r iince Rupert Daiiy incv Monday, April 6, IK3 vBahlecl ts Chant) Father Mohan Heads Football Association Indications are that this year s football activities will prove 10 be one of the most successful In PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKTd PSADUNI FOB CLABamgP ADVERTISING 4 SO P.M. DAT PREVIOUS BLACKWOOD on by EASLEY BLACKWOOD itTTTrrr-ryy. -Mr. Ileinsite Slows Game With His Analysis Talk At one time or another everybody has played with or against Mr. Ileinsite. Things move slowly Bl 'SINESS PERSONALS WILFORD E lcetrtral Works" Motors bought., sold,-rewound and repaired. (if, I,ANrR("Ap7NOA!rGAF(rJKN-INU Rock waits, rockeries fancy rtick flower boxes and lawns, Free estimate,.,. hone lied 808. ,91p, A VOl'HTANTS PUBLIC At '('( UN' AN T. lniome Tax apectnllst. 6. Ct. Furk, Ktn:ietiid!n I rf isnmi III 'SINPSS OPPORTUNITY SAWMILL FOR SALE-Pitrtncr-Milp or rrftl terms 20 M. cap, KltiiiU'd nt Fimt Kwln-lt-.a. lit;. Apply Gordon L. Utile. Ho 517, Terrace, BC 821 with him in the game. Only about half the available 1:- - . 1 . .. . . . . the hi-story of the round ball ! (same In Prince Rupert. j An energetic slate of officer was returned at Friday's annual nieetln. Father O, P. Mohan is president; Charlie Mills, first vice-president; Martin Nuy- ten, aeerury; and Jock David-on, treasurer. J. 8. Wilson wa atain named honorary president. Plans were disru.sscd for own ins n the the nit season before the end, of d this this month month with trial teams r.elns seieeied until such time j as official team entries are ; made. C.YO.. General Motors, the 1 Battery or the Canadian Legion, and pofcsioiy a wain Irom, trie : Columbia Cellulose Company ' would make ud the leasue En- tiles are to be in this week. ' It Is hoped eamtj will be ar - i ranted with native teams. The matter of Krounris w 654 " W It, opM Pim Wtw mm, -U cjh. . k a M ni,ia AvkrW at La (oil m4 iniii j IrfcaS CfamV., , . .FOR RALE- Grocery and lunrh going concern. Good pole ami timber district Owner retir RADIO DLAL CFPR 240 Kilocycle STOITOAT e 14. :0 Ttie Pnhbl Vrim Pluto 4 4 tin." Hrwm. Vtrnttui tU-fntt &4 ftux k V'Kitatunn 6:00 Int. Commentary t Kuwhlde 6 Now 1 Auk You OO Mupprr Krrrnug 4! ftmtlry Huroetti: nndR: 7 (JO ;wj Mi ws 7: lacue Nrwt Koiinrtlip 7 Mt fM lllc Hlanxfortc CKI- Hl C riH Hlwiw tt.16 tw; feyinp.,oiiv Oreb. a K Hprin triip ou'iMtrt ; :0 Hcrr Ji,lK,ti IIi .(jO( W; Newt 10 10 CHC News , 10 15 Prlnrm Afflr Biirredl 10.30 Tt ciuv 11 :00 Weather Itexir1 1 1 0:1 ilimtc till Mi. I. wlit U no Oltu Olf Aliu:i. TL'RSDAT A M 7 00 B C. PlnheniK n IlrrtadrM. 7 IS Miua cut 7 N. w: Weatlirr IUtc- .l Murl(:l CMM.'K 8:00 CHC a 10 Her' bill fiood It Mrirtllng Sonit a 30 Morning lvotlrms 8 4ft Little concert l 00 lilK! Ne and Cimin .ntry .IS MttnlrMl Varu-tle V - t line HlKnal OIK) M.irnilu; Visit 10 IS -Kilter ut tr. purfil. .-10 .10 -I nto W k Al tKt 10 4S -MlMK iU KlU lM ., it 00 K1111I. l.-iirK-n 1,1 ill Air 1 1 .13 ff.iundnp '1 line 1 1 SO- Weiitll r It'-UHrft I HI - M. i-rto II -Sit Keo Int. 1 1 ;4a tit uiKlinatian M-t5.t)n PM I J 00 - Wld-1l,r MetlMW j 'i !-- u; N w 12 25 ITirum Uurike 1 IJ 30-B C Pirni UutKlvaHt l St Hec. Ilit 1 00 Th CrHVI t JlrMlr 1 4 Vcit at th Pujuuo 2 OO K.)i LlntettliiK i SO- PrewntiliK . . . a 4 - I'luyt'lrl a 0O-- H.n,n 1, Toil a 30 'iran-Cmiiulu autlne j 4 :IS Huwallan M'itmIa 4 30-C"hildro proKTm l ' Seven Pieces Of Legislation Moved Ahead OTTAWA, (CP In a pre-holl- under consideration and mem-iln 'oduy's deal, he eagerly lx-r expres.sed the hope that, w:ll,'h'd every card played -Alwi.a Prk will be put in shape i ,oolt'n8 or fIaws-or football. ) Mrs. Keen opt ned the trey ing, ivix Kiiwanga, B C 1 81 p lST AMI I Ol Ml LOST-Budgie bird. Red 607 80p) . . -4... vmi Mr. Abel and Mr, New give him careful attention, trying to follow his Intricate reasoning. Mr. Muzzy gives him arguments which h.'u.ialc- t!;n nd send him off into long. Impatient' lectures which Mr. Muzzy only misconstrues But when he ties into Miss I Brash, he meets his equal. After V.i.ss Brash's explo.sive bidding ? ,ncum wnicn- ln vlew L1 tn bidding, was almost certain to I be a singleton. Miss Brash won with the ace and ran off five .spade tricks, discardm; all of riinrir.iv'ft reninininp hearts- Keen had to make two disvard and she cho.se the five find cieht of diamonds. Mr. Abi-1 let , go three hearts. Next came the ace and king of diamonds and Mr. Abel had to make another discard. Grimly, he held onto bis four clubs. dropping another heart. Nr.w Miss Brash olaved her hist IST Light brown police don, a ntl),h.H old. Finder please phone Red 510. 18II III I P W A XTFI M A I.E jw;h srifooL STUDKNTS ' AND (.RAMJATES Youmt men who left hiuh m ihjoI w.Uun Hut past 10 yean wit!) a crude eleven standing or betu-r or will attain ik h standing by June of this year are invited to Investigate the opportunities fur permanent employment with chance fur advancement provided by Til K CANADIAN HANK np rnvMPPf-p trump. Mrs Keen had to hold j "hes but wishes to put them Hie oueen of diamonds and so on long-lasting discs and give was forced to let go of a club.,nem wider circulation. The last diamond was discard- i 1 Enquiries may lx- made by or on ix nan 01 applicants at y""r blral braneh of The Canadian Bank of Commeree "r Uy Jl ,o: T w Rtiff Off leer The ('anadian Bank of ''oinnierre. day mood, ,tne Commons ranj But before the pool is built, through a miscellany of business the board want the city to spend before It adjourned for Easter, j another $250,000 to enclose the With the benches relatively P so 't can be used the year barren as many members jump- round. ed the gun on recess, the House Park commissioners agreed to advanced seven pieces of leg Is- mftke either site available pro-lation through various stages 'vided that city council will sub- ... . ,in,MiiKn ovin-i, Vanenuvvr 9 He .11.1 WANTED A man to start" his own business. Almost no money required. Ktjwlng ma 11 1 cnim, ..xmrl.nce helpful hut nt MS,.nliB Hepiy The ground at Acropolis Hill with the ro.-ky foundation ha.s for fijotbailers. Winners of la..'. year'.; titie.i win be- preserttrs; with the tro",' jihies shortly. r ; BEG Swimming j Pool Site Set j : VANCOUVER 0-The British Empire Games swimming pool , now will be built in Vancouver city proper and not on the grounds of the University of British Columbia, six miles from city centre. Prlr hr.rirH nnA noma ..f fi ! 1 have .greed to recommend that the $300,000 pool be located at " V"VF .S.Wl JVIJt V I UIH or Memorial Park South jnit a separate money bylaw to tntepayem In December for the additional funds. 0 Patrols Named To Guard CPR Tracks NELSON, BC. (CP)-Artificinl daylight and sundown to sunrise pairois were named Friday as weapons to be used against bomb-carrying terrorists who Normal schedules, the CPR announced, will be restored "at once" with "strategic zones" flood lighted and guards pat-tolllng tracks from dusk to dawn. No trains have run after dark since the tracks were dynamited at two points Tuesday night la raids, RCMP said, appeared to ill nun ui 111 mi iiwiui'ir.v u ni;;n"s. The land will be rented to each family at a nominal rate equal to about $1.70 per year. ,ifi'd Kate 4 M p 111. Cly Prp- .' puijii' a!iin. . 3 ,.. uts vt word per chartie 60 (l, ir.iiuimim rents: C.trd ,1 r, 5') itfuill Notice. M;.rrl:u:e "ti l I M,lir.-. ,,.,, Anni.unmiients, t)il ,y double price. i pit acfi't)' respnnsl- .wind l Inserted ,. nr unf.i-r wrotits iiulifl! Ittion .,. r u:i" 1i-,Tivi-d within . in-,'. ..L.-iilun. ,MIM1MINTS s Car nt cliai bazaar, ' ,. .,! ij 1 r Curd pa rile April 9 I', ti i s. April ft nt re Hobby hliow Hj t ! i ' (1 iv and fiunday p.i. . "7 . , . "1 A,,rii ti f . . . n r I A R kft ( I ;l : A .mli.tiv nmimiir." ! 15. I Vlry ( 'Inpter d:iffi1i! j i Vrs fprint HaKia., ir:J' sprinj bawwr i: :iii! XI . 101) E Bprtn-; Bon- . If A niill'.ll tea 't fV h . Mny 2. I'i " Woi ' j; I it ,r ' " viv Miunh WA Spring , I -I li-y t-3, M.iy 12. I Au:.lary Tea and- . , .r..y 13 t. u, M.iy 14. .,f !,. M.K,se Spring y 21, M;iusf lc:r,pie. 1 Stag M..y 20. ":.n mnary tea. S Cii-ltrh t. a M.tr 30. t lun 4 M RI. TH I. 'Si.S in the city. Pni 2. 153. Jeanett'e t'c 43 yean, beloved Alfred K Ht-nnksen. East and beloved U K.tK. M, Rue. MlM Toronto Ontario; rrlon 'Marmieritel 'i Mrs H 0 .Uural n. Calearv. Alberta. Oiwn :li conduct ' C'cnviiic Court t 1 30 pm Tuesday :.trtnnt to fnlloav tn metery B C. L'nder-cluree of arrantre-lltl "TH Mrl(K ;'"j! ,V;,M"- IMIv Swan-f Mr C W Bwanaon. E-ster Sunday ftl!MIN s'0 rkilrt" i.-ZC: " ;n th ... ..... .1"" Phone Blue 15 Dtp! ;! person who tH,k "H.I rridav please ; Ui f,H Hnd KH ' eeonnmienl six . , word, fr 3 con. ."""'iitive nv, iy jj -' s ,ii "i 11 rtt. i ''waning supplies r' "n(l electrlca N ,,5,n AvP- West, fc ..v mi IUi-R.llSRrrv,.( por: : fc t V 701 l: l l'"r: Mining, C.nfnd, Ctm-;'(! flllH. Inquir- (tf roil RENT F'()R RKNT-2-room suite fur-nlshed. Working eouple preferred. Call after 5. 1344 8th Ave. Eaat. i8:.p, FOR a 1953HERTZT"'u-DR!VE Car, Phone 99. (94) SINGTO CEWINO CENTRR Kent ptiruule iachines, phone - it) FOR HUN-FTTlvriarge seml-f urnlshed honsekeepinu rooms Central. Phone Green 241 evenings, (g2) FOR R E-LlBht"h7)"uwiteeplnH room. Phone Green 8'j4 after 9 P in. (gop) WAMKI Hi KfcNr WANTED TO R ENTTwo-bed- iixim house Phone Red 142 WANTIU t'ASH FOR Srrop: ropper, brass, batteries, radiator. Phone 543 Call 6th Ave Wej(t ict " REAL ESTATE FOR HALE In Terrace Three-room house on , acre. Has eieetrft Ity and well with Iiand pump Has $50 00 per month revenue. Apply or write John leviky, Rox B2, Keith Avenue. Terrace, H.c. i(Ml FY)H SALE Wartime 1538 2nd Overlook. Phone Green 879. fBOp) Bure we have houses for sale! 1. 2 bedrooms close In. A bar-Buin at tr7An on 2, Brand new with 2 bedrooms. S4:xmou handler. 3 New home. Close In Cement basement with gnraRe. Nice bur 4 1 riKm cabin with 7 kits. l-nenp for nulrk sale Wartime 4 8th Fast. Close to town 2 bedrooms. Revenue suit In basement l'nfinKlu-d house $1000 00 handles. Take your pick and let 11s show it tn vmi T NORTON YOUNG8 ! Real Rslnlr Hi lniirnnc I Phone 451 . Res (U (4C i WHY PAY RENT? $17r.0 rash balance as rent huvs this wartime four on 8th East. Nicely decorated. Price $3500 $1500. rash, balance monthly, buys this fully furnished tour room bungalow close to the Post Office. Full price $4200 Armfttrontr Agencies Ltd. Phone 342. Black 1P7 evenintrs I80 i TAXIS and TRANSFERS CITY TRANSFER Lnnq Distance CRATING and PACKINO Furnifure Movers FURNITURE 8TORAGB Household Effects Moved to or from any point In B C. Phone 950 rirt Ave. and MtDrlde tel BATTERY SERVICE RUPERT Baltery Shoo. 1D4 East ird Ave. Phone Blue 1?A. Be-folrs, "eharttlr.it an.- -bulld-m. V'irk euaranteo. fel LEGAL NOTICES v t Ki tiii.riWATt gV.piKiUCHWjx It t C I haptrr 1M Aluminum Company of Canada. Limited hereby Rives notice that tt has, under Pert ion 7 of the aald Art, tiepnaited arlth th Mlnlater of Public Work, t Ottawa nd with th Deputy Registrar ln th HesUiry tiftie for th Land Rsjiliitrtlon DIs-trlrt of Prinr Rupert. Provinc of British Oolumbl, a dearrlption of j the Kite and Plan 01 a pier propoura Hi iir n.iiK.tui i.ti .it"- .n and bed of th aaterly aid of Kematm Bay. RanK 4. Ctmut tllstrlrt. Province of British Columbia. Ajid tak notic that after th eiplratlon of on month from the date of th first publication of this notlr. Aluminum Company of Canada, Limited will, under Section 7 of th anid Art. apply to th Mlnlater of Public Worka at hi ofllr in th City of Ottawa, for approtal of the at, kl Bit and Plan. Dated Una 2th day of March. 19S3 Aluminum Compnny of Canada, limited, L. P LETIUC Serreuu-y IM30. A. 13. 30c I Man 'Attacked' On Way to Boat Allan C. Hammond, reported to be a cook aboard the Prince George, was taken to hospital Friday suffering facial Injuries and other bruises which, he said, were received when he was attacked while returning to his ship Thursday night. Police said the man was found early Friday near the waterfront several hours after the Prince George sailed. Old-Time Look CASTLE DONINOTON, England (CP) An ancient inn in this Leicestershire town was put-j chased by a chain-store company, for conversion U a Wat and; fish shop. Council ruled tnat its historic bow-window must be retained to match the rest of'the Street. with little controversy. nhnili (ha th. !.-... tairis.mrMilnit da, of the r..rrnt slttln. - th! Mouse, besides giving final read - lug to bill to ratify the Canada. I United States-Japan fisheries treaty covering the north Pacific, passed a measure to empower the government to contribute up to 37' j per cent of the cost of water conservation projects, In co-op eration with provinces and municipalities. Approved a resolution prelim- nary to increasing the amount 01 aid glen marginal gold mines' tinder th Einert-encv Gold Min-1 GEORGE DAWES 1 AUCTIONEER Phone Black SIS and Ked 127 , DINING PLEASURE. in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Prince George Luxury Steamer SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN I WEDNESDAY MWnight Comfort and Service 5 For reservations write oJ call City of !epot tithe Pt.l.e tTipert. B.C. j I JOHN H. BULGER OjtloMefrijl Third Avenue t r John Bulger Ltd. John F L Hughes, D.C CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 .. Eves.: by appointment only, . 21 - 2i Besner Block Phone Blue 442 H. G. HELGERSON ? LIMITED f REAL ESTATE it INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 8K9 SCOTT McLAREN '. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3xd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 PC. Box 374 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Sows " Sharpened Z.i, 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 By CHIC YOUNG i YOU KNOW DON'T LIKE THAT.' uic 1 v.-v 111 analysis, Itorth dealer Mortii-Houth vulnritbl a rth .... niw iiHii-ite) -Mtc4 i'j.4i.:ii -A- D A 4 X C A KQ1 e ta-t (Mm Keen) Mr. Ahel) 8 7 5 (4-8 3 H H K Q J 10 D J 10 I S D J C 10 8 4 C J 7 14111 th Hm-li X A K Q J 10 6 K A 2 D K 7 3 C 2 The blddltljC 1 C 1 H , ' 4 NT Pass S H PdM 7 S All pan Preserved Wisdom NEW DELHI (CP) A factory for large-scale manufacture of recordings of the late Mhatma aGndhl's post-prayer meeting addresses been Imported from Britain an-J s.-i up here. The All-India radio had a Valuable collection of Gandhi's OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe & DELUXE PRESS "Gestefner" Duplicating Circular Letters Montnly Bulletins any bind of Business forms. Direct mall advertising, etc. 30 - 40 lea than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Givi us your mailing list I 1 t -nW do the rest. GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors New Construction, Repairs, Foundations and Re-rooflng 215-lst Ave. W, ..Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 ClrineSc 2)ijici CHOP SUEY ... ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 ( BLQNOiES LUCKY IOh-sve") S A HUCBANO WK FATS J I ANYTHING Vt PUTS ) IN rKONTOF HIM, f WITHOUT COMPLAINT ) 'lAr "SV K ijn (TT - lng Assistance A;t. Then It gave' hav stru 'if this week; first reading to a bill to lncrea.se ion the Kettle Valley rail line. ; the assistance I Announcement of these meas- ; ' following a series Approved a resolution-and marif j 1 of between Canadian: meetings : ge first reading ,,:., , to . bm-top K, Riiilwav ofIicUU and change the internal corporate , who trajns th h ; setup of the government-owned :tne of Krwdom jy, Trans Canada Air -Lines. rountry of mterior British Advanced to the same extent; Columbia. ii from the board and It was Mr. Abel's play. If he played his last heart, the king, Miss h T"ltLT lift. 1 I1U1. Iir IUU Ildti w Ri i.n a nl,.l. Tl.n , V. Ihnn lr.H n ,.1..U ll four of dummy's clubs were good. Modestly, Miss Brash waited for a word of praise from her j partner for the vulnerable grand slam bid and made on a beautiful double squeeze. "Awful bidding," said Mr. Heinstte, disappointed, no doubt. that " he could find nothing uh th iav ..You Life an awful chance hWAin. bidding seven seven with the worthless deuce of hearts in your hand." "Worthless?" snapped Miss Brash. "If you knew anything about the play of the hand, you'd know it was the card that just made you exactly jsoo xunts." The town of Nicolet near Trois Rivieres, Que., was named after the 17th century Trench explorer Jean Nicolet. USED CARS FOR SALE 1 1950 Austin 2 1951 Austins 1 1949 Anglia Coach 1 1943 Dodge Sedan FOR THE MAN . WHO RKtil IRI S CHEAP TRANSPORTATION 1 1938 Plymouth 11937 Plymouth Both In Very Good Shape Superior Aulo SERVICE LIMITED Jrd Ave. W. Phone Green 217 Beef a la Mood! ( JUST FIX WHATEVER ?- VOLI WANT . Ji. WHATEVP? YOU Ltt- E' iceisiation extenaing crop-insur- ance aid luuler the Prairie Farm Assistance Act to some lands In northern Manitoba and Sa.skat-chewan that, do not now qualify tor aid. Gave first reading to defence act changes by which Canada may maintain jurisdiction over .tervicement who break the laws' as unny New IS91 HII.P WANTEItc FEMALE WANTED f?tenographer-bookkeeper Apply Large Clinic. 2nd Ave 1 S4 CARS KIR SALE FOR fiAtE-1052 Meteor ruslom line automatic: 8,000 miles. Every conceivable accessory Fxeellcnt condition. Phone M. (80pl Kilt SALE FOR SALE Sunshine baby hua-gy. 1 year old. Blue 802 (80 FOOTIIII.f-S (uK.tleis) eoal Phone 4551. Phtlpott, Evltt it Co. Ltd ei FOR SALE Maxwell washing machine, like new $75 00; also double bedstead with spring, JIOOO. Blue 954. j80p Gossard NURSING BRA Drop Shoulder o THE STORK SH0PPE . Phone Blue 810 (82c) FOR SALE-Oranrifather rlix-k $85 00. A-l condition; Winnipeg folding roueh: new mattress, double wash tubs on rasters $18 00: large wardrobe trunk. Blue 549. (80) FOR SALE Practically new Remmlngton-Rand standard offlee tynewrlter, 1.1" carrlape. used only 8 months. Phone days 508, evenings Black 249 (80) walnut table, $45.00. Will lake small trunk as part payment Call Blue 938. 384 Bicitar Place. i81p) FOR 8ALE Flowercraft suo-pllrs. Civic Centre 82) FOlt KENT FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 1531 2nd Overlook. (80p) FOR RlwTZsiecpIng room. Bhie 801. t80) FOR RENT Room 517 8th West. (Sip) FOR RENT Small house. Thone Blue 407. (81) of a foreign country, where he been the work of Sons of agreement has been reached Freedom trrorists. with that country. j ... ,,, Gave first reading to a bill to! KARACHI CP- The govem-inerease the membership of the;1"" of .Pakistan will develop fisheries research board to 19 and set aside 2,000 acres of land LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 V.OVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE F.xpericnced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S' ARfnls Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 6 ?r S8 Cor. !nd and Park At. from 15. Syslem lo Save B.C. $100,000 VANCOUVER (CP) A new system of voter registration to remove the "ghosts" from the voters' list will be announced shortly by Chief Electoral Officer Fred Hurley, it was reported here. The report, published by the Vancouver Province, said the new system will save $100,000 In costs of enumeration. Within the next eight davs, everyone who now Is on the voters' list will receive a card so advising them. Registration points will be set up in every district to register those who are not on the list. They will be located In stores and other buildings, put n4.1t ln homes. The deputy registrar's "master file" will be searched for every new registration to avoid possiblo, duplication. the new system will Wipe our! the "commission" system of registration which Rave enumerators 25 .cents for every -name they got oh the list. BLONDIE i in -v. ; . C i" VtOULD YOU ) ? l LIKE FO(? SUPPER, j VT Ji DA? e- s. 1 3 (anything '- 2 'M waiia l f ' FOR RENT Two room nnart-ment 960 1st West. Phone Red 807. (80) FtH RENT 2 stnrrle rooms, one double room with twin beds. Board If desired. Gentlemen only 812 2nd West. (831 FOR RENT Room, Red 471. (80) " I'ltll'lllaaWl I I I l I kS .- 1 ..) j I i I