Prinre Rvjpprt Daily News Thursday, March !, 19M Stalin Played Major Role in Shaping World on maik i was launched und modernization I of the army and air force begun. (Continued from page one) The kuluk i. ., the goveriin.i nyuldaUTi .. . :; Persons May Make $9,760 Without Paying Income Tax clasj" plained. The kulaks proved trouble-prison like Klalln were In Siberian) camps. Lenin, head of the! some. They clung to their land party and Trotzky. his first J and, rather than surrender their lieutenant were In neutral ter- livestock to the government, rliorv waiting out World War I. 'slaughtered It for a feast of meat 4 such as the villages had not One night during the "BU Time" meeting at Tehran in 1913. Stalin solemnly got to his tect at dinner, looked soberly about him at the assembled military and diplomatic leaders of the United States, Britain i.nd Russia and lifted his glass to American war production. "Without American produe- Both had taken a strong stand ( SEW-AND-SAVE WEEK jl . ( FEB. 28th MAR. 7th ' j J C "Fit Fashion to your Budget' N r WALLACE'S 1 Department Store seen for centuries. They refused to send their products to the would be $1.597 60 plus the $0 ceiling on the old age pension levy. against the war. In the late 1890s of the Czar- Stalin had a , , "rsl, -ho ah mnla 5 In lan. ln la) Alllluieva Ht They C C Jacob was 4,llw 1st regime Stalin organized ciues 10 icra wuiki. hi urw strikes, wrote pamphlet for i factories and Ignored official tion the united Nations couia ipuuiic aiiuii un imai iiu.uU requisitions. Their opposition reached a peak when they planted only enough grain for their own use. Bread was rapidly becoming a presses and m various oiner ways carried the Bolshevik Ideas to the masses. It was under his direction uermans In ;U, . sent a Ilieska.. .. Above this, there would be the four-per-cent surtax on investment income above $2,400. That would be another $294.40, making a total of $1,952 in all. But that $1,952 Just equals the 20-per-cent credit on $9,760, thus eliminating the tax. Mr. Coldwell called the situation 'Incredible." and Mr. Mac-donnell said it would not be of much help to the majority of Canadians. invnrv when Stalin s aeenlx from u r,,i ,:J A provision lntfhe federal budget could leV-fe&wou cam several thousauUjjollars a yer without paying lit ome tax. But a goVahiment spokesman says few taxpayers if any are In a position to use it to beat the tax man completely. The provision s an enlargement of one, thai has been in effect since U94iij under which taxpayers could I deduct, from personal income la payable, 10 per cent of dividends they received from Canadian corporations. The tax credit now has been expanded to 20 per cent. Purpose of the move. Finance Minister Abbott said in his budget speech, was to encourage Canadian invastmeiil in Cana never have won the w... ne declared. On another occasion. Stalin clinked his glass with that of President Roosevelt and toasted my fighting friend Roosevelt," He repeated the performance with Churchill. The' British Prime Minister, at a solemn ceremony, awarded Stalin the ' J " " i'uo.jij CUIJiD moved In. 1m the grain that Slav officer who esc had been raised as the govern-j after the wnt hn? ment's share of what would have about him. Vai been a normal crop, and left, bomber pilot ar,!t . millions of country people to .throughout th lace famine. Estimates of hun-ias a 11. utirunl i.-.w,. k.nnH tha mil. i A, Mr. Lesage said H would take I ' Stalingrad swora rommcmoi -a -rather unusual-if not im-i ating Britain's recognition of the heroic Soviet defence tf that Dossible" set of circumstances to MODERN AND OLD TIME that the first Issue of the newspaper Pravda was prepared In 1912. "The Pravda of 1912." Stalin wrote on Its tenth anniversary, "was the laying of the cornerstone of the victory of Bolshevism in 1917." Stalin Jailed elRht times ;itid exiled to Siberia seven times between 1902 and 1013. He led from there six times The last sentence was to the Arctic regions. There, In a closely guarded camp, he remained until the czar's overthrow emptied Siberia of Its political "Xllcs. While In Siberia in 1903. Stalin received a note from Lenin his i bring about the complete tax ex- city. lemption set out In Mr. Coldwell' ; Unon President Roosevelt a Vr You'll LAUGH I You'll CftYl A MCE dian firms. 'example. death in the spring or 1945, Mar- riticucd . i,H i in .h the mm Com-; f ' w., ..m in . f It was c and LOVE IT I ."i mons by M. J. Coldwell, CCF Latest avanaDie iax .sialism's. ni t"" - - he said, showed that the average condolence to Mrs. Roosevelt: lonHpr anrl J M Mardminf II. FRIDAY, MARCH 6 LEGION AUDITORIUM a-: "The Soviet people nigiuy ..... tnxnaver In the S8.000-S10.000- 53) ccrt UwderbV!vear income group received Music By and HIS WESTEKNAIKKS a? income o. .r uia.. wu. k " as- Jean Lesage. parliamentary , sWtint to the finance minister I "There must be very few tax- of freedom-loving nations ' ! ngalnst the common enemy and .f any. whose tax liability Payers, With the he ip " o accounung .... . "ii. m,.,! I w.ll be canceUed by the 20-per- as the leader In the cause of REDSKRIi i first contact with the man who f ; w to become Russia's leader j ' and whom he was to succeed. iiiiu triruiiiHiui; CAuti w, 4ii. vuiu- ----- .... thn srcur;tv of ihn Dancing from 10-2 $1.00 ...-I! l..,.l.,l .V, o n,orriH CentCrCOli. 1 II1.1UIIM rice Trotzky made a bad guess in 1922 bv refusing Lenin's suggestion that he become secretary Of the Communist Party. The post : went to Stalin, who saw in It the real power behind the fig-! urative throne that Lenin had ''K-fupicd Lenin's post of chair childess man with no other In- i With this provision and cor- ; whole world ' come than Canadian dividends Poralion-tax changes in the ; But after the war new ( ..m-subject to the credit could draw budget, double taxation is etlin- ( munlst International oigunizu-up to $3 760 a year without pay- inatcd on businesses with profits tion was formed to seek to doing personal income tax. He up to $20,000. , feat the Marshall Plan for Fur-would be exempted, too, from the The sole owner of a small ;0pean aid and to fight "United two-pcr-cent special levy for old 1 business could not escape tax. states imperialism " This was age pensions. Mr. Lesage said. If he took his known m the Cotninform. or A finance department expert i profits as dividends the com- Communist International Infor-conf lrmed that Mr. Coldwell s Py '"!d Py corporation tax. i mRtlon Bureau. x TOTE TODAY to SATURDAY Evenings 1: -9: p.m. Matinee Saturday X: p.m. A tritium PUi LINDSAYS CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. ' j Established 1910 V.OVING . -. . FACKING . . . CRATING suippim; . . . i orwardixo . . . storage Exptritiiccd handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVK WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S Agents Allied, Van Lines Ltd. I'lionc (10 or (i Cor. 2nd and Park Ave, lHfY Raising Cajm on iw BowngAUm' man ol tne uommuniNi rany was not filled after his death I in 1925. ISTAI.IVH IRON HII.K figuring was just about correct. As the CCF leader had It work- II ne drew mem out as salary. , The Russian revolution oi he would pay personal Income March. 1917. developed so surtax. !denly that It found the Bolsh'- There were many evidences of viks unprepared lor the verj The Philippine Lslands. now .Tent for which they had been Stalin's Iron rule ' cd out, the Investment income of j $9,760 would be subject to the ! married exemption of $2,000. i leaving net taxable income of ! $7,760. The normal tax on that well- selfgovering. were discovered by agitating for 14 years Most of j Early in his regime the Magellan in 1521. the minor members of the party. case swi I . in - X r l v i X off peasants the kulaks wno opposed his colli'ctlvlrjiUon tlrive were eliminated as a cla. It was estimated that more than 1,000.000 kulaks died of hunger ;fler their grain had been confiscated. Gnimrv Zlnnviev and Leon f IT7 ; 4 I 1 PRICES EFF ECTIVE MARCH 6th, 7th ond 9th PEANUT BUTTER Squirrel While Stocks Last Evenings 7; -t TODAY to SATURDAY CAPITOL . MMOl H mVUlS Till ATltt Saturday Mgtutd Kamenev who had aided Stalin agaiast Trotzky but had later gone over to TroUky's aide, were executed. Many others fell like wheat before the v ythe during the purses of the 1930a or disappeared from slirht. On December I. 1934. Sergei 2-4.22 1 42c Mugs, 12-ot. BUY QUALITY MERCHANDISE IN QUANTITY AND SAVE COOKIES M. M Kirov, close Ir.end of Btalln, had slain In I-nlngrad. Executions for this killing passed the hundred mark Zlnovlev and Kamenev. tried with 11 co-riefendnnts. pleaded guilty to participation in the murder plot und were .cnten'.fd to prison terms I.aUr. however, the case was leonencd. Zlnovlev, Kamenev and 14 others were brought to trial in Moscow. All confessed that Kirovs assassination was DAD'S 29c 1TPC2 V dflC! Oalmeal Cookies RITZ Call 112 That's the Cab M 21c (I'lain) ( hristi( s CHOC-O-NUT MALLOWS Weston's, I s, ltt-oi Buy One SAVE A LITTLE Buy Two SAVE A LOT Buy Three HIT THE JACKPOT PEiCcHES yal ha,v's hoite' H""" 2 for 43c Pj lloyal tHy' IJar,,ctt ,t-'h,,ic' 15-z 2 for 47c PJjl Ituyal City (Red) (choice) 15-oz 2 for 29c part of a plot to wipe out all the leaders of the Soviet Union, with Stalin heading the list of intended victims. They named Trotzky, then havened In Norway, aa arch-conspirator. All 1 were executed The Norwegian government, holding that Trotzky win a political refugee, refused to give him up. A number of onetime chief Bolshevist figures were among those executed in the purge CAMPBELL'S SOUPS TOMATO SOUP Q QQc Campbells, 10:oi f for Ww VEGETABLE SOUP O Campbell's, lO-oi for CHICKEN SOUP Q C7c (All 4 Varieties) 10-on for Wl 1 for 18c I I llflVI Cream Style (Malkin's Best) Fancy, 13-oz 2 for 35c trials. Many other were Imprisoned The uniformity with which the defendants on trial confessed to X.' V 3 for 52c lP A r 1 for 16c Die most sweeping crimes, and i Mr"l No.,5. Aylmer, Choice, 15-oj 2 for 31 C mr-tS 3 for 43c MISCELLANEOUS TMi iTr If or 23c plots against the government and old comrades caused wonder tnroushout the world. Until Trotzky waa removed from the Moscow sceneby banishment, expediency "dictated that no action be taken against the kulaks. But with Trotzky and his followers out of the political pic II I flA A I I I r ,lyal cil'-tholce- M-m 2 for 45c LakJol... I Wllfini VbV 3 lor 66c pfiYALCm CARDED FOODS ture. Stalin started rebuilding the economic structure. Private trading was ended and a program for collectivizing the farms Instituted. The five-year plan for industrializing the country 35c 39c 13c 22c 18c 35c 19c 51c BLEACH I'erlex, 32-. Jar GLASS WAX (Wizard), 16-ox ..... S.O.S. Package ..' SNAP CLEANER Tin L'GHT GLOBES 10 and KO Watt I.ACO WAX PAPER llam!-e-Wrap, 100-foot Rolls .... SHOE POLISH NiiEget Choice of Color ZERO COLD WATER SOAP 7-oji. . TOILET TISSUE - ;g LAUNDRY SOAP PORK & BEANS ' S ALHAOf swk,yc ,hcan Kinv Kamy' 28 fr 73c nThriftier ivay lo 1 CANNED GOODS-SPECIALS R eKercate FRUIT COCKTAIL Mhbys, 2X-o.. CUT GREEN BEANS Malkin's Itesl, C QQC Fancy, " 'i Robin Hood IIP ROBIN HOOD SPECIALS CAKE MIX Robin Hood white 24c,?. Ginger Bread 25C ' Chocolate 26C ' FLOUR Robin Hood ' , ' Enriched, 24's $1.65 MUSHROOMS 45c 25c 33c China Lily CHERRIES Aylmer, Choice, Red Pitted, lS-or,. RASPBERRIES Malkin's Best, Choice, 15-oz Choice, 10-o. Thriftier bmru Aw Domestic mttti ymi time, uvth and money. Buy U, try U, and ywU agree it is the best shortening at any price. Easier, Quiet tr, roof 45c 20c Mixed Veqetoblci Ubby'a, I5-oi. I MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 LYONS FINE FOODS Phones: 250 Red 465 RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS LTD. V Phone 21 SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or 582 I no better shortening at any price THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE