Total 20,00? Molotov Again Presents Plan For German Elections VANCOUVER (CpM ter was elected Vancouver branch,,! us a means of peacefully controlling Germany and preventing a resurgence of militarism, Dulles and Eden described it as the one solution ior the German nuestion. There has been no i ne nice Kupef f uoiiy iNew: Wednesday. vrr-jry 3. I9r4 Senator Urges Paving Of Alaska Highway WASHINGTON t Chairman . The committee Is working on Huyh Butler iRep Neb.i of i a bill to admit Alaska to full Senate interior committee in- j statehood. serted into congressional record j He said he felt paving the Monday a plea ior co-operation Alaskan highway ior 'its entire between the United States and length through Canada to be Canada in settlement of mutual i "one of the most imnortant Alaskan problems. j things we could do to further BERLIN I Russia's Vyache-slav M. Molotov loaded hid briefcase today for another effort to sell the adamant West his proposals for a German peace t ran t i than Red Cross group's annual Wl Tuesday nlKht. Elfc retiring president. n'. Tor the first um, , ccption, blood deno,' M.WM throughout in l53. The Soviet foreign minister I st ress here about French aeiay EDC of the nrnmlserl to enlaree at the Big in ratincauon Four conference on the Soviet treaty. 1 1 . '"- A i L - - A if. i;V I l N -A j-.,. i 1 i t - -'.'r !S , v, JL ii a Hit plan, presented Monday, that has run into solid Western opposition. Molotov said he would submit a detailed arrangement for "free, all-German elections." There was no hint that this would be a climb-down in any way from his demand that elections come last in restoring Ger YO tne development 01 Aiasna. He also mentioned as "great needs" of Alaska the construction of an overland railroad connecting the Canadian railroad system with the AlaAa railroad. I and access to headwaters of the Winter Courses Under Study For Fishermen VANCOUVER "(Pi-A fisheries expert at the University of British Columbia plans to recom RCAF To Start! Hew Operation VPPRE; Th; OTTAWA (fJP) next week wi -The RCAF late start another Yukon River for the production of power. From the Canadian view, Mr. Butler said he feels this country has "a positive obligation to be HH7 Cl.rysler ViJ 4-Door Sedan "opt ration leapfrog" to re-equip it;; air division overseas with awn new Sabre-jet fiphters. The new Sabre V planes have man unity. If so, the West is certain to say no. Foreign Secretary Eden, State Secretary Dulles and Foreign Minister Bidault spoke strongly Tuesday against the Russian proposals, which would set up a unified Germany, virtually defenceless, on the Red Army's I j -r .i... - LI JU J llr.S Plymouth ).J mend special winter courses for west coast fishermen to hlp Canada meet growing competition from Japan In world markets. Doctor W. A. Clemens, director of the newly-created Institute oi Fisheries at UBC, said Tuesday he is attempting to arrange a Canadian-built Orenda engines ! A MI'ROIIt WA Kit A NT was Issued at St. Thomas, Out., for Frank W. McNulty, 40, being held by Calgary police on a charge of arson. The warrant ' was issued in connection with a fire at the YMCA in St. Thomas Nov. ' 15 . when two persons died. McNult" was arrested in Calgary after he allegedly tried to burn down the Salvation Army hostel there. St. Thomas police said a Frank W. McNulty (above) was registered in the St.' Thomas YMCA the night of the fire. Form Workers CHARI.O'ITETOVVN (CO A meeting of federal and provincial officials here agreed to request 50 farm workers from Germany for work on Prince Edward Islands farms this summer. Last year (JO Germans were employed. doorstep and kill Western aims : All new tires 104') Ford Til, Very good I.AR(;i! SEI.EfTt OLDER CARS Ii, I'KOM to arm Germans along with Frenchmen and others in a unified European defence force. IGOR C.Ol'ZEN'KO, former employee of the Russian embassy in Ottawa whose disclosures cracked a spy ring in Canada in 1946, appears in public for the first time. Wearing a hood covering his face Gouzenko appeared in o film Interview with United States columnist Drew Pearson. The film was scheduled on a U.S. television network. The interview was filmed "somewhere in Canada." Malan Government To Try sympathetic and generous" to il.s need for access to the Pacific Ocean across the Alaska panhandle. He said he could see no objection to the United States' granting Canada one or more free ports along the Alaskan coast, but added: ' I do not believe we woui l consider permanently alienating any American territory to Canadian sovereignty." Mr. Butler said both Alaska and the Canadian northwest "offer a tremendous frontier for future development" but that neither can be developed without the closest kind of co-operation between the two nations. meeting of the university com- : mittee on fisheries, including j UBC president Doctor Norman , MacKenzie to irfake the recom- j mendation. The courses wouln be held by i the UBC extensions department I and will replace the present 300 Sables equipped with J-47 United States engines. They have more power and, wi: ii a new slightly altered wing formation, more 'manoeuvrability at high altitude their pedecessors. The new Sabres will be flown across the Atlantic almost as fast as they roll from the assembly lines at Canadair, Ltd., Montreal. The first mass flight rill comprise If) planes in "operation leapfrog V." Subsequent ferry trip.s will be known as irar-fni; 'leapfrog VII" j ANALYZES PROPOSALS I Bidault brushed aside at.-i tempts by Molotov to sell France SUPERS j the eastern point of view, anal- yzed the Russian proposals point I AUTO SEIV by point and remarked coldly: to teach coastal fishermen trie ; latest techniques and devices in fish detection and navigation, j Dr. Clemens, who recently at- j tended the Pacific Science Con- j gress In Manila and toured Asiatic countries, said "Canada must stay on its toes to meet growing competition from Japan for world fish markets, and one way to do it is through " "In my opinion the exchanges of views on the question of a peace treaty are in danger of becoming sterile. Perhaps we can still examine one another's Intentions. But up to now it is clear such an exchange of views SHOE. SALE To Push Racial Legislation By ASTI.EY HAWKINS constiution. To change these clauaes requires a two-thirds CAPETOWN i Reuters) - The' second session of the 11th Par- i majority of a joint sitting of the liament of the Union of South j two-house legislature. Africa, which opened late last' Malan and his Nationalists month, faces a long, hotly-con- I are 16 votes short of a two-tested fight as Premier Daniel ! thirds majority, but are hopeful F. Malan's Nationalist party ! of getting the needed votes from is teaching nobody anything." At Ottawa, an official of the northern affairs and national resources department said it has never been shown or even seriously argued that Canadian corridors across the Alaska panhandle would be of any advantage, either to Canada or the United States. j In defending the EDC plan makes a "now or never" bid to the opposition. and so on. - The first lour leapfrogs were carried out between June, H)5'2, and l.ust September without lass of a pilot or a plane. The new operation may take almost a year. '. Even with its present Sabres, the air division has been classed by officials of Uie North Atlantic Treaty Organization as the most formidable fighting: force lit western Europe's defence system. The British, conscious of what air attack can mean, are known to be reluctant to see the wine, three squadrons, leave North Lulfenham. England, for Franc;, He said he had never heard of push through the final measure LADIES' SHO The United party was torn by : dissension during the last ses-1 sion, the first after last April's election in which Malan's Nationalists were r e tu r n e d to power with an increased major- i ity. The United party split resulted in the expulsion of five of its leading members. a scheme although a mining . 0( ns Apartheid lapartness) ccmpany in British Columbia ; program of racial segregation, and the Yukon had recently put ; Tnjs measure, on which the forward such a suggestion. Nationalists have so far been Paving of the Ala.ska highway ; blocked by the constitution -and would be an advantage but the ; the courts, would remove the construction and maintenance , colored I mixed blood) voters in costs would be "fantastic." Cape province from the corn-Construction of a railroad mon electoral roll. Under it, the from B.C. to Alaska was an "old i coloreds would be on a separate chestnut." If it had been eco-: r0ll and would be represented 5195 SKI FILMS At your Civic Centre TONIGHT 8 p.m. in the Ladies' Lounge Films from Austria and Sun Valley EVERYONE WELCOME Silver Collection nomically feasible, some private ;in parliament by whites. Flocks of Crows NEW LIBKEARD. Ont. (CP) crows hi northern Qntario at this time of year are a sign of early spring, there's plenty of at group probably would have built a.s they are scheduled to later this year. The other three wings now are based at Gros Tenqum in France and Zweibruecken an'I Baden-Soellingen in Germany. The new operation will be carried out by No. 1 overseas ferry unit, formed at Montreal last fall with some 25 pilots. To piish their measure through, it years ago. the Nationalists will need the support of dissident members Cost of such a project has been I estimated at some $1,000,000.00) of the United party opposition. FASHION FOOTW1 1 I evidence. Local bank manager A. S. S. Meisner Meisner reported reported sighting sighting more than 100 crows Hying a few miles north of here . and and talk talk about about it it has has been been re- re-1 This This is is so so because because the the coloreds coloreds vlved from time to time in the votina rights are protected by '. ry Daily News Classified last couple of decades, he said, j the "entrenched" clauses In the rl fl a MM SLSSL Wl nn i DVERT1SEMENT FREE . . . that's right! If you place an ad for Saturday's paper, we will automatically publish the some ad on Mondoy IT S A GIVE-AWAY! This is the biaqest thing yet in newspaper advertising in the City of Prince Rupert. But do' 1 WEEK LEFT . . . forget, it's good for a limited time, and applies only to display space used over and above exiting contracts. Totokt advantage of this "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity ... Just call 748 and leave word for our salesman to call! YES THIS OFFER EXPIRES THIS WEEK ... ON FEBRUARY 8th. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL, YOU'LL WANT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS EX-TRAORDINARY OFFER. NOW, FOR THIS LIMITED TIME, YOU CAN DOUBLE THE IMPACT OF YOUR ADVERTISING DOLLAR. ORDINARILY YOU REACH 13,000 READERS WITH A ONE-DAY AD IN THE DAILY NEWS ... THIS WAY YOU REACH 13,000 PEOPLE TWICE FOR THE SAME COST ABLY NEWS