viciokiA Prince Rupert Dally News Cameron , V",J 141, aUUr rn ...v, ir, or.hioo iv, r- i i 'he munlcinii ' Wednesday, May 19, 1054 Premier Bennett Is perhaps the ! of British Columbia. Long abo n. le't'J1's at meeting most outstanding example of a his subconscious determined him I w mac,f' his address politician to whom personal to achieve that; some blind ' f, n 85 P?r c-loyalty D meant nothlns;, absolute- j force drove him on, forced him J !,, . m of faktst.,, ly nothing. j to take uny path In order to get I uUoholc bevera,. A highly ambitious man, he j there. He got there! 1 Tne nuicrar)cf.r f(,u was thwarted In UM by Herbert ! i have observed many politl- i ,n frttlsh Columbia Anscomb. dans during a pioodly number I'"" "'""rt to t'1 cr.j il Independent dally newspaper cWotwi to the upbuilding "I Prince Kuuert and Korthirn and Central British Culumfolifc. Member of Canadian Press Audit liureflu of t.'trculutluuj Canadian Dslly Newspaper Association. Published by The Piinc-? Kupi-il Dully Newt. Limited. 1. P. UAGuR, Plesldetit H O PEKkV, Vlce-Krnnldeut Subscription Katea: . . carrier Per we, 36c; per muntb, IOo: per year, iio.oii. uTatP mall Per munui, 7&c; per year, aa.uu. Wa'' tutorized aa second clasa mull by tne Pout Office D-partment. Ottawa "''''..v.jr " 'J' - -If .-1 VICTORIA Some of the sightseeing bus drivers here, as they enter Beacon Hill Park, say. "Now folks, this Is politicians' lane I don't know why they call It that except because maybe It's so crooked and shady." This wisecrucK, naturally enough, brings a laup.h, and it does have a certain amount of clumsy humor. , But hrarlnp: about tills I couldn't help but regret such a wisecrack and wondered why politicians are always called crooked and shady, and they're ne ana nnscomo ooin women j 0f years. I have seen some trait-B.C. Conservative leadership. 0rous ones, some who would stop Anscomb won: Bennett's pride ! ftt nothing In order to curry was hurt. He determined that public opinion, In order to make day that somehow, some way. ; themselves feel Important he would get the top, come what , llt by and , , wf ,d Safety Rules Pay Off f mm A' - . ' ' . t-l v , 1 ! i . Jr -Wot . CLEAN slate at the end of the Forest In A" dustries Safety Week drive, in which the menced to Anscomb, at honest can., are men and wom- lirsi riuMU.-Miii.iy, tii- ri ..peiuy. .,n Rllrp thpv Mk thp ,,,,. In 19W, Anscomb and Bennett n,p Iirirt money, but th(.y WPnt il h fAnFCiMto(Uittu Conservatives, Anscomb AiiumuiiK 4 the It a ..... ' automatically suspect. I Perhaps too many of them, themselves, have, brought what should be an honorable calling Into this business because they honestly thought It the best, way both leader of Bennett, the Riiiping of Bennett against Arscomb be- Intn rlkrnmi.a of helping their fellows, which .......a fen hnH ll.tit I i,.n ... tlta h'lD O n. ...... u v... . ,..,.1 After all, politics it is. And most of them have been. highly loyal to their leaders. Fortunutely. disloyalty Is rather a rate vice. 'So it Is that most politicians shouldn't be sneered at, but thankert. .. ' . ' TIIR POPl'I.AB PAr DAY parade is only a few days off and It is the duty of the brigade pay officers to see that the currency is available. The men of the 1st Canadian Infantry Brigade in Germuny are paid in Hellish BAF's i British Occupation money) and here the brigade paymaster pussus out bundles of UAF's to the unit pay officers. Left to right: Major D. S. Church, East Riverside, N.B.; I.ieut. J. 11 Cornwall, Ottawa, and I.ieut. O. D. Rnillll, Dorchester, 'N B. .National Defence Photo of the Conservative, party was called. Anscomb resigned the lead. I'ship. He contested it ncaln once more against Bennett. Anscomb again won! Mr. Bennett thereupon was more determined than ever. He was so thwarted he could hardly contain himself. What now? How could he get to the top? The Conservatives wouldn't have him in preference to Anscomb! And so Mr. Bennett proceeded to fight Anscomb In the Legislature until he left the Coalition of our forni of government, and It's a pretty good basis. Has anyone a better basis to suggest? It is by the system of politics that we, the people, rule ourselves. If politics gets into disrepute too often it is because of the lethargy of the oeople in their own affairs. If there was a more alert public opinion at all times, if more people would vote, politicians wouldn't be said to be shady and crooked as the sightseeing; bus driver inti As I See It BY and the Conservatives and joined mated they all are. ' The Shorter Oxford English Sorlal Credit Dictionary defines a politician: men, oy tnose strange twists In human affairs, he made It; Anscomb crashed, though he had been forthright and honest. Mr. Bennett achieved what he set "One versed In the theory of government, or the art of governing; one practically engaged in conducting the business of the state." . , . i . .... . .1,., . . M.I'.s To Close Gap Is there anything new under the sun? mr , , , i , -a -i- r roin unit we luui. iui Many students of history in Britain are pointing pomiclins have a tremendous out the close parallel between present day McCarthy- j responsibility. And the diction- ,. T ' . , ., , ' . i , , ' !ary definition gives no suggest- ism in the U.S.A. and the hysteria whipped up by a lon that politicians should be shady character called Titus Oates in the time 0f ;H'tmaticaiiy crooked and TRAVEL TOPICS ' RRKINO F.NJOYINO While East This Summer CRUISE The. Beautiful ' Sogucnay and St. Lawrence 5 to 8 days. CONf'.W.T YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGFNT Crawford Moore Travel Agencies Popular Steamer Prince Rupert .c;aii.r for VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Charles ji Some of them are, of course; adian NATO Parliamentary A Jr h& Columbia Cellulose Co. took part, is proof of how 100 per cent co-operation by all concerned can re-tluee operating-hazards. The pulp and paper industry in !!.('., made up of i:i mills, was recently averatfintf four compensable accidents per week. To reduce this 'o zero must be credited to something more than just luck. The spirit of competition eomes into it somewhere, which in turn keeps the instinct of ' elf-preservation sharpened to a fine But when all is said and done, t he real eom- - petition is not with the other fellow or company but with the old bogies of injury and death which are hanging- around all the time, ready to take on ' ;ill comers. ' : ' The enforcement of safety rules does not add to the pleasure of life, from the short-sighted - point of view. It means that somebody has to be a dirty so-and-so who takes a very sour view of seemingly harmless oversights, lint in the long rtin it adds to not only the pleasure of life but the , the length of it. It also helps to avoid the painful time when t you're lying in bed and the boss conies in to tell you it's your ow fault. The really painful part of it is that he is probably right. Recommended Reading book for your library which ASUCCHMTLI) has just been published is the Gazetteer of '''British. Columbia. It is the second volume of the Gazetteer of Canada which was started in 191'.) by the Canadian Board on Geographical Names. ; The first volume dealt with south-western On-lat'lo. I.;-"."' 'Hio new Gazetteer contains the names of all 'populated places, coastal features, livers, lakes, mountains and other topographical features presently listed in the records of H.C. Locations are given by means of short geographical descrip- tions, which include the names of the land districts. These land districts, which are subdivisions of the province for administrative purposes only, are shown on a map at the back of the hook. As this is the only complete gazetteer of coastal names in B.C., the book has special significance for all individuals and companies with marine interests. Its use, however, will not be restricted to specialists. The historian, the teacher and any connoisseur of names and plates will be able to enjoy a study made exciting and fascinating by the Indian placenames that are used ' so frequently throughout to describe lI.C.s unique Comfort and Service . ,JT , r'K 1 ! (, ,V VI - .4 ' v. .. , -i f f '' -..X ' ' ''.!. i I , : . r ft , t". It t ,''J... 1' ., i .'; V r1-',V-.v.' there are crooked and shady characters in all walks of life. True, politicians can be ruthless; there is often little loyalty In politics. But that is true elsewhere. There the many who, suavely, charmingly, will use friendship in order to achieve their own ends, and who, when they've achieved it there, will search for what appears to be personal friendships elsewhere in order to achieve further ends. I In the British-case, the hys-j sociation. This will be confined ! teria was over a so-called "Pon- , t0 Canadian Members of Par-j ish Plot." which turned out to be )jament, who will meet on a non-I a complete phony and fake. But partisan bii.s tp study every-; the revelation of the complete thing connected with NATO. fuHty of 'the charges was not j The Canadian MPs ho-je to en-I established until . the whole courage the formation of similar j country had been demoralized, bodies in all other 'NATO 'coun-'and scores of iiinoc. nt pcoph- t,.j,.s anci l0 meet with .suh in I had been persecuted. j joint sessions. I Sponsors of the Canadian I WALTER LIPPMAN seems to be moVc hooe to arrange a eonter-i one American who can keep enc.p with American senators Tor r-wrvatlfns writ n Iriill flly ur r't Office Eosy Terrrj GORDON ANDERS Phone 4t! Prlnci! Itiipprt. B C. They use Individuals as one Phone G20 213 Second St. i his head when so many of his ancj representatives early next 1 mirtit use the runes of a ladder m 4r- Jf colleagues seem to have lost most year. They hope that the Am- j When they leave one rung they of their sense of proportion. erican-Canadian meeting will be break it; sooner or later, of ' Lippman points out that the the forerunner of the first full course, they get to the top. Often i o mm only possible way to intervene NATO parliamentary conference, when they have to come down tlfectively in southeast Asia probably at Pails, France. j they find no rungs and so they would be to ask tlv Asian dem-! 'The reasoning behind the for- crash. Some politicians are ocracies .to write the ticket for mation of the new body is tht I ef ten In that predicament, as the missing link In the whole western set-up is luck of recurrent consultations at the parliamentary level. such Intervention. j If the U.S. and hrr allies were! simply to intervene by force in the civil war in Indo-China we' would have, In effect, a new ; "Holy Alliance," such as the j European kings set up after the Napoleonic war:,-. The charter of the UN pro- vides an excellent basis for re- i slsllng International aggressiun. ' But the charter of th? UN con- Bigger Area Assigned To Engineer COME AND TEST OUR 1954 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS For a Rood economical car try our A-30 AUSTIN. A complete car with a low price of only SI 111.5. that Includes foam rubber seats, Iralher upholstery, (llreeti.iiial signals and heater-defroster unit. VI. R. "Bill" Meighen, public i tains no provision for intervening in civil wars much less n colonial war.". Surely Mr. Lippman is on solid ground when he urges the West to ask India, Burma and other i .urh democracies, to tell us what I they want us to do. If we try to tell them, or, worse still, try to intervene without asking them for their advice, we arc headed for big trouble.' . works divisional engineer for Prince Rupert and Skeena West, has been given some additional territory Jo serve. He has taken over the southern section of the Atlin district from District Superintendent J. W. Morris, who has been moved to Pouce Coupe.. Mr. Morris also .will supervise public works in ir.Airi-ii 1 1V1 ii fVn t n i'nw i ; : North- Atlin av' district, u'sww' "I-- v.... .wA-w. j;is.:j.--.2iJ,.wi,v. ,i u Thfe prive,is one .h.llar and the boohlnav lit- nKCTW'V W ' . . . rT'W'S "U''.h Mmcf to. expiuiiKj visit io-W& new. terrltory-Hist M Mi-i, l...: .. . i . i-U t J.' if , I,.' ,v! I; i J,J it . ilia the Vaituri- of Dulles., week,'-.flying In ' SHewavVlor orrteWd l iTiBiihii.-rittMjrrannie utvu-iun oi fije I 'K pilrllry at "fenevsf,,-. 'Hns'iiecfion of ttetivities of piililic AUTO SERVICE and Forests, Victoria. Surely the main reason for the j works crews. , failure was that political conditions in the U.S.A. were ..such that the Secretary of State did not feel free to do at Geneva i i .- ''1,1 1 4?-' :' jiartnient partnient of of Latnl Latuls ' i '; ' Ottawa Ottawa reports reports a a new new REFLECTS and REMINISCES 0i issue of what he was .sent to do namely, to negotiate. , One British paper quips that John Foster Dulles spent a week at Oeneva during which time he successfully avoided even meeting the Chinese foreign minister, who was the key figure on the other side. uv one P.F. ASSORTED Pioneers of Prince Rupert had to pay rent from the very beginning, and that was not so easy. Pioneers of Kitimat are not doing that. Instead they are buying a house, instead of renting it. The minimum cost is somewhere or other around nknotes can be described as 1 hin." One might never have -iticed it. As a matter of fact. 1 .ost of the notes we've been itroduced to still show traces ' malnutrition. The Wall Street Journal offers , $10,000, and that does not sound MPs AND SENATORS at Ottawa lis good advice; "It's much bet-if to sit tight than to attempt r drive In that condition." so easy or simple either. But j have undertaken a brand new the population, in a few years , job for the benefit of NATO as won't be less than 50,000, pre- j a whole. diets Kitimat. I They have formed the Can- i fjflfflm'Btmg sm and your old tir J 6.00 16 DEMAj ! 1 Hi 670-15 DEFlANCEj Economy One i lb. packet provides variety to mak a cookie plat mora 4i ill appealing. SPECIALLY REDUCED! ;HfVK OF IT We chanced to skim over a ;rocery account from the Oosse-dillerd Ltd. made out away back .n 1932. A few of the items in-:luded a pound of coffee 40c. hree pounds of butter 75c. There were plenty of other details, as well, but this will be taken care of in a mere nonchalant moment. 'I !' .' .f ;S-' 71 .'.,,,..': v.- VP ; f ' '. '.' v" i . f . ' ' I' U ... --v..-v.'" ? V'" " t , i v' '.'"-'v, i !' t : - c t ..mt4 . ' Our Display Stock of Washers and Dryers. m fc -y.W-, i vv v tYi u i . i Custard Creim Bourbon Garden Cream Milk Arrowroot Shortcatt Am Broadway Cafe Tl fJ I5C?'.'S SPECIAL SALE PRICE for a limited time only and your old 'aj2 NOW $389.50 $289.50 Regular AUTOMATIC WASHER $429.50 AUTOMATIC DRYER $319.50 . ii eft h: mat RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Low Down Payment Monthly Term RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC best of food finest of cooking FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 PEEK FilEAii'S TSto BISCUITS 566 o'i Phone Second Avenue and First Street 313 Third Avenue W. Phone 644 Mr. f(Mk i Mi. titan Slr