SAN DIEGO BALL PLAYEH Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, April 8, DIES DURING SUNDAY Red Wings Bounced From Cup Playoffs ' Canadiens Tie Other Series 8 AN DlfctlO, California ih Magnuson Offers Aid To Coastal Fishermen By The Canadian Press , SEATTLE. Senator Warren G. Magnuson (I) Wash.) has promised to help Pacific Northwest Death summoned Herbert Allen i Herb) Oorman from his left field position In a Pacific Coast League baseball game here The 21-ytilr.oid Player audom, L, " h lnn game of doublthL UWMle- Hollywood. He was dead rrnm . . thir,: and Alaska fishermen in their efforts to halt falling By Blanking Black Hawks By The Canadian Vmtt BOSTON. Eddie Sanford sparked the jrraml old men of Boston Sunday nitfht with a goal and two . iL. r ! l 1..1 U,- t--iiirhtf T"t fiilt' price: Old Country Footbal i assists as ine mums miucm-u v. ... IUhI Winjrs out of Stanley Cup competition with a City 1 Birai 4-2 semi-final series by the same margin Llncnln Cltt BJ2 J In a meeting with the senator here, Xi-sliermen complained that imports from other countries are lowering the price of fish while most other prices have been rising. ' One Puget Sound tisnerman, Carl Serwold. expressed the belief that fish imports by the United States are no longer needed to help some other countries build up their industry. LONDON Saturday soccer results: t.M.I IMI Uliljilua I Amrnut t. Llverpuol 9. Am tun Villa J, Burnlrv 0 . Black Pool t. Wrat Broniwltd 0 Bullun W 1. Tutteuliau H. 1 - Sanford got the first goal and "On fillets." Serwold said, "we import 51 per cent from Canada. We don't think Canada needs our dollars. They're not as much in debt as e are, and their dollar is worth more than ours." George Johansen. secretary of the Alaska Fishermen's Union said: "We should not have to cut our own throats to help other nations. We have to live, also." One of the fishing industry's problem. Magnuson said he believed, is that ihe state deport - act up Bruins' next two tallies riottlntrham forr,, , . Hi.ntifia Una i UlUUw, 4 Uiitidtw 4, Crttu a r..t Hf, l Hi u J-alklr J. IMIwrw.,, Hinrrnun I. p.r,,r as the under-rated Boston crew jot their fourth triumph In six playolf starts against the National Hockey league cham Charlton A I. ataiKwater City i ON THE ALLEYS JeannieWarren Rolls Top Game pions and Stanley Cup K It . -'JO. -J-' ft. Tud Wings, who had won five Clwlni-a I Nrwcaalle LuIlM 3. Drrtiy C MiddlrabrouKti S Manclimtrr I'ulHil I. Cardill C 4 Pmumoutn t. Mhrtllrld W 1 Sunderland 3. Prealou H E 1 Wulvernaniptun w a, buk c. V llllKInn lWrntlr; 0. Souihauiuton 1 Hlacktaurn Kovvr 1, Luton Town I Brentford I. ftotuornam UuurU I fill 1 J ; onsecutlvc league titles, were Anti-ma!anal activi cover 7.81H) mime, ln T part of expanded bti grams. In Ladies' Loop blanked bv goalie Sugar Jim Henry until 18 05 of the second session, when John Wilson pol ment never sends top-flight 'fisheries experts Into interna-, Jltional negotiations on trade' problems. Instead, he said, the department treats the industry "as a stepchild." ! No decision was reached on j Spring Coats For Girls WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE I'Nl km,, vp-C -. I Jeannle !lu(.ky 8 ished off a five-man drive by Warren of A Division setting up Reg Sinclair In front ; Strikes rolled a sinnle of the net. name of 310 to head all Indi JT . N k . Tllr. llfc.VI S O.N . . . IN HAIlKAM . TIIK MOST lN(.UtOrS KWrT IN Till; IIATTlin IIRIOI'SLV vidual counts In last week's Indies' five-pin bowling Bertha Tralltna by a 3-1 margin iw Dunbar counted 704 for three what tvpe of rcliel snouia oe sought." That will come after further study and consultation with fishermen elsewhere, nuson explained. in the final period. Red Wlng.4 ; -- ... - b - - - " "Um-f.-s. names to top the division's "TROPIC Z0NI game totals. Lucky Strikes with 1073 and Color by Tccluiltoiiir Slurring . . . Anne t Irs with 2785 captured the team high single and high THIS GRAPHIC PHOTOGRAPH was taken by Sgt. Paul J. Tomelin of Calgary and Edmonton, who has been awarded the British Empire medal for distinguished service In Korea. Depicted Is an infantryman Pte. Heath Matthews. 19. of Montreal) in a state of shock following a night-long fighting action. HONU l UKAfiAN, RHONDA FUMING, iSTim three, respectively. In B Division, Ivy Stewart of TODAY to WEDNESD Kamloops Enters Senior Cage Final 75 Taxi captured the hiKh sin I'lu Cartoon - News "Pardon l' Penguins" Evenings 7 - 9:03 buttled furiously and their hopes soared when captain Ted Lindsay slapped In a six-footer with Gordie Howe and rted Kelly assisting While the Red Wilms wen Blithering themselves for their claslng drive, rookie Ijco ljjbtne stole the puck out of a scrimmage and doomed the Wings by blasting Sawchuk for an unassisted coal from 10 feet out. I MtNH KHl'TOl'T On Saturday, rookie Jacques Plnnte. who took over netmlnd-ing duties after veteran Oerry McNeil asked to be relieved, -arned a shutout with a steady CAPIT0 A tAMOI'K ri.4UKSTHl gle count with 271 while Pat Anderson of Bulgers rolled top three-game total of the evenlnn 732. with Rames of 227. 21)6 and 249. Bulgers also captured both team high scores with 987 Marciano-Walcott Match Postponed Until May 15 KAMLOOPS ' Katnloops MonrJoy Matinee 2:00 Merchants advanced into the B.C. Senior B' men's basketball finals Saturday by edging Clov-erriale 52-51 to win the two- and 2769. Results A Division: Clomon At Andcr CHICAGO iAP' The world's sion set-up all remain u whang . . , : nlntol t l,vin,i tittn moli'll Ctrl It VIC an nniirifffl tW Hie llh lOiai-poiin K i u '-. urnvj iv uuau.k ....... ......... .... , h Rame. i-i......rl..-if II Ann Annette lies 3 4 I U. , ....... ... . i .. ,. ..i... Dir, u.irri. ! ni athletic pnmniisOim Mn 4. loverlcalS semi-nna.s no-wu """"" " "IT". ? , . V" .J " 3 " ,.; .V " M.insoiis. 1. Lucky Strikes 'HTformance as Montreal Canadians defeated Chicago Black Doms I; New Merchants now rice nuin" ... -- , -- Runert in Prince Rupert begin-j has been postponed to May 15 , ment at an emergency session Stars I; Lyons 3 Laurel 3. Dlubs 2. 1 Hawks 3-0 to avert elimination 1; Savoys because Rocky had a bleeding over the Easter weekend. ning this Friday night. nose. ; The surprise move ranic alter . Tne tille UkM liacl heen : a commission doctor and an eye, HOCKC .lxr Y 5CUK crnDCCI tj I scheduled for April 10 at Chicago rose and throat specialist treat- .Sunrise 2. B Division: CoinuirrcUls 4. p R PlumbiiiK 0; 75 Taxi 4. R. Radio 0: Bulaers 3. Toilers 1: Cooks 3. McKays 1; Co-op 2, Big Sisters 2, Skccna 2. Seventh Ave. Mkt. 2. a . -, TOTE mi from the Stanley Cup playoffs. A crowd of 15.804 saw Canadiens bottle up the Chicago attack while scoring a goal In the first period and two In the second The win tied the best-of-seven semi-final at J-3 and sent the teams back to Montreal for the seventh and deciding game tomorrow night. Stadium. The site, ticket ar-: ea a oieeaing area in Marciano s rangenients and national tclcvl- right nostril Wednesday. They i recommended a postponement TODAY to WEDNESDAY I VKNING SHOWS 7: - 9: p.m. t S.MOI S CLJIVIR'STtJ SATURDAY Will-Edmonton 3. Vancouver 2 (Edmonton leads best-of-five semi-final 1 -0 . Allan Cup Spokane 4. Pentic-ton 3 ( best of -seven B C. final series tied 3-3. one game tiedi. ; "until such time as a complete i healing Is t-.'fected." j Marciano's nose had been bleeding profusely In sparring In the mixed five-pin league. Bertha Dunbar of A Division Pushovers uncoiled for a u Fighters Sign For Title Bout . 1 ... a i . a Tf V.l..h sessions The sponsoring inter- i znng J.'i smcie aim ui national Boxing Club, which re-; three count for the ladles while to apr mate Ian counica 7J0 ror men s quested the commission Eilers Win Fourth Title hlch three. Nick Kcpes of Shen f LONDON fr British promoter ; prove the May 15 date, said Jack Solomons has signed Eng- $191,205 worth of tickets had hind's Randy Turpi n and been sold, with $123,250 in mall NIGHT tons trundled a high-counting 339 single for the men Cooks WEDNESDAY Elks j OPEN HOUSE 1Mb FRIDAY, APRIL lOt $10.00 per couple Everything f rolled team high single w in and season reservations still to 1 France's Charles tor a 127!), wnue rusnovrrs cuuutru hish three with 3583. WINN1PF.O Vane outer Eilers rhalked up a 40-30 win over Winnipeg Dominos here Saturday for their" scronYJi V) anion In the B Division. Betty l(iiiiiioni in the besl-of -three ; Hyndinan of Thorn Sheet Metal I win wln rolled a woman's high single ' i estem Ca TENOR nadlan Senior wom en's basketball finals. It was the fourth straight! lot anu jean ouaipi- oi Farms counted hinli three for, the ladles with B7. ', "world" middleweight fight In ! be picked up. .London, June 9. but he has re-1 The IBC retendy admitted eeived no support from American j tlint the $50 ringside seats were ; boxing commissions. moving slowly. There was a "European title yes, world title, $504,645 Rate when Marciano dc-i no." said Bob Chrlstenberry, ' throned Walcott with a 13-round 1 cliainnan of the New York state knockout at Philadelphia last athletic commission who also Sept. 23. heads a joint board made up of; I,t had been expected the himself and two National Boxing 'second meeting of Marciano and ! Association officials- i Walcott would prove a $1,000,000 ! Solomons hasn't yet received gate, with a $750,000 gross and ' unnroval of the 15-iounder as a another $250 000 or $300,000 from Western Canada championsnip ror tne men. ueornc mom" ' . ' ,, h ... e -htiii tnt iot of Hi-Jackers .topped compett- f Dominion UUe- """If tion with a 314 single and Eric HEAR Alaska Music Trail CIVIC CENTRE - 8.30 p.m. Sanderson of Dally News Uip- vil hoth divisions with Barnes REMEMBER WHEN of 300 299 and 253 to s t a new I Montreal Maroon, munaged The Rt. Hon. C. D. Ho world " title bout from the Brit- i television. Like April 10, the new high three record In the dlvi- j,y Tommy Oorman, beat Toronto ; Ulnn Man e I'Bls 3-1 01 I OroniO 10 ish Boxing Board of Control. :aie is a rriaay. E. R. (Tex i Waltham. secretary of the BBBC, said Solomons' Dally News captured team ! yf.ars BgQ tonight for the second j jhlehs with scores of 1209 and!0( their three straight wins In !3323. j the Stanley Cup final. It was the i 1 llesults ! second 8Unlcy Cup for the i A Division: Pushovers 4. j Maroons .who dropped out of the Miller Buy 0; Headplnners 4. i National Hockey League In 1037. . application for the fiuht had Yugoslavian Rowing Team Reaches Canada PHONE 266 been received. He raid the board would deride soon whether it should be considered a "world" title fight. In New York, Christenbcrry said: "We expect that Paddy Young and Carl Olson will meet for the American championship. -Penguin Hobby 0 laciauiu: t Canada Life 4, Orphans 0; 1 Broadway 3. Ocean View 1; Hhentons 3. Cooks 1; 99 Taxi MINISTER OF TRADE AND C0MMERC AND MINISTER OF DEFENCE PRODUCE "NATION'S BUSINESS" ' Tomorrow Night CFPR 8 p.m. Pst And Trons-Conodo Network IE Li La S 3 A HALIFAX M-Self -exiled from their native country, seven mem- m TONIGHT MOTION PICTURES at H. M.C.S. CHATHAM I. K-225. 2. A-Bomb Sea ( adrts and Parents Invited 3. Fashion 1. B Division. Northern Glass. 4. Conrad 0 'defaulti; Harolds 3. Acme 1; Hl-Jackcrs 3, Hills 1. Booth 3. Jersey Farms I: Thorn Sheet Metal 2. Dally News 2. Jerrys 2. Bulgers 2. Standing A Division: Headplnners 49, 1 Pushovers 4, ShenUms 3fl. Wc would like the winner to iirfnt ; bers of Yugoslavia's Olympic the Humez-Turpin winn." for rowing team arrived here Sun-the world championship. If day to star life anew In "free Young and Olson do not want to ; Canada." fight each other we will take ; "We don't like Tito or his gov-appropriate action." ernment," Horrot V 1 a d 1 u mt. lie did not say what the j spokesman for the (rroup. told i ONES Prince Rupert PuIiIisIhkI bv National Lllx-ral Fed' Tali'm to PMI"K "'! -"" 1 -. tm T.l 1 Dn.H. but he said the joint board wasimanlan passenger ship Arosa ""' 36 0,xs 3 Canda "(e determined to have a United I Kulm. ja y Vie 28. Orphans 25. I States champion. ' With the aid of an Interpreter I Turpin former world's middle- , he said they were anxious to for- , P7 Is lZ'. , North- KETCHIKAN ' with connections to WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORAGE SPEED COMFORT-SAFETY weiKin. cnanipioii. cui i.-iiu, h.,m - w. - ni 41 MamlrU 30. Thorn We want to start."" r . . . , ; ,' " c- . the British. British fcinpire and , not discuss it. Sheet Metal 38. Jersey Farms I 36, Hill's 34. Bulgers 34. Acme 32. Booth School 28. Conrad 27, Dally News 26, Hi-Jackers 26. Luropean 160-pound champion- 1 a new life In freedom and hap-ships. His European crown will 1 piness. and we arc very happy to be at stake against Hume., an be here very happy." iE2ressive fighter who omr e held ', The other six members of the Daily Passenger Train Service S'-e Ynur Local Triivt-l Agont the European welterweight title. U'roup arc Slavko Jankouic, Mar- " pot kf ui VIIOiiE ko llorvalin, uronxo Hciacic. Viako Reravlc, Boris Bellak and Antin Klaric. The eighth member of the team became 111 before they sailed from Germany, but 1f,ff, ( EXCEPT SUNDAY I w WEDGIES A slyle consciiius Wcdgic FUOM PRINCE RUPERT TO will Join them later. The seven are engineers, the majority of them university graduates Several will complete their course when they reach ! Toronto. . I "But rowing, that will be Just 'a pastime from now on." ,'or your Easter wardrobe I. . . enhancing as a breath of Spring . . . comfortable i foam. Insole and arch sup JL GEE MOM-ITS GOOD! "aaa. JkZ0 , I'k1 port. I na '.-y Bpe r..t aka Autatandmg wi NAVY (2) RUM m lint's r ii toodwork finiah Int.rlor er ",rlr-l" and waer.n Ilka bsktd .nm.l-rnti crnp , jping and Wratehinf-flow. on i.aily.imootniy t . ... j.:.. Ik A hAiiit. BUSES FOR SALE JASPER and intermediate stations from Prince Rupert: 8:00 p.m. Convenient connections at Jaaper lor poln la caat and mil, For Information, call or write K. L. ROBERTSON. G.A.P.I), 528 3rd Ave. W Prince Rupert, Phone 260 White stays permanently"" SANDALS -And Pumps w h 1 c h will grace the loveliest Easter Outfit . . . and continue the touch of Spring to the tips of your toes'. Colours in . . . Purple and Mauve, at Fashion ' ..MiS. Modern Inter-cily buses, also suitable for school runs . . . contractors . . or oilmen . . . mobile offices, etc. Now In regular service . . . steel body . . . recllner seats ... air brakes . , . adequate baggage facilities. Seating capacity 3? passengers. Inspection of buses can be made in Calgary- Immediote Delivery Write or Phone WESTERN CANADIAN GREYHOUND LINES CALGARY, ALBERTA IAIMT5-VARHIMC$' SOLD W a Jar llN iCll Tbii advertisement is nut published Footwear Kaien Co-Op rwf"J or displayed by 1 be Liquor Control 5 Hoard or by the Government of Briiitb Columbia. 251 3rd Av. . 1