ian Girl Designs Fabulous Gowns Hie Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, February 3, 1954 gorgeous Pakistani Sari Material I'.' Big Fih Haul NORTH SIDNEY, N. S. CP , Almost 3.000.000 poun;Ss of cod' was landed here during one week in the booming commercial fishing season. Most of the catch brought here is processed fur North American markets. Overjoyed Australians Give Queen Biggest Welcome " Yet SYDNEY, Australia Kfi) Jubi- t Hnt r riotM- a v. H. "x -Ss"9cT""" iRosemary Kay cocktail dresses, likes to talk !tlc who, next to about them, ning gowns and She especially likes to discuss - of Dog Strands German rant Girl in Halifax lant Australians leaned from the Queen and the duke travel-surfboards and skycrapers to- led a mile from the Gothic in a day to hall Queen Elizabeth's ; royal barge to the shore, passing arrival with enthusiasm rivalling 1 through a lane of nearly 400 London's coronation ceremony j yacht s and small boats. ' . , ' , The Quern was welcomed by Milling mobs filled Sydney's Field Marshal Sir William Slim streets Irom the moment the j Australia's governor-general! siueen and the Duke of Edirt- and Prime Minister Menzies burgh landed until a giant Diazc along with Lieutenant-Governor of iireworxji in the evening put ; Sir John Northcott of New South the finishing toucn to the oigg- I Wales and Premier J. Cahill of est welcome of the royai coupie s ! New South Wales C lOUi''' AnraHCTmCrea'th Weari"? a flimsy white chif- LPOiCfhme man" fon wl'h gold ned nehr. barriers along the o Queen's tinv hat and 0L.n.tLd pattern, ..hlt! a route as she drove through the j KC? en,yhBif urfln8"ow!s, whose as a 21.gUira,ute was fired and ff'T alm.St 1e!iCh'd yS- e royal standard broke out officials that the dog would have to go Into quarantine for ii bout 90 days. They told ' her to come buck later. "But people can't understand, I can't leave him," Bald Mrs. Scheithauer. "I don't know what to do. My husband has already rented an apartment for us and can't send me any more money. I haven't much left and I don't know how I can get a Job. "I can't leave my dog." an mast for the FOURTEEN-VEAB-OLD Muriel Boutet.of Montreal rests her bandaged leg after it was gashed by Montreal's sadistic slasher. The slasher has cut many women about the legs as they boarded buses or street cars. Police say It now appears two slashers are at work. Celebrate Anniversaries couples one pair New Can- Concern Increases For Pope In Absence of Specific News from Holland, and the resident here for the past silver wedding anniversaries Pakistani saris and the "completely distinctive" formal and semi-formal dresses she makes from this filmy, diaphanous cloth hand-woven from finely combed cotton or silk. In an interview she said she is the lirst Canadian designer to make ''sari gowns," though gowns from Indian saris have been in fashion In New York and Paris lor several months. . A 29-year-oid native of Montreal, Mrs. Kay devoted most of her attention to her husband, Dr. K. Kingsley Kay, chief of the health department s occupational health laboratory here, and two young daughters until last August. Then she decided sne could spare the time to give designing, something she had dabbled in for about 10 years, a real try. Since opening her workshop, she has turned Into gowns, materials ranging from Inexpensive upholstery iabrlcs, woollen flannel and Canadian cotton prints to lavish, expensive batik, a hand-painted cotton. 2'2 yards of which can take as long as a year to produce. SACRILEGE TO. CUT "It was almost a sacrifice to cut It," she said, "but Ii did It and I'm glad." Her chief concern, however, is that her creations "drape well and wear well." Inexpensive fabrics that are easily washed often drape as well and last longer than expensive ones, she said. Her sari gowns are distinctive, and expensive, starting at $120, because each is made from a separate sari and no two saris are alike In color or design. A sari, six yards long and 45 Inches wide, is simply draped around women of India, Pakistan or other Far East countries in gjch a way that It stays. Canadian women, apparently, prefer thorn cut into more conventional apparel for formal wear. readers a n..t- . u i tll. " " 1 ' "-" ,7 'Y j.... ... . ' ..Z. rco' ? v"h 1 Uzd' Borden St. Parent. - Tpurhor Rummiin S;ili Teh '4 -n in 4 nn at HmTlpn Rt SrhAn! Toai ' . , , . . . skl fiIms tonight at 8 o'clock, Civic Centra t nrties' mm i Everybody welcome. Silver cSu lection. (lt W.O.T.M. meetinif tonicht Initiation. Every member please attend. Last chance for your ' secret pal. (It); first time in history I CSSl f?rtlQCt J WHOLE WHEAT in delicious EACH WAFER CONTAINS w 23 CALORIES Mr. U iicrs auu jammea vantage points to watch. They clambered onto motor boats and suriooards to meet tpe liner Gothic. vvnut nuiig Itvut lUUli) 41 IV! ! windows of olfice buildings as the royal couple drove through the city and a mixture of paper confetti and rose petals showered j the Queen's car. i CROWDS FORM AGAIN Crowds formed again in the afternoon, when the Queen visited the building .where she i will open parliament Thursday. I Australians were more than' ordinarily overjoyed as this royal visit came after two others had been cancelled. King George VI was to have visited Australia ; after the war but the trip was1 called off due to his ill health. Then the Queen, who then was1 Princess Elizabeth, and the duke ; were enroute here when they j were called back to England ! from Africa when the king died almost two years ago. eillRCH BELLS SIGNAL 1 Church bells signalled to the ! happy crowds that the royal mis WEEK I Job's Daughters birthday meeting, Friday, 8 p.m. Silver march, social, entertainment. Film Council meeting tomorrow night at 8:30 in the Civic Centre. ' Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 3rd Ave. W Phone Green 900 by the bride. Yjungest guest at the reception was the fivc-montn-oiu granddaughter of the couple, Rita Van Bree. Mr. Mortel, now a machinist at the drydocK, was formerly employed as lort-nan at Phillips lauio laclory la Klndhoven. The Morlei.s came o Kupeit in August, 1951. ihe Brouiway party saw Mr. and Mrs. Overgaard also receive a silver u. service and tray, presented by Mrs. P. E. York oil behalf oi the friends present. Mrs. Overgaard aiso received a bouquet ol flowers, presented oy Miss Irene York. Mr. Overgaard also spoke of his uppiciauoil 01 tne loyalty oi many irieiids made during their 12 years residence in hu-iitii, in iL.ipoii.e io a toast pro-poscu oy Vvilnam Bagshaw. A carpenter oy traac, and for merly employed at the drydoctt, uc nuw wuiivs bl run duwdru The pontiffs private physician, Dr. Riccardo Galcazzi-Lisl ,1 , . . mane regular mornino ex amination of the bed-ridden Pope and was ejcDecled to visit him again later. He declined, however, to comment on the condition of Pope Plus, who has been ailing for more than a week with a stomach disorder. Both II Tempo and Mcssag-gcro. Independent Rome newspapers, reported that a British specialist who attended the late King George VI had been called to assist In the Pope's treatment. Attempts failed here and in London to Identify the British doctor. This report, wmeh Vatican sources did not confirm or deny, underscored unconfirmed private fears that the 77-ycar-old pontiff may be suffering from cancer. King George died of thrombosis after an operation for lung cancer. GASTRIC AILMENT An official Vatican Dress of fice bulletin said Tuesday that m e a i c a l examinations had ("happily negative results" and nad established that the disturbance from which the Pope suffers Is of a "gastric nature provoked by non-adequate func Honing of the neuro-digestive VATICAN CITY IIP A sense of heightening worry marked Vatican circles today In the absence of fresh and specifc news on the condition of Pope Pius. Mrs. Taftersall Marks 84th Birthday One of this citv's Dioneer residents has marked her 84th birthday. She is Mrs. W. B. Tattcrsall, 830 Second Avenue West, who was born in Encland 84 years ago, and came to Canada and Prince Rupert almost 39 years ago. She will mark her 39th anniversary of her arrival here April 1. Members of the family, including Mayor George E. Hills, her son, Joined her in a quiet crjebration of her birthday, and she received many floral and other gifts to mark the event. ' A.: i i- li. uORS TO rorrn r . D D a. . I , ruwer rorermai ... rIrt nmimwivsii, . x.l. v.r w. J-.Borrie of Vancouver, president j ,. r Ncuon Brothers. Hie Krouu enjoyed sinaini and theicames. tonoed o.r hv tHricr-v tfUODcr and a Dretthv-decoiatci i sup-, anniversary cake rut hv iur i i overaaard. ' " . Oucsus included the honorees'; son Ralnh. Mr and Mrs H. ! r r r I In 1 1 ,. .7 ""S.; t Mr. ti. MOFFAT CONSTELLATION ELECTRIC RANGES Here's a new high in cooking magic. The Moffat Constellation Series for '54. Gleaming Iurcelain Fully Automatic Prismatic Element Control The all-new Bar-B-Q Huge "King-size" Oven Plus a host of other features. VIOIMX 3H1 $QQQ75 UELl'XE , Others from $205.75 "P Use Our Budget Plan McRAE BROS. LIMITED The Store That Service Built' Phone Ii or 36 DREAD fid (31 I'rrerntace 2.6 1,1 5.0 2.5 1 .5 :. 3.9 3.8 3.7 4.3 1.4 5.3 7.0 1.0 8.7 3.9 3.5 your in and Mm. W. J. Bulliiiger Mr. of the , Canadian Chamber of SV3tPm-Commerce, says the need for in- Messapgero ' and ir Tempo creased horseixiwer enerev in uotn saicl lne Pontiff has been I"iccd on liquid diet and that," and Mrs. W. Bagsliaw, Mr. ant Mrs. Chris Berg, Mrs. Clara Miller, Mrs. Martha Johanen, Mrs. P. E. fork and Miss Irene Voi it.. the atomic ace has turned the eyes of America west and north. West, to the oilfields on the rnnortior. nrolrloc' T.r.rh In ho i Love of her I (i a young Ocr- hcre for a pos- Schoithaucr, en n r husband who cook in Edmon- h Hold, said her Mushie is the (urccd stop. Jan. 10 on what the last leg of rip, Mrs. Scheit-by immigration Couples ng lice Kupcrt ; years duration, Norway and irked their Il.i II. 70 people aiuinle Mr. and i, 310 Seventh j weic married ai bmunoveii, i the Broadway Mi toasted Mr. b. overgaard, c, who wero amc date in jthcr 25 years in Uicir newly accompanied a ijucce sliver tea Mr. and Mrs. ki by T. J. (Tom- belialf of ein- uock where Mr. a toast, Mr. i h)ji.ci I .oil ana irlcnaship nc couuiry- i joyed dancin aa siatfcd u Ihe Man wil l, wenlcd in ac buffet a bcaulilul j;g cake, deco. Morecs son-ln- ftru firee, and n,l .... cut r-rL.v- Tinier limes Here clinics arc con- ry with an ave- tl.drcn receiving k- ad trcalmciil jreported at the ir of the execu-ie Rupert Cnil- V Dental Clinic. tuld thut the Sucre set aside y mornliij lor s teeth, giving lwol a-e chll-l"iie stuuoiits, to ajective of the tf :i o: dental cheaues de-'Tivod Prince Rupert r Council. $08.90 lard P-TA; $50 f id and Borden Ji'im the Amiuii- I'U School Asso- ;tagc a bake to raise further Imlc work. meeting were Wilson, F. Deny. Mrs. Y. Sohacf- liair and Mrs. C. omen i ILL VI MM 'Ip meetlim oi ?n oi the Moose held nti meeting at the Mrs. Stewart. t mci b"s present. ; t! "net business ic ""ik's prize, j 'oco: .S. WaK U'r.rt U .mi, (t'T which a sna- l '-r rib dumior u o ' the! !f luint hnst.pjuicii art : ai sfl Mrs. M. Kara- ord a a guest u 't6. 0lner n,ei- Mrs' Mi' Nicy Kennedy ' Stewart. -F - The Napa i : Passional Wom-ttrong. sotemmy JUgllt n to or ? !,lk c again fttTnes down " , !' however, the -hour delay on fa thev wppo i T alrwdy been vast water power' potential for , AsdeJ'7?m the Pope's Ph.vsic-the development of electrical a" an,d tne reported specialist, on y Persons wno have had energv ' contact with him since he can- . . n ,k r. a Both Chnadinns and Ai.ieri- ccllpC nls pubIlc audicncc a cans are interested In the power . i wce ag0 today have been his potentials of the north, and in two pro-secretaries of state and a speech prepared for delivery tho.c persons, including four! to the Whitehorse Board of German nuns, who watch over Trade, Mr. Borrie said: his needs in his private Vatican "Knowledge and understand- paltice apartment, ing In the joint development of The Dro - secretaries. Msirr. ' What Percentage of , TOTAL SALES Should Be Spend on Advertising? Here ore the figures . . . compiled by the Bureau of Business Research, Harvard University for Retailers: I natural resources affecting two ! frpat. nntinns Panorlo onrl Its e - - vui.uuu uiiu iin United States Is vital for peace and prosperity." ,,e K"ffc stomach pains that ''. c uequcni application oi 'Ce PSCkS. Giovann Battista Montinl and; ft item . rnn-nntnA. rn ..iti i. ... i-'VlliUtllUU x a I Willi. iih vt ' conferred with the pontiff every : day since he became 111. : In 1804 Line of lilisinrss KITCHEN EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Tenders for surplus kitchen equipment will be received up to 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 9, 195. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. JONES, General Secretary, Civic Centre Association. VERY REV. HOWARD HEWLETT CLARK, 50, is enthroned as Anglican Bishop for the diocese of Edmonton In a ceremony at All Saints Cathedral at Edmonton. Bishop Clark, born at Fort Macleod, Alta., was dean of Ottawa for eight years before going to Edmonton. At left Is Rev. F. E. Smith of Wetaskiwln, Alta., one of his two chaplains. Auto Accessories Service Stations'...! Electrical ; , Florists Drug Stores Grocery Stores Jewelry Stores, Men's Clothing Shoe Stores Department Stores ' Hardware Stores Beauty SIiods Furniture Stores . Building Materials .... Luxury Class (Gifts, etc.) Women's Apparel Clconers . FRistcr cmon Bart first imported and blended the RUIR wbicb is today a bousebold word. the time to concentrate arm . :CESS EVERY TIME! have a Good Rum for your mono? ADVERTISING 'Ml NOW is mi IAN II MEWS iirrir r;??rR czxs w ix ThU advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor ni,r.ii oua.ru or oy me uovernment of British Columbia.