f j 'L.ViI,MiiU( M Sl"lrtfy baseball in Washing' u a."m I today when fVf h Benches Emptied in Heated Rhubarb As Tri-Gty Shuts Out Capilanos 7-0 in an TZZ Vtenl fiiiiLe Kuueil' Uuilv New: Aeiiafbuay, May 19, i9a4 Contenders Crowding National League Lead . '"f U'-l.ll ,. . . year and def,.;,iH ,.,",al: r.v The As.siK-totMl pre. anlson to fly out. Perfect baseball weather l''aKu fc , wnrlrl world " JJ lour brought out the-largest crowd; two. i in. That brought players from ; both teams with fUts flying. After order was re.ti.red and Ni.hols ou.'.led. Cough sewed up his shutout by foroins Ken Rich- Bv BHN IMII.EGAK 4jij:ialcd Prt'::s HpurtH Writer liing often enough tj keep the . others wary. I of the season at Sp ikane, 3,180 fans. 'I hey watched Will Hnfey. who was celebrating his blrth-j day, pound oui a second Inn in: j homer tha'l gave the Indians a 1 1 -ad they never rtlinquistied. j It loo'.i Edmonton and Wen- i,, ti,ov m., ,,. t Only a two-game spread sep- thun Clubs A mstaU traffic swn'ak to" untannlc fratt-s Chlcaso Cubs, in .ventn, Vaneouver kept its pain and a : ; half margin in ths; Western teniaiional Leaiit.' Tticsda y ni"ht despite a loss to Trl-C'i'y and Spokane Mid Vi.'toria p.-.st d wilii that l"'d liie.n in .set-o d place alongside Ltwusion. Tempers flared and fists fl ".v as Til-City .iiut out Vancouver 7-0 behind th:ee-h:t pit iniiig ov Walt C!ou';h. Spokane dispo;e 1 of LcwWon 6-3. Cal ?ary c:ush; d Yakima 12-0. V.'i n nc!ui' tdeeu Edminion 7-3 and VIctoi la s'.i'.t- 1h Jam that's tteveloplns m tne : ....--. i - j Take Trimming i atehee many nn hour to play V-' rs two Innings In the season opene - v- 'i:. i: f -:r :. -' 5 - . tv JtfK .. -- f 4,..-, ;'f . I N i deadlocked at the- lop. With the race so tight, a slnle victory or loss can .send a team bouncing up or down. Tuesday at Edmonton and . two more hours to finish the game. First lional. LcatiUP. Sfven of the oi'j.ht basc'oill clubseveryboily but PiUsbur ii have Joim-d i.i the fun. AaJ even thu Pirates have been whi- inning home runs by John M;- ntul AndV flkurlii tnrt.H tr Eskimos off with a 4-0 lead. v -M They added two more runs 111 X the .:'ond Innrnj. then Wen- nh'ht, lor example. New YorU Giants went into their game! with St. Louis Cardinals in third place with a chan.-e to take over; ltrsl. Instead, they le.sl J-3 anl , tumbled to fourth. j TAKi: OVI'lt T1IIKI) j The C.tiuinui took over Lliiril, where thev trail the leaders by a ' I ped Salem 5-3. The Tri-Cty-Vsnectivcr ih't-b 'ib at Kennew.tk rtevi !on--tl m I the ninth iiininr; silvn Clonal, ! after re!iri:v." two men. hit Di-c ! Grero with a pitched ball for th; j ;.ccuml time of the game, (jreeo j charged the mound and Vancoit-! ver coach Cieer;e Nich :'.s joined an nee ciupiK'a away ai me leaa -, and won toe game In the ninth.! Ity The AtfMctiU";! 11 . . The scoreboards ; h ,ved lor? row. of Roose-e;,g3 when Seat":? and Portland called it quits ii the Pacific Coast Le-a.iur Tuesday night. - PorJand too lis -second straight defeal 1 om the improving San Francisco Seals, thli tim by n 13-0 nvu-'MM B'll' Sweeney, the manager Si'att'.e Jired lust fall, came . b.u-k to haunt his old eluh as he guide! Los Angeles to a 9-0 shutout Vif-toiy over the Itjinier.s. 'The Reals, plaj'lng at Portlnnd got five runs In thcxixth out of "iit-ir 12 hits. - . ' ' l ' ,-..';' V'. ' ,'..,.rf, t, v Home runs by f;rst ba -eman : Jim Wert paced Calgary to i's w in over Yakima. Wert hmnerel with two on In the fourth to. trim' Yakima's lead to 6-3. His gi anri-slaminer in the fifth put Cargary out In front 7-0. DennU I.uley copli'ibuted a two-ru.i luur-niasfcr lit Calgary' half of the sixth1 : -. ' Salem outshied Victoria 11-8 but couldn't match the Tyees In ihe run-making department. Jim Fiinn wu the winning pitcher. nt i. tun . . 1 '.';"' . ' Vu l'illil . . KKIlllil I kumniit'in ! Vt-li;i'i lit !' ! VtH ill ! L.il:'.iuy . . WELTERWEIGHT CHAMP Kid Gavilan. a plaster cast over his right arm, holds a photograph of Cuban President Fulgencio Batista as he (hats with F.mesto De La Fe ilefti, Minister withouf Portfolio, In Havana. Gavilan says he has been requested to run for mayor of the city of Marlanao on the Batista ticket In the general elections next November. The encased arm is the one Gavilan claimed vas bad during the middleweight title hout that he lost to Bobo Olson in Chicago recently. - - . Tigers' House Comes to Life After Five Uncertain Years r.so l i :, j,i il:, r,:..') 1 1,. n ! -! . :,iHi iit., 4 r '! :.m ii ., .3K4 H I , j ban- four lx'rcentuge ' points. ' j ; BiMOklyn and Philadelphi a ; b .tli lost . 1 he sliiinplpij Dougers i i. uiin were held to a .sin Hie nm: ! and bowed 7-1 to Warren Hacker, i and the Cubs. Milwaukee b;?:U , ; the Phillies G-2. Cincinnati dc-j I :c:i!(cl Pilt.:burgh 0-5 in the j i other National League contest. The first-place race in the Am-1 ', erica n League also is close. Fourth-pla.'e Detroit 'U only twu ; gallic? out but Baltimore, in ' filth, is G1-. behind. ! ln-city "'""-"li HI, Ul Weinmeisler Top Tackle Says Witness '. SEATTLE i.Ti Lawrence T. Bu''k Shaw, coach of the Pan Francisco 4!-rs iirotV.vioiial football team, testified Tuesday that Arnie Weinmeisler. professional football player, required rthP tittention of two men on the 4!)er team when he played nsainst them. ''Weinmeister," .said Shaw, "is the outstanding tackle of the National Football League," and unless two men were assigned to play against him, "he'd mess up the plays every time.." Rha"w was tesiifvinp; in behalf of tho.New York Football Giants Inc., professional club which is attempting to force Weininri-Uer to play for it rather than British Columbia Lions, with whom he signed this year. TluvGinnts contend thr-y have Weinmeister under contract until Ma 1 of next, year and have asked -the superior court to restrain him from playing for anyone else. They contend Weinmeister vir DETROIT After five un- ; In a 13-game hitting jtreuk, backstop has Cleveland hunir on to the leal certain years catcher Frank : the 24-year-old "Calvin Coolid?,c -MeLish,- the I Choctaw Indian- righthander, I hurled Los Angeles ti Jts win' over Sealtle. An?el third iack. r Leon Brinkopf hit a loivj home fun in the filth inning with one , in; Chetty Clict Johnson held Hollywood hlties'j for 6 2'J inning., then have up four safeties the ie.-,t of the way n.s Sacramento edged the Blars 3-2.. H oott--e l the Salons to within half a gam? of the league-leading Slurs. f Oakland and San Diego divided a doubli header. Southp.vv j Cliff Chambers hurled San Diego i io a 5-1 vic tory- in the opene-. Oakland put on a three-run rally , In the ninti inning of the night- tap to snatch an 8-7 win. V- f .: . Hoitse, a 875,000 bonus bust up pushed his average a remarkable 180 points from .191 to .371 .1 .-v, 1 ' . by whipping Boston 6-3 for its sixth straight victory. New Yor'i Yankees moved into second with a 4-3 eome-from-behind verdict over Ch'.:.a-!o While Sox. Detroit trimmed Flhl idelphia Athletics !!-3 and Washington defeat.' I Laitimore 3-1. ., . - Tht Cardinals converted six hits into six runs in the fir.st' two until now is starting ,to pay overdue dividends to Detroit' Tigers. ' - MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS II? The Associated Press innimjs with the help of two Giant errors. Gerry Staley stay- j , ., " rri the distance for the second Hnmncr. WTiovM. i.r i: An h Phll'nhin 111 14 i on Tiivr I Pel' ! .:r,n i .377 I .307 .3(1! I .3!'I tim this spring and picked up JuWnnsiu St. Loins t vi in f20 hi; third victory Stun Musial MnlM, St.- Loui C77 crx making him the third leading ' hitter In the American League. And now there is speculation whether he is ready to become Detroit's first outstanding cat- ' cher since the golden days of Mickey Cochrane In the mid-30s. It's been that long since the Tigers have had a truly top-grade receiver. The Tigers signed House in the fall of 1948 for a then-fabulous $75,000 and two automobiles. There followed five years of frustration for both House and the Ticrers and this spring the club was ready to write him off as n costly loss and ship him to the minors. -1 j LOOKED RAD j i 'He looked bad real bad," i said Ti?er skipper Fred Hutchin- j son. "He was awful at the plate and worse behind it." i The Tigers were set to farm 114 U2 singled twice, wa.ked twice an :1 r ' ; Uriu'K nut. ' , Huns Moon. 34. 37. Flung bulled In MumuI. SHINE - ' i EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL Oil this JuDionski. p'?. Doubles Jitblonskl, 12. Triples Six players tied with three llome runs 3uuer. Chicago, and Munal. St. Louis, 12. .Stolen buses liruton. Milwaukee, TAMES DODGERS Hacker tamed Brooklyn en four hits. The only Brooklyn run camp in the seventh on Duke Snlder's blast over the scoreboard. . - "; I &(veiv i Pitching Podres, Brooklyn, and Al Rosen was the big man in LriOII Mll.l.l 11 i Leigh M'.iler of Halifax (above) Tins been appointed head coach . of Canada s Hack and field team in the British Empire Games, this summer, it was ' announced in Vancouver last right. He succeeds Lloyd Per--elval of . Toronto 'who withdrew lust spring because of other commitments. SM3 POST ;Thn' first violinist in" BritlH orrtiPstraa is cailjd the "le ider,'' but in .Korth America he's the "concert master." - Ka-schl. si. Louis. 4-0 1 000. tually is irreiilveable. Wein- j meister modestly contends it isn't so, that he can he replaced by other good football tackles, j The argument before Judce Lloyd Shorett, is expected to continue 'into Thursday. : Ex-Stampeder Harry Hood Dies CALGARY Hurry Hood, not-efl Calgary football Dlayer who played a big part in Calgary Stampeder's 1948 Grey Cuu victory over Ottawa Routrh Riders' died here yesterday at the age of 27: StrlKfouW HnUdl-l. Si. Lotli: ami nil in i.:ii'r. Cleveland's triumph over ' Bus-1 ten. He blasted two home runs! and drove in another with a A. 42. Pet. .370 .371 .371 S-,3 .355 fl 1 ab n AvUa. Clevelnnd ..lid 27 Hown. Cleveland . 107 22 Houib; Twtrolt 70 9 Boone. Detroit ... 113 10 Michaels, ctileAiro . . Si 10 n 44 10 JO 33 2J COMPANY 10 POPULAR SHADES Waterproofs Protects Prei Rtuid Avua. at. Hune bHttdd In Rosen, 36. Hit" Vila: 44. - - - Doubles McDoueald. New York 10. Triples Minoso. Chicago, six. Home Runs' Rosen, eiht. StQlen bases Pour players tied House to uttie Kock when a : hiifh-ranking member ot the Detroit front office was dls-1 natched to the spring training base to give the situation one more look. After alt, $75000 and two automobiles is no light investment. House was given another chance. Coach Johnny Hopp workod on his hitting. 'T made him crouch at the Dlate," Hopp said. "It kent, him from uppercutting the ball." Another coach worked on House's defensive weaknesses, and Hutchinson himself instilled confidence in the six-foot-two ! doable. j Ted Williams played at niglit i fcr the first time and collected one single in four appearances, ; He failed twice with the bases j loaded and two out. 1 The White Sox pulled away tj j'a 3-0 lead only to get caught by j the Yankees in the eighth when ' with two out and one on Gene Wcodling hit a homer. In the ninth, with two out and two on Yoi Eerra drilled a single olf Don Johnson for the winning ! run. ; S eve Uromek became the I winnlngesl pitcher in either ' league as lie picked up No. 7 for the Tigers at the cxepn.se of the ! Athletics. and with lour. Pitching Lemon. Cleveland. Lqpat, New York. 0-01.000. Sirikfcouts Turlc-y. Baltimore. 50. Lest NiqM Fiohis JDy The Asviclatetl r.vai MILWAUKEE Hans Stretz, lfi'i, Germany, outpointed Billy Kilgore. 163 'i. Miami, 10. DETROIT Art Wright, 179'2, Detroit, outpointed Ringo Harris, 1TB V, Detroit, 6. Seven Canucks In Golf Matches le .i . , ,1-; y , , s i ,v , , PRESTWICK, Scotland CP) catcher, playing him almost Seven Canadian golfers arrived every day. today by air for 2,2 weeks of ac-1 The progress was slow, but on tion, including th? British amo- 'av 1 the transformation began. ttuf tournament May 24-29 and House started his 13-game hit- i : ''h t S.-if ' .! t" V ' ' v. ting streak, and his play behind the plate' became steadier and ' surer. the Commonwealth matches June 1-4 at historic St. Andrews. The Canadians, headed by portion Taylor of Montreal, tetin explain, were met by British' gutter HV'iiitiing ucraiti w:ien-, nuft RoV McOre!or,JTlTth-tJ" whom were in Canada last year " " ( v; r: Hi v tv-. ' "t ".it. ' , 5 if-- t. aw- V ' - . '- T- .11 if; vi. Only Taylor and veteran Phil Farley of Toronto Inve played in Scotland before. Other members of the Canadian team are Don Doe, Granby, Quo., Walt Me-t'Uroy. Vancouver, liob I'leming, Vicioria, Nick Weslock, Windsor Ont and Doug Silverberg, Red Deer, Alta. . 111 1804 1 l'- i :2 Iff I -fell w jf i III F-i I 1 p- IUisteremon fart first imported and blended the RIM lubicb is today a household word EDDIE OWENS, 6, isn't certain whether he wants any kids in his game as he surveys the potential of four-year-old Claude "Scooter" Hailey i right!. But the Fort Worth, Texas, youngster finally conceded, because "Scooter" owns the ball. Mm . . . . A5 SIMPLE r British Guiana's fmst CEMERARA RUM matured and bottttd is England. AS A PHONE CALL Across Hie Town Phone fift or the Nation. v mu rc '.wo assi vv fjindsayh, Kmt($iir?V' Hi!:'-,, !:-, .) r, " : ,4. . fi :'. :: , : And Charae It! rT-T'A fief Phnnn & AtA.lbx Hint GOOD RUM htypmmmt.;: i ' 1 II 1 JUJI a IIUIMl. IS IK Jll II ,-"r Loral and Long Distance Moving II '.ullM"Wt.'Clr W.iMli. I ll w Thii Atfvtnistmcnt it not publiihed or displayed by the Liquor Cifttrol U$ui or tkf Govttomccit ti( BriUib Cluoibi totes-:'. f ! ii Mifci i ii rwfiMnmn in mii imim iMrtrjigui JIUIL L I .1 ; Lli"'--'f .ft. r