J. The Prince Rupert Daily K'.w w Tuesday, February 9, 1954 Dould obor Children Appear ' ' " 1 - ... . To Enjoy Attending School Today and Wednesday "IlansiTous" "Hurricane" I loms is sun iiis;u. unu nicy j to the ways of their parents, the ; youngsters are beginning to Ue .school here and appear to be enjoying their new experience. A'tiiouih the children's resistance to Canadian ways and cus- KEW DENVER. B.C. Chi!-diuii of parents who bclon? to the Sons of Freedom braiv.'h of tha Douknobors a.e attending II 01C It ttnr, f I an Interest in school inc. "Under the circumstances, thev seem reasonably happv," Robert Ros, welfare superintendent, said. "But, like norma! children away from home, they tm s their'parents." The 22 children, whose parpnU MIWIKrJE :mmW VIRCIMIA CB Bl IlilCI I ?:;.- J' J TOTEM A tmiluui PUit ThfUlie THE NEW S3J0.009 motor-transport and administration building at Shearwater naval air base across the harbor from Huifux. consldererTan irmed forces showpiece, collapsed mysteriously. Naval officers said they believe the building m y be a total loss. There were no Injuries. Government agencies have; retained an out Me expert to Investigate the collapse of the ' ' ' ' ....... . newly-built garage. , -,. . pre serving penitentiary terms for nude parading, range in age hum live to 14 years. NORMAL REACTIONS In the cia.ss-ioom they react like any normal children, said Mrs. A. M. Steven, one of the teachers. "Their intelligence varies as it does in any school and they need a bit of watching i as all Canadian youngsters do."; They reflect their parents' j teachings in the prayers they i chant morning and evening. BuU they also like English, songs . which they sing for their teacher. They now are translating a I Doukhobor song into English, a: step toward mutual understand-1 ing between children and tea- Cher - I The food is Russian and Is prepared by Japanese women who were taught by Doukhobor; women. i Although they may have visit-; "The Cruel Sea 2 I Russians Enjoy Ballet, Opera, Concerts On TV, no Soap Operas or Commercials Starring JACK HAWKINS By TOM WHITNEY. ' , ; next year. NEW YORK -Russian tele-: Russian- stations present In !-vision ':nth motion pictures and plnys has- 110 soap operas, no'. thrillers for dhlldren: nbmvstervi from the studio or direct from r'O'-utinplsi s, ucrooats, cuincpis and the like. According to plaits of the Mal-enkov government. Soviet '!-vision Is to undergo tremendous eviwn-ioii in tin n' X' fe yerv.-New stations will be built, with coaxial cables to link them In a network. . . , and ballet nlav-s. no dtc iockrvs. no com.l 'he theatre; theatre; opera opera A ors every Sunday, tne young edians ana no Commercials sters mi.ss their parents. The in- direct from the Bolshoi opera theatre, and what they call "fW rt . . The ,e are varlotv programs presenting singer. terest taken in them by thoc Muscovites love it. resboasible for their welfare The U.S.S.R. ' has three sU-; compensates to some degree. will bo playing at The Capitol Thealre TONIGHT SHOWS AT 6:45 - 9:15 P.M. . z . 1 1 . 1 ,.v... .8 . fe. . ..j SCT.-MAJ. DANNY MrOOWAN of Camp Borden, Cmt., chief ,cook with th." 2nd Battalion. Royal 22nd Regiment, in Germany, pulls from the oven a tray of freshly-baked Canadian bread, available to Canadian troops in Cermany for the first time. Bread previously supplied the troops was a heavy type baked by the British Army. Sgt.-Maj. McGowan spent three days with a British supply depot teaching the cooks the method of ;bread-baking with a Canadian recipe. Slump in Jobs in U.S. Nov 'Levelling Off WASHINGTON F.vidence , interview, I Voiii tota. rtasonaj gathered by the congressional upturn in hiring and bu,"ine. Doukhobors Continue Fasting VANCOUVER (CP) Fasting Doukhobor women prisoners at suburban Oakaila prison farm tic ns Mascov, Leningrad and Kiev. Altogether thf re may n-1 somew here around ; 250 000 T7 receivers In use, most of them In and around Moscow. Tlie principal Soviet television station In Moscow Is on the air 20 to 25 hours a week. Programs start at 8 each evening except Thursday. Thursday is the station's day off, and run to about 11 p.m. On Sunday afternoons there :1 always a special children's program which runs about three hours. Sometime on weekdays and Sundays there are special sports broadcasts, usually soccer games from the Dynamo) Stadium. ecoiHMjiic committee suggests aciivny in- uie cany .tpiing, that the slump in jobs and pro- NOTICE TO FORMER CUSTOMERS Follow Your Heart To Wallace's duction in the United States 'has begun to level off" and will turn into a recovery this spring. The committee, weighing the anti-deprcsslon propram President Eisenhower presented to Congress in his economic report la.st month, took testimony from the heads of nine government economic and statistical agencies this week. Their findings, Representative Monday began their second week : without solid food. The women, 25 members of the radical Sons of Freedom, arc protesting aaainst removal of some male Doukhobor prisoncis i lioin Oakaila to the British Col-j umbia Penitestiary. Prison officials said all but ; two have taken fluids, mostly i orange juice, -mice the hunger i strike began None is in need ct forced feedirg. officials said. Mrs. Rowe, formerly of Bacon Street, lowed by. a possibly substantial economic revivul in the fall. Eisenhower lias advised Americans to Ignore "prophets of slooin" mid 'promised them a "bis brother partner in the fed-oi.ii government." Ai dre.-islns a cheering throns of ninre than 6 b(H at a Washington Republican dinner, Eisenhower sailed into- Drpiocratlc predictions of hard times, saylns; "the United States doesn't need to fall." He eriticiml former president Truman, who said the country no'v is in a recession. Addressine a meetlra of Americans lor Democratic Action In SI TS ARE TINY " j Soviet television sets selling In ! Moscow have four or five-in-h w I'onnt Tlii Riiitilnn.! hnnn tn : FOR VALENTINE DAY again open her dressmaking business 234 Third Avenue East Upstair over Rupert Battery Shopi '""VV 7.'':-."' '-? FEBRUARY 22 get a set with at. went or 10-lnch ! 3 p Wok-ott Rep. Mich.. srr:'-n In mass production In the i committee chairman, said in an. HOSIERY BLOUSES SKIRTS UMBRELLAS BLANKETS TOWELS TABLECLOTHS BEDSPREADS HOUSECOATS 1 and all receive regular visits i Horn the lesldent physician. The reedomite demonstration was touched off by a fire m SLIPS GOWNS ,7 PANTIES J Students Make Dent-Proof Plastic, Glass Auto Body l mil oprniiif, plea.sr write BOX 53 fur appinlv : WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE j New York. Truman said "the re -i resslon that started on th' farms last spring has already . ,.,.o.i4 tn Ihn ,ltv Kt fPPl A "" CT.RAR' PHOTOGRAPHS OR SKETCHES C0KT Feb. 1 which did $3,000 damage to the women's quariers. Only one' wjma.i was iniured. They are serving sentences for nude ' parading. ' WINNIPEG CP) A' plajSt-, dipped cherie eloth. . ' (erreysion votiUl do likewise." auto body tht!ton't dipt 'when j' Two days later the mould was Hr scoffed at the "miracles'' he pounded with 'a heavy timber removed and after a standard t (jai(i Were promised by the Re-h-.ts-bpen Brotfuted by if sroiivJ-i body finishing .with glaring I nutlican party of students 'at the Manitoba 1 putty. ;surfacer and lacquer the j .., ,iave b(.en wat.hn2 anj SHOE SALE IfCIlIIICHl UlMilULC uaill cutl'.ir juu was uvnc, eloth. some fibre glass mats and . The trim, fittings and bump- ers were provided by a wood-; working class under instructor! John Redmond. I waiting for those miracle to hnpnen that we were promised back in 19.52. But there is some-thinir wrong somewhere There seems to be a sUV.it delay In th j miracle bunes. : What Percentage of TOTAL SALES Should Be Spent on Advertising? SHOE LADIES' $1 95 Here ore the figures . . . compiled by the Bureau of Business Research, Harvard University for Retailers: liquid plastic. The body a snappy sports roadster in coral red was mounted on a standard small-car chassis and placed on display in a Winnipeg department store. The weight of 12 men standing on the body causes no strain. The builders arc students in the institute's body repair class working under Instructor AJex To it. To make a mould, the boys tool; six rear fenders from a metal scrap heap and shaped four fenders and door openings. A scrap hood helped provide the hood and two old door panels were cut to make the rear panel. The students ck-welded the pieces together and braced them with angle Iron. To give a smooth, profession-nl touch they plastered the Inside of the mould and sanded it smooth. A coat of vlbrin (liquid plastic) sealed the plaster and prevented chipping. Most difficult job was to de Two Unionists Entry to US Refused SEATTLE OP Two members of a Canadian delegation to conference of the International Longshoremen's and Warehmi-c-men's Union Ind,. at Belling-ham were denied admLsslon to the United States Monday, district Immigration service director John P. Boyd announced. He named them as Per Lars Elof Blixt, native of Sweden, born there In 1905, and Frederick George Jackson, born in Ireland in 1908. They were from the Vancouver, New 'Westminster FOR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB 1 ,.',1 ; - CALL OK DIBB PRINTING COMPANY at I'creentutB l.iln- of P.nshifss i' . .I'm " '. i t ( , e ; i ' . ' W.' , ... J ''it.:-' FASHION FOOTWEr Auto Accessories- -Service Stations 2.6 " 1.1 Electrical "All Smart Women read Classified!" Any resemblance between this ad and a popular Radio-TV prog- purely intentional. velop a "releaser" to prevent the plastic from sticking to the delegation. i They were turned back at th; ' Blaine border station. Boyd said, on the grounds tnat "their entry is deemed prejudicial to the best Interest of the United States." He said he was quoting from a law and declined to explain further. Six or seven other members n'. the delegation were allowed to enter the United States, he salrl. mould. This was made by mix- "DRAGNET" Ins liquid plastic to a consis tency like syrup. Glass mats, tailored to fit the A BOB PARKER LIMITED PRESENTATION vr mould and dipped in vibrin: came next, followed by vibrin- KOTKCT THIi IM"""' 'ONI. Tilt ritl fcS HAVE BKEN t llXMiKO TO nmiv HI MK1WN fI""01 The chler inspected all of the .... ..j ihm a clean bill UN DA Florists ' 5.0 Drug Stores 2.5 Grocery Stores - 1-5 Jewelry Stores 3.9 Men's Clothi ng v 3.8 Shoe Stores 3.7 Department Stores - 4.3 Hardware .Stores .' 1.4 Beauty Shoos . 5.3 Furniture Stores '. 7.0 Building Materials ' '. l'.O Luxury Class (Gifts, etc.) 8.7 Women's Apparel - 3.9 Cleoncrs 3.5 NOW is the time to concentrate your ADVERTISING in im: mi. uu "" - - . K NnthliiB mlslcadlne. He ''ttd ln .. thorn and they're all clean. The o- with 11 t .i.m HERE'S THE FACTS. JCST THE FACTS, SIR: The day Is Tuesday. The name is Bob Parker Ltd. We are in the new and used car business. We're working on MeSridc Street and Third Avenue, Trince Rupert, B.C. As public servants we're experienced we've been here for eight years. Wc have a large selection ot used cars real bargains that we're offering the public. Drop tn and see for yourself. 1 .L-..rl riUt. "l fnmn- pvervi.niniz i iih-a - one thlng-they're all al""110. WEVE ' has it! PinTlT. MUII1 PVITV Ul; of antl-frecw; and is ready w HERE'S TODAY'S LINEUP: . TU"" . . . i- m-rcssoi" AH $880 Do" Nobody could 52 FORD SEDAN ! Heater. Excellent condition. 840 Down Here's a chance to cop a real buy. Don't let your feet drag. Net this before It gets away. 48 FORO PICKCP Box on back. Al shape. 270 Down After seeing our lineup here's one car you'll recognize us a good buy. , Pity the plight of poor Mrs. DeCoven, She chose a carpet that wasn'fc Loom- Woven, " Each day she has it, her carpet get leaner . . . It's pile disappears in her vacuum cleaner. That's why women who know what smart buying' about Buy Loom Woven Wunda Weve pile can't pull ool! 9 x 12 CorVe ny 139-oo See Them Today McRAE BROS LTD. "THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT" Phone 6 or 36 n n be MEWS DAILY BOB PARECER LIMITS "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE"