' jt-. Miiiiiiiiy. Api ii 5 i i iTntiT- fii .r-M U'"inV INrV."5 1 ! .t " TH COMMU N 1 y PAGE V. FRIEMDL Y NEIGHBOR!. Y SER VICE RADIOS APPLIANCES RECORDS FLEETWOOD RADIOS C'KOSLEY RADIOS ADMIRAL QlirFREZ REFRIGERATORS EAS V.AnnERS I'RESTOMAT WASHERS rates Phone 100 Oup. Totem Theatre li's a pleasure and common sense to shop in your own home town because when you spend money in your own community some o( it will find its way hack into your own pocket , . . Lei's all buy at home and keep our community prosperous and thriving. Read this page and if you find your name you will receive absolutely Free two theatre tickets to one of the local theatres. 9 jjjjl ) "HiuitUitolooltii t on ti poit4, I And If it does happen to rain while you're Hhritrvrr ni tl " .:. ,-, $ .v . 1 41 w ;MEET ME at thr C ENTRAL" Quick Businessmen's Lunch Italian Dishes a Specialty Friendly Afternoon Teas After-Show Snacks 5 & ylll Tratti Our romplew ur:.,.. your service iUiunf "We are a rb. your lflf.. downtown, the ti Al.l.r.l is tne place io pass M Fladseth, 217 Sixth Ave W. a pleasant few minute drinking a hot !np of the best rofie In town. Galley Cafe v2T CENTRAL CAFE THE SPAGHETTI HOl'SE Prince Rupert UPHOLSTERY f'uslnm Tailored Furniture REMODELLING REPAIRING REBUILDING Your old t tirvlrrtlrUI made like new. Phone Blue 818 330 Second Ave. W. T. ML C. TRANSPORTATON SYSTEM LIMITED orriuTiNt;: City Bus Service Messenger Service Trucking, Cool ond Kindling Phones: 640 - 530 Insured Carriers For the FRESHEST, TASTIEST llaked TuhmIs In Town Call VAN'S BAKERY Toble Tops . . . Mirrors . . . Auto Gloss Window Glass . . . Plate Glass NORTHERN GLASS CO. Hit ST AVEM E EAST (Next to Industrial Weldinjl Box 1621, Stotion B Phone Red 884 "YOUR FAVORITE PAINTS" BAPTONE SATIN-GLO SATIN-GLO ENAMEL THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. The t ompl.ie lrt Phone 1M 611 3rd Ave. W. BOWLING We hate open alleys every afternoon and evening, with the exception of Monday afternoon and Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Phone Red 709 "There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a littl ors and sell a little cheaper, and people whd consider price only are this mans lawful ire."' John Ruskin. Art Murray's Mens wea. For... Expert Wcrkr Complele Electrical k SPENCE ond MATUIK Pointing Contractors R. E. MORTIMER REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Phone 88 353 Third Ave. West GRANT and NEWTC LIMITI D For the Best in Paint Jobs Phone Blue 881 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone IVS 735 hrtl FIEE THEATOE TOCECETS LOOK FOR YOUR NAME Starting Thursday, April J Capitol Theatre "SHE'S HACK ON BROADWAY" staring Virginia Mayo and Gene Nelson This poge is a regular weekly feature cf the DAILY NEWS ond there will oppcor in the advertisements names ond addresses of people living in Prince Rupert. Read the advertisements corcfully, and if you find your name, clip out the advertisement ond present it to the DAILY NEWS office ond you will receive absolutely free two thedtre tickets to your favorite theatre with the compliments of the odvertiser ond theatre manager. THREE LUCKY PEOPLE WIN EACH MONDAY V !-0-..5 - 1 '3 . - - y. - , V i 1 s,. ,:- M? ; - It SUITABLE GIFTS For Birthdays and Showers GIFT WRAPPINGS Fur Dirthday, Shower and Wedding Gifts McRae Bros. Ltd "The Store That Service Built" i K Carm. 14:5 Second Ave W HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Stoves Refrigerators Wosher$ it' THE VARIETY STORE "Where your Dimes are Little Dollars" Skeena Grocery 'One of Your Independent Food Stores" Rupert Butchers and GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 "Independent Food St es provide Frse Delivery to all parts of the City" You'll Be Safer On... DUNLOP Midway Grocery ' Shop at the Independent -Food Stores for Quality and Service" Phone 659 Lyons Fine Foods "Independent Food Stores stork only Top Quality Brands" Phones: 250 - Red 465 GRANTHAM Electric Electrical Contractors NEW CONSTRUCTION Phone 581 or 582 TIRES We carry a complete utoek of lire and tube, and maintain a romnlrtrl? equipped tire repair department. EBY & SONS LIMITED YUKON JEWELLERS GENERAL CONTRACTING. INDIAN CRAFT SOUVENIRS FINE BONE CHINA SLATE TOTEMS BOB PARKER LI Before renewing that roof see your l.tM'AI. contractor for fit AR A.VTtH) nervlce on ail types of asphalt roofing. L. H. Olson, 920 Sixth Ave. E. REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY PHONE 93 REWIRING OLDER BUILDINGS 844 Summit Phone Blue 293 Kexidence Phone: I1M F. 3M Phone Blue 615 Shop rhone: III I K 156 J. Alexander, Prop. B. C. Messenger P.amaee Furniture Fxprr Freight Do Your Feet - Bother Y Dr. Scholl's- Arch Supports Foot Eoicrs Arch Rest Insoles Foot Soap FootBolm Foot Powder Corn ond Colloui Pods FOR MEM" AND WOMEN AvoiW1'' Phone The STORK SHOPPE KpccialiinK in INFANTS' CHILDREN'S and MATERNITY WEAR P.O. Box 1171 Ph. Khie 810 GREER & BRIDDEN LIMITED BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS FOUNDATIONS, ASPHALT ROOFING, CONCRETE WORK INTERIOR and EXTERIOR RENOVATION WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Phone Green 136 NEW! . . . BROWNIE MOVIE CAMFIIA rmls Only ' $50.00 McCulloch Chain Saws C IIRIS-f KAFT BOATS Pacific Electric Phone Blue 992 George Hill & Sons! Third Avenue (Next to wm O 66 Gauge -15 Denier Nylon Hosiery r HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Painting and Decorating General Contractors ' Building and Repalrg of all kinds. P.O. Box 1670 Thone Red 801 FRED SCADDEN Pointing and Decorating Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 ELECTRICIAN Douglas "Guy" Guyatt Phone RED 165 119 Ninth Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. SEE US WHEN MODERNIZING Adding new convenience and new beauty to your home? Then be sure to call us for the most complete Information on how our up-to-date plumbing and heating equipment bring you bonus thrift. Phone 174 Smith & Elkins LIMITED P.O. Box 274 Phone C.reen S3 P.O. Box 568 We are overstocked on llarvey-Woods G6-(auge Nylons. . This is your opportunity to It'' "'f1' ra merchandise at ilve-away prices. pah perfect. Ries ' i to U In dark haw only. Regular $1.95 pair. 4 y'J CLEARING At PAIR X"' Advertising in the Daily News Brings Results EVERYBODY LOOKING FOR THE BEST IN QUALITY DRY CLEANING AND LAUNDRY, CALL 8.')8. IDEAL CLEANERS & LAUNDRY Call office on McBrlcle St. or on Second Avenue across from the liquor store. BLACK & WHITE TAXI CO. PHONE 65 'EVENTIMM.Y-Why Not Now?" For Vonder Brite Cleaning Superior Laundry Call PIONEER CANADIAN LAUNDRIES Phone 8 Phone 118 n LADIES' WEAR WE LEAD . . . OTHERS FOLLOW. "TOMORROW'S 8TYLES TODAY" 0