.4 ;i '"uiid Uj Joi lx K'WDOinia . . lib if U"SU, Prince Rupert Daily News 1 'si Friday, May 30, 1952 ray... Reflects and Reminisces '1ST BkcavsT is that v.v J fit: a. (V;..; ROUTE FOR 439 SQUADRON ATLANTIC CROSSING Ati Independent dully nfwspnjw devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published bv The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited J. p. MAOOK, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President m the communitv ural f r, problems 1S that LSI 01 ' 4 moi e pleasant "Wto,, afford not tQ r.,l, ' out. for inslan,;" !4r Subscription Rates: carrier Per week, 25c; per month tl 00; per year, 110.00 fttf mnil Per month. 7ftc; DPr Vear. t8 00 are counles."v,,., lUse tt The only ex-president of the United States to spend a day In Prince Rupert was W 1 1 1 1 e m It....... 1 rr. l i Authorized second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa BBC. 6" Rkie More th.. I..... GREENLAND nuwaru liiiu who spoxe at a ICELAND Canadian Club luncheon, some pounds of nh,.,. J! milii( KIN LOSS ...... ..Cs 42 KEFLAVIK X. W ) ... where around twenty-five years at?o. It Is perhaps not out of pluce to mention this today. Life is publishing a publicity spread, Saskatchewan ".r, Is estimated ln ssy noKh. no d(:bittl,;t: bent w re ,h '. . .P!Wfs ORTH 0 J"' S BLUie WEST ujFFENHAM GREAT on, will notbe uid " IUt describing the Taft family of BRITAIN Cincinnati, home of the Senator Unity Our Common Cause WHEN Mr. Harold Winch was here to talk VV politics a few days ago he had a good attendance. It shows that citizens in Prince Rupert are interested in the issues at stake in the coming pro-vfuciar elections. - Mr. Winch may also know that of all the people present at his meeting, none heard br sang the national anthem at the close. According to news reDorts. the political party leader shrugged off and now rampaiKnmg for the iiie sole tf ofafamilythuLulSL' surviving mal(, . 6'NGOOSE BAY Montreal White House In the Republican interests. CANADA nt'spaper for t, years riini i ... ATLANTIC OCEAN Frederic ' ' E. D.mpH Th "l'e. and in many Judge F. McB. Young presided over the crowded dining room of the hotel Frlnce Rupert. The portly guest of honor was on his OTTAWA er-fvft tnt I-""' '-e unu a r... Jeet for possibly y an hour. His; being a worsliW,r yJ'' d a wide know-:1ns. PrcKhu w, ," romplaints of some in the audience that the na- ' ' 1 - A V. .-. . njin - r mill (T remarks reveale lam. rot 7Mtrt of humor. Incidentally his dt ep, 1 near Victoria" wf'""' throaty chuckle tmpellm U.o.-iJ (Continued m " Ottam - gagofwfe Goose Bay- Buiettsst Buie Vest- Meflavik 305 5 BO 780 750 775 570 as: Kin loss - ZivA lufcnham DRESS SMARTLY At ... s-s K i. J -igg .fQM"" 'set W Distance 3560 Statute twites VERY LITTLE COST IBJIiai ailLIlflll was nut ouiig. ; He said he would sing it if anyone else wanted 1 Is Mr. Winch not proud to be a Canadian? He riems easily possessed of enough attention-compelling ability to have halted the departing audience fejr a few minutes. Or was this a gross oversight in arrangements by the local political organizers? One of the audience was reported as saying to Mr. Winch: ! "We always sing the national anthem at public meetings in Prince Rupert." J Let's hope so. ; Singing of the national anthem in public shows t$at we are all united in a common cause, for the giiod of oar country, for the safeguard of our freedom's and for our love of heritage. To dismiss lightly not paying this tribute to ojirjcountry and to ourselves is reason for much concern. We have the impression of disregard in ? Ush, attitude. said the words "debts" or "tres-i passes" are not a correct in- terpretation of the original i Greek in which that section ol Churches Asked To Change Words As I See It CASUAL JACKETS for Men and Young Men the bible was recorded. Fully lined. All sizes. 12G0 All new shades. Smartly tailored. Very Special ! Ing, grinning, even If it kill: them. Some of the pictures of th first Roosevelt showed him scowl-r ing. But most of them were In : the now traditional pose with every tooth showing. The elder : Taft was a wonderful smilf iaitist. Woodrow Wilson came i smiling through too (though he t could not smile after his country 'repudiated his great work, in Hit League of Nations). Harding wa.' a smiler. So was Al Smith. Tin ' gieatest smiler of all time was ol iccurse Franklin Roosevelt. DOWN ON FAKM LINCOLN, England P Elu-eation authorities reported that some city children vLsiting district farms showed surprise when Lhey learned their school milk mon !70 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SLACKS New shades. Best tailoring and fit at real saving price. 'n Lord's Prayer NKW YORK (API A move to et Protestant churches to hange part of the wording of he Lord's Prayer was Initiated oday. The plan, approved after delate at the 164th annual gen-ral assembly of the Presbyter-in Church in the United States, vould replace tne word "debts" or "trespasses" in the prayer 6a came from cows. Now the number of school visits to farms wlh increased. i DAILY NFWS CLASSIFIEDS BRING QUICK RESULTS MM) President's Smile 1 8-00 ,.12.oo i n , THE months' notice the notice to become effective some time between May 1 and October 1. Prtn van nict.nre the nnp land A FRIEND of mine in Denmark runs a school The second class smilers either never did make the grade or soon Rot thrown out on their ears. They were Hoover, Coolidg-.' Dewey. One reason why I think General Ike will nose out Taft is because this Taft is not r patch on his old man when 1' comes to smiling for the camera Ike Is the most photogenic smil ETTERBOX FISHERMEN'S PANTS Bvst make. Sells about $1200 lord held by the ball and chain where they study differ-of this order-ln-council while t nauona nat;orlai rharHf'tpvist-the CfiardCieilM-hollow other is free, all under the,fm heading of a democratic ( ics. WheiI get the chance FIRST THINGS FIRST with the word "sins." Rev. Alexander Mackle of Philadelphia opposed the move. "Why this silly tampering with the Lord's Prayer?" he de 8-95 to $13 00. Now STEEL mfttmc Editor, The Daily News: I am going to ask him to er ol' all those in sight. MEN'S SHOCK AND OXKORDS New styles. Guodyear veto tWith the hum of the election controls, it should be controls Lou of wear, C'wd fit 5 t ' cfrilng closer these days we hear lor all, or if taken off should oitf candidates discussing their apply to all, and not by order- HOYS' PANTS FOR ORFSS AND SCHOOL ;,'nd o;i hospital insurance, the in-council either, if our hard won Well 'tailored . - , Now s2-75 10 l voters franchise is to continue to mean anything to vs. itnvs1 KIIIRTO Fine shnnei Sizes 2 to 6 years Sm JSH explain this riddle: How lr it that a candidate for the U.S. Presideney jniifit always be shown smiling from ear to ear, while no candidate for election ar British Prime Minister would stand much of a chance if he often looked that way? I HAVE seen doxens of picture? of Winston Churchill scowling; and hundreds showing h i m smoking his oversize cigars. But offhand I can't recall a single picture showing him, or Mr Attlet, in th facial nose that American custom would demand. I never saw the famous Sir John A. Macdonald, of course for he was dead before I was Of all Kinds, from Design to Erection. WESTERN BRIDGE STEEL FABRICATORS LTD. VANCpUVER, B.C 2-U I f ',1V I 1 St ! s h i c i i 1 urn BE SURE YOU ARE IN Next To Royal Hotel manded. "Hasn't the general assembly anything more ini-;xrtant to consider?" The action authorized ths formation of a committee to confer with representatives of all denominations in the National Council of Churches toward obtaining the revision for ' use. Under the plan, the phrase "Forgive us our debts (trespasses) as we forgive our debtors (those who trespa.ss against us," would be changed to read: "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us." Some churches now use "trespa.ss" while others, like the Presbyterians, use "debt.' Rev. Guy Volpitto of Cleveland I CAN'T find any pictures which show George Washington smil- born. But I can't find any pic- jng. Jellersofi is preserved lor ;ture showing him smiling. Laur- posterity in pictures which are ier I did see and hear. He was always grave. Uncoln's and "the grand Kie:ieur." He spoke ii&iior problem and many others fum.e advocating free enterprise, a;id others partial socialism. 3lowever, by far the most im-psrtant issues have been practi-cJly ignored: the raising of the wwid oemocracy out of the dust a ft I trying to give It a fuller neaning. 2-et us take for one example, tie obsolete rent control, a wartime order-in-council that should have been in the grave years age, but is still enforced by the provincial government. I might .Bate here that I am neither a Uffidlord, nor a tenant, eo am not involved financially but we are deeply Involved In the principle of It. 'This order states In part, I l-Ueye: 1. Any tenant who was rent Surely our candidates know of these important issues that should come first If the voting on the others is to mean anything. Why have they not tackled these problems at the bottom of the ladder first? I am at loss to know where to place my ballot in the coming election. I ask myself the only two questions I can think of; 1. Is It the votes they are worried about? 2. If they should get elected, do they intend to continue the use of order-in-council government on a greater scale? I hope our candidates can clear Grant's faces were covered with with great dignity, and he had whiskers, at least for part of his pictures taken that way too. their public careers. But in this ( King was no sourpuss but you century it seems to have become would not catch him smiling U S. a tradition that the American style for a Canadian election The New DeLuxe H0TP0M Presidents must keep on smil- (Continued on page Tl this up for me and a great many others, and help raise the word democracy to a fuller meaning. JACK WYLLIE. ing premises at the time of Nov. 1, 1948, may not have his rent increased from what he was paying at that time. PUBL l.'i new! It's big! It's beautiful! Features: 1 - Butter Conditioner; Keps your butter at nprradlni; temperature. 1 Sliding Shelves-for ease In obtaining Iterni ut back of tray. How"Skinny"Girls Get Lovely Curves Cain 5 to 10 lbs. Hew Pep Thousand who wvn rwikl r jtn wrti M before, now. huve Bh;iity. urwltv rtKiirta. No muff tjony l!ml,R. ugly h'lll'iws TtiM Ihitnk lr. II mil Rnh on Uoduw iklnnv upohum iUm1 lark tnm Feu uii up, l(.o ImprovM aupfnir dl-wlon M fid BiiirthMi vou bctlvr Dou'ltrarftllujcleAiul,. Ktup when you gain nmtre yon wish introductory or 'tet-ttruualhlKl" tlu enly 'I rr ir Tomw Tnl'Tetii ,.r new nounut, lovely curyeJ. new peu. touay At til drugn mt. 2. The landlord may not sell the house, unless with the guarantee that the tenants may continue to live there as renters and pay oaly the same rent they were paying at the time of Nov. 1, 1S48. 3. The owner of the house may not give his tenants notice to leap unless he needs the house for his own personal use, and then he must elve them six I , i ii I fi come and meet mm rriii IK - Mi 3--Large Urv fitoraKe Bin. 1-Itack on Door small liiiai'diul.cly available. Items always IT'LL' mrrL . fee 'lb capacity in frozen fiHMl pound "ei . CiStlJi".'!.1" G -Crijpers ca.i be mounted one above the other to make room for any large Item .such as a turkey or watermelon. A Special! Lamp Shades ft. Saturday, May 31 Miiilt Is available from 6 cu. ft. ( 12 ru. with proven names Mich as: ! New Shipment Just Arrived. Ml new designs all new slzet . TRI-L1TES, BRIDGE LAMPS, TABLE AND BOL'DOIR SHADES AT SPECIAL PRICES KOSI.EV-SHKI.VADOR HOTROINT FHH.CO filBSON KI RVFL KEROSENE CDVD Rupert Radio & Electric PRICE 3 to 5 p.m. HIGH SCHOOL BAND IN ATTENDANCE r month $16.00 pe Terms as low as $9.00 down VOTERS LIST Now available at JL D. McRae's Committee Rooms I'- (Next to Royal Bank) Check to see if your name is on in THIRD AVENUE Sponsored by the Prince Rupert District Liberal Association .n ? i . I.