-w' ' E P-J'.r-j . - ...i " ";"! ' j i ,i. , riiHCc tSupcii LCiiy intYC . l'uesnay, February W, 19m 3LACKWCOD on U.S. Admiral Meets Chiang TAIPEH, Formosa i.T Vice-Admiral Alfred M. Pride, commander of the United States 7Ui Fleet which patrols waters between this Chinese- Nationalist island and the Red mainland, discussed defence problems witti top military leaders here today. The admiral conferred with President Chiang Kai-Shek at dinner. BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Player Can Guide ADLlNE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Yf fl "Crossword Pule" ! ' 3 'i - j 1 H j I I Partner's Defense THE CORRECT defense against many contracts is far from obvious. Often a contract can be defeated only by the lead of a specific card at a specific time. The unfortunate player who does not happen to hit upon this killing lead is usually subject to sharp criticism from across the table. This is not always an equit-- LONDON (CP) A civil servant, le.stilyin:; in a court case repeatedly used such phra.ses as "in-' cremental dates" when a pay isified Rates j LEGAL, NOTRE day previous 4 30 pm. lion. Irenes per word per tn- "THE DAILY NEWS" "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3447 YEAR AGO 3260 crease was due and "pre-assim-Uation conditioned hours," hours previously, worked. The jud'ie commented: "Words, words It all .omuIs like a cm-sword i.lmiim jhiirgB flu cents. 50 cents. Cards of li W-ntf .4-nni . w'a.:ij.-. .... j j 654 f3 iXitli Nutlcs. niurrm able arrangement. Often the! unfortunate one is guilty only' in what you might call a phy- i leal sense. That is, it is he' alone who is in a position to1 East dealer. Both sides vulnerable. , North (Mr. Abel) b K J a 4 s H A J 8 D 7 e C-l 1 3 fe'rlaee and tngsKeniem, I,.,,,s, M.0O. I,.v l.t.le prlc. ,,t Kpfilncln accept responsibility it,,, d3 losertd Incorrect! n,n ciawlneatlon unless 14 BUSINESS PERSONALS 33 BOATS AND ENGINES Tk.i tdvcrtiMmcnl .1 not piAdtibed or dupltycd by tht Liquu Control 8wd o? t tfi Covcinnttnl f Brititfc Coluibi- n ro mch errors Is received SEALED TENDERS aiUIrcbotd to tho undersigned, and endorsed "TENDER FOR NEW BOILER, MILLER BAY INDIAN HOSPITAL, PKINCE RUPERT, B.C.". will be received In trie ' ofllco of the Secretary, until 3:00 p.m. IB.8T.), WEDNESDAY, MARCH ll, 1954 Plan end specification can be seen aril furms of tender obtained at the WANTKD TOP MARKET FOR SALE by Tender-Seiner PRICES PAID for scrup iron, I packer Co-operator No 3 Ten-steel brass, copper, lead, etc. dors In writing submitted by Honest grading, prompt pay- March 1st, 1954 at 2195 Commis-nient made. Atlas Jron & Metal ; sinner Street, Vancouver 6 Hieh- ira ot fln t Insertion. last (Mr. Ma-lcrs) 67 H 10 7 5 1 3 Wet (Mr. Keen) 8 A 6 H 2 f K J 10 8 :l 2 C- 10 0 5 4 Smith (Mr. D A Q 4 wu i uui ot., Vancouver, i rrt ur anv tenner nm. nprvao r .NT AD B.C. Phone PAcific 8357. 0 2 C K Q 3 (Hi Archltect. De- offices of the Chief ily accepted. Further information apply Fishermen's Co-op at partment of Public Works. Ottawa Champion . 6 2 BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL S-Q 10 8 8 Ontario, the District Architect, Be. place the thumb and fingers of one hand on a certain card, j withdraw it from the other I cards, and lay it face up on the table. , j PARTNER IS CULPRIT . j ' But I have observed that on many occasions it is-his part-i ner who is the real culprit. He sits there spouting criticism in a pompous, self-righteous manner, completely overlooking the fact that with no trouble at all tiuuve auuress or n: Huron St., Victoria, B.C. (43; Building. 1110 West Georgia Street, WORLD'S FINES .' CLEANER FLEC'TROLTJX. PLone Blue 70 for Paris tales Service. c) f PLIES II K H4 D-d 5 C A Vancouver, B.C.. and tit the Post Of- line Building. Prince Rupert, B.C. 36 ROOMS KCR KENT DINING PLEASURE Tenders will not be considered un- holding repiier following News The Fast 1 C Pass 5 C bidding: South West IS 2D 3 S 4 C 5 8 Dbl. North 2 fS 4 S All Puss less made on or according to these forms and in accordance with the conditions set lorth therein. Each tender must be accompanied in FEBRUARY 14 is VALENTINE DAY. Greeting cards, cutout books and candy at THE VARIETY STORE. (35) vVILFORI) Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. un OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 ne could have oiiiriV,) ilio ,(! TWO sleeping rooms. Board if desired. Phone Red 510, 812 2nd West. (35) FULLY furnished li;ht housekeeping rooms 221 5th Ave. E:.s'. (34) LIGHT housekeeping room. 801 Borden St. (34p) Sf ROOMS AND riO.MtO by a certified cheque on a charterei ; bank in Canada, payable to the or- j der of the Minuter of Public Works. ! or Bearer Bonds as specified In the form of tender, for 10 per cent of the 1 fense into the right channel. . ! lead of tne higher of the. other In today's deal it appeared itwo Plaln suile- 888 893 es miibt be for in person Sparkling new surroundings Commodore Cafe NEARLY every bey uses 6. amount of the tender. ROBERT FORTTER. Secretary. . Department of public Worlcs, Ottawa, February 2, 1864. I NO I.VF..V1S WIl.FORD Lle-.irieal Works Dealer for Ekolile Sounders. - (38) lo Mrs. Keen that the best de--LONG HFARTS foadhertnLo'H5! Mr- Champion ledva trump to ?k his at trtck and quecn 0 Mrs. to win n tr 1 . -,h ImaTnrumn L lnn t hef:Keen won and rrturned a dia-Z d f r,rTL ,P l1 'n mond. Mr. Masters won and led mJ ' whifcH Mrs. Keen , in f C'UbS 6 Jrtf 2 nilV , trUmPed- sw then-cash.d the 0nd n.ff ruff a heart return. , king t diamonds for tnt WRONG SIGNAL , undertrick. Note that il she had party, ROOM and board for 2 working men in private home. Phone Red 140. (34) ixiiiary card 17 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smithers Every Tuesday and Friday. For connectior.s Phone 632 SAW filing All types of saws. j Precision Saw Filing, 215 1st ... . lurch W.A Valentine RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles West. CFPR (41) ROOM and board for working j man. Phone Blue 851. (35p) 1 II at Mrs. L. M 1 lii.nli n St. MAQAZlNKs, iwve.ues. News Stand. tddle'i c) (Subject to Chance) Dummy's ace of hearts won , led a nub nt trick three Mr id Party, Feb. 11. (3b VUISDAY 3 nOMK H nl.M 1 1 SMALL 3-room furnished house. Suitable for couple only. Ph. Black 773 or call at 1234 Park Avenue. (34) Champion co.iUl have trn.lu six- Odd, discarding both of dummy's diamonds on his long hearts. FOR chimney 1. leaning and odd jobs, phone Oreen 173. 42p j CARS? Bob Parker of course. 1 (45) l.peinn W.A. I'.b. 12. Investors Syndicate of Canada Ltd. and Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd. T. M. CHRICTIE Ph. 3"4 315 Third Avenue W. Representative tor Prince Rup-rt. Terrace and Kitimat PM. 00 flr.'lll 8:45 , .1x1 the first trick. And now it was time for Mr. Masters to think. His side had bid diamonds and clubs and yet Mrs. Keen had chosen to open a heart. The only possible reason for this was that the deuce of hearts was a singleton. Mr. Masters realized what his THREE-ROOM Green 106. apartment. (33) BOTTLE Collector. Phone Green 626. .?.6p) iiimlors' Day Tia. Vi p m . Ladies' .;ull;in Legion. ' , Aitni2 Tea, Fc. 39A Sl.'ITES FOR RENT 16 LOST 7:18 7:30 8:00 8:16 8:30 8 :(I0 ft .30 TWO-ROOM furnished. Bath. Phone Red 984. Private (56 containing valuable To VANCOUVER via Waypoints FRIDAYS: SS COQUITLAM, 8 p.m. SUNDAYS: SS CAMOSUN. 8 p.m. To Stewart and Alice Arm SS Camosun, Saturday, 6 a m To North Queen Charlotte Islands January 27 and Feb. 10 Coquitlam, Thursday, 6 a.m. j WAIXET papers, SniKT Serenade hmilev Hnriletfe Show Musical Program UUU iMCWS t'BC Nows Roundup LeicPMter Square to Broadway The Nation's Business . . Canadinna Twenty Question ' ' Mr. SlHiwrjusiiH-HK ' : Vancouver I'heatro CBC News .', CDC News Planning In BC. Here Conies t:ie Band Ueadier Heport . Muli-:ll lulerliieres Mii;n-ilT WEDNESDAY B C. Fishermen's Broadcast A I!..k Jle, Gor- signed cheque, and FURNISHED suite, 621 Fulton .d n s, h'U. U. (F YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent ol Truck and Equipment .small amount cash. Finder please Street. (38p) 1 A. Rummage and 40 HOMES fuR SALE Keep casn, returning balance to owner by phoning Black 702. 34p) b. 13. 206 6th St. - Ph. Blue 939. M. 1. SAUNDERS : partner's plan of defense was and he also realized with horror ; 1 that she would undoubtedly try to put him in with the ace of clubs which he didn't have. He I had never helped diamonds and 1 there was no reason for her to think he had the ace of that 1 suit. How could he fell her to j lead a diamond? ' He did the Vst he could by ! playing the 10 of hearts on the i first trick. Obviously this was i an unnecessarily high card and Imc Dunce, Feb. mi enly. Tickets r Shop. 18 HEI WANTED MALE Sale, n Rummage CLERK GRADE 1 or Junior Clerk (Male) B.C. Civil Service Government Agency, Prince' BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS i Phone 200 Broadway Cafe I1 iiSlreet. scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ae. il. To South Queen Charlotte Islands February 3 and 17 Coquitiam,. Thursday, 6 p.m. ! ' LES SMITH Prince Rupert Aent 511 Third Ave. ... Phone 568 REVENUE HOME Five bedroom house, close to MrBride. living room, dining room, cabinet kitchen, all in first class condition. Price only $5000. Low down payment. See this, it's good. 11. G. ILMgerson Ltd. Real Estate and Insurance. 216 6th St. - Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Black 197 eves. (34) Prayer, Cathedral,! Rupert. Clerk Grade 1: Salary in li 3, eveniiiEs. ;$165-S203 per month plus $15 per Prince Rupert, B.C. 147) month Special Living Allowance. jviia rveen reaa 11 as a suit preference signal asking for the Phone 347 P.O. Bex 374 f. ti f nl Clinic Bake n U dcrsoii's, 1 Must have Junior Matriculation j or equivalent; miimum of two I vears' clerical experience. Junior 10:00 10:10 10:15 10:30 1 1 Ml '!:( A.M. 7:00 1:1.1 7:30 7:3.1 8 00 8:10 8:13 8:4n 0:00 8:15 S):!,!l 10:00 I0:1." 10:45 11:00 11:15 1 1 ::lll 1 1 : 1.1 PM 13:15 13:35 13::)0 l'i:.1il I Mill BLONDIE Let's Ask Her 8v CH!C YOUNG Mtih-ul cioi-k CBC News: Weather Wii-Ii'nI ( link Morning IN-votions ' CBC News; Weulljer Here's Bill flood Bnakfast Club Laura Limited . BBC News and C'omly. Aunt Lucy I nine M hiif ay Time Signal Morning Visit . 'I lie Happy final? ' Mtlsmil Kltclleii Your Good Nt-ij;libor Klnderiiarteti of (lie Air Mevsiiue IVrittil Mel'i. Klt.lieu 6-ROOM house. Phone Red 827. (33p) A. Itumimmc Sale, r' Tea, Catholic 4 II A Houses Want' d to Buy '! h 17 Clerk: salary $rea-$165 ner month plus $15 per month Special Living Allowance. Junior Matriculation or equivalent. Applicants must be British Subjects under 45 years of age except in case of ex-8crvieemen. Application forms obtainable from Government Agent, Prince Rupert, to be returned not later than February 18th. (ltd Hi Tea and fl P.T A. IK. FIVE ROOMS: Full price only $2450. Comfortable family I home on 9th Easf, just off Mc- Bride. Large living room, kit-I chen, bedroom and bath down, : two smaller bedrooms up. Full i basement. $1500 will be accepted "Hun, High School. in 31. Afternoon April 1. I CBC New CBC Showcase BC. Form iimadcast Interlude KecortN lor Von wTD. MAI.K as downpayment. Balance as 24 SITUATIONS n Spring Sale Ap- rent. A, Ruin mage Kale, ,4:" WEIX educated British immi-jNew! New! Handyman's Special grant, age 36, seeks part time We offer this ultra modern 4-cvenlng and (or) weekend em-1 room bungalow 5 minutes from ployment. Enquire Box 896 Daily , City Centre to anyone handy News. (37pwith tools. Spacious floor plan (displays large living room (pic- 26 BriMMM.' MATERIAI tre window) two good sized 1:311 Heeioil Allium 1 3:00 u.c. Srhool Broadcast 3:30 IYnns-Canadu Matinee 3:15 Brave Voyage 3::10 Hixdown 3:46 BC. Roundup 4:15 Other Voices, Other Places 4:30 Jubilee Koad 4 :4S ,. Benny t.hi .Bashful Boxcar liters Ea.ster Tea. '.:isir, April 14. the Moose isjjrlii f ffm ",trtrr: fivrfri'' ; r?m.1VAei-and umart ;bfttniooii; Full 1- "1 Mrs. Fred Grim cement foundation, automatic Phone 651 or 652 5:15 . International Comty 6:20 CBO News; Weather Ave West. Amil 15. 1 Iciiine. Rawhide Inquire about our budget plan for your home improvement. No down payment. $100 to $2,000. 6 5:30 5:55 Have Yon Heard? Spring Sale, April to 24 months to pay. (55) (37) ff'tif Spring Show, 27 Fl KL, J '.L-T JpSMYJ El - 0 1 M'5 DUET AT THE j'"' 1 'ivOjR WIFE J f WHAT C.C.C' ) KING 0E THE ROYAL MOUNTED . . , By ZA.NE GREY ..' ' . '" ' : ' . fv''-y'.v":'- y limn .1- - """r ""T. VIbmuV 5tz that an 1 T."'J vr.v;ci.".'.-"y c-c l- H: llSrSvkt Yr BfAKfO vi.' HfrX . & -mmmtmmtA ArMSivS . MutOV&O St"wW T TO SMASH WTO MeJi 1 r-n nc'tfr AMSrf WsrOMtL OM, LI LABNtR . .' 1 1 ByALCAPH C-CAM VOU V ( VISIONS ) I AH VvHlRLED AROOND Nl I rriPS.'r' v I hULLO, "Si? VO PAPPV'Z RALLYTALK IS 4 3 TIMES-REPEATEDTH' y- O SOMEONE'S ). MANMV.T YWofiMS ISGOOWN' tovouroj icheapern V secret words an-- TSrimgin'mah what's fast.?-in 10 IM NEW VORK TELEPHONES.; 4 HERE COMC TH' ( A rV eJUMBER.'.' ) , NEW? Il DAVS, HE'LL BE WITHOUT . , 2 VISION" r-j?'? r's St. , ' A AAIIMAL.W ) USING A S V hy. .. -'Ji 'iJ- f-i"l .( f A IT'LL BS. LEGAL TELEPHONE?) v, yVYr . . V r, AS T SHOOT Wl.? Ijjglg May 1. oil heat. Move right in and finish it in your spare time. Reasonable down payment. ' ARMSTRONG AGENCIES LTD. Phone 342 -,- Eves. Red 958 (33) Selling Your Home? We need good listings. For prompt inspection and a satisfactory sale, call Jim George-son at ARMSTRONG AGENCIES LTD. Phone day or night, 342, Red 953 (35 1 A. Snrinn Bazaar ATTENTION ALL ELKS Initiation Meeting THURSDAY NIGHT Spring Bazaar, Try Clean, Hard, Hot BRIQUETTES In Your Fireplace, Cookstove or Furnace. $24 40 Ton Delivered. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phone 116, in or 58. Your Agents for McLeod River Hard Coal. (38) (35) isiitrn iani Bom to Mr nnrl NEWLY decorated wartime 4. Stairway to attic. 1439 8th Ave. East. 35p) For Your Fuel Requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace. the Prince Runert 'I on Sunday, Feb- Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. ' 41 BUSINESS LOCATIONS Gas "Pacific" Prnnane. a son. Offices in the Stone PHILPOTf, EVITT & CO. LTD. 1 FOR RENT Building. Modern, steam heat -f MOMENTS Phone 651 or 652 (55) Postal Centenary NEW DELHI (CP) The Indian postal department will celebrate its philatelic centenary here next October. Postal administration and philatelists, and stamp dealers all over the world, are being Invited to join In the International philatelic and postal exhibition being organized on the Occasion. ed, centrally located. Apply Rm. 3. Stone Building, or phone Red 593. (38) 14 'Irs. N. Mark nt Tor B.C., announce tho 9 SEWING MACHINES 'I their riiiiu, iMn,. 43 LISTINGS WANTED tr lymond L. Gardiner 'he marriage ser-conducted in St. IALES Ri palri Kentals. Singer Sewing Centra, i'hone 864. (CI M.nn uathedral at 32 FOR SALE MISC. paturd: ay, February dtp) List Your House With H. G. Helnersou L,td. "and prepare to move" Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Black 197 Eves. (37) GEORGE DWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black tu iiv ! it 4 BED, splendid condition, cheap. Also 8-tube radio. Phone Green 712. (36) -USO.Nai. Luxury Steamer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN r, -j'-'cunoucs jB0X 343. Anony- (55) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DRAKE HALICRAFTERS communication receiver. All wave bands. Room 3D, Savoy Hotel. (36p) CONNERWasher," lighter, lathe, shaver. Phone Green 807. (39p) w . r i .-. v '"' - '- - ... . I Z 'JW WliEM VOU SAIP W6 WERE eOlNS I KM? OR YES-IT IS ttELL, VCU PONT H4V6 TO BE i 'Itz, 727 Fm,, c NOW, WHAT C!D I SAY 70 ) 5iPIT- RATE THAT CRUSHER? . J I GUESS H nl-0!Ke,lHilMeHTAl. I l tWHtft BLAtOWe 1 SO 8JP WITH IT. I THINK I I I37p) - irSAPteiiNiS !SS ERSONALS Se- WEDNESDAY Midnight i.;sAN'fre SUNSHINE baby buggy, with mattress. Good condition. Phone Blue 394. (33) 34 WANTED IVHSr F.I.LANtOUS Comfort and Service Q- 14 l'- R"d 593.' (20m- For reservations write Of -1 CI, CHOP SUEY ... ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outsld Orderi Pbone 1U call City or Depot Office, ' Prince Rupert, B.C. hnti. ''erlcal Ave. West. (38) au-wna-c oil heat- CASH TOR ' Scrap, copper, brass, batteries. radiators. Phone 5-i3-,Call 830 6th Ave. West. (:) ROTARIAN3 require low-priced second-hand piano. Contact Terrace Rotary Club, Box 670, Terrace, B.C. (35) WW (0) i ..