The t'rince Rupert Daily News .Wednesday, February 3, 1954 Fights Feature Flyers Win; Hannigan Scores Hat Trick PRINCE RUPERT CURLEHS GREETED ON RETURN HOM The three rinks of the Prince Rupert Curling club that took part in the entire 28th annual Smithers bonspid m ' the week-end, returned to Prince Rupert by train last iJ where they were welcomed by families and friends. Returning were members of George Dibb's, Al Mintr. and Ken Robertson's rinks, bringing with them two min6, prizes. The Dibb rink were presented Tuesday night win boxes of tea bags for winning the most games of any vlsitlo. Thp rucmed encounter By The Associated Press Members of the fight fraternity, in search of a heavyweight contender, might well cast an eye over the Western Hockey penalty-free until -the 15-mln-ute mark of the second when the first of 11 men were thumbed off. unofficial statistics showed Shuttle Meet Tomorrow Will Feature 100 Games More than 100 games are scheduled tomorrow-night at the Civic Centre when the Civic Centre Round Robin Badminton club tournament gets under x a ! tnnm will will PERFECT SCORE ATTAINED BY FRANK ANFIELD JUNIOR Frank Anfield jr. joined the 100 per cent marksmanship group last night, when he pulled off a perfect score in the weekly shoot of the Civic Centre Youth Rifle club. Last week Bill Holgate shot 100 out of 100 and this week came second with 98 points out of a 100 with a one-inch grouping. In third place was John Clibbett who also scored 98 points but his grouping was l3i inches. Other top sharpshooters were: Max Fleming and Wayne Crowe with 96; Joe Kraupner and Robert Pedersen with 95; Glen Smith with 94; Harry Schradcr with 91, and Brlen Roberts with 90. League ..'. ..f f Vioro wire hs manv fiEhts start- their corner swinging Tuesday, ed as there were goals scoied rink, l ney wuu iuui gn.o. ...... v.. uu a prize of coffee. nfcht. nd when the decision Bonin ana noss uic , was announced, the Flyers had! up majors In the second perion way at 7 p.m brawled teir way irto rounn ior ri-ntw..iS ....... MODERN AND OLD TIME 1 tourney. Any late team automatically default Its missed game, thus losing points and af-lecling Its total score. C mg war. place in i ie league standings. rnlln Kilburn and Bonin had The tournament will take p'.aee In both the big and smaller ervmnasiiim and mill feature 20 Cougars, playing the The following teams play at at each other in a melee ioined by everyone but the goalies. As DANCE-FRIDAY mixed doubles all of whom Willi 1 . . r meet eacn oiner in cuiiiijcuuuh McLeod and N. Youngman second game of their prairie junket, taught back, fought the ! referees, and took a few swings ! at the 4.500 howling hockey ' fans but were brought to their lu - OUTDOORS WuL 'an Kilburn was neaaing ior me Victoria dressing room under the stands, he tangled with fans before the night is througn. LEGION AUDITORIUM (7 Tournament officials urge vs C. Mills and B. Martin; O. Viereck and E. Webster vs T. Capstick and N. Hopkins; R. Toush and D. Kirkpatrick vs D. in one of his three scuiues wiui , . . . knees with an B-z couni. the paying customers players to be on the. floor at 7 p.m. sharp as a flying start is essential to the success of the Now that JIM BACON is re- lowing a nun, o - , Edmonton - moved one point blown Diue ines, men wetminSter Hnrt.witr and T spencer J turned irom fcngiana, . the ms bcii- actW mi come uu" Dy j . Admbsion $1.00 ancin 10 . Music by THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOYS tCVKKYONK WKLCOME Breen and B. Cooper vs J. Wilson j vities of the Rod & Gun Club burying the mass in a manure Royas whUe thp Cougars re. and H. Trapp; D. Bown and M.jare due for revival. Next Mon- pile pile for for several several days. days, This mis per- per- " - , ne d ' five P polnts gnead h d o of the the . .1.1 i r i j... 4,. -.m will n,oot meet tn to I mite mits tVio the wnt gentles ps to to , crow prow OVCr-' over- . ... , w RESCl'F, TEAMMATE Cougars rushed over to rescue their teammate but the police, who were wanning to their touira hv this time, had things Ue Bomb. day the executive Downey vs E. Q. Abbey and R.j discuss future programs, one of Turcotte; T. McBride and M slzo and to scour tncmseives io a pristine whitenes-i; then bro-;e"- . i K . . ,. in a nnvfltp fpud nr tnolr own. THURSDAY TO SATURDAY Canucks Lost To Top Team Says Manager the earliest Items will likely be the annual banquet. Thanks to GEORGE SPARGO of the Alberta Fish & Game Association Viereck vs D. Saunders and J. Wrisht; A. Hill and E. Jack vs B. Dyer and J. Bernhoff. Teams playing at 7:15 will be: under control. t I Victoria coach Billy Reay and IScotty Morrison held their row: I to a battle of words over a j holrilnir Denaltv but Morrison' hies him away to fish! ,fu rhnv ",hn was onFOlp w this t4wmFi Attention ladles there are two Quarters of elk On a very good day the angler rt . the score sncct. Tho flarrilnpr nnd M Wiltz: L. HusoV i meat available for the feaat, r . two men were tied for the had thc last wor(j. He gave Cou-1 NEUCHATEL, Switzerland (CP) (ROM THE PUCES Of CRfT BOOK COMtS league icao. gars a two-minute penalty ior and H. Coad vs E. Dyer and J. 1 and we are assured that this McLcllan; J. Banman and D. piece de resistance will not be vH.irt.. n nhricloiwi'ii mirl out in ctpnl lrnivp: thflt. Donald Preston, manager of Toronto Lyndhursts, the Cana AMAGNIFICLNI W0II0W rn-iunt: K0U! UMHltl I ,!, entered for the lortn- i - B" a01""" v" ----- tlian tram X T,, j comine world ice hockey cham-iM. Leeman; T. Capstick and N. lt must necessarily be hambur-uuumib Honkins vs G Viereck and E. irpreri! ninnsniDS. aemeu luuay umi - . , ... (S Rod & Gun Club members are roach, or dace, or gudgeon; a biggish roach might weigh a dozen ounces, the others even less. Quite rarely a barbel or tench of two pounds Is taken, but this is a piscatorial phenomenon worthy of newspaper mention, and calls for celebration at the nearest pub. Let us not feel too badly when our expeditions into our own sports-mnn's wonderland fail to pro- X WV32X 'and a requested to apprise the execu SCORES HAT TRICK delaying the game. Ray Hunnigan was top man 's Kilburn and Reay got into a for Flyers with two goals and stick-tugging session with fans four assists while Marcel Bo- behind the Cougars players' box. nin collected three goals and Eddie Dorohoy was given a mis-two assisis. Bonin picked up his conduct penalty for arguing hat trick in the third period. , over a tripping penalty. Jim Unlac, Hugh Coflln and! Ray Hannigan and Wa t Clune also cos thcinse vcs five Scli.1 scored the other Ed- monton markers. minute each for fighting. . . nin cin. victoria Dlavs at, Calgary to- tive jve as as to lo the lne wishes wisnes 01 oi i I rvnn.ijcn,.., u. . . i UK Trapp vs, J. Breen and B. Cooper. membersnip whether ot not to their ship. have a dance or movies after the ,"It was a terribly rough trip; JACK SAWKINS DONALD SINDIN OENHQIM ELLIOTT VIRGINIA McKENNA nnd almost all thfc boys were banquet, the whole Idea Is to havi the lareest, turnout pos uirio a limit, catch, at least we night and Edmonton is at Sask- nett scored In the first period sible, and to keep this annual repast the excellent effort lt has ever been. Packers Trim Penticton To Quit Cellar were able to find fishing and hunting territory which we had all to ourselves! for Victoria's only goals. ' avouii. very seasick," he said. "There is no question of a party. Some of the team 'were only able to eat about four meals during the whole voyage. There was the usual end-of-trip dance the last nieht on board and a few of the Anglers In England looked askance at Jim when listening Show Times: Thursday and Friday 6:43 p.m. Saturday Matinee 1:30 p.m SPECIAL MATINEE THURSDAY 3:45 p.m. to his tales of fishing and hunt We are asked why there is no longer any rowing competition locally. Here Is a sport which v,ori a crreat. dav not too long Flaten arid Spring Ejected For Brawl as G & A Triumph ing hereabouts, but his produc CAPITO tion of photographs promptly ,i,,4 v,im a a niiint. snnt eincp surelv there is anotner i-amoui riayrri ltd boys may have taken part in By The Canadian Prnss that, but most of them were j Kelowna Packers finally pick-feeling far too ill to bother j eci themselves off the floor of about it." I the Okanagan Senior Hockey Preston said the team they ' League Tuesday night and made nlnveri noainst in Paris, and lost ( it. an impressive affair. ICUCCIIKU 141(1,. "V 1 - I " . on the River Thames about 30 ; generation now ready to take Nrt nned to start witn "MARRY ME AGAIN" Today Only Tempers flared and two player as they, outscored Ocneral Motors 12-8 and 10-6 In the Ust ers were ousted for fighting as iiuiez) wcnii ui uv , v , . . find scores of Walton's disciples j costly shells, ordinary dinghies i 1.. iiinii., ohnniHnr tn i ,.f similar dimensions could t "THE SEA AROUND US Also t 11-2. was not just any scratch j Visiting the league-leading Gordon and Anderson surged ; two regulation iii.c-ia.iij ,-,,.i,.v., u Sliliiuiiig . shoulder, each with his own 30 i form a "lass, thru the 12 .rt 14 an,i would form others. bark after three-quarter time mg ine ' . - . - , -ii.ti Tn field eoa s bv Nelson team of Canadians in Europe. Penticton V s. the Packers piled '"They are all top-notch pro- up K four goals in ... two , periods "SERPENT OF THE NILE1' !) Ends Today leaders Man-;Morven gave Tom Naka's squad sen or B league incites Ul Iivci-unniv, n tiij .u., without a reply and ended upib!imboo rodi light-weight reel Some of the gentler sex are with a 7-1 win. filled with cateut or nylon mono- quite competent with oars, and "BEHIND PRISONMATES" the necessary edge to down Don 7: - 8:20 p.m It was their first win on Pen- nlament (DUt no braided line) wouldn't YOUR girl friend mane ticton ice in three years and j DorcuDnp 0r eoosc quill float, an appealing coxswain for YOUR fessional players, ne sum. in fact, they are the 12 best Canadians at present playing with British ice hockey clubs. Thev are at least two grades above us and could beat any senior A team in Ontario." son s Omegas at the Civic Centre last night. The win gave G & A a six-win six-loss record and gave Man-sons their third loss In 12 outings. ,. i ' gave the Packers a one-point H .,.iniG no. 14 or No. 16 boat? How about this? eriKe over Kamloops Elks. The , , ,. Hartwig's crew in me i overtime session. Trrry Shcn-1 ton scored 11 points for the losers. . Lineups: ' Senior B i Mn.ui' B Surine 10. A. 1 M-G-M's hilarious, hcll-f or-leather successor hook Vernon Canadians arc a mere Lest we1 be mistaken into ne-llcving that the Kispiox steel-t,.,H id-rii ist fall is a world The tlnv hook is baited with game and a half ahead. Tn the Inii?r A encounter rra- a quarter-inch sphere of bread Sixteen penalties n were ntic hand iiaiiu' . ... known that tne 1 to 'BATTLEGROUND'... record, recora, be u it .u ---- and handed nanoeu ui the luck- or flpur. .dough of tne proper Mr ser ana Payne Payne the Vs foueht to ed out ?a?Ut as s... e r?rfc ex- rnnltlt' to' sttV together, or record for this species stands at, Watts and Nickersons a tend nil their uieir home iiuiik: win wm ut --;tT"r " - ,7 nonnds 2 ounces, and is held , 7- tw,,n and in the Inter Olsen 11. M. Webster 5. D. Bill , 11, J. Walsh, G. Dumas, D. Hart-wig 8. Total 45. r;rrinn & Anderson R. Hol to ROUGH, ROWDY AND 19 and in the United States. It. rnav be minor leagucrs staged of cheese. The third pos-, B loop tne started the " Joe joe Connors oonnors staiiea ae parr parr JEFF WILSONS ..nti ovrwhirt that .,ti fivtnre ns Nrl- Red Sullivan Regains Lead In Point Race RIBALD! 1 nrin of Kelnwna coals when ne sioiy uch .unit yi " ,.i.,- anuwici w,i.,i - . tLL Z WS.n , fir.t limacots to vou. brother Can- 30-pounder will take first Piiison Brothers edged General kestad 16. J. Davis 11. R. Webber 4, M. Sedgewick 14, J. Flaten 4. ,n.n. u. 00 ..-t.-r-i.i- .."n ' ' -.ufio oi- oi. thnnirh thnnirh From From advance ad"ance reports reports nerlnd. m m mm law mm R. Currle 2, M. MolKesiaa i. Total 52. C. Sanderson Mi Inter A Fraser & Payne R. Ciccone 9, F. Kristmanson 20, D. Sankey .u aipi-" ni ----- gpt heavy fishing this year, and this column fully expects that Imuch larger fish will be taken, j it must be remembered that ! the steclhead is classed lcthy-i nimrinnllv as a rainbow trout, in Motors 37-34. , Manson's held a 28-25 lead at the half of the faster-paced senior game, having edged G & A 16-15 In the first frame and been' held 10-10 in the second quarter. The league pacesetters pulled ahead to lead 41-36 at the three-quarter mark, outscor- Frank Hnsklns, Bin Mcuuuey, and Don Culley scored in the second frame before Jack Mc-Intvre replied at 7:25 in the third. Jim Middleton, Don 'Culley and Bo Carlson connected for Packers to end the scoring. Vernon swings over to . Trail Sets New High In Mixed Loop ' '' IN VIVID. REALISTIC COLOR I ') I consequence our fast water river fish are competed agaiuf NEW YORK (CP) - George (Rcdl Sullivan of Her.shey Bears last week regained the scoring lead of the American Hockey League. Sullivan had 68 points oil 19 goals and 49 assists. Ed Olson and Jackie Gordon of Cleveland Barons were tied for second place with 67 points each. Harry Pidhirny of Syracuse Warriors led the goal scorers with 31. Sullivan had the most assists, 49. Rookie Larrv Cahan. defence 3, G. Morlson 8, J. Stewart, h. McKav, O. Forbes 5. Total 45. WaMs & Nlckerson B. Schro-eder 5. D. Letourneau 4, R. Smith 4. M. Sedgewick 4. W. lane 4, A. Sheppard, R. Chrisoff 2. Total 23. Inter R na'w! mitihnwi taken - from lakes, and y. 1 c-,l-i,rttt nf the western international in 111 luc wvi,ut i,v.. Ing the hardwaremcn 15-11. STAGED COMEBACK Sparked by Rupe Holkestad and Maddy Sedgewick up from inter A. G & A roared ahead in VIMIIUCH Orii'ucinwn 1 " , . Hockey League tonight for the News bowline tem pot new the anglers are able tp use ooais start of an inter-league series in iafies hish sinsle for B Division and heavy trolling tackle. Marty the only interior action sched- of trie Mixed Five-Pin bowling , has nan t,wtiv"" contended these points with tnoiri nnrt Stream magazine for .ilsist 1 Ipbitiip T'U.Lcrl.-. Thursday mlllin when she t-Vin roll mil. the final quarter as Manson's U1CU. Nelson Brothers N. Morven 4, S. Matsuo 8, T. Tanaka. S. 'imoinntn G K. MatSUO 9. T. and will continue to. some some years yeaio mm ed 310 and also captured ladies high three with 696 to take dou- Kin Vinnnrc --1 were were held iikiu to tu two iu field utiu goals uj oy do so, for my readers will readily I Art oisen, while G & A scored I nMnlnra arp llrf . . ,..m. Nakatsu 6. R. Mormen 6. F. Mat- see mat luum n5ivi -- m points. Teichman Tops Near the end of the game suba. Total 37. ! For the men Bob Harmer of I against a pretty stern prpciiiuii ! Thorn Sheet Metal rolled high in their efforts to whip these single with 316 and Cliff Silver-1 battlers in fast water, and they r.l. man's War .hnuM hp trivrn Credit ' fOr a 708 Bowlers star of Pittsburgh Hornets, re-'hialncd the league villain with 104 minutes .in penalties. Goaltenders were led by Jac-uues Plante of Bfuaflo Bisons with an average of 2.78. Emtle Francis of Cleveland was shutout leader with four. General Motors M. Young l, E. Nelson 10, T. Bhenton 11, J. Carlson 5, M. Dean, B. Forward. T. Leask 6. R. Pedersen, B. Stan- Chuck huck Teichman Teichman took took men's men's . Vhro ,,th ! h ..,- victory than he (iniib'es honors in the Eocal 703 lu" A, - "r; v,u fish on heavv wood. Total 34. ,7 &dfi Uirij ! Mixed Five-Pin bowling league ; .fVee lake water. at Manson'n were trying to rally. Ray Spring and Jimmy Flaten became embroiled tn a rhubarb and started to swing. Referee "M o o s e" Morrison managed to get between the two before any damage was done and both player wer elected, from the '.game. Th foul wan Flalen's fifth. At the conclusion of the game Spring S FrldaV niSht ne .rou! ,a , and a hlch three of 3215. j ,T,,i thP bedhead Is classed it Davis Cup Site . ScLVss "TAKE THE HIGH GROUND!" RICHARD WIDMARK KARL MAIDEN MUUM WTBBB IIJSS UI11 ELAINE STEWART , In 1954 Sydney X 8 to A Division Fashion Foot- a different fish from his near thrp or mo ew t J l iriips PHire Bellaniv wear kcglers took most major I km, ,the rainbow of the lakes ,..n ca ne up with a hi-Mi s n"le i honors with Peggy Thompson j who ,lcver goes to pea. then Just o " ro whl c I McO nr.Ls getting ladies high single with that long mugt we remain under Starting toworrl ; .. nign inree wivu uia wuu Marly Deueves wc i;an un5 Evenings .... 7: Tiger Cats continued to lead ... 295 Geurce Goodwin of . MELBOURNE UH The challenge round of the 1954 Davis' Cup competition will be held at Sydney, Australia, instead of Melbourne, lt was decided today at the annual meeting of the Australian Lawn Tennis Association. As Davis Cup holders, the Australians can set the site. Mofincc Sot. 2: H went over and shook Bands with Flaten. Olsen and Dannv Bill shared scoring honors with 11 points each, while Rune Holkestad with 16 and Sedgewick with 14 paced the winners. Freddy Kristmanson scored 20 Dolnts to pace Inter A winners the league with 39 points w th ! 0rphans rolied 774 to take HotshoU in second place witn , . tnree A Famous ria.vers Tim Last Might's Fights 38 Wood Butchers moved tip DS, tMm hitrh sin- from fourth place Into a third nin n,iih toil and lira diiin ncrs ...t-.M i-ii, i trtlnl rw -nil' Associated Vrvm place wnn Maniacs wun oo points. Tied for fifth place are f 36,8 ; Los Angeles Cisco Andradc. Atoms snd Powerhouse with with 30 an, . foiif mil. Vraser and Payne as they slaughtered the hapless Watts Radio-TV program uesuiis: : i.ji !h. vuihijwii. v-o.i... A Division Headpinncrs 4. pointed Carlos Chavaz, 137, Los Any resemblance between this ad and a popular purely intentional. -.nri Virkwom. Onlv period tWnt. the clothiers outscored the Orphans U; wnaiens iaickv oh ingrir, iu points. Other standings are Bcom Cats 26, Shearpins 25. Sparks 21, Digesters 20, Handicaps 18. Gremlins 15. Miami Reich. Fla Billy Kll- drygoods squad was in the second 4, Windy "6" 0; Fowlie & Ruttle i lTnuhinn EVmtwpnr 1: Hl-Jack- gore, 163, Miami, stopped Jimmy e'rs 3, Shamrocks 1; Pushovers; 2, Canada Life 2; Slicnion s t. f,M Bobby Bph. )31. DRAGNET" A BOB PARKER LIMITED PRESENTATION "ONLY THE I'llK IS HAVE IH I N ( llNfill) TO PROTECT THE INNlMTfT vhen they ourshot the winners (1-5. F P took the first nuarter 12-4. the third 12-2, and the last frame Ifi-fl. Kh'oshi Matsuo with 9 points was top man for Nelson Broth- Northern Glass 2. ! v,.nTUtr,un n nutnointed Ron B DIvlHlon-Eby n Ccuar Rapi(1,., Rangers' Tour Postponed WINNIPEG CP) A proposed Canadian tour by thc Glasgow ! Ia.. 8. ' 1 lll.upa u, i.-iiujic ty-. 3. High Green 1; Daily News 3, Bob Parker Ltd. 1; Harold's 3. Chats 1 ; Thorn Sheet Mctai i. HERE'S A RUNDOWN FOR " Thc ciiier Inspected all of the u.hI ; I he lot and (?avc them a clean bill" lkl,. nilulnofllncr He had tilt Wl- . Rangers of the Scottish Foot- ,d j H1, shoc slor hall Lciieue this summer has ' , c r...,. z, iiuins i Rlnnriinus: It's No ail clean. The men them and they're Ul'l'll pU.MJUllfU, OHUl UBHUiWii, treasurer and tour organizer of j the Football Association of Can- ada, said today. HERE'S TIHJ FACTS, JUST THE FACTS, SIR: The day Is Wednesday. The name is Bob Parker Ltd. We are In the new and used cat-business. We're working on McBride Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. As public servants we're experienced we've been here for eight years. We have a large selection of used cars real bargains that we're offering the public. Drop in and see for yourself. shop wont over mem " A Division Shcnton's 18. Fowlie & Ruttle 18, Headpinncrs 18, Canada Life 14, Hi-Jackers 14, Windy "6" 13, Fashion Footwear 13, Pushovers 13, Shamrocks 13. Whalen's Lucky Six 13, comb; everythiiiK cnecmu nun t.lilnirthov're all Blconom Secret... That all drivers on our trucks carry .l.,kl nvnrv nnn tltld r m liLitj, iviain, ..IVl.T v..--.. - of Hiiti-frcee and Is ready tu u Northern Glass 11, orpnans a. HERE'S TODAY'S LINEUP: Wallace's Dept. Store Vinylite Plastic "The King of Plastics" m m m m B Division Daily News 22. Harold's 21, Hill's Shoe Store 18, Hams 16, Esquire Men's Wear 15, Eby & Sons 14, Bob Parker Ltd. 13, High Gold 12, Thorn Sheet Metal 12, Mixups iu, Chats 9, High Green 6. 51 MERCl'KY Tl- All accessories- 880 Pwn Nobody could fsPf 53 FORI) SEDAN Heater. Excellent condition. 840 Down Here's a chance to cop a real buy. Don't let your feet drag, Net this before It gets away. 48 FORI) PICKUP Box on back. Al shape. 270 Down After seeing our lineup here's one car you'll recognize as a good buy. a Curtains - Drapes - Yardage i Whipping Cream Table Cream Cereal Cream Just ask the driver for any of these when he delivers your milk. Northland Dairy Phone 18 Limited NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTHERN CONSUMERS UU1 I ID. -' The new improved Vinylite so easy to clean, so Inexpensive ! and permanent. Beautiful new color combination to blend with any room color scheme. See Wallace's stock of brand new 1954 designs. IAAITED k n ivti m mmm IIVIl RUIIIt-IASI TOR lEAUTlfll WALLS AND , CEIUMS I WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE j "THE HOME OF FPIENDLY SERVICE" PAINT