1949. Karl, one of the most popular members here was an excellent companion and I often find myself just about In B.C Plan Strike Action VANCOUVER (CP) Ninety. British American Oil Company employees on the Lower Mainland have voted for strike action to back up pay demands to ask his opinion on something and then 1 remember we are no longer together. On several occasions your member has acted as Deputy Speaker and presided over the deliberations of the Chamber. The Rt. Hon. James G. Gardiner, Minister of Agriculture, returned to the House on Janu THE ALEX HUNTER AWARD FOR GOOD CITIZENSHIP 2 Please consider my nomination of: " ' " ; x ! x ; J for the outstanding citizen of Prince Rupert for the year 1953 " KAm wamf Assets Rise ItORONTO (CPX An increase in tfctal assets of nearly $1,750,000 during, 1953. was the largest ever mad in a single year by Na-tfonal Life Assurance Company, president Robert Fennell report-rtl Tuesday at the company's 56th annual meeting. Total assets were $29,421. !W0 compared with $27,711,632 in '52, ttie president said. The gain in to . KETCHIKAN with connections to but no strike deadline has been set. The government-supervised SFATTIF WHITTHORSE and oil aL ary 20 after a long absence and he received ciulle an ovation, I am sorry to say that the "Rt. Hon. Jimmy" does not look too well but we are al hoping that he will soon recover all his old vigor. ballot, called after the company turned down a majority conciliation board recommendation for a 5'2-per-cent pay boost, was tabulated at Vancouver. Workers are members of the Oil Workers' International Union. rfet business In force in 1953 was Phone 266 ' Office OpP'1 S My ADDRESS , S BALLOT vt ln am, r''turn to the DA,L NEWS BALLOT not later than FEBRUARY 4, 19.14 ' mmi 14 per cent greater than lhat of any previous year.