Weuue.saHy, J-'erii-.e.ry 3 i!)-4 lfJ7Jl 11 : Gunmen Tell Bedtime Story Before Robbery 3LACKWCOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Criticism of Partner Makes Situation Worse DEADLINE ORCLASSI DAY PREVIOUS Have you ever thought about thi I. 1 1 I i 1 N I is amazing, a most unbelievable, fact that m-Mctic.ilIu nil ,,f m, Classified Kates n THE DAILY NEWS criticism and sarcasm at the bridge table is directed not against the opponents, who represent the enemy, but against partner? It's like a soldier shooting at " his own comrades. -" - - - Today's Stocks (Caurmj S. T. Johnston jo. i.td ' (Mii'mii ftfir l l4iijLi 654 1 S5 p (Win M( loi tmrutt. Plu lu lw ready tfif wlit liii 1st ISC lrr call. cdd. I "CIRCULATION" TODAY YEAR AGO Althr,,,,, I . i . . . ' u, may 1101, seem SO j 3561 3159 ., limn 4 30 pm. day previous .hllrntkn. . ,,i 3 c n per word pr In-,' niirilmiim Jliuriie 40 ma N,iirs, Ml renin, Car.ln of Death Notlrw. fiimna ,V Marriage mid KitKngrmout ..!rl, ,,,.-" y on ., Ul jilay double prloa. No Refunds ,r; tint accept, rfSfinslhlllty ..ll'ed ruts Inserted Incorrectly r wruii-i c.afcslfl.'atl.m unles iv.rt i.f .uc-lt errori In reeelvoa liuum of fln t ittuertlan. M BUSINESS PERSONALS 136 ROOMS KC't KKNT MAKE GOOD MONEY without taking a job . . . nuttine in ONK large furnished h.iusekecp- I Til. idllrilUMII ,. ul -..L-J J ..I. J l r-v.i..,vu a viipiayca Wf VANCOUVER American Standard .. Bralorne .... B R X-... Cariboo Gold Congress Cronin Babine Giant Mascot Indian Mines Pioneer Premier Border Privateer it'Kmur uotirs ".HiCAGO inTwo gunmen told bedtime stories to keep three small children quiet Sunday night while they they awaited the return of the tots' father to rob him of $4,525 in ca.sh and- jewelry valued at $5,000. One of the gang of five posed as a Western Union messenger to get into the home of Louis Fahrberger, a bakery owner. The baby-sitter, Mrs. Marian Schmidt, 36, said the noise of their attempts to break into a wall safe aroused the childrenChristine, 3, Fred, 4, and Louis Jr , 8 The robbers and Mm. Schmidt, by their orders, took turns telling the youngsters about Goldilocks and the three bears, the three little pigs, and other fairy tale characters to allay their alarm over the presence of strangers. When Fahrberger walked in, he told police, one of the robbers seized Christine and said, -I'll shoot her if you don't get your hands up and that safe open." The robbers . locked Fahrberger, Mrs. Schmidt and the voungsters in a closet before leaving. SPORTSMAN'S PIGESTAv DIFFERENCES OF CROW SIGNALS at times, your partner is your , iiiiy..Yuu wiil du much better on i the score-sheet if you will en- i courage him and co-operaLe' with him instead of trying to . prove how badly he bids ov plays. In defending a hand, the. weaker your holding is, the! more likely it is that partner! has the setting tricks. But even j Uhere he does not hai-e enough .14 3.30 .02 .95 .04 .02 .42 .03 1.50 .05 .03 '4 und withoullp, 'rr '; " '? du-kx Irani i Pust Of lire. Phone B up t7 experience, our free . i,.., book shows v . after 5 p.m. (31) North dealer Botli sides vulnerable .Norm (Mr. Il.-li.-ll..) H A Q J J H A fl 3 1J 6 C K Q 8 4 "( (.Mr Keen) (Mr. liel) 8- 8 2 s 7 5 4 3 H -K Q H 7 6 4 2 I Q J 8 5 4 D 10 7 3 C 9 8 5 3 C 7 2 So ii 1 h (Miss llrash) S K 10 H J 10 8 5 D A K 9 i C A J 10 The bicldiriK: WANT AD. TWO furnished rooms. New house. No children. Abstainers. 1063 9th Ave. East. 31o) you me easy wuy for any beginner to make money. Write lit once for our free samples Don't miss this opportunity to .start building a permanent future. No obligation, Department H. Sales Manager, P.O. Pox !3 Montreal. (J7F3i EBUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL i FULLY fiirnKhed housekeeping room. I'hone Blue 638, after 5 p.m. mol Khcep Creek 45 Silbak Premier 10 2 Vananda 01 Spud Valley 02'2 REPLIES arc holding replies he following Newi ioxcs: 2 865 878 888 i WORLD'S FINES? 01 EANFK . 1 ELECTROLIIX Pl.an Blue 39 HOWLS iOlc KENT 17fl fnr Pi rx'ilu ti ' - - .57 strengtn to dcreat the opposing contract, it is essential that you ! stay alert, playing your cards in ! such a fashion as to guide part- j ; ner in the proper defense. ; In today's deal Mr. Abel had ; a really pitiful hand and he promptly lout all interest in the , proceedings. Miss Brash barged. , into seven no trump without j --sr. 'THREE ROOM North East South 1 S Pass 2 o 3 C Pass 4 NT 5 H " Puss 7 NT West Pans Pass All paas - ' viicin iug. OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 39A Sl'tTKS WILFORD Eleetrlenl Works. Motors bought, sold, rewjjnd and MIR KKNT 13 - repaired. (tflSUITIi I'hone Red 9C4. (2S Silver Standard Western Uranium ... Sil-Van Dorretn Estella Oils Ariiilo Canadian A p Consolidated ... Central Leduc Mercury Okalta Pacific Pete Royal Canadian I Kepnes must be lied for in person ' .50 .80 '2 05 2 .20 5.30 .31 1.92 .12 175 8.50 ' .12'.. -All Saw SAW filing. Precision West. 40 IIOMr.S OR SALE types of saws. Filing. 215 1st 141 1 mond suit. If he had held on to his three diamonds, his partner would have been taken off the squeeze and well over two thousand points would have been saved. COVitM. LVt.iVIS EXCLUSIVE Si-'-room house, close to Mc-Bride. Living room, dinine cod party, DRESSMAKING and lions. Phone Hed 224. altera-; (31 1 ii Auxiliary ;ilnl 17. CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert, for Smither Every Tuesday and Friday. For connections Phone 632 room, master beciroom am, bathroom on rmtin f),r t..-. NEARLY everybody uses 9H j bothering to check on kings and Mrs. Keen got off to he king of hearts opening. Dummy's ace won and Miss Brash noted that she had only 12 sure winners five .spades, cne heart, two diamonds and lour clubs. She ran off four club tricks, discarding a heart from her hand. Mr. Abel had to make two discards. With a hopeless tust, his play didn't seem to make any difference and he dropped the deuce of hcu's ar.d the trey of diamonds. ' Miss Brash then ci.hed riuo WILFORD Kleclrlcal Works ' t' d"oms "PM. FH iw ' Dealer for Kkolile Sounders 'n"'nl laundry tubs, hot air .-' lurnace. This home is in spot- , I less shape. Price $9500. Terms ;i.ORGfi DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Itlai k 816 and Red i TORONTO Athona .11 Auma'iue 12 Consol. Discovery 1.94 Bevcourt 23 Buffalo Canadian 25', Con. Smelters . 22.75 I s7 ('niiiiril mectim;. Thurs-F'eb 4, 8 p ni., Civic Cen-20l t m ul Guide and Brownie .ike .Sale1 and Novelties, Street .School, Feb. 6. pi" il ( 'Inn. h W A Valentine I. 11 at Mi'x L. M. -., !M:i Borden .St, MAQAZINE4J, uovelUes. Uddles ananRt'a VACANT News Stand. C) I, Move in immediately. ' Four- i FOR chimney I jobs, phone leaning and odd rrK"n wartime, one block to Green 173. (42:. ; Iit!h School and Kind Edward Investors Syndicate of Canada Ltd. and Investors Mutual of Canada LU). T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 334 315 Third Avenue W. Keprosentnttve for Prince Itupert. Terrace and KlUmat -. -- -1 hrnool. Price only $3500. Easy Parker of course. - terms. j CARS? Bob I, C-A-W CAW CAW This call is interppeted By Some as a distress signal ip it has the moan of an injured crow who has met with foul. plav and needs help. ct wav be megaphoned fob distance ' c muted as crows close. in. cthfrs interpret it to be a casual l6o0d dav6reeting. if so, sound mav chah6e meaning Curt Party, Eeb. 11. (35' II. (J. Helgerson Ltd BOTTLE Collector. Phone Green I Real Route S,.,H ?..,... 0: a. (.flip I i 218 6th St. Phone 9f I Li-xuiy Stcomcr Prince George j SAIIS FOR j VANCOUVER A' anil Intermediate Ports ( Each Thursday II at 11:15 p.m. I For KETCHIKAN R WFDNKSIIAY MidninhV Comfort and Service Iial) D'Klon W A. 'l.lll'C, Eeb. 12, .11111. Or F. Wilson, Black 1U7 WANlril- MAI.K spade tricks, discarding her la.it two hearts and the deu.-e of diamonds. This left dummy with the nine, trey of hearts end a diamond and the closed hand with ace, king, nine of diamonds. Mrs. Keen couldn't let. nk r,r eves. (291 .... 3.65 50 V, 30 .... 3.75 .... 8.80 82 17'Si 28 .. .21 - 35 .83. 09-4 .... 1 .60 35 .... 140 .... 59.00 Closely akin, both Conwest Donalda Eldona East Sullivan Giant Yellowknife .. God's Lake Hardrork Harricana D'wex j. Joliet Quebec Little Long Lac Lvnx Madsen Red Lake ... McKenzie Red Lake MacLeod Cockshutt Noranda TJ01lVtPOurt--...T.r..T7:r.-.: Pickle Crow Petrol Oil & Gas New Senator 43 LISTINGS WANTF.D Founders' Day Tea, ! 30 p m., Ladles'i .n.iunin Legion. . IF YOU WANT A . CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M: J. SAUNDERS the queen of hearts or dummy's V.-hntin ; Icz, fym THESE CALLS MEAMj' DANGER " CROWS DfcPART at the call- List your house with H. G. HELGERSON LTD. "and prepare to move.'' Phone 96 ! Or F. Wilson.. Black lr'7 eves. I -- . . 43l Similar to Gur- CUSTOMS EXCISE OFFICERS $2610 - $3360 at vlrlous centres in the Province of British Columbia. Details and application forms at Post Offices or National Employment Office. Quote No. 54-118. r or reservations write ot call city or Depot Office, .rain's. Eeb. i.me wouia De good, so she dropped the eight of diamonds. Miss Brash wen the last three tricks .with her diamonds. Mr. Abel's failure to co-operate cost his side a vulnerable grand slam. A little thought on 13. ABOVE CALLS, m i4 Prlr.ce Rupert B O. ... j 4 HI SI. NESS OITOKflNlTlES .... 106 51 15 171 SCOTT McLAREN CHivRTERED" ACCOUNTANT James Block, 603 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 LOOK.' TURN ABOUT." DEPARTING CROWS WILL WHEEL AROUND IN FLIGHT TO RETURN TO CALLER. USB AFTER DISTRESS SIGNAL DESCRIBED ABOVE. nis part wou d have marlp it FOR SALE Skeena Cafe Snack 1 Bar. Phone Black 937. (32), Sherrltt Gordon 4 05 ! clear that the onlv suit he rmilri I i 6.60 i do anything about was the dia- ' W A. Rummage and Ft b 13, 206 6th St. " V..I. ntine Danre, Feb. irniaiion i.-nly. Tickets s H.ulx r oiiep. . Prayer. Cathedral, to M.u.'h 3, evenings. . 147) "is Dental Clinic Bake "Trtcn & Anderson's, Steep Rork Silver Miller Sweet Grass Oils ;27 buondie . . ' A , ... r, I,. SO IIEI.F WAMEII ftMA RADIO DIAL i 1240 Kilocycles ! irlCFPR EXPERIENCED office clerk and bookkeeper. Knowledge of bookkeeping machines an advantage but. not essential. Full -' pv v.nn Ts-ZUINtj ! 4g , - 9 00 ' GOT OUR i.' 'tXCELLENT"iN EVERyc.:BJtCT- I cd- X WOMDtRFUL CCXX.E--I j C.c IT'9 TOL j "M 71 2.30 . c-?. fry .(uWiii M ,f.ir K-. mi Golden Manitou Can. Chem. & Cellulose Landover Oils Rix Athabasca Nesbltt Lablne- .. Boreal (Subject to Chanse) ' j WEDNESDAY J or part tine. Steady Tea ii'd 1 rnent M.S.A. Box 894, Daily j News. - (281 rdi a. il W V Rii niin.ip.e The penny postal system was oraniz( i In Fn.:land in 1840 bv Sir Rowland Hill.- Sale. (45) P M. (i:0 Supper Srreimdr ti Mi Sniiley ttttmrlle Shnw 0 ii Iinrluction to Wctlm-sdny NiKht 7 On CHC News . 7 IS OHC News Rounrtiip 7 .10 Tulk on A Sleep ol Prisoners 7 50 A Sleep of Prifcnnrru &'Uf.ht.i Easter To 26 ischium; m.ukuls philpott. ev1tt st. co. ltd. Plione 651 or 652 Inoilire ulviut our budget plan for your home Improvement. Nn down payment. $IIIU to $2000. 6 to 24 nios. to par (31 9.00 Cuiwicliun League tit Coninoa- xise Spiin: i d Grim n of the Mi ;i"',oI Mrs 5ttl Ave. We " X.'1, Iconic. April 15. H'ft. j W&& II mlf)4lh: I KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED Bv ZANE GREY Iral Spiin'.; Sale, I in oo I 10:15 10:30 I I :IKI riani ' 12.25 i-.. April (37) Sliow. a Pi CHOP SUEY . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For OutslL' Orders Phone I .IS " May 1. CCOc.NTANT. income P'ciiiHst. S O Furk ""'I'n:: Red 593. (2Cm ' x i:al ni.tk i s" Your Ilemiru; Iillars flf. l'anher Willi McLeod Iliyor J Lavti Ctl LUMP ECO S-mKTXi ' Coal SperlalU.s: I.lsnlte- In ton lots ... l6W,Tnn nipliimat Erk Ton r .a no Ton Albeit & McCaffcry Ltd. Thones 113-117-58 CJHe) FOR your fuel reiiurpri.r.nls: Oil "Shell" Stove and FurnuM, Coal FikiI hills and Bryan Mln. Gas "Pacific'' Propane. PHILPOTT, EV1TT & fV). LTD. I'hone 6a 1 or 652 A M, on us 7 ::10 ', :.'!.-. 1:1.1 M 00 H III H 15 mr 0:00 0 15 !l :3t (I fill 10:0,) 10.15 K At '-urrlav. Labrieville, Que- Jan 9 ifir. Z 56,5;t'ars; of Niagara' ,' "I'K'ved brother of f'. 5 Park Ave i be conducted at ( . til ,rilary 4. with '"'basil s. Pi,.ku,,. .... ers Concert ( DC News Tn Ik on Contemporary Mu.slc Winnipeg StnnK Orchestra W em her Id'piirl iuutie l.ivleniii Men-iiir Interlude ' .v .-TI4U1WDAY J.;, , 11. C 'ih.,nnl! IlroaOciiftt Mieli il (I. k OilC News: Weather Miltieal CliHk Morn hi: pevoliiMl CP.l; News; Weather Here s hill (IilkI Ilreakliet Ohio l.m:ri LanuU'fl itno Ncs ii ml Comly. Aunt lany i nine What May 'lime Signal MorninK Visit 't'lie Happy tiantt 'I'he lleulnll Sliow Your C 1. h ul Nci!;hlMr Klnti raiti-o of tlm Air Mesvaye I'erliHl f arii.-iMnii laiierlalim Horn V Yenra Too Soon ( HO News CIIC Showcase B C Farm Hroadenst Interlude Heenrils, fur Yon Iteeoril Allium H O. Seliool Hroailcast Trnns-t'iuuKlu Mutmee llnive Vnyiie IflM'llOU II Hit Parade As Tunes Oo PV camp Wilderness Tnlkiug to Teens j Slink fii..liill..im I 1(1 45 (31)j " i neni, to follow in ... ' '"'.v. m.c. Und 29A SEWING MACHINES cr- rrang-( It) SALES- Repairs-Rentuls. Singer Sewing Centre. Thoiie 864. (c) n''sos,. FOR TnA". EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Friday iy. Feh 5. Lccion 32 FOR SALS MISC. IUI". Mum, Igy a C ; "T-ABNER ByALCAPK I'LL GUARANTEE THA64 ) lAwERE f - H , - . , I', I I I - " ' II i jl ' TOEARNVOO II OMLV AFTER Sr- ' ." fr' A COSTOfEJJ.'r J''J' SXO.OOO.' V ' FAIR . J BiG MONEV, J- ., I, 'J r-S?5fw y i ' THE. FIRST V Zy SO LET'S ;-J Ijki - ; " 10,000 is j if stop here V 'U 'y, PJ S , ir.ZrrHi , ' . - MINE."? WHERE THE rH Z. !MvU l' .- v ' feStj teFfe iSSS llSSi;' liy the I I 00 I I :lf. 1 1 :in 1 1 : I.". PM I '! :IM( 12(5 12 25 12:30 12.55 I :o.l 1 ::m 2 :(H) 2:30 3:15 3:311 3 1a 4 15 4 III 4:45 .oys. f;:au,. ng fiddler. Arlmu CJ8) 8x4 SHEET H-lnch fir plywood and 11 pieces of nine-foot clear fir 2x4's. with miscellaneous lumber and hardboard; the lot, $14. Walnut china cabinet, glass doors, $18. Call at 115 First St. Phone Blue 705. (nc-tf) ik . .. j' pKSO.Ai.?' ; iM-nlise Iniernatlonnl Comty. OHO News; Weather . 1-al lier Know-i Best 'ER SERVICE ' ,,I!U'S ur name. FRIOIDAIRE electric range, two months old. Phone 669. (29) 5:16 5 20 5:30 -Hi-Hi id in - ii ii ' t - "n 1 jir-f n 1 1 CB SERVICE THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DRAKE COLEMAN oil floor furnace, never out of crate, $180. Phone Blue 549. (29) SUNSHINE baby buggy, with m a 1 1 r e s s. Good condition. Phone Bine 394. t33i " HALUCRAFTERS communica-tion receiver, all wave bands. Room 39, Savoy Hotel. 1 30p ) s our claim. EAS.NS THAI its Just... well, just DiCECTOR ''f'ssories BREATH -TAKIN6, ThJTS au." ZXT ENSSI1SLE. THE r:'' ruTr-iiTAii rxf GOT TWO TRUNKS OUT S y 7! TT'XM fS HEBE ISS APPItESsEO 00 iff M '1 XA 10 "U57 TALBOT PAHS, jl f 8.N5 'E IN' I ( THI APPSESS. KNOW ANYTtllNtf iUP yr rVl 1 j anrt their need, ("rSJ WANTPD TC5 t(501' AMt DINING PLEASURE IT u.AC iki i-.u mh -rs -s U,l' smile and fix '29) 32A FOR RKNT MISC. i ;:;! '(:iav i: Ouvntl in u. "s and elecl'ii,..,! FURNISHED two-room cabin, located 1153 11th Ave. E. Apply 801 Borden St. (20) 34 WANTElvriSraXAlvEoTs Awe- West. "d 165. BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING lOH TAKK OUT Oltbfr.KS Phone 200 . Broadway Cafe (38) NO, lll.'r . SPARKLING NEW -SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. I'hone 643-Cull 63(1 8ia Ave. West. c I (CI