.t : J'i ui v I'.mii. 1 1 I u ly 1 1' wj Wednesday. May la, 19M ivf d 4 -a , . Canadian Dancer, Critic Now Authority on Ballet tx-U.S. Stars Getting Raves 1 rA r i. . in wiu v-uuinryi LONDON w- Bt be Daniels and j what may become a standard authority on ballet. Fernau Hall, 40-year-old dance critic from Victoria, spent three By RON EVANS C'uii.,i.in fieas hian Winer LONDON 0' A Canadian who started as an economist and switched to dancing has written years writing his ?50.000-word DINING PLEASURE : v.'- fev, it; ! AL 31?. in 11 ft ill ! SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Caf douk nn mmLumy oi Ballet (Andrew Melrose), but it represents, he says, the work of 20 years. Since he entered the British theatre world In 1934 Hall has devoted himself to ballet, first as dancer and later as manager, producer and critic. Given the opportunity, Hall talks at length and with intensity about dancing, as he did in a luncheon Interview. Names, dates, theatres, trends, eras, successes and failure all crowd into the conversation. The short, dark, bespectacled disciple of the dance, with the still-wiry dancer's build, is well known back-stage in most London theatres. He is a frequent School Teacher And Wife Help Eskimo Village By ROBERT KNOX SHUNCNAK, Alaska (Reuters A handful of Eskimo men and boys, helped by an American school teacher and his wife, are creating a new way of life for this Arctic village. Whn p prosoenors long have been lured into this remote wilderness by tines of a mountain of solid jade. Ben Lyon, once Hollywood top-liners. have made what looks like a brilliant rtcrern comeback at the age of 53. British film critics have tossed all their superlatives Into rave notices for "Li!" With the Lyons," an 81-njinu!e shoestring- i budget comedy based on their British radio show of the same name. ' The radio scries has been de- i"h'in" 1(1000 000 listeners a week, by official figures, since Movember, lioU. In ths film as on the radio Bebe and Ben play momma and poppa. teanmiR with their 22-"pfir-o'rt ri.iiu ., er Barbara and their 19-year-olU son, Riilisird. Mtogethcr, they're the zanlcst family this side of the AtlunUc. Oiurr Slim tans recall Bebe a the star of "Rio Rita," and Ben as the star of "Hell's Angles," among niany other American films. The film strains no intelligence. Cut it does what it was meant to do . . . get laughs. rir f j I ft,- i i n. iii. ii 1 1 -h n -r " ft in 1954 i-rigidairc f m ingeraiof ,try ' 4' -V..j. -7-. 4 are concentrating on creation of visitlne Iorcin stars-infant ,and a thriving gem industry. Their Hall likes to recall the jade project is a com- new p'etely Eskimo scheme, from the "fe ad Interest he found when 'lr-nl mining of the jade to , he came to Britain in 1933. the cutting, grinding and polish- i centre OE BALLET ' .4., oi Lilt' "t'nis. iiiu quuiuy ui the jewelry is a tribute to the . ' . .' iTRSATH.E is (lie word for this summer creation by Cole of California which pares down for swimming. Made of gold color irr.spy shot wilh poldcn threads, it has a tunic peplum with nlrated pants to imik? it a cocktail ensemble. Minus the pants, it's a skirted swim suit with flying stole panels. Minus the tunic, it's a figure-revealing swim suit with low-swooping back. The lovely lady is Betty Koch. W -7 .4 ' .kJV I m u-: ic la.ent and skill oi a sup-! po-eJly piimiLivc people. 1 Shmnak is ISO air miles inland from Alaska's Arctic coast. The" village's sturdy timber and , sod houaes line a cliff just above i ihe winding Kobuk river . "It was a flowering time. London was and still is the world centre of ballet. None of us had any ' money but things were happening." His introduction to the theatre was as an nactor and st""" nv- imager, but he soon was attracted to ballet. A fervent student, he trained Intensively in both clas- THE CLOCK MOVED BACK 100 years one recent Saturday as wedding bells tolled In a little Catholic Church in Perry, Kansas. Due to the Topeka (Kansas! Centennial, the young couple was caiifht up in the regional celebration, and instead of the quiet wedding they had planned, they were provided with a formal wedding extravagance. Here, the groom, Gary Lawrence Hamm, helps his bride, the former Helen Esther Quinlan. Into a waiting surrey at St. Theresa's Church as wedding guests look on. The high step to the surrey proved to be something of a problem to Helen and her formal wedding gown. iiv Eighty Magazines and Books BASEMENT WORKSHOP '4'!' AS LOW AS V- ow on Banned List in Quebec 7 MONTREAL P' -Eighty pub- Beauty. Cover Girl Models, Dare, rations, most of them Ameri- Dr. Faust, Ave American, Eye, an, now are banned throughout Eyeful, Famous Models, Final, ;uebec. . Figure Photography Annual, The publications, mainly of Flirt, Focus (large sizei, Follies, It s Not Criminal For Women To Lie About Age Says Judge On top ol the hill behlnJ sic and modern styles. Shungnak Ls the well-equipped After several years dancing, Alaska native service station and Hall began writing on the dance school. This two-storey modern for magazines and periodicals.' building is the home of Mr. and He was the first writer to ac-Mrs. Willis Graham, the only claim publicly the talent of a white residents cf Shungnak, voting ballerina with the Sadler's and also something of a com- Wells, Margot Fonteyn. munity centre. j In the army during the Second The basement of the school- j World War. he was posted to a house is the workshop of the radar station, tracking r ickets jade project. The "field" is cer Britain. During the long roughly 10 milt wide by about, hours on watch he found time 7 Models to Chouse I'rom TUADE-INS Attr.ITtl) Terms as low as LAUGHS Even at Teething Time HmI'Y'i Own TiiliU-r hvr Ion ln--n a fithfiit utaii'iliy u-t rmilKtVm ly t.v mothiTa for over fid jmt.. h-pm-ntHy helpful during trfUiiftK tirne btUM they give prumpt, ilvj 'l4ric. h(kI rCfectivf rlrW frmn f eve r mil n n, rrntk-NMicMtf. tummv um-i. nml hmt minur inlHttt I roiitiU- rtholimK fiMin IrrftitiBrity t tfltiirnr time. N "tiy" hlufT- ix. .Inlluiti i-ITict. Ht-lti kiH'p your bttoy titiy. (vl pwckane S26.93 tl(,w" $1 4.50 moral , j he girlie variety, are banned on Foto Parade,- Foto Rama, Gala he grounds they contain ob- Girl Friend, Glamorous Models, lectionable material. Glance. The Otiebec censorship board Oood Photography, He, Hello imposes the ban after examining Euddies, Hit, Intimate Confes- t' material broueht to its attention sions, Jackpot, Joy, Laff, Lilli- "Tli'! Store that Service Bu for studies on ballet history. 40 miles long and takes In the MONTREAL Should a woman be allowed to fib a little about her age even on official documents? Montreal judges think it's no crime. One says It's "almost criminal" to ask a woman's age. The judges presented a cross- McRAE EROS. HI le:enaary jade mountain, Hall returned to dancing after This mountain, which in sum-; his discharge in 1946 but. because put, Man Magazine, Man to Man, Mr.. Night and Day, Nus, Pack O' Fun, Page, Pageant, Paris Hollywood, Peep Show, People Today, Picture, Picture Show, Pin UP Cartoons, Photo; said " a woman's age ls singularly relative and trie exactness thereof irrelevant even on an automobile registration beyond proving that she it not a minor." Montreal Judge Eugene La-fontaine. noted for his crackdown on speeding drivers, went a step further. "U.S. Judges may consider that it ls not a crime but I think that it is almost criminal to re-nuest woman's age from her." he said. "It's a serious mer is a strange green color, has his training started late, his Urn Jjy the attorney-general's depart-' ment or by police. When the board decides a ; r.iagasinc is objectionable a '. ' notice is served on the publisher ' -and copies are sent to his dis- Phone 6 or 36 1 1 AN tfhi ifl MatlritAMiMid produced seme jade, but the be ! career was curtailed. He toured i ter quality stones are found on i New however, with English, European, section of opinion on a York case in which Mrs. Muriel Photography Handbook, Popu- ; ti'ibuting.agents in the province A similar" notice is sent to police Uir Teen Agers. Popular Photo i the beds of the river and creek. 1 At first work was concentrated I on brooches, earrings and neck-i laces. But now the Eskimos are attempting to create authentic graphy, Salon Photoranhv. forces who see to it that news Indian and Negro companies and appeared in two short ballet films before turning to production and writing. Work as stage director, lighting director, producer and business manager with vnrious companies followed. In 1950. he pub native designs. Nicholson told a panel of three judges that "a woman's age is always kiid of secret and anyone should not probe too far when she has passed the 32-year mark." The panel, which included former New York mayor Vincent R. Inipelliterrl. quashed a charge Scope. Screwball, Sir, Sunbath i for Health Magazine, Swagger, Tab. Taboo. TV Show, Vue, Wink, ! Zowie. Brief; I Candid, Scroop, Tell, Carnival, Good Humor, Sensation, Cine-Miroir, Keyhole, Laffin. Whiz-Bang. 3-D Hollywood Pin-Ups, ' UncensoretJ. ii 'dealers remove all banned ma-i' leiial from newsstands. j ' The board is empowered to i" ;imDose the ban under terms of a Quebec act which describes as obiectionable "any illustration which evokes real or fictitious . scenes of crime or of the habitual :life of criminals, or morbid or Essential Phrase MANCHESTER. England CP j Danish giris working at a food j exhibition were taught only one ! X lished his first book, "Modern English Ballet." Last "ear Hall completed a that Mrs. Nicholson had given manuscript of almost . 1.000,000 ftriree different birth dates on her English phrase "please have a j- words. It was completely revised mitomobile registration, iney sausage. it pnd rewritten three times but ; P V . 1 " ' I ' . ,' I lit ? - X obscene situations or attitudes, tending to corrupt youth and pervert morals." 4 The board may repeal the ban if the publisher agrees to elim-'inate objectionable material from his publications and gives i proof thattie is serious. I The current list of banned I publications: I Bid to Fire Magistrate Uqder Study vjcTORTA (CP) Attornev- For New Construction and Repair Work , SEE GREER & BRIDDEN finally In November, "An Anato-mv of Ballet" was released. Despite his ?0 vears in Britain, Hall considers himself "still very much of a Canadian." His father. Henry C. Hall, is police magistrate of Victoria, and his unrlc Dr. George Hall was one of that rlty's leading physicians before his recent retirement. BRIGHT FEATHERS The mnle scarlet tnriaper Is a rich, bright scarlet but the female bird Is greenish in color. Robert Bonner will wraphv. American Beauties, Art i S'PTra' eieral Alodels. Art Photography. Beauties. Beautiful Girl, Beauty Parade, Between Us, Carnival of LIMITED stuiv a demand for the dismissal of tagistrate L. G. Saul who says he hf s forbidden Indians to drink in Burns Lake beer parlors. Mr. Bonner announced he will i . Phone 909 215 1st Ave. W. -.m r t s , 4" i ' "i'V' ! ir ' r 1 HEINZ give close study to the issue when he receives a promised letter from Indian spokesman Andy Paull. Demand for dismi'isM of the Burns Lake mapistrnt" follows Watch for this GALA EVENT ' jf ,4-li! J".' i.'. I .' I . . 1 "r V i V;' j,'., if ' VmMmk, St v i)Ma-- oven-baked DEANS X3 Mi si your grocers Theyte Med! Baked! Bzkedl his admission at the British Columbia magistrate;' cnn-env'or In Vancouver last we k that hr had banned Indians froi.i h'-er parlors for "their own poo l." The ban had been in effect fot - tl1?tT9 ' m Cooked SPAGHETTI two years and had the support of the local RCMP, hotel kcepji. and the parish priest h said. Mr. Paull said the action is til" qyicK-TO-Fix DOROTHY BLL of Ottawa, liio lels one of the attractive fiOoit.sv.var costumes on display at New York May 18-June 30 hr the Canadian showroom at. Rockefeller Centre. The .howroom. sponsored by the t-adn rt)irtmont.. js fl)r displays by Canadian manufacturers interested in United States markets. Miss Ball wears n fine wool sweater and a circular skirt made by a Montreal firm. (CP Photo) I result of "an overbearing racial oiejU'.ice. KEIRJZ Tomato Try Daiiy News Classified Ketchup World's finest flavour value! OH MY PA??A TO ME HE LOOKS SO WONDERFUL TO ME HE LOOKS SO GOOD Poppa is hep, he bought on A-l Used Car or Porker's. Momma docsn'r look so bad either os she helped pa pick ir on!-. Anyone would look good in one of PARKER'S A-l SPECIALS. These and many others to choose from. Sw " ---m " l Mr ' '"v "1 rz Try a of Canada's best-sding t5k NEW! HEINZ STRAINED MEATS quality vinegat immz m nourishing SOUPS FOR BABIES J17S . .'51 FORD SEDAN 2 tone All accessories Really a Beauty $1633 '47 CHrjV. COUPE Tutor o' "i hauled: new tires A Buy For $750 THIS Is a softly feminine tailored coat in solt cashmere n nd merino fabric. The big flan pocket Is hind stitched with notch lapels and cuffs. (CP Photo I Straimrf leaf Strained Beef Heart Strained VmI Strained leaf liver if. WHITI CIDER MALT At hom or in rmstavrantt 3i , .A Stramd liver I lace A EASY TERMS O" COURSE, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 15 E2EIRI3 t Give zest to hot dogs, cold cuts BABY FOODS DELICIOUS VARItTllS HEINZ '51 PREFECT SEDAN Like new condition. A Bargain Special $675 '50 PLYMOUTH C'ood Condition throughout. You Can't Go Wrom For $1225 CMIAOAS BEST-SeWNC FOOOS FOR BASICS INDIVIDUAL i nr? am n ujii BOB PARSCER lm i ''lirl,';.l,tiiaitii.n PLATE LUNCHES YOUR FORD MONARCH DEALER BOB PARKER LTD. "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" otter , J-Ji dishes ,K - . I Terroce, I his dvcrutemenl is not puhlnhed or displtved by (he Liquor .ontrol Board or by the Oovernment of British Columbia. Prince Rupert, P.C. i I f i. n n