PROVINCIAL LI33A3y, ORMES 113 ICT03IA, B. C. DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA S NEWSPAPER TAR V CABS Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone dt VOL. XLI, No. 7 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1952 PRICE KIVE CENTS 4 h r v LIBERALS REFUSE SUPPORT OF FEDERAL PRICE FIX BAN xecutive j 11 Hi JlSJ J Withdraws ynnieu i i lotion ft t Gtv; Factory f erce ; Vancouver Talks of Two Leaders Held Satisfactory as Suit After Ship Fire ! Seetf Workers N( ()i:VKIl (CI1) j Columbia's topi i . . iv . . ! Co-operation Between Nations Keynote Of President s Message Proposes Llcetion-Year Political Armistice i V iew of Critical Situation iSruis yesterday reius-; VANCOUVER, ff Vancouvi WASHINGTON The nava! Run j factory said it is ready to hire )i,i t the federal i windows were shattered aivd ! ,,.-,,i,.i. Anmmiininnllni) WPTP An PORTLAND, Oregon ?: several hundred persons with ,tH !-o'l the S-ml'I'llMU'llt's ' i,.,i,ij ivin.hv. thnn Edmonton man on Tuesday asked limited skills because of n on price Basis of Co-operation winds sweeping down from the $30,000 for the loss of his wife j "?Uf ted manpower The factory, the world's nufacturers. Ifi-i'.'X I'.v mai largest Queen Charlotte Islands struck ;and daughter in a fire which endorsing Ol-" naval ordnance plant, said it f fl'Uiltilii WASHINGTON. D.C. (CP) Prime Minister j Vancouver. Ousts reached 60 swept the Danish motorslup v.'0uld take persons with at least i Ic.Ialion on resale price miles an hour and heavy rains,,,.,- ., . ... , , , ... , ,. , nr.. .u: t .,!.. - .. 1 iiiiincc was wuiiurawu ""'.."Ii or -co. ",e",uuu "re years experience in Winston Unurcnm Mill wa&miigwm tuuay iui; WASHINGTON n r (TPlIntM-nnimnsil accomuanied the Kale which be-!""?" I 1 C Liberal party as it moved in- aie no reports of iumbia River December 20. Iwork either in an apprenctice- XT ... . , ntiln ,mn..(-l n,nvln,.ol tk'ii m convinced that New Work and Ottawa, apparently ; Angus m Brunicea asked $15,-1 ship or some comparable work.jto coo death damages for tiis wife, such experience shdTiid include j talks with President Truman have laid a new basis Kathleen aged 46. and the same the simpler routine operations of , . . , . mo5pun urn.ind r..8 attack, by deiegot, operation was the keynote of a "State of the Union" fand gan to subside ere , a ic or a an. Mncouvei, .j. (eijverai today by President Truman at a serious damag age V although power I n interruptions were genera! in the sum for his daughter, six-year- the machinist trade plus thei ugntcncu ui luon-nniv. "i- j joint session of the 82nd Congress. "Our allies are clty the world. old Elizabeth Mary, as well as ability to work from blueprints! $5000 damages for his own in- or oral instruction and a know-1 i.itions xx resolutions railed on the inal "I'vernmcnt to: Holii a liquor plebiscite not juries and $3300 for personal lcdcie of use of hand or machine j ' essential to us," he said, i In his traditional address outlining the country's progress and problems, the President proposed ' that Congress Join him in an ! '. tools of the trade. iK.'ssessions. limn tile next election. i be Permit margarine to I Ijv manufacturers. : ' ifjb r- V k election-year armbtice on po-; Kxi nipt pensioners from the mical fights that might endan- per cciil .sales n uieir n j. so low they do not In :iv income lax. Heilisli ibute .seats in the aer the national interest at a time when ail men walk "in the shadow of a third world war." : "The United Stales and the ; In a final Wiiite session ending Tuesday night, Churchill and Truman agreed to give all-out support to the formation of a unified deferce army including German. French, Italian and Low Countries troops. Mr. Truman had wanted such a commitment from the British leader in the hope of speeding up the army project in Europe. President Truman and Prime Minister Churchill today pledged their governments to full support of the "European Defence Community" with Germany as a "full and equal partner." An official communique summarizing the results of four days' talks between the British and Perry Resigns as Head of B.C. Libera! Association Move for Early Convention and lircak With ; Coalition Headed Off VANCOUVER (CP) H. G. T. Perry, former .I'm', dividing multiple whole free world Is parsing lulu siimle-member rid-'iinirh a neriod of crave dan giT." Mr. Truman said. "Every ; ' iinlmn to the federal a(.U(,n you take ll(,, e ln congress :min.t toive B.C. 12 sen- and every action I take as Presi- in..!, iii nl the present stx:arH, nuust be measured aRainst Arl..!:an. the test of whether it helps to - meet that daimer." inn m ,i . i in phi i wv .v.wmunummj.Kww im im . ..,,." i ...". , .- ., - - - ,. n , .... i . . . . u " I -,.- ; - fe ' y : - "Ts, ' - .. -:" " iJlft . , ' t , .. . . ' - .-.. .-. -, -. : -. ' ' IVs ' " ' r ri i minister f etlueation and Speaker and long promi- I nent in public life in the province as well as affairs luth Koreans The President declared that peace depend upon the free nations "atickinK together and making a combined effort to prevent war." In the President's box were of the Liberal party, resigned late yesterday as president of the British Columbia Liberal Association. Mr. Perry's resignation cap-1" - "- American leaders pledged their determination to work jointly to insure world "peace and security." Both reported "complete identity of aims" in promoting sta lore Victory 1 L W "St .!'. & 5' t i - ft M'Va bility, peaceful development and economic progress in the Middle East. ped the meeting of the parly ; iutions called for the convention executive which turned back a l0 neici before the end ol S move for an immediate end to' February, the coalition with the Progrcs- j pinaj decision came after the I Hive Conservatives. But there : Premier said that, if the parly i now appears little doubt that ; (j(xided to break Uie coalition i Hie co.fiitiim will bretite -uf be-i before the session' of the Legis- UL (CPi - South Korean i Prime Minister Churchill and. , killed ai'i e.tlmalii'd 1000 hU chief aides who have Just v ncai ' l',iiimii!i)on, lru"e completed a .series of talks with .site T-.i'-sd,iy 'in the war s Truman. He referred to his talks, i si fisiitmu in six week.s. with the British Prime Minister, mini .si.ii'.s Army reported and "We had a most sutw- - 1 taclory itrii'S of mecUnus. Wei mhi, South Koreans; both look forward to steaoy n ii.vr ii) two .small hiil ' progress toward peace through nl K'ii:iii';pu when the Reds co-oeration and teamwork." I : l g' ' l,l.iii,li-M'! ' i fori-nexi general election. ; ; lature, February 19, he would i Mr. Perry, who received a : call a general election because ! tongue-la-shing from Premier i tt WOuld be impracticable to do 1,. GOOD accord i 4111111 troops into the bat- UK D6wns Russ Plan For Korea WINNIE MAKES Reaches satisfaciory with Truman. Byron Johnson earlier in the ; anything else, i day, said his resignation . was' me Premier wanted the date ininaiily for health reasons. for a convention left to himself tie 1 Bui, President Truman, a m o n ; other tilings, promi.sed a real-: lsile. tax policy and u of those not worthy ol in the public service. j "My deci.sion is tinai and it-1 -and executive officers of the as- federal : revocable," said Mr. Perry, wiw 50Cjatiim so that that tlie the loday's Stocks has been active for 40 years in , Hie Liberal party and was chos- en provincial president at the s. II .Itllllt'llllt I l I. I'l ) j Jerusalem Disorders I PARIS (CP) Tim. United Na-j tions political committee today I smothered a Russian attempt to PRESIDENT TRUMAN U.S. Vessel van oi nit fan Standard . ilu JERUSALEM ,.,,,, n- Cf - Authorities Authorities! force Korean truce negotiations into Jem- P W moved reinforcements J j convention. I Mr. Perry was tiayed oy the j Premier for statements to the press that Mr. Johnson was sell-! ing out British Columbia and I Liberal cabinet ministers were ! "weak-kneed." H X members could attend but agreed to the June 30 date after a keynote speech by Sydney Smith of Kamloops. BREAK COALITION Demands for a provincial convention came from Liberals .seeking to have the party pull out of coalition with the Progressive Conservatives formed in 1941. Mr. Smith, who proposed an early convention, " is coalition member of the Legislature for Kamloops. He is chairman of the special committee investigating hospital insurance. He said that sahmi yesterday to bring oiueri - Seas Threaten In Trouble Heavy after more than 340 persons were injured Monday night in street, aefitentions fighting between police and ex- commlttee agreed, how- Tti-L. rtpmnnstral 12! to recommend holding a Wfuiiai( i v-no -' : pver Announcement of his resignation came just before the executive adjourned. The office of president will be filled until the next convention .28 6 15 04 1 20 0ft 't, .57 1 03 .24 860 1 90 34 08 6(H) .04 1 70 03 CaiUhl in Slorm Off ' Vancouver Island WUh Ominous Crack In Hull mress i i in Biibiiie nl Mascot ian Mini's nl Oreille nivr mier Hinder . ... va'i'cr vi s Mai'Donuld . End of Enterprise against negotiating wim "-ilater spPcial security council many. j i ! meeting to discuss world ten- T h e authorities announced that ncany uj puitct: un - there is so much unrest in ijru- iniured TfTr nnZ'ut LONDON LONDON (CP) (CP) Mountainous Mountainous waves waves threat- threat-; bucking a fierce Pacific' storm ened to write the end of the Flying Enterprise saga j c'jcnj Jf cdlc?eso! r oft th? northern end of vancou-.t , , am()st swe t Capt. Kurt Carlsen into the lutious n ," Z3 demanding the 1 a convention should be held be-! A crowd of 10,000 marched on ' WEATHER 1 fore summer, 'even If it con- the government buildings where, !J "'11 Cl.'i'k Svnoosis llicts with the session of the legislators were discussing pro- ver islann. ii, is repoivea u ii- i foot-long crack has appeared sea ne nas cieniHi ior 16 (lays, If ' ii River .07 federal house. Liberals withdraw from coalition before the February session of ii.., t ..r.uhiiiii'i. unit decided, in- posals for German reparations. gnow and strong winds are still HEN GI KION FIRM i liene.'al through the intcrioi; as The American freighter, brok- V i.uuhi .193,,! down the side of the vessel. She lis taking water but It Is believed Ff "I Valley -i- Standard stern Uranium :cn loose from its tug, was being filead tQ ca fof a uU scale smashed mercilessly 30 miles off , convenUon before June 30. the English coast as Carlsen and , A enclal convention may be ! "is lone companion, Kenneth : hdd tluring tlie Ea.ster recess of Buffalo Steaks Are Coming Up pumps can handle the emer-' g-ency. j A message from the 623-foot, 10,700-ton ship was Intercepted bv the Gordon Head wireless .19 2.55 380 .52 1 08 . 2 70 ;the federal house. Original resn- j LUliJ, VIII.U LU iiiunc lust, iivn line, ' Choicest 200 buffalo of 600 The killed by the government at the The Enterprise was sinking a station here early today. . I, As helmeted police ringed: ne Paciic storm whuh cmis'd i Israel's battered Parliament j such sU.0Jlg wiuds on the coasS JI fnrif JfCl I Buildings to prevent recurrence 1 yesterday and overnight moves I VllMfUliy 0f violence from the left wing ; iuWiiri t.)ic Prairies. This storm ' . - . ! groups opposing any negotiations should move out of Bi itHi Col li I II JL j between Israel's government and 1 umbia iute today. M ft f I rl IT " ' Germany, Prime Minister David Coasa winds dropped sharily IIUIVI Bcn ourion said last night thatipg daybreak after reaching ! MOSCOW (CP) The Soviet the government of Israel will ; 60 miies per hour In gusls at most ! press said todav that air attacks I crush any terrorist plot to carry , stallons 0Ver the south coast. Ion the North Korean capital of 1 out political assassinations to North coast winds were relatively Pvon"vans during 1951 had kill-least out democracy. j light through the night, follow riots have arisen out 1 hurricane values ed lb 000 persons ! The latest iR the near i Reports said that the United of protests against the govern-, whicn were registered yesterday !o........ ir , ninnix ivnl i iwnt ooeniim direct talks with afternoon. -- Trains in Collision Fifty Passengers Hurl On (Ml Main Line 1 Con IllOlit 'tral Leduc , ' ',' He Oil n-ury ilia '' '''"' ihc pete ''l Canadian TORONTO mill' aiaiiie it.tic oiirl "' Canadian"!! ISI Smelters awest ' wltla ! tanker is about 620 miles due Elk jsand, Alta., game reserve , little every hour and at times I west of the northern tip of the wlll bc butchered and sold across the wallowing hulk, almost on .island. ' - 'Canada. its side, seemed in imminent The American ship Denall is There Is little likelihood, how-1 danger of turning upside down, reported going to the aid of the ever, of any reaching Victoria. j The U.S. destroyer Willard 'distressed vessel. The Pennsyl- "That would give victoria one Keith, standing by, reported: 'vania reported the crack was on 'animal." one butcher remarked. "Carlsen and Dancy narrowly ' the port skit; of the ship half "It would not go very far." ' escaped being swept into the sea lwav down to the engine room. 1 Meat packing houses heard I while at the bow of the Enter-iThc big tanker is owned by the nolhlng of possible shipments of j prise attempting to re-rig." Tevus Oil Co and normally has buffalo meat to Victoria. In the By sticking to his battered a rrew of fortv-flve The ship Is east it is expected the buffalo ship, Capt. Carlsen could be sav- OK111.S v k - . -," i..i,, m; . 1.... i...i., iifc. tw 42,000 bombs on the j dropped j capital. . 17.50 . .23 . 385 , 10.45 .22 .09 . .22 .20 . .80 . .19 ,185 00 .. 3.75 .53 .21, . 9.10 10.75 .. .37 .1 Cierman oiiii un-s ivui cii.n ; iut w uan i niiiy ' about $1,500,000,000 in goods and j mainly cloudy w ith snow lliirt i"a money as the cost of absorbing I in most regions. Anot her ttorm 500.000 Jewish refugees removed now forming in the Bering S;-a EDMONTON 0) Two Cana-! from Hltlerlzed couniries to. shows signs 01 moving easiwaiu Snowslide ! in a path similar ',0 that followed 1 Israel. uncler commanl of Capt. George meat will cost more than Christ 1 p. plover of Portland. mas turkey. Curies Camp Dr Cleveland, ing his company more than dian National Railway transcon-$1,000,000. Maritime authorities unental passenger trains collid-here made this estimate today ctt head-on early today near on the basis of international j yonker, Sask. maritime law. Had he abandon-1 The CNR sald about fifty pas- j ed the vessel, it could be a big scng(,rs and crew members were i salvage prize. j injured but none seriously. 1 Stalin Successor Groomed m a t Sullivan 111 Ycllowknife"" Is Lake 'droek lii'aim a by the lust storm, f or mis reason more strong winds arc forecast for the north coast tomorrow afternoon. Temperatures will contlnuo-f airly mild. The very cold polar air which has been poised over northern Canada for many days will slide a little further '.sutrth- Thirty-Seven Miners Rilled In Bolivian Mountains Vancouver, Dies Malcnkuv Ivlnlli'il n Fiftieth Wlrthiliiy 4. which left Van Train No. 1 a ni7 1 ?r. K. A. Vc VANCOUVER- 1 A Ml .1 III V p H. '" - ti..lli Bolivia (CP) rCPl Thirty-1 Thirl.v. ....l. .1.1,1 f,Tnmn.i Ul rim, . .7 ... i:uuv.i iui, ...8. .... j, seven bodies were recovered troii-.i land, chairman or we ureaier Better Rates For Prairies n Quebec 1 1", collided with wesioouna un ,111, & niilil,K cnmp blll.lcd by land- Vancouver Water Board, died to- 'ie i.i i ward but continued storm activ ng Lac Canadian Dollar Parity in London .12 .15 lO'a .42 .70 .13 2 00 .46 2.80 MOSCOW i(l -Georgia M. Mal-enkov, deputy premier of the Soviet Union, was fifty years old yesterday and Moscow's press , 10. 1, wiiiio 11:11. i.ivji.i,. vc. v. . jjjjdes in northwest Bolivia, trav-idav at his Norm Vancouver vancouvt i day night for Vancouver. (1(vs f xm Ul(, ar(,a r,.ported home. He was 77 years of age. Yonker, where the accident j Tupsdav niiihl. 1 'Sen ), t b. OTTAWA Pi Board of Trans- ity Tor the west win serve 10 prevent any sharp oulbreuk of, this air into British Columbia. Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy with snow flurries today, f're- left little doubt that would port commissioners yiwiun, be chosen successor to Joseph ordered the railways to Imple- Cllli f'o..ltl,,.i. occurred, is close to the Alberta-1 m u n i cations have i LONDON The Canadian dollar I Poor c 0 m f t T C C rose to parity with the United Saskatchewan border. prevented direct contact with the . I gj fc i State, dollar on the London Ex-J A CNR statement said the t region it is .feared many 1952' I nient reeenuy passeu iniaii.iuii ... . ...1...- .Ua a Eliora in .33 '4 I Stalin n.... ....i nn. ,.n tiinu lip! mvi uivii u 1.1 ic u rtiura e .iiicv .67 change yesterday, both-at ;eastoouiia "'-" " SL. . . Hi..h o;47 17.6 feet nuent sunnv uerlods near the in 84 00 .30 1.63 2.52 "' i'liiici.i a-'mn, Crow 1 Antonio ..7" lator Rouyn" 7 buried tht mining camp on ipu ujw M percent orders. count was one in; afternoon. Culd. terms of United States currency: All equipment remained on the anl . . , tandied .hji by - 1 Wnds so south 25 increasing aa to 35 It was the first time that the, rails. . ... I .Thecamp , benefits of British Columbia s on Malenkov and the govern- ment handed him the Order of low "Iranscontmental'. freight Lenin, the Soviet's highest dec-.rat-os. were! Tl Board directed hat the oration. Big pictures of him of railways put new rates into effect printed on the frujit pages newspapers iby January 15. Malenkov, protege of Stalin, is, Some rates between eastern a member of the Politburo, top and Alberta points- have been those for the longer haul nnilcv-makinL. oman of the So- double 17Va 'rrn, r,ni-Hn f-en n .7 !'" Canadian dollar had been at par I A railway spoKesmai w '".Jt."' " j i:." V hBr wlerrtav. The ntoht and hiehs tomorrow-at aiciteu ated it iv was "na nopea n.u to ago 6u wv out many o--- u m vr-:r:.j:Z:Z' .... ... j, wi 1 t,. xjnrfitr n,it. nrt Prnc with the American since ine llloiii,uo . , 1 . omiiii iianinr. Kov wmt.iiiiiod t.o wotk n'.Enesi inermi'mfOT irnuiuK iw run, ramuj. p0Un" v"e waa un" " . Z ,r L .I'. " b i n r;;;a i Jeoende uiy. the day was 54 below. j Rupert, 28 and 35. V('i Miller , 42 W Canada 175 :d Manitou .... 6 r o v get! It UIUUUJ UU ouwi iijr t l I from the east to the coast. jviet Union,