, , .. , : . Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Tuesday, F.-liniary 9, lflf.l PARLIAMENTS by in Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnc Rupert and Northern and Central British Coluntjlft. Member of Canadian Ptpss Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Pruire Kuptit DaiU New Limited. J. r. MAOOR, President H. CI PERRY. Vice-President I vjtj (more SubscrlpMon Rates: By carrier Per weels, 25c; per month, 1 00: per year, tlOoO. 3y mall Per month. 75c: Dor year. 18 00. "vo-mm Authorized as second class mall by the Pout Office Dpartinent, Ottaira vJ&Sl - mi i Housing Record Not too Bad it could be and social iucx aside. Q ENTI? ENTIMENT 0 that w bit, IHOl'C re Canadians want just a little I was very pleased to note land representative oi all other ' In a very fjleasaiitT' that certain Prince Rupert or- groups, took a few minutes to , Mr. Drew availed h ' animations took an interest in wish him bon voyage and a safe ! privilege, wilh Hospital Island" at the mouth return. I happened to be acting the House, f Wu of Dodge Cove, with a view to Speaker at the time and it was 'Prime Minister having it made into some sort i my privilege to extend the good j good wishes for , of park so that it would bo j wishes of all members of the j turns of lus biriiid'?' available for use by the general ' House to the P.M., from the ; moved, Mr. St . uJ', public. I took the matter up') Chair. j Mr. Speaker the J'' with the Secretary of Crown I have noticed this year that, i Opposition and all ssets OlsDosal Corporation and both In the parliamentary res-; for the express,,,, T have their assurance that no ' tam aiit and in other restaur-j wishes, the sln.m private sale will be made with-! ants, In Ottawa, B.C. salmon has ! the P.M. found ,,, out first giving us the oppor-1 appeared on the menus very j Mr. Coldwell, CCF I tunlty to have the proper auth- i frequently as "B.C. Salmon," ; excels on such on ls(r" orities acquire It for pink pur- I cold, broiled, pouched, etc. and I was sure nil 0f us I poses. very good It is too. . In fact it's 'of our political vj. K"od h!l1 ' aln u 11 iajwith the Leader It was a very rem sorrow to me ol to read In "The Burn, I.uki. Re-j Uv,'r 811 """' . 1 ll,on- " Speaks w view" of the death of W. R. iBobl I ' "ury Ml'- ker ! else In extenmR our, wlid lo-ened the House by remarking ;es to the Prime Nelson. One of the real Minlf. pioneer type, I consider that Bob i " 'l P" "f, Credit leader 16 lrt'"r' "'me Nel.Mjii was one or that type atn ,,he v,Prv "- ah11 that he receives; slons when nicss;lge.s ; it fa citln who really built up Cen-1 p,tA. 'mi to Inform the to foret tral British Columbia. He was a ! .'' our true friend and a good citon-i "',u? lhl, '?at Pr me ; emphasize the Minister ht. Laurent birthday, on which we stand. one whom we can never replace, i Health Tour JONE of your duties and privileges as a new M.P. is to make a tour of the ; various government de- partments. I I was one of a group that j "did'' the Department of National Health and Welfare. This department, affects more hu-man beings than any other in Canada, except the Department of Finance. But whereas the Department of Finance is mainly responsible for activities which take money away from people, it eannot compare with Health and Welfare as a public beneficiary. AS A small example of what I mean: Every prospective mother in Canada can obtain an excellent free book on motherhood. As soon as her baby is born she begins drawing Family Allowances. The im Another friend whom I have : lost and this was a greater i Biology, Geography, History I shock as he was a much younger i man was Billy Hacon, whose; j D T Li L Til ' D 'i passing at a very early age was! Q Kg gUOnl DY V in Kfl folll ENTER ZE M ATADOR By Merle Tingley in London Free Press Courtesy Important as Scenery a real tragedy. Billy Bacon, I " J should say, had not an enemy In! LONDON ( Reuters) Biolopy., lnis-h the role 0 the world, and there are no i geography and history will be ' teacher? .said a BBC words to express mv regrets at. tair-ht by television in 500 sel-, 'lessons will be tirar To Tourists, Says Bank Letter the news of his death, in which '"tert schcols In Britain next i regret my wife shares very var or early in 195(1. The British teachers lit in ori work with them " mensity of these grants can be realized when you remember MONTREAL (CP) Canadians Above all, Canadians must re- deeply tjroaocavms voiouiauoii sj than we can afford. We should keep this fact in mind in any look at the new housing legislation which has been working- its way through Parliament. While it is a useful law it is not go'int? t juit a dreandioiise on every empty knoll. Plainly and simply houses cost too much, absolutely, relatively, and every other way, even with today's hijrh incomes. ' But is this cause? Or effect of the housint-problems? Coffee can sell for over a dollar a pound only as long- as people are willing to pay that much. The same with houses, although there are many rigidities which make a substantial reduction more difficult. ,Even with the shortage of mortgage money, however, 104,000 houses were started last year. The construction industry could build more. But it could work itself out of a job too. A very few thousand more houses a year would soon soak up ready buyers even with the lower down payment and-lower monthly payments'.novv being enacted. The new leeislation is no startling intervention of government into the affairs of men. It's not going to lead to the building- of half-again as many houses annually or anything like it. In the long run the only satisfactory solution to the housing "shortage" is to increase the supply. And this, the new legislation will assist, by adding to the pool of mortgage funds. At first,' however, it could bring higher prices because of the shortage of serviced lots. The Financial Post. - . Hew law Tightening Controls Mr. Dulles' latest testlniHiy ' IflUt II llie piojei i i sinirwiui. tele-leson will be extended to thousands of schools In Britain, which have used radio and mov that. the cheques go to over two were urgea louuy iu gei oui irom memocr io aci use and a half million mothers each ! under their top-hat restraint and not greet tourists with shows month for a total of well over ; and really sell Canada to fo.-- ' of what they expected to leave four million children. ' eign tourists. behind. ... Tho Pnvnl R:nlr of Panadni ..m. 1.. u nil before a Congressional commit- i i tee will go far to remove the doubts raised, among some of , IATEST RErOT ies as aids to education for tlio The enemies for Family A -i j ie w,,.h ,mu ... . . . , lr IM Imu I, lowances total over S29 million ' SWS ln its current montlaly let- the way from his home Ls not i " " , last 20 yearis. &rrmhtottrconft?tUn , y I" I mr?Tl "oins ,0 Satisned Uh-C0P : 7" in- O, tl H6 .o,-al vducation au- scenery if the tourmt mdusfy it be and Foreigr nx, "r,80'"! only the greatest welfare op- ? ,1Wever good may thorities in England and Wales, cration ever attempted in Can- j 1S e'xpZ 't,r ' SOme are P'"eUy bad f '"' afready ! '00 have already a,reed to sup-ada the Uniud oVM-, . has has "P kept "The factor Is ,h the oftH There iJ' ?uipan ,s accustomed to seeing. rln"" i TV the the experimental but by far greatest port i pro-rniii f third world destrov wnr,t 1 Rtes out of a war. tnln which can and t' order ooeratlon carried i.s a Canadian way or life N 1 authority authority has ysh0wn ; As the Korean aggression of 1950 I Canada provides for travellers o visitors shmM bP it." on n in n Canada Lanaoa. I 'PPo.n u. to United enjoy" the bank savs. "When was a grave danger Some of the Liberal M.P.'s are , . J ',.. rpllirn ht;m h5,, MI ST IX) SOMETHING states nower in the Pacific, that Plan are ready lo broadcast burned up at their own gov- 1 1- about their reception -We have the market: Our i alone, Mr. Dulles said, would j 50 tele-le&sons, each lasting fror.i ernment here because they send; anJ ,,.,,. u-m do more to own 14.812,000 people, and 1C0,-! have fustified the United States 5 20 minutes to half an hour and most oi mem coveim uiiuny but he the Family Allowance cheques i determine how many tourliU we ! 228 000 people in the United '; jn entering the war out from the provincial capitals jn thg npxt fWe ypftrs (han( !mm a:i otn(.r continents," the nointed out that th the United i geography aim nissory. inr : and not from Ottawa, al that bank suys. Nations' action was of such a 1 cour.ie itasi nuciy io oe wugiii. Tuniula ha the merchandise: ' nature that an all-out world war I by TV i.s ni.it hematics. will all the advertising money can buy." CALVIN BIM i It i the second lareest country i was nrevented. Mr. Dulles' I It will cast about 200 t i eq-.i'p! ! though they are paid for en-' tirely by the federal treasury. I However, the government turns : a deaf ear to these complaints, as they say it is easier and quicker to get the necessary LETTERBOX in the world, with 3,845.774 ! statement must be considered j each of the selected schools with .quaie miles of prairie, moun- the most remarkable and en-j television, tains, lake i streams, and forests, ; cou raging assessment of thej Will lessons by television dim-as beautiful as can be .seen any- ', United Nations, its quiet work PMBManMBBOTMi where. ma us ultimate .success. :i n But we must do something ii moment of supreme trial, yet we are to encourage travel: , uttered by anv statesman In the , tacts in the provinces. ; ! One thing I learned, on the! JL'ST COMPLAINT trip to the Department. The1 The Editor, total monthly payments for The Daily Nev:? : Make access easy by highway. ; Western world. On Advertising Helps Shoppers Family Allowances and Old; I have a very just complaint' , ' ,.,..;, tr,...v. .. While the Prime Minister is I Aye Security now run about . ahnut nur nresent and keep our living facilities for ; way in his world trip, the Rt iurluii rvtuters suupping men uiusi i;ui siitucn hip liuui tqual both Over $29 million sfrvice here. "2J Aviv visitors up to date in a superior : Hon. C. D. Howe, sometimes af- nas become easier in amain as in tneir zeai 10 mane people ouy. a month. But the experts fig In the oast five years I have Automatit WASHER personnel or ail rectionately nicknamed here a result ot a new law tighten- sv and elf i Mr. Canada," will be acting ing, etmtrols on misleading ad- proo For I: rls instance h"Ty0ipaear" ?K f in bune'ss in ThU . - way; train in the c , oi rRincfai.s nuve oisuppcar- vivr-lv havp morp oldsters ini . . ... haeen ou of ord r tell tl, storesPPandh:,Xiodt!ce have! tiency; P f f, Tr.m dothing rlnrhtrtf ;tnre nnrl .v.. nit: jAiuuiuuuii, ihiim ;,. than unvt oplp in Can- ' prime Minister, which I think : vnrt ,pmTti Art ... ...v ...... ... uri t . i .vt i, , i k ".hn,. ruA ' more times ehewhere about th? meets with very general appifiv- . ada and ' and it always seems o couk' member, vear. R. that busme i Age Pensions of one kind or - A housewife -who last year another even at present levels " "Z'r al. On Mr. St. Laurent s last day j in the Hou.se. just before ad-lournnient. the Hon. George Drew, leader of the Opposition, 1 superlative attractions we have, and make it easy f or people to find them." w " llm ylf. wwrltl . . . 'l'1" 1 . . . ..itMiiiti"! rw KW $u o-Kilof 1" . . '!-Mln Cr rim t...l"5"sH"l Lawyers Ponder Confessions In Evidence prided herself on getting a bar- and age limits. i fore ore a a holiday "1" Now now here's nertj the ..in in a down pillow" now' One answer to the threat im- j finds the same pilow delayed , plied In the above is greatly to scor Jle for three in the store as -filled with the i increase the population of toe ZMvu ZXen l est soft feall.erin.;.-' Of course country, by immigration of T,Tn t in a compla mt arn . iioirv if it reallv u down pillow, it young people who will help to;PUt til i called that produce wealth (not to mention Sir. but you will have to wjit. M. n w u,: famlliesi lor several decades be- j Wl Monday as we have no one OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. MacLeod rV!:pito reports on nation- ' the explanation of his definitely wide radio to the contrary, helow-par appearance on his RUPERT RADIO I ffff '' , V ; ' fore they are entitled to Old on ouiv uu ubi mut. u bouuht ' fine mahogany bed-; Pl-n(in i surely the city of Prince TORONTO (CP) The Ontario section of the Canadian Bar Association was told Saturday night that the view of Norman room suits last year will, if they, j Rupert ii not that poor that it i A ...... I ;..!. T r. - 1 n 41.,. Ani.nt can not afford to have a trouble I "B'"-"1L" -. , """" l go snopping looay. in... u.rsc f ,,h ! WMMifiMiIlli' iiiiaii ifr.r.- li.-l-.ltlfwl iitrln IhD til ! I - - - unifi 'v.ii nr hhjmu uuiun uuai- wnniii receni aays Mr. uar- lies on dozens of helpful ac-(shooter on call for emergency Borins, Toronto lawyer, that ness at the old stand and in his HinPr has been climbing back -tiite with hardwood "a bedroom frame and mahriKiiay pancll- tivitles. In one bureau they have tmones such as business places a card index which records' ex-1 where they denend a lot on out-actly how much narcotic drugs1 going orders. I for one need the characteristically vigorous man- j f:lst to his old-time form. Rc-ner for an indefinite period t-o tnement never was in his mind, come. Fetiiei.icnt has jast NO ; purl there is no prospect what-nlace in hiu busy mind and ac- PVer that It will enter it. At confessions should be excluded from evidence submitted to courts has created wide imprest in legal circles from coast to' coast. ing.' The Merclu'iiidi.se Murks Act are nanniea by eacn uiuggisi,, onoiie uauij a unc-innu m -"y mm- business depends on nlwht cans al "O prevents newspapers aoi.H,r and dentist in Canada. in unniher hulldlrur thev have ! and orders to be called for. If i "vr ljl'in! for future. I least, not for some considerable and magazine ads from fooling .hn,,... f vhii rats on mv nhnne is out thev nhone 1 The veteran pocket-sized Cab- time to come. About the time the public, and it has kept de jpv It S h m Secret V peg, president or the CBA. said' , , , . msv r0r several ; ,.,v,i,.'h ihev mnke all sorts of .omewhere rie. I inet Minister returned a few , that Prime Minister St. Laurent that the association would give ,.v..it,,- n,t-ir eatato- .,,.fi .'. II Thin. m hn.1 enraiirh iiui ! days ago from a medical chock- : steps down ami Rt. Hon C. D. ct the famed Mayo Clinic. Jlowe also decides tot quit the .jKues. He ii4 tvoii al thanijf: bam?: I ! if if.saW saw" a a 'graph, 'graph, bl' til' how how-rats .-fats : now now without without making making them them any anyi careful stildy to tiie pionosal made by Mr. Borins last October in an address to the Cana tie?! are ' silk i farP 0n ordinary bread as com- worse, I He looked poorly. He walked ; active srene, -Hhe Agrtctiltural Many "all-sill;" mixture" ties; blanket.; arc no many wool" , oared with vitamin fortified t VI. noOce IhcS ..JvoHeiwtal?-Mnnr'owiy.nii Huwea oniv-a j Minister may cau a aay. un- Thot all dnv our trucks dian Penal Atsociatic wool and cot-: Dreud, and the story was clear j Fnou' for their nhone bill on flnt evidence of his familiar ; less Providence intervenes, that Mr. Borins. a former assist time Is still quite a long way off. inn- nri eertnin nieces of as crystal the vitamins - do 'the 15th of each month, or nay .vigor. ant crown attorney, said tne i .u- I helD. i an extra dollar, but if our phone ! Within 24 hours a radio corn- Throughout his long and pic danger of confessions had been i U,1J new o ar Tn on office we saw a micro- u out of order, sav three or six ment a tor with a nntinn-wide turesque career In public life, . .. vividly demonstrated in recent "earthenware. i scope so powerful that it shows 'irtaVS m a month, I notice thev ! audience had him slated for re-! Rt Hon. Mr. Gardiner has been years in cases of international; . the vlnls of influenza as j dor).t say here's a few cents back ; tlrement and Dr. It. H. Han- a fiehting type, and in most of importance. He v.as especially : rBW,r Art clearly as you can see towns and s yonr nhone was out of order ' nam, President of the Canadian his battles he has ended up on concerned when a confession vemc Mrr cities on a man. ' i five Haw. tvuWatinr. f rr(itiire e. k. innin .iri nut tho,.. u Whipping Cream - Table Of Cereal Cream Just ask the driver for any of the when he delivers your milk. Farriery, the art of horseshoeing, was first practised by the Celts. from an accused constituted practically the only evidence in the crown's case. in anotner oince we saw i r know the eity has plenty of CCted to take his place. An-jftin one more battle that he young doctor, of Asian ances-; trouble with o'd equinment and nonncement of the change wrtsj wants to win before he quits the try, working with a live beating 1he weather, but still I think expected before Prime Minister i Federal arena. That is the heart in a tank, many hours t),at we business neonle who Ct t anrar.l lnft nrt Vila amrlri lUntila In lnHn fhft rnhlnnt -after the life of the parent anl- ; deDcnd on the night trade should tour ! here it. en ahead with the Northland Dan f c tl-; i' . ' , i i mal had ended. jhave a break, so let's see if. Tbat rpl)0rt may bp whony I hundred-odd million dollar Each task in every bureau : something can't be done about ciij:re(rarded What happened ! South Saskatchewan irrigation was for something that helps it. was that the Minister of Agrl-! scheme. make life healthier hap-j DISGUSTED. , to or repelved c,ean bU1 of Gardincr believes slncerly iru . J . ... nior fnr anma Canadian TnpV it Vs ' ' ' ' ,' ' ' ' NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTHERN CONS'' from! ha " d ,he merits of that scheme, but f" I everything, were testing Bin() Nurt , , CU1IJ, , , ....,.. . h. n n-.nnHtv kids, to the new fangled lamps GENEVA (CP) Seven Geneva from the Mayo doctors. At the , ' : residents, all of whom are blind, same time they dosed him mild- j of one ln the Cabinet. H he re- which kill Insects but which tne IW1 new-type V -lth some of the newer sulfa i tired now, the project definitely must be kept to for fear they kill humans' Reri Cro'.s home nursing course drugs to trea: a minor cold from would go on the shelf perhaps 10 or given lu uuiiu ueisuns in wiuuil nc waa suiiciini!. 11. lum- ; jor ajj time to come. That S one too. Z:, rea.son why he has the League of Red Cross So AoHciilt.iirff W sllp-rit.lv flllercic. to' and Writer Found the new drugs. The reaction j thought of quitting nt the from them, ln consequence, was 1 present time. cieties co-operated in the pro Ject. ENJOY Murdered NEW YORK i Maxwell Bod-enheim, "bad boy" writer of the 1920s, and a woman believed to have been his wife were found slain Sunday. A 25-year-old TOMORROV IS THE 10ti By paying all charge accounts m by the 10th of each month ytw protect your credit. "A GOOD CREDIT RECORD IS YOUR BEST REFERENCE" PRINCE RUPERT REHf, 'fast talker" was sought today by police for questioning. The 63-year-old Bodenheim was discovered with the woman in a cheap furnished room. its, n k c r. i a r Lots of Nomes LONDON (CP) Telephone subscribers here this year will have to handle nine directories Instead of the usual four. Five volumes will list "Outer London" numbers, and four more will record those ln "Inner London." Cigarette . PRESIDENT THF.OnOR HEl'SS of the West German Federal Republic poses for an informal portrait on his 70th birthday. The German leader hit the three score and ten mark on January 31.