J 1 ,fs OTTAWA DIARY Jrfflj Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Monday, April 6, 1953 lv,r"i iili fism ground o, hi, H.i ... by The current vogue for crowning celebrities Is svteiplng Parliament Hill these days. Alniusl every government department has named Its own beauty queen. A'.mot any day it U expected Lsn l l)l!i Hie ! ire ui That's w. hiit to lii jpoudtut ally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prino Kupan iul Nurtliern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Prem Audit Bureau ol ClroulaUon Canadian Delly Nevspaper Association. Publlilied by ''he Prince Rupert Dally Newa LlmttaQ i. F. MAIIOR, Preeident H. Q. PERKY, Vloe-Praaldenl P':!i",j more J. are disc,.,-!,,,. ;i( 1esloil Tiiey'e , their '!'. !;.. " fence .Mliii:,:cr L, trlUnn, : that the patrons of the Parliamentary Restaurant will uric::' MLs-i Parliamentary Waitress 1953 and that the M P.'i will be polled, lu their olfices toVhoo.se Miss Char BtafT of 1I!3 Tliai will make the foolishm-H Subwrlptlon Pates: -ii'i BT carrier- I r .r, asc; per month tl.Cb; per jear. 10.00 a.v3JD By mall Pel month, 7Ac. per er, H00. jthor'.ueil u eoond clasa mall the Poat Off.i Department, Ottawa. A One-Sided Story LETTERBO p 9 tm i? II I STOUIIS HUT, Editor, The j..y i,,. curious case of Ray Gardner Is one that arouses a multitude of emotions in anyone TI1 'HI Many imam: wish to kt.oiv i3l in Perhaps the Corresrxiiiflenu ! In the Parliamentary Picm (ial- j lery will !lng Into line and ) nominate their News Figure ol j the sesilon so far. If tin y do j tneir choice will he ilo.e to tin-; anlinoiH, It will be Hon. Hrokr Claxton, Minister of National Defence Hon Brooke, with the help of Ule iiiajoi mvn .,ii.t.t tV',;:!'."! meiit which ne heads, ordinate am - . being rtia.ie ; ih(, . history of Kiip,rt, that tinted f.-w tm.um iltj council I rieern it nwcvarv (, .-taleiiieiit. Due to the 1 1( t p, , will tetebiate It.. sary in M..v, 1! i. Harold Winch Rests THE RESIGNATION of the B.C. CCF Leader, Harold Winch, marks the end of a political period in western Canada. He had. literally worn himself to a frazzle in the service of his party and Incidentally in the service of all the people of this country. No man In any political party in Canada ever fotiRht harder longer, or more faithfully for my party than Harold Winch fought for the CCF. Not loni? ago I heard one of Winch's bitterest political enemies suy of him "He Is by far the most experienced and ablest politician in the Legislature." 1 A 'U V - ILL: -I more nrs aim gem mi imun into mm k ; V 7, rnurnll aiul lb,, than ntlv other-tnolnH Mtnh-I ......... if. reed tlilit ( ! ter, not excepting the Prime ! Miniver. The news Isn't alwy if isnrahle to hlmelf. In fact, tffc AFTfR THE ARCHBISHOP OK CAVHRBfRY prays foi God I blessing on the Queen, he takes the Crown from a velvet cushion, lift It high and lowers It gently onto the bowed head of the Queen. The crown has been used for the crowning of S9 kings and queens. This drawing Is an time to pieer.t thf i the public Council h:i, a-;.w, !, rather the exception when it i artists Impression of part of next June's Coronation ceremony. j '''h year for a sura o! V .It I .(.. I K II f. . . ... .1 i. .I..,.. I... ujir KliiitLIt It . . .... acquainted with this likable and Rifted former newspaperman who fell under the spell of Communism to such an extent that he was compelled to ihandon the trade in which he was Raining enviable distinction. Even the most hostile listener who heard Mr. Qardner in Prince Rupert last week expounding he! cause, of the World Teace Congress could not leivy his sincerity or fail to admit, however gradg-nuiy, a certain admiration for this youngjiian who las courted bitter antagonism to tell Canadians what he considers is an urgent truth. The simple fact is that he has courage and conviction, and is determined to give expression to both. To those who knew him before, it was clear that he was applying to his new task the same brilliance which characterized his work as a journalist. His presentation was well organized, his answers were quick and perceptive, and his illustrations of personalities he has met were picturesque. In spite of all this, there was something about the performance which made it seem less a crusade than a tragedy. No one of right mind or honest heart would dispute Mr. Gardner's plea that the peoples of the world unite for peace. Peace is not THE TRAGEDY of Harold Winch 1 jne iru;n winui n .-. i.mvulr a Minittai.- ixmileiits as well as Members of m , ,ov,.r ,, , , ray J'ai liament are netjiiiiung io Brooke Claxton, in , iui h as C!,)?r:n:i;i ; eA'ntlItl exiuM's realize that Parliament Hill By Edward T. Applewhaire, M P., Skecna tiddltlim to being one of the A sn.e'e in the t:, f Reflects and Reminisces . ha tx-en allotted u, I miuce, !iere all n... j lerted in connwd. -t j ftolKi:'-(J ht l!(ry i.. v ed and will be avmv It was a very real shock to me and to my wife must controversial fl'iuies in the political life of the nation, U u iiniiiue breed of Cabinet Minister Criticism lams upon iuni In ruci, del.i.;e servlii" that It times it seetiu hardly ca-tinituislKible from aliutght political Mi.ccJ-tioii. B it It )niii'e.i no i.uier-(icial ellicl uimjii hmi He simply is probably only temporary, and that after a real rest and n chance to recuperate, his best years of public service could still lie ahead of him. But here ar my deductions as to iU background. Harold Winch was essentially a political product of the depression. He was literally thrown up and tossed about in the rouRh and tumble days when a million or more Canadians were living on relief. By sheer accident, too, he happened to get personally beaten up when the police were clubbing a crowd of Jobless volume is piit Urn";... Many pining ai,.; , tal have already Inl We might Just as well admit It. Daylight saving will shortly be back again until September, and acknowledge something else as and It has been pit also to hear of the sudden death of our former collector of customs, Jarvis MeIxod. I doubt if any citizen oT Prince ; " " Rupert was as widely known, ijroup by agreement each year both In our district, and In many ! the amount of $20,000 subject to other localities, as Jarvis was. If i the lower rate of corporation in-we cannot say that he grew up come tax. 1 have had requests with Prince Rupert, his family i for just that provision in recent well. Didn't that sporty old j (roes on doing the linpor' -ml oii We soin it arm. u statesman-Kii liyer Hen Frank-1 tnat he has to d, PaiUameol-: any persons in forw rd of r y-nt. perUlww tU, r annals hae l.. have the Idea In the flrs, other Minister so cool alio n- since the inception or.: place? dllieit iit to uolUira! nthirk 1 rank Pacifir. ! pi " 1 The re:n'ti;:t' M These are not the conditions rei ions who h.ive Kiio.' !i uiv mtvlnable bi Itirtu u 'C-:.v. .;V ii 4. ' ' .: ! ; . -, ' .. . . - . V? ' 'K - ' Kvi V .1 if ; 3 ' t " ' ft . i ' ' ..' 1 ' " ' 1 O ."D - - ,H - .... : . 1 , . ., -i ..; - . I , -I- . ' .. ... -r r which make a youne man. new MORE S HOOI.IiOV IBVI IKS i The president of tiie Umtel Di fence Milil. t r from his World t,,!1f t i,,rT . i j., to politics, moderate in statement. Sure, young Harold Winch made some fool statements back in the dirty thirties. For that Slate has the power to apnoim , war I day an n t snrpivu m ( tlie surnmi.Rie :. ;and disappoint the members ot tlnit time lie w is enlisted from - (.vans ol Stewjrt P ' ! the cabinet. j MVOin L'nlvi j -iltv In toe t'.h Arm, Waiw-n I U:.;l j I Canadian Rf:.-e lUt'ery A hard Koimat Mnnv American tourists niienrt 1 ror ,r hit coii.'ire puM were his The cue ittw & certainly did. Jarvis McLeod had years, and I believe the new law j friends, thousands of them. In ; will prove Just and equitable, all walks of life and In several' summer I undertook to countries- advise the Minister of Trade and His passing Is a personal loss 1 Commerce that better provision to thousands and a very real might well be made for fire pro-lass to our' district and to theMection at the Prlnre Rupert country which he served so well elevator. Apparently this result-and faithfully throughout his ed In quite a "survey" being life. made, on which Mr. Howe gave It was disturbing to be advised 'n" l""1 lasl "'' Wp ma'r that Sub-Post Office No. 1 at Seal n-v accomplished a little, there; Cove. Prince Ruoert. may have it certainly would be a blow to us matter, who did not? I certainly i their vacations at Mis Cocoa In coii,i.k1ii In arms None uf them present ate: Aid C ' rn-ia t :rpi-t u eomtnKston S'.nce ataMev Aid Carne I made plenty, in my corner. Oeorge Drew, for instance made his breaS even later about the French Canadians bring a beaten race, and even the urbane Mackenzie King lost an elertion in 1630 by an attitude typefled the special property of Communists or anyone else and will never be realized if it is regarded with any such suspicion. The tragedy lay in the fact that here was a highly-qualified newspaperman who had obviously convinced himself of the Tightness of a slanted story. In all earnestness, for example, he referred to Dr. Endicott and the Dean of Canterbury as examples of religious leaders who were supporting this particular peace movement. Both, of course, have shown far more desire to preach Communism than any more religious subject. He failed entirely to remind the audience that while the second peace congress was trying to I i It would Involve breaking up the mond, J F M; i A psychologist says dentls: i group. Young Claxton won the fiantlerson ' should tell iokes to their iia-itlfM and couid h ive ha ! liU. AI D 0 B l now If we should lose the eleva !to be closed for lack of a post- ' l.i l I O..I i-A .1 si U"! fl their i of IU cr's go! I hraul But r." ,. i.ri ui I ill ,1 ill I .it . i' ... " . - Ctiainiro, H: t-.ry C'li by his declaration that he would 1 master. I believe that little of- Isn't ! them do. Now this bit " lie nls MftU of lavonle being, going to hurl a r.ot give a single five cent piece Ifice performs a valuable service a sr r-i anv niajor in- i " lojalty of the grcup to one an-. to help the unemployed, through for residents and businesses In ther mo.-int vast:? mote t mm its Tory governments on earth tor. Relief will be the most general reaction In Canada to news that a Swedish diplomat has been nominated as next Secretary-: General of the United Nations ' ;If the Security Council's suriilen agreement is evidence of a Rus-i sian desire to Improve tntema-j tlonal relations It will be wel-i corned as such, and at any mte : the choice seems to be a good ; one. j But ir Mr Hammarskjold Is to reach the peak of success In One iof the world's blgiet and tough than promotion. ller In hw uiiiver-iity coins,' anl after hu graduation a vou.ig 1'iwyer. he became noted for his radical political Ul-as. The auggastion that he a. fc) advanced in sorlalsMn that he could have :.o o'ner polilica) home than the CCF was widespread It made no perreptiule IIH.II lilt AM There U no greater dram. 1 than that of the triumph of human lite over death or disease. There was drama of hl ;h outer in the recent talk In New V.in at a dinner given by the National Foundation for Infant!)' Pai .uyils for It ievrid u new poiio vaccine. Farts, not theor the east end of town, and I hope some suitable person may be prevailed upon to undertake thlt Job. ,, I believe quite a few small businesses In our district will b9 very pleased with the new taxation amendment respecting small "related" companies. A new subsection permits the members of a group of related companies to divide among the members of th BUT the deeper Winch tragedy was that he came to see. quite clearly, that there was no practical place in Canadian politics for a party as far to the left as the more extreme CCF wing demanded. He was sincerely against them. Winch also knew that the only real chance the CCF had to win the election of 1952 was to take a position which boiled ies are being deal' with This. tune, a cure la believed approa h-j tilferenre to Claxton He Ohin t change his opinions- H left lor the l.Ue Margrttie King to decide that he was )usl a good Liberal. est Jobs, he will need to transfer ing Lil 1A1 down to this: j "If elected In B C. we will ; give the same kind of safe-and-sane progressive government When a guest remarked -bout the grandfather' clock in the hall, he a inturmed that It was called a rnother-law-cloek hecau'e It had been iln te foi years and wouldn't go to this new field of activity nil his skill as an alpinist. The footing Is difficult, avalanches come down without warning, and storm clouds swirl above the , uper slopes. i Oeorge Crulckshank. the Liberal from Fra.ser Valley, has not i been heard from very often this ' session, but he came to bat a few INCOME TAX QUIZ Holidays Are Here Again . . . FnJy thW Year' Vacation in an A-1 I sed that Tommy Douglas has given in Saskatchewan. That government, as every realist knows. Is not socialism, but advanced Liberalism. , THE PUBLIC has a very bad habit of forming a set men-' tal stereotype of public figure like Winch. Just about every )M 1 1) to un it you stop eating before you 1151 Pontiac Sedan. Kmari i aays ago wun a vigorous ui-ience aV(. to," our doctor asserts. M AUTOMATIC or tne post uitice committee, oi Blue Nice shape... imj 1111 t'lvmmith Sedan. I-nts ol Q -I have a dependent whi which he Is a member i A'VZ f" ! ' arrange a meeting place in England, that country had just terminated the work of Karl Fuchs as espionage agent for the congress' chief promoter, Russia. Consequently the congress had to be held in the Red satellite of Poland instead. Nor did Mr. Gardner consider it necessary to add some pertinent background to the Stockholm Peace Resolution which called for prohibition of atomic weapons and international control of atomic energy. While loudly approving the resolution, the Soviet Union .was boycotting meetings of the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission which proposed international ownership of all fissionable materials. More complete information of that sort by the, speaker; would have thrown a better light on theHirAifes'of iTiose Mdst aejnvery naclfiiig the peace campaign. " ' It is probable that Mr. Gardner did not omit these and other details by design. Apparently he did not consider them either important or applicable. If this is so, Mr. Gardner is not the good reporter he used to be. He is using his considerable talent to make an uncertain story appear convincing, and has succeeded so well that he has sold it to himself. The title he has chosen, World Peace, is a good one. We'll buy that. But the story itself needs more preparation and better editing. earned. $610 in 1953. Do r . , t 1. V.n rj? 'i aOT ' trouble-1 re mil" EXTRA SPECIAL 1-141 AM.LI A Tl IMR Chrnnrr than y jure mini iiiun luuim ""in: 111L1 nuiig nas gotta ne Killed, , .with one horse. 56 miles a day. ! somehow If T. It , Is to, Roy McWilliam a-sked if that was ' body (who did not know Harold WHvfcht had him tabbed lis a "dangerous man. or a reckless radical.- The caricature was ridiculously inaccurate exact opposite of truth. Had Winch been elected Premier last year I think he would have given B.C. good moderate government. But it than $600.' . A. Not necessarily, your advantage, you umj miu n lne Fraser Valle" reorae shoe-leather $625 claim for this dependent pro vlded you add the excess Cherry blossoms are repurtct appearing In Washington, and while wed like to Its Just Impossible to say the same for amount over $000 that Is. $10 i TRUCKS Ifl5 Stildebaker I'Ukup, Motor j nn-- i you would have ben liberal government, and not socialism for ! to your own tax payable. Q My wife earned $1020 In 1952. Will my married exemp denied it saying that thoy do not abuse any kind of animal. George's speech wa prompted ' by ill-founded criticisms of Ihe j committee by Chester McLure, Conservative of Prince Edward Lsland. Crulckshank challenged McLure to make one concrete suggestion as to how the com the very obvious reason that no reconditioned KNOW Vol H llt U.Ml.Tllf N government in B.C. could so tion be reduceti to $1,000 be cause her Income exceeded the cialize our basic Industries, even if it would. . Now that Winch has stepped basic exemption by only 10? RUPERT RADIO And l HI V YOl'R rst.n CAR Bob Parker Ltd. Phone 9i A.--Not ncessarily. If It is to your advantage, you may -add mittee could Improve the lot of the rural mailmen. Ilo lfl $20 to your tax payable and aside for a rest the CCF will proceed to pick a new leader In B.C. The names mentioned Include Arnold Webster. Tom Als- Their present unfortunate NOTHING NOTIC II) Son of Freedom, not so Kmj ago, wanted it known they planned to travel to the West Indies, a move that was cheerfully encouraged. Since then, there hiu been a lot of serious law breaking down In the Nelson district of British Columbia. It might be as well to add that no Sons and Daughters of Freedom have gone any distance from BC. lately. "Th Home of menrtlv ftcrlr then proceed as though h"r earnings were exactly $1 .000. i This would result In your be bury, Alex Mardonald, O. L. Jones and Bert Herrldge. situation is due to the fact that many of them tendered at too low a figure; thev had a right to bid as they saw fit but undoubtedly some of them bid too low. The new Act will enable the ing able to claim an exemption of $250 for your wife. Your wife Here is a fact that every real must report her total earnings In her own Income tax return , ist should ponder: Any of those men would make a' Orst-class leader either for CCF or Q My wife received wages In Art Development in Saskatchewan Held Back by Attitude il a 'Frill' Postmaster-General to make adjustments where obviously the Canada' new stamps brigh'en up the postal service. They art- the year 1952 In an amount of $850. Tax deduction were made. When I file my 1952 return, may remuneration Is inadequate. called the "wildlife" series. This. society and can look at It with I Include my wife's T4 wage Copper Hp and claim as an additional the idea of recognizing that art Form Artljt BALCARRKS, Bask. An ex In painting is similar to art in tax credit the amotiht of tax ileducted from my wife's Wages? they surely are. The heads of great game animals, uch as bi horn sheep, moose and bear carry a boldness and grandeur. They empha.slze some of the priceless resources, as well as Stampede Reported hibition of 125 paintings by John Peters, 77-year-old pioneer farmer of the Abernethy district, was living." Mr. Loehhead says he is try A No. Your wife should file an Income tax return claiming REQINA CP) Kenneth Loch-head, art director at Regina College, says the development of art in Saskatchewan is being held back by an attitude that art Is a "frill." The Ottawa-born artist says loo many people regard art as something for the talented few only, while it is really for everyone to enjoy and take part in. ing to create a different atti a refund of overpayment of tax held here. His canvasses portray the defiance and challenges flung at the world by Canada 1 MAX deducted at source. She may the Vigor and color of prairie FAIRBANKS, Alaska KP) A indicate on her return, if she tude towards art in his classes at the college. "I attempt to break oms of the students' pre wilderness. life. desires, that the overpayment of conceived ideas. small scale copper stampede along the Alaska Highway in Yukon territory was reported tax deducted at source be ap He says many students lack piled as a creait on your ac what he terms -the "critical Friday by a Fairbanks mining count, you snouia indicate nn faculty" the power to question your return the amount of the man. T. F. Anderson, who arrived credit that Is going to be trans whether an Idea or ft thing is good or bad. They accept the over the highway Thursday, said lened to your account from your wife' account. 'mass-produced" article as part He contends that school teachers who are required to teach art in Saskatchewan' schools are at least partly responsible for the poor grounding many have in the subject. Because or the conception that, art is a frill, many are unable to think of it as a part of everyday living. Bport is closely linked with everyday life,' he says, "and sport is an art, too." of their material needs without the frenzied mining claim staking are at White River Canyon, about two miles off the highway Q I am a married man. May I claim an exemption for my questioning the quality of the article. ! rj&Atcm if CARRE D M OJJ dependent son or daughter at PRINCE RUPERT LODGE No. 63, 1.O.O.F. Attention! All member are requested to attend , meeting on TUESDAY, APRIL 7h BVSINKSS: "IMPORTANT TO ALL MEMBERS" Lodge Open 1:3 p.m. J. DAVIDSON. Rec. Recretary. tending university? A. Yes, If your dependent Mr. Loehhead says many of his own students lack this faculty because they have not had enough Dreilmlnary training. and about 50 miles from Alaska border. Hfe said truck drivers are parking their vehicles to stake claims and several madhouse operators have closed, their place to Join the rush. did not receive Income In excess of $600 In 1952 and If he or she 4 "Few can apply rt to the. Most, however, know what they was, at some time during 1952 under 21 years of age. practical development ol our like er dislike.