Prince Rupert Daily News575 Wednesday, Januaty 9, 1952 , "' '?vh 5 :E V v KV Victim of Atrocities SALT LAKE CITY (CP) A 12- jear-old boy, missing since last Vn Independent daily newspaper devoted lo the upbuilding of Prince Beg Group's Action : PARIS Political cmn, the United Nations vow day 51 to 5 in favor of i.-; regional groups such lantic Treaty OrisaBijs,. ' combat aggression I : , ,f willnrils by Anarharsls in hi3 ' .. through Greece in 4oo b. ( mi iff C.-tober, was yesterday found chained to a b?d in a filt.iy home here. Police said that a man held on a bank robbery charge ad-milted kidnapping the lad. Except for bruises over much of his body, Richard (Rlckyi . Hei;r:"kson 'was reported In fair j physical condition. In Jail on $20,000 federal bank rofcV'-r charges is John D. Bil-lett, 24-year-old Salt Lake City man. E'Uly yesterday Blllett told poiic? he had abducted the Henrickson boy and led officers to the hide-out. The boy was found on a bed, a chain around his ankle and fastened to the foot of the bed--stead. Ricky and Billctt were employed at a used car lot. On October 20, Ricky said, Bil- 1 lett told him he was a special I police officer. The iud said h" j was accused of various thefts and was informed he would have to go with Billett for question-1 inn. Ricky told of a series of beat-incs which tic said were described as "tests to see If I would coiife--? to stealing all that .stuff." J STRIKE IS ON Toronto, second largest Canadian city, has bc.'n without public trar.spirtation since Friday when employeei of the Toronto Transportation Commission walked off their Jobs in support ot demands for wage increases. Tula atrial photo snow? one of tue large barns with street cars jamming all available space shortly after the strike began at 5 am. IWJfflt m'H IllT'l II UIH1 I fllUUl D1IU11 10111111018. Member of Canadian "ress Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. 3. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; II. G. PERRY. Managing nirectoi SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 9y carrier, per wek, 20e; per month, 75c; per year, ?8 00; by mail, per monlh, 75c; per year. St ftO. ""X.fH"0 - Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. New Celanese Project THE newly announced S65,000,000 wood pulp and I newsprint project of Celgar Development Co. Ltd. in the Arrow Lakes region of southeastern British Columbia, added to the Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. opcrationof more than $:0.000,000 at Prince riupert, ejves Celanese Corporation of America one f the greatest industrial stakes in British Columbia. The southern interior project, termed the largest iinjfle forest development ever undertaken in British Columbia, solidifies the great American company's osition in this province. We appreciate how much the advent of Columbia Cellulose has meant to this central British Columbia area and are happy to congratulate another section of the province which, with the exception of the nearby Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. operation at Trail, has been none too strong in industry and, like us, has been to large extent an underdeveloped hinterland. Providing employment for more than 2,000 persons in mills awl woods, it will be a great thing for that area, changing its entire complexion and economy. It is gratifying'to see such industries branching-out in British Columbia, decentralizing the control ami influence to some extent at least from the extreme southwest corner which has so long been dominant.' ray 1 LETTERBOX Canadian Services For Air and Sea Rescue Set Fine Record 654 j Reflects and Reminisces By H. L. JONES CtwiHdiHn Press Stuff Writer Across broad expanses and OTTAWA (CP) i Ma ait-t SOCIAL ( Itl lMT Editor. Daily News, Some weeks ago you published a short article from me on taxa-1 Mm. Now I have an article setting i !urth some examples of how So- i rial Credit Of in power at ot-1 taai would alfect taxation. ' I suffered a heart attack in , 1918 which le!t me almost u shut-in. I amalinost 77 anil unable to get around to accommodate my ambition which is to promote Social Credit study. It w;li my lot to help put in .he Ajerhjul, government in Alberta in 1935 ajs 1 then lived ai Japp, Aloerta. Since 1MU I have learned more and mure to believe the Social Credit idea is our deliverance The forested country of Mount' along rocky coasts, Canada operates the world's most Hays, overlooking the townsite highlv-organized and far-flung air-sea rescue serv-ot Prince Tiupert during a Janu-1 ft " b ary blizzard is no place to stay.; ice. The Search and Rescue organization can send "g-lsTdanger f to the air within minutes of an experience. The three members; alert. It can send rescue boats to sea. It can bring aui dC5 to tCik11! trained para-rescue teams to victims of a hinter-rescue services, are now alive to' land nlanc crash or starvinc miners lost in the bush. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBER i that fact. This is ur large island and the wooded mountain in i .7 Mercy missions extend anywhere from the frozen north to air search. But no trace of the C-54 was found. shiPs " ls creAid with vm many areas difficult enough savins many lives, sometimes in ,i!,u. ,'i Idraniatic fashion, sometimes in r.i, ,. . ( i i ,,i ii. .i ,. ItARII.KO SEARC H One of the biggest searches involving only R C A F. planes u:is lh hunt, fnr Hill Birilkd small jobs heard about only mean it's a simple matter lo find anyoni , cuillcd and exhausted, miles back in the palhhss and ;li .'m-lxaten woods. If you have missed your paper, please phone your newsboy. If you do not know your newsboy's name coll the office before 5 p.m. ROI IE 1 Alan l.airil. linen l'.J WalU and Nicker.son's In Frrzell's Motors' FuiUir R' aKi-liOli. litli Ave. West H(K) and 7lK) Ut .. UOl Ti: !-Ralph Olson, Blue 718 Herman SI reel; 140 r,t, Kai to Seal Cove IIOI TK 3 Victor Masliiilnk. Ave. West 2411-1077: 2nd Ave We.vl fi4i-lli!. lr, Tne RCAF provides the planes Xoronto Maple Leaf hockey play- and communications and CO' er, and his hunting companion :-ooi) old sr.w.wr.K Comparatively few ot Prince Dr. Henry Hudson. They went mising on a flight in Northern Ontario in August. 1951. Search and Rescue flew six planes including a helicopter, a total of 1,354 hours without result. Some sources estimated this .search alone cost $205,000, bin, air force officials said they couM not confirm the figure. Another extensive sea'ch bi 1951 was for northern bush pilot Henri Bourassa. He disappeared ordmates Hie .searches. But Search and Rescue also can call on the facilities of the Navy, the Army, the government department-- of Transport. Fisheries, Resources and the RCMP. Search and Rescue costs millions a year. In 1949-50 the budget totalled $2,289,638. In 1950- 51 it was $3,147,575. Fo: 1951- 52 it is $3.860,i;23 and this figure is expected to be exceeded because this has been a major year in the rescue business. , Rupert's newcomers have ever I been on the summit of Mount Oldlield or Mount Hays, back of Prince Rupert. Until it is possible , to drive a car there the peak cannot reach a maximum popu-. larltv. Years ayo, a survey was run, and the feasibility of a motor road was clearly shown, both from engineering and linan-nai standpoint. It could be a superb attraction for tourists and citizens, and there should be no on a llight in the far northwest Recurring aircraft disappear- sin,r.n nath,., a i,,i, t a,i vn- ances in the north brought re- .jr. N wt. iVl,v o, ffilsou wUy..ia time, it should not. f e"' pr.oci.?m,aln of 'f ru" Plane ctroned over thi'. tbul. planes" ding country for 576 hours and Cost of sleeping car modation, according to advice from Ottawa, will be increased. There arc many persons The news will not worry in the slightest, know some who have not travelled a hundred miles on a t.-ain in ten years. ine 9th Street; 3rd Ave, Frizell's Motors to end (if. Wert. IIOI TE 4 lvin Nvsledt, Rlu C.tR 7th Ave, West 704-HJ7: 'JUi Ave We t llil-fifi') ,';- -Fill! on Si reel 700 liio.k; Tallow .Sl:e:t Sll.-Zfi C Ave. ItOl TK i Jimmy M I ran. Red 822 4t.h Ave. West 100-445: 5th Ae. Wesi J 1)5-31 V f.'h f w t :iUH-5:ifl; Dun.smuir J5!net. 21'.-42), Ta'i'.w t olfi; Kmrpson I'lacu; Ac new Place. ROITE Edward Skalap-ky 8'h Ave. West 105-537; 91 h Ave. East 110 270- at Street 1 13-708. ROl TE 7 (.lendtin Smith, nine fCU All of Section 2 ROI TF. H-r4imniy Jolinsnn, (ireen lifil Waterfront and Pacific Plare; (CNR-Fihenm Floats). WI TE 9 Melvin Bjornson. (ireen 113 8th Ave. East, McBrlde to Hays Core Circle. R OCT 15 10 Richard MaclHinalii, Itluc 339 4l,h Ave. East 237-73H; 5lh Ave Fait .101-710- Blh 119-245. 301-1.20; Havs Cove Circle 8'-fi7- O Street 511-516; Green .SI teet '411-41;; TU-r. St-Young Street. KOCTE II Leslie Murd.x h. Ularfc :K.'. PiifSiott Ave.; l.s, and 2imI Overlook; P' PiKSutt Place. KOI'TE 1J Sammy Alexander lllh Ave. East 333-l!tfi5; Frederick St.: Shei hi ,m'a HO! TE 11 It.tnny Eby, Green 25 forth be required to tile flight plans giving complete itinerary details of northern flights and carry survival equipment for each pe.son aboard. The equipment will include lood, sleeping bags, tents and the like. Alter July 1 next year eaca such civil plane must have either a two-way radio or a porta'j'.e emergency transmitter Changes in flight plans enroute must be reported to the nearest air station. INCORPORATED IN ACT i finally located Bourassa ' plane ' o;i a mountain side. There was , no trace of the flier. ! Another phase of the search was begun, extending toe wpks without .'ucee-js. Finally Search and Rescue gave up with the logbook comment: ,-Wo results lor search for pilot who had commenced to walk out." Crash victims who are unhurt should never leave the scene of the crash. Search and Rertcue 1 officials say they are lou-per- Icent better off if they remain at Irom want and hardship. I I handle the subject witli almost sacred admiration and i faith and can envision .wonderful results from Its federal application. As I am not physically able to get out and .speak, I must con-line my el forts to writing. How ever, written information takes well where so many men work 'ad day but can sit by the lire and enjoy reading for an hour in the evening. CHAKLE1 W. RUSS. KRAI. ( IIKISTIA.MTV Editor, Daily News: Having read r.n article in Sat-uiday's i.'sue of your paper pn- filed 'Unity in the' Roman Church,'! feel compelled to reply to it. First of all, let me say that I have nothing against th j average Catholic layman witli a number of whom I have worked and had dealings. Like many in o:hei' churches, however, they have had no personal experience of salvation by having accepted the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross ior every sinner. Therefore, they have not the joy of the knowledge that w are heirs of God and joint -heirs with Christ. Now for the article. In the first place Christians can never join the Roman Catholic Church for ' ie iim;:le reason that Jesus became our liich pi'ics lo evr after the order of Melchisedec 'Hebrews 6.201 because by His own blood he entered once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. Also Ke is our only Saviour because there is no other name under Heaven, given among m e n, i whereby we may be saved. Nor nerd we any other mediator for again "there is one mediator between God and men, the Man, Jesus Christ. Who gave Himself ia ransom for all. Th?-efore, it cannot but follow that, we can 'have no man as priest or pontiff. Ig the Catholic church means i the union of themselves with the Greek and Russian church to STEPPING OIT The present membership of the Chamber of Commerce, if not the largest if has ever b-een, should be. nearly that, and indi The regulations are being em- i the scene, sending up whatever cations are there is a growing activity. What was known as the bodied in the aeronautical act , signals are possible. also in May that p.ii wni h provides penalties up ta: It wa. Coast Road to Alaska EXPONENTS in this state of a coastal highway to Alaska have strong support in the Burns Lake and District Board of Trade, whose headquarters m in Burns Lake, British Columbia. In a letter to The Wenatchee World, Walter Wilson, highway secretary of that organization, asserts that "common sense, defense of Southeastern Alaska and its towns and peoples, as 'well as the-Strategic port of Prince Rupert, low comparative co.-t and economic revenue, dictate that THE all-lime Alaska highway or railway or both should be n coast route." ,"' Wilson, who has completed a detailed report on ?he subject to his Board of Trade, believes the natural starting point for such a highway should be from Hazelton with Whitehorse as the northern objective. "Construction," Wilson says, "could begin from tioth points at once. There is already a highway from Whitehorse to Atlin, 50 miles of it using the Alaska Highway . . . Juneau could tie in to this Hazelton project, giving it a mainland connection ... So could Stewart and Hyder." ; The Hazelton-Whitehorse route is strongly ad-located hy the Associated Boards of Trade of Central Bi-itish Columbia and Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Southeastern Alaska. These groups jontend that a highway following this route would pay for itself in short order," since it would give fcccess to large anthracite coal fields, besides proved deposits of gold, silver, lead, copper and other minerals. It also would open up at least half a million jcres of first-class agricultural land and millions of feet of merchantable timber. - Tthe future of this proposed route that would Sipeal most strongly on this side of the Canadian ioi'der is the highway access it would give to Southeastern Alaska. Not only Juneau, Stewart and Jlyder, but also Wrangell and Petersburg. could connect with this coastal highway. They would benefit from the opening of the rich British Columbia hin-Xerland as much as the Canadian ports and cities Dakota crashed on a a $5,000 fine or a year in. jail for R.C.A.F. cross-country navigation HUhl breaches. Board of Trade was organized away back prior to incorporation and for many a year progress was anything but fast. Right now, Prince Rupert's real beginning Ls rapidly taking shape and, in this, a live and expanding Chamber is of valued assistance. ; out of Buy, Labrador, i Alter a number of .search plane ; had logged l,2i;3 hours in the hunt, the Dakota was located 60 miles from the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It was a wreck. 1st East 225-247; 2nd Ave. West 137-341: 1st S'r They will apply to flights by civil planes into areas north of the Canadian National Kail-ways' line through northern Ontario and to the northerly part of the Prairie provinces and the Northwest Territories. The northern parts of British Columbia and Vancouver Island also are included. Market Place; 3rd Ave. Dally 131-225; Motors. !. Search and Rescue's work isn't 'all hunting lor lost planes. ; Mercy l lights play a big part in Captain Carlsen started the New Year in an unlooked for but memorable way. He stayed by himself with the crippled steamer Flying Enterpriser' and the course taken is leading him to a operations. The 1951 log book re ROUTE 15 Riihcrt Jensen. Black 955 5th Ave. West 035-735. 741-745; Borden Street F Street Bingar Place. ROl'TK IU Frank Kilborn, ireen 977 Civil plane owners, whether 1 (,,"'d!j tne evacuation of 13 tub- 4lh Ave East 124-234; Mn Ave. East 101-210; 7Hi '1 Kingninood irom the King of resident or tourist, must pur Denmark, the praise of the ! their own equipment. ! marine world and plaudits of Rut. transnort riemu-tment of. East 108-6-8; Bowser Street. ROI TE 17 Charlie I.indstrnm. Green 921 business and finance. Oth Ave. West 210-539; 7th Ave. West 120-537: Wh ro.UIU3l8 IJULKIIIA ItUMl f TUUi.SIH.1 Lake on Baffin Island for hospital treatmei .. Another entry dated Quesnel, B.C., says simply; "Premature baby evacuated to hospital when civilian operators could not handle job." AID SHIPS AT SEA Ships in distress off the form another phase of rescue : liciai.s said Search and Rescue will go into action to search for any lost plane, whether it is 1 properly equipped or not. In 1949 Search and Rescue planes flew more than 3,600 hours on 213 operations. They Rental House Bid Calling i ranged all the way from drop- operations in which rescue laun- nimi inuttlin In an uilinn nr. u.:j)n- i chpc Eta well 1 nlnnp? t n en rinrf. light communism, let them join i and fih t 'hat. which is anti-God ;but not fight, mutilate, murdfr, I mangle and destroy Christians ; who are striving to live out God's ; law of love. All Protestant churches are In-; eluded as Christians. I Sinners, which we all are. must be converted to Christ, not lo any church, creed or tradition, continued on nage 4) I Tenders will be called January er on a sn0w-bound British lu January, 1951, Search and 15 for fifty rental houres to be '. Columbia train, to parachute 1 Rescue answered distress signals i bl'."1 at Pr,nce RuPelt under the ' rccue aid to distressed fliers. ! from the U.S. trawler Gudrun at ; joint federal, provincial and Tha fnUU,inA c n i v,f.i, I I sea SCa ssn mil oust of Hnilfi. West -221 -528: I.otblnierc St 721-728: Mi-Bride SI- -704; Tallow St. 625-733. IIOI TE HI Teddy Careless Olh Ave. Exsl Block 800; fllh Ave. East 915-978; 0 h East 10011-1144; 10th East 900-1130; Allied Kir Huron Street; Donald Street. ROITE 19 Jimmy Johnson, Green 601 th Ave. East 870-1140; Ambrose Ave. ROl'TK 2 Jack Rudolph, Green 731 8th Ae. East 1038-1944. ROI TE 21 Jimmy M.iorehead. Ilnl 335 2nd Ave. 1135-1314; Park Ave. 1005-2270; 1' Street; Water Street; Beach Place. ROITE 23 Larry Parent, Green 487 8th West 015-735; Summit Ave.; Taylor Street. ROITE 24 Brian Roberts. Black 480 . ; municipal nnancing plan, w. F. .,,. fl(MII 4 KB7 ? ' on ,hr, ; search planes flew 94 hours, fin- : Stone reported to the Prince Ru- n.u..niiri. t. mEi i i ,i ; allv records arim lotr-hnnk or almost total of 7,100 hours. iContinui'd till pugei4i day The federal government 300 days of flying. When alii tnemseives. records are available this promises to be the biggest rescue year : has put up $520,000 which is only I 75 percent of tiie outlay and in addition to which there is 1 7 'a ; percent from provincial govern- since the organuation was set V) A coastal highway to Alaska is as desirable an abjective for the Pacific Northwest states n for iM i rut 1 9 Hi British Columbia. The Burns Lake Board of Trade is doing a commendable job in helping to keep the subject alive. Seattle Times. iment and 7'2 percent from city j ul " i in the way of lots and clearing: Search and Re.sucue funds 'thereof i. came from R.C.A.F. appropria- ! They will be well-constructed tions- No dollars-end-cents ac-houses with basements and con-1 counting as such is kept for each crete foundations ! search. But on the factors of j No difficulty is anticipated in ' P''"e puched Into the air and 1 obtaining bids from contractors, 'hours flown, "Operation Mike" ' ' V ft . I f 2nd Ave. West 716-3rd Ave. and 6th Street: 3rd M'1' Daily News-Watts and Nicker.son's (5th Sl.i. jri ROITE SJ Gary Parkin, Green r.OO kV cth Ave. East 1141-147(3. L ROITE 26 Frankie Stewart. Blue 71(1 1 7th Ave. East 981-1086; 1103 Ridley Home; Hays c V Ave. 928-ri54. , y ROITE 27 hriitopher Harvey, Green 214 6th East, McBrlde Hays Cove Circle. Hays Cove Cir- A NFW WASHER . . . For the Wcw Yeor Tin: "tvr Check thee fffltira . Ai itomftt io pu m (J " 0 Porcflain rnnmet tub Liffiime lubrlcntinn I 0 Quiet as a whispor 0 Lovfil! safety wrlnifcr only $159.00 At RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC cnjilute passage for Jotlaij "Be ye kind . . . forgiving one another." Eph. 4:32 I'NDEB NEW MANAGEMENT . . THESE ARE THE DAILY NEVtf; Mi Stone said. prooaoiy was tne organization s . i biggest job. AERIAL NEWCOMERS This was the massive hunt for St. Thomas, Ont. W Ten new I a U.S. Air Force C-54 Transport species were added to the cate-; which disappeared on a flight gories of birds observed by the i from Alaska to Great Falls, St. Thomas Ffeld Naturalist Club Mont., in January, 1950,, ;285 34 on their recent annual outing, i passengers and a crew of eight. Newcomers on the list included It was believed to have crashed brown-capped chickadees, even-! in the Yukon and Canadian and ing grosbeaks, pine grosbeaks and American planes spent a corn- P ei ' LITTLE MERCHANTS THEIR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON YOU SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's only modern rooms with nalh Frasr Street Pne 37 northern horned hawks. bined total of 3,000 hours in the;