P30vi:;oial md::ary, ORMES vicx3::ia, 3. c. KAY 31S4 Daily Delivery Standard Time) 1954 .., May ,15 20.5 feet - 5 19 17.9 feet 8 57 3 0 feet .52 8.2 feet Phone 81 . Published at Canada's VOL. XLIII, No. 117 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MA? 19, 1954 to the Great Northwest" PRICE FIVE CENTS f - ' - ..:. fail If SI TO01 ;u1d l "i, n T? n no . fail n - fir 'T ' " I'i Yak glfa3!nl - - - ji . n Local Nurse on Duty During Mild Epidemic A three-member medical team left here by plana this morning to relieve two nurses who have been fighting a measles epidemic in Telegraph Creek, 259 Hr. r Jhr '- CS5JJ-S . A it ft t. ' '.!'f,';i,.!i i -v. I i ii ttii ( imm rirp hns good reason to massage his worried brow, .instate University varsity athletic squads, several of the 14 squads are always In .stout the school year. Kapp Is shown reviewing various members of Spartan ,tiare (left to right : wrestling, hockey, boxing, gymnastics, fencing, golf, outdoor : track, cross-country, basketball, football, tennis, swimming and baseball. France, U.S. Pushing Defence Pact! Far East Talks Still Deadlocked; GENEVA (AP)-! France and the United j States today were report-; ed pushing plans for a Southeast Asia defence: pact as the Far East con-1 ference deadlock on Indo-I China tightened another notch. A source close to Foreign Minister Bidault said secret French-American talks which have been going on in Washington, Paris and Geneva during the last few days will continue regardless of how the Geneva parley progresses. NO riUM.KKSS The Indo-China pence talks here todav were reported stalemated over Western demands that Communist forces withdraw immediately from the French associated states of Laos and Cambodia. One Western infor cui n 4 1 alias. That, too, would help ex plain the delay in the learning of his death. Both Mallocka were arrested in Vancouver In late 1950 on a charge of conspiring to sell, possess and distribute narcotics. On bail of $20,000 each, they failed to turn up for trial in February, 1951. George Mallock was recaptur ed by RCMP and United States treasury agents in New York City last December and returned to Vancouver for trial. Cadets Praised by RCAF Officer i'imieii j-----. - for as equipment manaucr for Drill Because of bad flying weather which delayed the visitors' Can-so enroute from Prince Ocorgc, th inspection was held at 8:30 p.m., an hour later than previously announced. Despite the Inspection, Precision WITH THEIR SEEING-EYE DOGS an uncritical and adoring audience, three young blind women at New York's famed Lighthouse rehearse a comedy, "Yes, My Darling Daughter." Left to right are: Inez D.Agostino, Louisa Scotti and Ida Scotti. commanding officer of the RCAF' station at Sea Island, Capt. F. L j Clarke, B.C. committee chairman for the Air Cadrt League of! Canada, and Flight Lt. H. E. ! Hailing, air cadet Unison offlrei-l Other Mallock Brother Learned Dead in Mexico at Vancouver. ! I delay, a large number of i ers was on hsrnd for the im- After the march past. by squadron commanding officer Flying Officer Douglas MacLcan, the air cadets went through the paces of their precision driil which impressively showed the mant said no Droirress has beeniiock , died in result of their months of ln-ifluadron tensive training. Senior cadet R. DiPederaerF was In command for this part of the inspection, Other visiting officials present were V. R. Clerihuc, Immediate past chairman of the B.C. com-niipceted mlttee, and J. A. Brown, member of the B.C. committee. -DRUGS u n Halibut Prices Little Changed Only fractional changes from yesterday's prices marked this morning's sales at the Halibut Exchange In Prince Rupert as a total of 85.000 pounds were brought In by six boats, three to the exchange and three to the Co-Op. Pacific Fishing Company paid 14.4 cents for mediums, 13 for large and, 12.2 for chicken in buying two 9,000-pound catches, from the Connie Jean and the Barbara K. Royal bid 14, 13 and 12.5 cents to take the 14.000-pound catch from the Rosellnd. Biggest landing today was the 26.000-pound catch of the In-grid H, taken to the Co-Op, of which 19,000 pounds were mediums, 8,500 large and 500 chicken. Other landings at the Co-Op were the Charlotte S with a total of 5,000 pounds, 3,000 medium j and 2,000 chicken, and the Cape spencer wnn a total oi zz.ouu, 15,000 medium and 7,000 chicken. The small boats report catches falling off and packers were low on poundage today, with loads lighter than yesterday s. ' " . Youth Facing B and E Count In County Court An 18-year-old Greenville boy today was committeed for trial In County Court in a case which saw SMpendlary Magistrate H. F. Glassey make a flying trip to Greenville in the RCMP "Beaver" to hear evidence. Magistrate Glassey this morning committed Silas McKay on a charge of breaking and entering with Intent to commit an indictable offence. The boy is accused of breaking into the home of Miss Anna Sei-bert, school teacher at Greenville, May 1. Magistrate Glassey heard Miss Seibert's evidence yesterday at Greenville then returned here. In court this morning a statement, allegedly signed by the boy, admitting entering the house, was submitted. Violent 'Quake Rocks Geneva i ,. ... GENEVA I The most violent earth tremorS in eight years shook Switzerland today. No damage or casualties were reported. The quake rocked downtown buildings in Geneva, site of the international conference on Asian problems. Comic Strips Among Missing Three strips of Daily News comics, "Blondie"' and "Li'l Ab-ner" and "The Heart of Juliet Jones" have been delayed by transportation problems. In order to bring readers up to date on the doings of "Archie" and "Sherlock Holmes" three strips of each are being run today and lt Is hoped that the others arrive tomorrow. Employment Up VANCOUVER Number of jobless in Vancouver has diminished by thousands since last winter, the latest National Employment Service report said today. .Manager Horace Keetch said the total registered was 18,107, of which more than 5,000 were women. This Is about 45 per cent lower than the winter peak of 32.275. ion-Segregation Ruling African Daily OTTAWA The Mounties ticked another name off their wanted list yesterday but they t'in't er t their man. John Mai - Mexico several i we -iK The 38-year-old Winnipeg salesman was one of Canada'f most wanted fugitives. ' He died in hospital In Querataro, Mexico. April 22 from injuries suffered in an automobile accident a few days earlier. The RCMP was advised of his death Tuesday. One RCMP spokesman said the delay in notification likely was due to the "rigmarole" of making positive identification. He said he understood that Mallock was riding with several companions in a car a big one when it collided head-on with a i truck i He speculated that Mallocl had gone to Mexico shortly af tp' he failed to appear for trini ir Vncotiver in February, 1951, to face narcotics and conspiracj chorges. Mallock, whose brother George during the winter received hcav; sentences for similar offcncci in Vancouver, apparently wa fettled somewhere in Mexico aii likely had been living under pi- made or this or any other points :lnce the closed-door sessions began two days ago. Another private session on Indo-China was scheduled today, and informed sources said a lourth may be held Thursday, but that the problem then probably will be laid aside until next week. PLAN DEFENCE PACT In view of this stalemate, a French source said. France and the U.S. have agreed to go ahead with plans for an Asian defence pact without awaiting British epproval. Britain contends such negotiations should await the ou'eome of the conference. The French oppose the delay, fearing the Communists may try tp keep the conference enmeshed in endless debate while the Vletmlnh rebels build up their strength to mount a massive attack on the .strategic Red river delta. When that happens. France want to have her ullies ready to fight without delay. FIRST THROUGH TRAIN HERE SINCE FATAL DERAILMENT The first passenger train to travel the CNR line through from Jasper to Prince Rupert since Friday night's big derailment, arrived here at 8:30ia.m. today. Canadian National spokesmen here today said that trains would continue to run a few hours late due to poor track conditions in the interior which necessitate reduced speeds over most of the route. The upset Friday night, which resulted In one man's death and injuries to others, cancelled one passenger train run completely, held up others for many hours, and entailed transfer of passengers and baggage by bus and truck around the wreck scene for one run. miles north of here. The trio will take additional medical supplies to the village which has seen 45 white and Indian ' children stricken with the disease in the last two weeks. Heading the party Is Dr. G. W. J. Fiddes of the Indian health department, resident at Miller Bay. He was accompanied bv a woman eye specialist. Dr. V. Markam and -ray technician George Eaton. ON RIVER BOAT The party flew to Wrangell. Alaska, to start a three-day trip up the Stikine River to Telegraph Creek in a shallow-draft river boat. The river trip will be only the second this year as the river is clogged with Ice between September and mid-May. The measles epidemic, which is now tapering off, was not very severe said Dr. Fiddes prior to his departure. There were no serious complications reported. Dr. Markam's check of eyes and the x-ray team's work are just routine services provided by the Indian health department. The x-ray technician will pick up his assistants at Telegraph Creek. WENT LAST WEEK Looking after, the 35Q or - so residents of the remote B.C. community are nurses Moen of Whitehorse, Y.T., and Frances Partridge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Partridge, 233 Fiftn Avenue East. Miss Partridge went in to Tele graph Creek last Tuesday to relieve the Whitehorse nurse. coined member of the council to the posts of chairman of the board of directors and deputy badge secretary. The meeting was told that Joe Turner, recently-appointed provincial commissioner, who succeeded Jim Blaine in that post will be In Prince Rupert late this month to conduct the bronze arrowhead course and the Cub Field day. ACCEPTS RESIGNATION The council accepted with regret the resignation of F. E. An-lield. District Scout Commissioner, who Is leaving Prince Rupert shortly for Vancouver. Joe Martin told the meeting that few people realized the extent of Mr. Anfields contribution to Scouting in this area. Mr. Martin said that when Mr Anfield became Interested In Scouting here in 1936, the total of Scouts and Cubs in Prince Rupert numbered seven. Todays enrollment had reached 300 boys, the largest boys' group operating lii the district. Mr. Anfield, in reply, thanked every father, mother. Scout and Cub for the help he had received making the success of Scouting here possible. Also tendering his resignation was W. H. Lemmon, who Is leaving shortly for Sunset Prairie, near Dawson Creek. The council expressed Its regret and wished him every success. The statement appeared In the Nationalist newspaper Die Transvaler, which speaks for Malan's program of separating the white and native populations of South Africa in schools, public halls, buses and trains. Under the heading "Where the Court is Master," the newspaper spld: "An enlightened system which fundamentally did Justice 'o v hiles and non-whites according to the accepted pattern of rHce relations has thus been wlH'd out by the stroke of a pen. "And the court is swinging that pen as a sceptre over the will and practices of ihe people." Meanwhile In Lexington, Ky., a fiery cross, apparently a symbol of resentment to Monday's United States Supreme Court's segregation ruling, was attached to the front of city school superintendent John M. Ridgway's Inline Tuesday night. After the court ruled Hint segregation of races In American public schools was unconstitutional, Kldgway said he felt lt would make "relatively little difference" to the city school system, where schools are lwatcd In relutlon to the pupils they serve. He did 'not elaborate on his statement. ;.pT''s air cadet the praise of vl.slt-is il went almost sisusii romplicated .ires in its annunl '.lie court house,; ni?ht - fifing hfld indoors iifdl: in the weath-a' performance was "excellent" by the ;IAF and air cadet 4 added that thoy had made sill'.. "i - ' years ago. parade grounds by j i of the 1201 h HAA j RFi the squad-' by Wing DCS MaeDonald, i by South a'JRO iReutersl an newspaper sup-w Daniel F. Malan t United States ruling Monday segregation in has wiped out rH system" by the 'pen. " Czechs Miring nivnv i pi n''l! 'i r-f( tor;,v Jn i! s C u ill in u n I s t liwn lulling the 1 Insane f,n J"'urs. :ll-sD"nsorc( rudir l1;i'n(nt Rivi rr 5" siid hospitals ms are screened " Ptirnts eonsid-Io rccovcrv ar-' ""t to death at stations. H ml,,.,. "Ure "t,'(l Prior t Hp. Wr,' kiillnus. J1" tit- boiling ,'"" "ii a recent "'""i when visitors .''m"itHl hospital ri'l'itives had rt"tl hi rn unnamed - "Wiitional treat-lhi.1 in jan- ." bodies WHl who had . 1 "I,.." i Wrm " ""Millal an- , ' U0 MltlPMt. !,-! .unrelated to Vn U'dav 8nd .Periods in the Li,nld entlre are ,, LiRht ,IUIe cha"ge winds ex- ...ncPd areas nChhaTr- Low C?."0, SandsP't .d bb Scouts Fund Raising Drive Successful Council Informed pressive event. A feature of the evening was th? awarding of the Canadian Legion trophy to Allan Ritchie as the cadet showing the most progress In 19S3 for his firs year with the squadron. The presentation wns made by Graham Alexander, president of the Legion's local branch. SMART Tl'RN-Ol T In his remarks to the cadets after the inspection. Wing Commander MaeDonald said he war. favorably impressed by the squadron's smart turn-out ano' congratulated the boys on thcii precision drill performance. Ha expressed the opinion that the renown of thu Job's Daughters' drill team here shouid provide them with an incentive to achieve the highest standards In drill manoeuvres. He commend' ed the army pipe band for the help it gave the cadets in putting on a good show. Capt. Clarke also congratulated the cadets on their progress. He stressed the Important part parents play in the air cadet movement, adding: "You were not compelled to join this squadron." he said. "You did so of your own free will and accord, and even now you may resign if you so wish. But I trust and hope you will complete your training with us if at all possible." He added that the air cadet movement gave the boys a "sense of discipline with deportment." He said that this together with a school education, was a requisite of success. Following the parade, the in specting officets examined the csult.s of the cadets cihsswoik training at the Armoury. A reception was given for them later by the sponsoring e.unmitlce in the wardroom or HMCS Chatham. The itrnup departed Ih's moin- lng by plane for Vancouver. recovery indicated it was undamaged, as the weather overnight was clear and dry. The oil painting, which depicts Christ being raised on the Cross, vanished from a section of the gallery devoted to European works from the 15th to 18th centuries. The theft was discovered about 10:30 p.m., after the thieves tripped a burglar alarm on their way out a fire-escape door at the rear of the two-storey building. It is believed they hid in the gallery, in downtown Toronto, during the day until the 6 p.m. closing time. In a matter of hours police In Canada and at United States border points were put on the alert. A description of the painting went to the FBI. i . . r s i a Rubens Masterpiece Found Following Art Gallery Theft Recent fund raising campaign of the Prince Rupert and Dis-' triet Boy Scouts association was a complete success the district council was told at a meeting this week. S. O. Furk, secretary, told the council that the association had forwarded a yearly portion of $750 to provincial headquarters in Vancouver, 2j0 had been al lotted to camp equipment, for use In this district and another $110 had been earmarked for completion of the Grassy Bay scout building. The work on the latter project will be completed Immediately. The meeting appointed Dr. Maurice Wayman, newly-wel- Idaho Floods Cause Concern BONNERS FERRY, Idaho lu Gov.' Len Jordan declared a state of emergency at.Bonners Ferry Tuesday as army engineers went to work bolstering dikes to protect the town and valuable farm land from waters of the fast-rising Kootenay river. "It doesn't look good," said Mayor Myrl A. Felch. The situation could be even worse than in 1948 when the area was inundated, he said. But there seemed i to be no Immediate danger for the town's 1.8H0 resident. TORONTO i A Rubens masterpiece stolen last night from the Art Gallery of Toronto was recovered today. Cpl. Arthur Steen of the Ontario provincial police, on his way to work, found the painting, "The Elevation of the Cross," on the lawn of the provincial parliament buildings In central Toronto. The 27-by-52-inch work, considered one of the Flemish master's finest, was Insured for $30.-000. . When lt was reported missing, police expressed belief it had been taken by persons working for a private collector or possibly by a religious fanatic. There was no immediate explanation today why it was abandoned. Early reports of Its HERE ARE TWO TROUT that really hope for a warm reception when they reach the United States. Being flown from Germany to the U.S. for breeding, they have to make the transatlantic trip frozen in ice. Since trout require fresh water every five hours (an lmpractlcallty on an Atlantic air trip), technicians have devised the deep-freeze bed to take the place of a water tank. The fish are being shipped to the University of Cleveland where they will be thawed and returned to the water. University officials report trout already received In the frozen state are alive and doing fine.