Prw L ARROW'S ;des f bruary 4, 'J54 PROVINCIAL mdard nmei 113 9-00 20.8 feet VICTORIA, E. CV 13:51 224 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 7 52 5.S feet 20:17 1.3 feet Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pocific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VUU. XLIII, NO. 28 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. WEDNESDAY. FEURTTAnv iqa PRICE FIVE CENTS A.- 1 ' ' i.i LDeliyery Phone 81 f 1 " 'V "A.'v. . 1 iMSldii) ms pede J-1 v r i ' t i , V '' " . ; ' "' " W r ; In,. .' , ' ,- ' ' " ' ' ; - t j : j; ' 1 i . . i ' 1 , ' t i y '- , ,j h :' " I ' , .-' . &tu : i - , ': k - V- ' .-. I ."? .. t un. '! $ i ij K .,.T- I dia -w mm m4 wm h m mm Wk4 - tmmmtmm Ufa nil May be Moved From Section Two The Department of Transport ionosphere station in Section Two has been branded as the source of a major part of radio interference in the Prince Rupert area and may be moved shortly. . " Possible provision of another ; - radio channel to cut some of f I , n ' the load on the channel now fatCkl nnt WaTOC X1 Diplomat Reveals Spying By Tfie Awx:wletl Vrem TOlfYO. A trust-wort..! United States military source said today that, a Russian diplomat-spy repovU'd missing last week is revealing secrets of a lied spy ring in Japan to United States intelligence a ir e n t s on v; mawk ".'f n i ii.Miiw.un.- " I : h ' W" IV z' S k $'".' - 'J -'- , ,., , .i f fa ' - ; It l !0n Fish Cut used by Prince Rupert, Prince Oeorge and Vancouver has also ' been reported here. A Department of Transport technician. A. Wyatt of Ottawa, investigated the situation here ! last week and said he will rec- I ommend removal of the iono Ol'RING HIS INSPECTION. TOUR over the ruined Batambang area which was overrun by Vlctmlnh Communist troops, Kina Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia stopped to give a poor woman a gift of money.' DETROIT BUS DRIVERS CALL OWN SERVICE TOO SLOW DETROIT if Municipal" bus drivers want parking facilities enlarged around terminals. They want to drive to work because they say the transportation nystem is too slow. sphere station from the immc- Fish plants in Prince Rupert , diate area, probably to Terrace, are enjoying an approximate 10 He pin-pointed the station as per cent .reduction in railway responsible for heavy interfer- j freight rates for frozen fish and ence in district radio commu- fish roe destined for Eastern nications set-ups. which par- Canada, Arthur Kemp, CNR ticularly affected the weather , freight agent said today, station at Digby Island. Tne new rate now ln effcct The ionosphere station is a ! a special competitive one intro-radio transmitter system used j duced by the CNR to meet truck to predict frequencies most suit-. competition between Vancouver able for communicating be- j 8nd the east. While there is no tween certain points, and serves 1 1 nvk competition between a large northwest coastal area, j Prince Rupert and the east, the Announcement of the recom- ratc was reduced here so that mendation to move the station there would be no discrimina-followed complaints from the , tj0n, Mr. Kemp said. v V'V i, t I '" V ryin a. . .t'W i . : '; ' " , : V v ' r- ' , " .?1 , -! ,'j ' - , i .. A v, , ''.ni';, .'.; 1 f Okinawa. The .nurcn. wli'i cannot be i identified, said secrets from the j'hiKhly efficient agent" are ! helping crack the spy rins; j The diplomat. YurUAlexan-j drovich Ritstovorov, apparently . j fled in terror from the defunct ! Russian mission in Tokyo, the -1 source said, after helping ,"set I tf) a spy network thaMhas already penetrated some' of the ; Inches:!, level r.f Hn To,.. KRNEST HEMINGWAY, the adventuring writer, and his wife survived two plane crashes m one. week-end in the wild upper Mali, ,.mi,fi nf Cr...t If.i.n Unl I . 1 . . i,ui uniiuj ui cut nmu. iiieir L-imiieruu "snv plane crasnea in one of the mot-t inaccessible spots of Uganda, and shortly 10-Foot Gash Sends George VANCOUVER CP The Princr j L.-oi8r uockcq nere luesday I nignt wun a 10-toot gasn at the! waierunc momrnto of an early- : rrince itupcn tamper or uom- merep a in thp wimln rartin jeSumcaUcm SELECT NEW CHANNEL chamber received word !The from G. C. W. Brown, comptroller of telecommunications in Ottawa, saying that the prob auer tneir rescue plane had a mishap in its take-off. The intrepid adventurer is shown here writing articles for Look magazine while on his current hunting trip : in the East African jungle. ' i - morning collision in tide-tricky I stand by the boots while the ce.v8rypi0 Narrwa 160. miles Mir officer and. bief cny. Jar '";""' f Vancouver.' '. ."f Inspected the' damage" which' Capt. W. E. Eccles, who had was confined to the forepeak RGAF Plane Crew Picked Up ,lem was being taken up witiCLake tne rate, is $4-49 per -J0O (Northwest Telephone CompaMyiwlth a 30,000-bQund minimnm'-and that step's are being takWiaa,'Pe,r witfc 40,099- Jtrewn CVlwi .cUlftl Prcs J1I. An es- I lillKlU P"- crushed to t least .1,000 curly today 11, India, when 1,000 strong into the, holy it; joining of and Jifinma rts reaching l.rcoiinLs said 200 lone the sanely Ganges were irs after the po- l.iy tin- pamc- ; of bathers at a festival. s at Allahabad imcnt on uny igrdy and would cHMiitlly figures, r Nrbru intend-Kumbh Mela to- ; (irnt Rajcndral been scheduled j ilicrs But there! Ii ations where) iiad were when k currcd. tie of pilgrims I the rlveiJi' roll- j :n India 111 ob-! orthodox Hindu ' there during , i !a spares them : jirth Into a new vom Jan. 14 to t very 12 Imvi'Ti C i,U tholoP '"I V'"" "wul fK.HT . had waited Bn cr banks amid hoped to bathe three hours i Lht. peiinuMi ih Mdrred by the I au.spiclou time j,,y f v dawn they region of 20.000 ii'n. astride cle- I n to the water ; i -.ims of Dllmims ! inward the bank. f .ing human Jug- Cross and local lies were report-dead, dying and f uiiu y tent hos- keshift nL.rii,i ''(' been set un tnks. the confusion when the des-ught to beat unit crowds with long, steel-polnt- iis they use In "ill life for pro-wild beasts. 11 frightened the !mg the siuihi. f'lu trmplc offi- gc beasts added THER last region oulc hied. 1 t(lay and 'hiuihig mild. r. occasionally 'Xiiosed areas l ittle change In intl li'gh Thurs-l(y. 40 and 48; nice Rupert, 40 been on the bridge for 28 hours, Isfid the. Canadian National By 10 Per Cent The new ratc to Tomn, ...... -,. . er ana uwen sound is S4 pei 100 pounds with a 30,000 pound minimum or S3.60 per 100 with a 40.Q00 minimum. T. Montreal, Ottawa. -.Sud bury, North Bav and Kirkland J"" minimum. ' Chamber Probes Park Site 0,eeiK(til., 4 ,.UIt,.t ..1 .. r Hospital (a slnaU lsand jnt to D, b I(.,and which has protested proposed sale of the island by the federal f government. The chamber has written E. T. (Tedi Applcwhaite, MP, asking that the island be transferred to the provincial government for park purposes and suggesting 'hat local service club might be willing to develop the island if it is designated a park area. The small Island, termea a perfect site ior a park and picnic ground by chamber members, was offered for sale recently by the federal government. USAF Cancels Orders WASHINGTON (Reutersi After Mediterranean Dunking Steamships vessel would go Into i. drydock today after unloading t-"r'0- ""pert-oouna ircigni win be trnsf',rred Into express rest fl Aerator cars and box-baggage " will arrive ln Rupert rldav nlEnl-t Seymour Narrows Is a winding chsnncl between Vancouver Is- at Waterline Into1 Drydock ' Full ' emergency were taken," dipt. Eccles .s,.ia ,, He said passengers were order ed into life jackets and told to ahead of a watertight bulkheaj in the collision chamber. There was no panic, the can- tain said. ine accident occurred in predawn darkness w'aiie the Prince George was on a scheduled run from Vancouver to Prince Rupert and Alaska with 112 crew members and 122 passengers. Capt. Eccles, who said he is "always on the bridge" when hts .ship enters the narrows, blamed a swinging tide with pushing the vessel onto the rock. The Prince George struck the rock and came free auain under her own power, the captain said. He ordered sn emergency call "but not an SOS" sent out and tugs ln the area responded. The ship dropped anchor until the tide changed, then turned south accompanied by two of the tugs. M luna a"a wuaura lsiana ana nas V. ' ' ,V !' . ' . 7' 'JrV i 4 r,-',""'V''s;' :?"iVi .m.w ,:! :1 ; IrfJ ; Koveniment." 1 j ' Ri'HttiVorov.rt out of Tear I for his life." Ihe. wirtee said. 'The claim of the Russian mis- t ! i,c Wf,r .ionnpea oy ,,.,. m. .,. I nun ii,.diia in ruiiemous. r RnHtovorov rlisauocared i fan-0Tt,,)V,"t ' mission first Pprt"rt. Japanese se police that ' !--CUM.-Cl ' "J1' I tho US of klclnaPP' napping him. OKI)! ItHt HOME Ihiwver. the American sour 1 said PasUivorov fled after bein ordered back to Moscow because he apparently was found "softening" to Americans. The source said a Russian intelligence agent accompanying a Russian skating team here in January brought orders for Rastovorov to return. He said Ra.stovorov knew he was to be sent home, and decided to ask the Americans for asylum. The source also said two other Russian agents in Tokyo, both friends of Ra.stovorov, wanted to give, themselves over to the Americans, but are being sent home guarded by five other Russians. Rastovorov is believed to have been a lieutenant-colonel In the MVD (secret police). Such n rank would make him a key l man. (f 11 lnc ' pne 01 mny marine trdgedies. It is split at Its nar- rowt'st Plnt by trcacherouf Kippic kock wnicn nas gut tea manv .smP8 m lne PBst to select a new channel for Prince George use. t I At present. Prince George, Prince Rupert and Vancouver: are using the same channel. with resultant overloading and poor service. ) The problem was referred to committee for study and report L GUker complained that inade- j quate equipment was to blame overKdrneir Mr. Kraupner said local equipment was ln such disrepair that it was often completely useless, and Mr. Gilker reported that the set-up had been totally inoperative for two weeks at one time and the operators hadn't even known about it. He said Northwest Telephone had a government monopoly lor telecommunications and we should demand improvements." 6000 Marooned By Cold Wave LONDON tin More than 6,000 people were marooned today on ice-bound islands off the Ger FINALE UGURE, Italy if A Royal Canadian Air Force plane crash-landed in the Mediterranean today. 150 yards off the Italian Riviera coast. All five members of its crew escaped in rubber boats and were picked up by a fishing barque before they could paddle to shore. The pilot of the craft, which was flying from Gibraltar to Marseilles, was identified only as "Capt.. Annis." Two unidentified officers and two non-com- Carrier To Cost $182 Million WASHINGTON (ft The third of the new 60.000-ton Forrestal-class carriers, designed to handle the biggest United States Navy planes, will cast about $182,000,-000 and be built In the Virginia yards of the Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, the nuvy announced Tuesday. The contract with' the company is for a fixed price of $117,750,000. The remainder ul the total will be for the planes, radio, radar and other equipment. Higher Royalties Asked BEIRUT, Lebanon i A resolution demanding Increased royalties from foreign oil companies was approved unanimously Tuesday night by the Lebanese Chamber of Deputies. The British-controlled Iraq Petroleum Company and the American-owned Trans-Arabian Pipeline are the two groups affected. Chamber Backs Council Stand On Liquor Sales City council's move to have city liquor store hours extended during the summer months"has been endorsed by the .Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. 1 Chamber members, In approving council's action, said the store should be open In the evening to accommodate tourists whose arrivals usually came after-hours. i Extension of store hours also would deter bootleggers in the city, members said. The council resolution calls for evening openings of the store up to 11 p.m., on the five weekdays (Monday through Fridayi for a period Ironi April 1 to October 31. The question of a bonded ware here to supply stocks of liquor for deep-sea vessels aLso was discussed at the session, and tile problem was turned over to A. Bruce Brown, MLA, to be taken up at Victoria. man and Dutch coasts as the The United States air force worst winter in seven years Tuesday said it has cancelled spread death and misery through orders for 33 Martin B-57 twin-Europe, jet bombers, the American ver-An estimated 300 persons al- Bion of the British Canberra, ready have died in 10 days of the The cutback was imposed as part bitter cold wave sweeping from of the general re-shaping of Norway to North Africa and defence forces now under way, from Portugal to Siberia. air force officials said. missioner officers also were aboard the plane. 1 Cause of the crash was not immediately determined. Authorities said the plane is lying in about eight feet of water and can be recovered,- , In Rome the Canadian military attache, Col. A. G. Chcr-rier, said the plane was a Beechcraft transport en roule from Gibraltar to its base in France via Marseille. He Identified the pilot further as Ralph Hamilton Annis, 23. The attache said the plane went off course because of a faulty radio and ran out of fuel. Paper Denies British Doctor Attending Pope VATICAN CITY W The Vat-iean newspaper l'Osservatore Romano, in an evident effort to allay growing concern over the health of Pope Plus, said today (hat "the state of the supreme Pontiff, thanks to God, continues to improve. , The newspaper also described as "absolutely unfounded" reports in the Italian press that a British specialist who attended the late King George VI had been called for consultation. This report, printed In both II Messaggero and II Tempo of Rome. Conservative newspapers, had heightened worry that the pontiff might be suffering from cancer. (see earlier story page 3) Compass Rose. The winners, who are asked to call for their free passes at The Dally News office by 5 p.m. Thursday are: Patricia Hickson of 114 Elizabeth - Apartments: Frank An-field of 420 Dunsmuir Street; Mrs. R. L. Tough of 610 Eighth Avenue East; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Denning of 1126 Ninth Avenue East; A. H. Duwsley of 339 Fourth Avenue West; Mrs. W. T. Rothwell of 444 Sherbrooke Street; Marie HilU Of 1256 Park i Avenue. 'i -A i tl":, -K ft' i'';!''W,f .v.V -v'v . :''v ! ' -4 . " .) . .'. ; i : i,.-' ,i :. 'fx 'V- , ,,i K- a :'- !-" , , ' ,; -t ' . ; ":;, :.- . -' V .v t't - V ' At-.? ' f'.. ly . I ' . C' M A x " J t '2f: i ... , V - ' " r'" v ::' . A 'f j. : 'lA '!, " ' - - i" y - '. ' . - , .; . V'"-, , ll..Ml.LMlro...U),ili,,,,i., ""l." I I -' Ill 11 '""-"- .... j I " ly ; J C---' iffi) - in - y, . 4 f ' v J 5l,' . v . :1'--:;-i'.jt' ' ... I - Vtf Incornnratprt Seven Persons Win Free Passes In Contest About The Cruel Sea Seven persons of the many ) words in telling his gripping tale avid readers. who took part in! of the adventures of the HMS Firm in '53 t City "e Rupert F"'in" rei.,,,-i Ior 1153, and 1 "Itilpnicnt will t'K'ililate this Waited dellv- f 1,1 Prinec RU-1,7'W. a record , ,- cApecis to P M(y from t.h. aeParttnent, to The Sub. sidy? ... a baby Incubator. The provincial health department, which distributed the federal health grant for such projects, promised prince Rupert a new incubator If the birth rate passed the 400 mark. . . The total 421 babies born in the hospital this year, compares With 88i births in 1952. Hospital spokesmen, reporting the record, said that births have been Increasing gradually lor the past several years. the Capitol Theatre "Cruel Sea' contest came up with the right answer to the question "How many words did Louis Montser-rat write in his best-seller novel "The Cruel Sea?" The correct answer, given by the following persons and entitling them to a pass each for two persons to see "The Cruel fea" is: Louis Montscrrat wrote no words of "The Cruel Sea." The author of "The Cruel Sea" Was Nicholas Mnnsnrmt who wrote approximately 200,000 ERNST EMIL WALTER, a Berliner, pauses while carrying a large wooden cross with a mounted painting of the Madonna through the streets of Florence, Italy.. In 1052, Walter vowed he would visit all famous religious shrines in Europe on foot. Heading north to Lourdes from Rome, he stopped briefly in Florence. THESE MAY LOOK LIKE ICE FLOES in False Creek in the downtown part of Vancouver which calls itself the evergreen playground. Actually they are big chunks of snow left in the creek when snow-removal trucks dumped their loads. Vancouver shared British Columbia's record 14-day January cold spell and had 30 inches of snow.