PROVCIAL ARROW'S WEAPIT rr.cvi.;ciAL li.:: IDE mm 1; Quota i 24. 1 vi; Ladarii Tim" '5500 19 7 feet PROUDLY Local Headquarter N.B.C. POWER CO. LTD. Phone 210 P.O. Bos 333 3:30 16 24 1014 22:00 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published of Conoda's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Princt Rupert, the Key VOL. XLIII, No. 69 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 23, im ta the Great Northwest" PRICE FIVE CENTS r Clint ivy jiliSiii'DiAii mm Kit T "V Eight-Ender Scored By Rupert Rink Money Disappears On Drinking Party Details of a drinking session here last January 16 which culminated in the disappearance of a wallet containing "about $70" from its owner, Adrien Ouel-let, were outlined in County Court this morning. 1 ' ' V . A i Local curling hi.story was made night as Bill Stewart's rink, skipped by Tom Prokopow, chalked up an eight ender for the first time in Prince Rupert ' . ... .:. ; jiji MMU from the screen to embrace a watching this parade In Cologne, Wildcat Strike At Mill Dora McNeil, Naas River; native, and Edward Hashka. formerly of Vancouver, are facing a Joint charge of robbing Ouellet early on the morning of January 17. Both pleaded not guilty. Appearing before Judge W. O. Fulton yesterday, their counsel, Gerry Pettenuzzo elected speedy trial but was refused his request for separate hearings. As the trial got underway this morning Crown Prosecutor Thomas 'W.- Brown, QC, called Ouellet to the stand and after questioning him for more than an hour, defence counsel began cross-examination. Mr. Pettenuzzo had sought an of Pinks Catch curling club annals. The Stewart quartette playing agaiiwt Ben Parker were ahead 11-4 at the conclusion of the 8th end when Jimmy and his three prairie-born team-mates placed' eight rocks around the cuter red ring. Only one Parker rock was In the house when the game came to its dramatic conclusion. Although the rink Is entered as the Stewart rink, it is skipped by Tom Prokopow, of Brandon, Manitoba, serving here with the Royal Canadian Navy. Third Is Bill Stewart, also from Brandon and second Is Waliy Stubbs, RCN, from Flln Flon, Manitoba. Lead for the now-famous quartette is Bob Creswcll, RCN from Dinsmore, Saskatchewan. The eight rocks which were to I Sinclair Tells TLC for allct'fU Communist; adjournment at noon hour. butHenry ?" and "Eddie and Dora leadership. i by the TLC and embark on a "The danger exists of our sus- I witch hunt in our ranks or we pension being rendered pcrman- stand for our lights as estab-,tes cut . . . But if such a shameful i Ushed In our constitution to run act is performed ... our orguni- our own affairs." the report said, nation will still move ahead," a It was signed by president Reg report signed by the executive j Payne, secretary Homer Stevens said. 'and business agent Alex Gordon. . I-''-, '?- -. "r V.-V, S on objection of Mr. Brown, Judge Fulton ordered the trial contin- ; ucd until 1 p.m. before calling a recess. Under questioning by Mr. T I Miller Bay and came to Prince Rupert "on the 2 o'clock bus" on the afternoon of Jan. 16. After visiting a number of establishments, he cashed a pay cheque for $66 "and some cents' giving him $83 in paper money, i While drinking in a cafe, he met two native girls and made "a"lmt hem to g0 and have some beer. A fisherman named ..Henry Joined them int the beer parlor make the final score 19-4 weret The men. scheduled to start! sitting there when opposing skip I w(,rit t g a.m. failed to turn up Ben Parker made his last shot, j 0n the job despite disapproval Sportsmanlike Parker ignored a , 0f their union the Pipefitter chance to break the nest of rocks j and Plumbers Union, Local 180. wide open and Instead tried to; men employed by indus. raise two of his own guards ; trial pi , undPr contract to sitting Just outside the house jDomlnlon Constructiorv are His shot was a little off and 1 ..rki. nn 1h. oS.n rt. in the beer parlor." Ouellet said they went back to the hotel "about 8 o'clock" and remained In the beer parlor until closing time. During the evening, he stated, Dora got some hamburgers and they ate tnem with their beer. "Henry gave her $10 to get the hamburgers . . . She gave him $3 change. He spent the most money ... "I did not see Eddie (Hashka) buy any beer. He excused himself, saying he would like to but did not have any money. After the beer parlor closed, WENT TO ROOM Ouellet said they remained there until "about quarter to Hashka inv'iTed h?m V, to"hU room and have a drink. "Wc had a drink apiece, out of a mickey. Dora wanted me to buy a bootleg bottle and when I was not willing ... she called m a lew aa names . . . oiik turn me wuum nave to go." Under examination by Mr. Pettenuzzo, Ouellet denied ar guing with Hashka while Dora 1 M-weii ,. -wnt from tv.,. room and-naid. they ktt the' room together. They had walked only a short ftklflnin anH "altera tollrlnir about havl f coffee wnm Haanka m me- j fc on my back four or fiye fet U)fo a deep hole off the sidewalk on Second Avenue." .. f. I H "olhc"r" , tcTt my wa ct . coming out of my hip pocket.'' He said he did not see Dora McNeil take it "but as soon as Eddie and I broke, I saw her hand something to him and then she ran back towards the room." RAN OTHER WAV He said Hashka ran the other way and believing he could not r EINSTEIN REACHES 75 The discoverer of the theory of relativity, Dr. Albert Einstein, poses for the photographer at his home in Princeton, N.J., as he marks his 75th birthday last Sunday. . Seeks Right To Control Club Licences VICTORIA CP Union of B.C. Municipalities Is seeking the right of councils to grant, refuse, revoke or suspend club licences In their communities without trtvlnir rpajsnns. Hut. nftr oivinff the licensee an opportunity to state hi case. . The proposal, sought improper,y improperly managed manages clubs can become "community nuisance' UUd Monda, by the leg feature's standing committee on municipal affairs. At present, once a municipal license Is granted, the couneil has no power to revoke or suspend It.- - A proposal suggesting a pay boost for mayors and aldermen. in cities with population be- under study.. Discussions Open On Fish Products " OTTAWA (CP) Week-long dis cussions aimed at standardizing inspection of Canadian fUh plants and fishery products Z,, rrt..v VETERAN MLA WINCH FETED ON 75TH BIRTHDAY VICTORIA f The legislature Monday paid tribute to veteran member E. E. Winch (CCF-Burnaby ) on his 75th birthday. There was a thunderous ovation from desk-thumping members "when Premier flrrtrprtt rose to announce t,he birthday -and to pay tribute to Mr. Winch who has been a member continuously since 1033. Only Thomas Uphill dnd.-Lab-Kernle', a member since 1920 has been in the legislature longer than Mr. Winch. bespectacled ' 3-D" film viewer, Germany. The motto of this I ) i UFAWU "Either we submit to dictation C. scale ol Vancouver. The ground party of 10 RCAF ,.,i i,lrwi h Dn v,...... -j - RCAF Ot ter near the crash ; scene, 28 miles east of Orandc Prairie and miles northwest '' nf T't tin tit 1 1 1 They were ex- ;alH,llt J5 vo,un,,.r, lroln Ben-I and "Dora McNeil came to thet 16 0 feet 53 feet 8 3 feet - - , MOVIE (Jl I EN hursts t deilsht of the crowd D With Frcling." ol Division tjht ll! it Fisheries air said Monday t is EOiiiK to take n apreemeiit with lor equal dl- :unk salmon fish- he Pacific coast, i said in a speech , m United Fi.shsr- j !i Workers Union. ! Canadian fish- t he same size fish : m waters as the B.ermen are using r i.v. the past had are equally the i ci:rh until Can-; i -bfsan catching l-f did Last year. ' l share was about h'lfcs that next ' ttlan fleet ratche number of pinks )M, for once we :i 'his run I think i with the sockeye, !'ican Iriends will 'ie of an Interna- : ion to conserve "d divide the hciwer,, l. Iwr) government has uf (he union's ' to ii,it liem-' i'1 'ia'ion.s row will J'-rcial ' be fKllil,.; Canadian ih citizi-ns now : mjv hie their "0 but will have "'Jwn rlll-i,-hip trs residence In' 1 ts w, have to bp 1 :-born or nalur- I b SUbteels u ho ' "in citii-nsiiii, be UFA wit i ...,. , ; 4, wis it alone ' if (i,,.; 'Idw Confess of! 11 (l l,s 1 susnenslon , :ih! finitclv I dropped by the ' 9 Namedi Iirce ircotit i CP A topi "'"e.stigaUir i l"lnle(l llotorinii.: t '' l.Uf'Liii.. ... i, , ' a-s uu' most illeo il ,l Vancouver. 1 1 w most of the f 1 for l.le lm(.a l,e!-" from the L"r,"!l "nd i- J -i i.ue unu " t "c 111 author- !1. :S !, " Problem since I 1 .fyrpc here tW. Tt tach- L dl r Toronto. I ""ported fi-om f L" at , SysU'' Of s''d drugs t lole-J out in Ltuees iun - i ' "'inures I "9 m. ll" in the M.siem. , merely sent the two guards to j ended un still outside the outer I Hn , . The" triumphant team w J immediately surrounded by a j congratulatory crowd but not before they had been lauded by Parkct, and his teammates; Dave Bonn, George Dlbb and Roy Brown. ' ' "" ' ' ; Meanwhile play continued in: D Event, for the E. T. Apple-1 Ground Party Approaching Vrecked Plane in Alberta whaite trophy and two semi- j . . . , final games, one Fashion Foot-! Tne strikers made up of pipe wear. Grand Challenge comoe-j Utters, mill Wrights and elec-tilion tficians are reported to have and one in the Superior ; EDMONTON An lr force That was the lat heard. cruund party is expected today -Also aboard were two RCAF to reach Ihe wreck of an RCAF , aeeountants. Flt.-Lt. V. C. Dilla- ; Expediter sighted Monday in the,bauKh of Ottawa and Flt.-Lt. R. : limber-stmitled iiilis of north-; western Alberta. The plane, carrying three men, vanished ; liifit Wednesday. Only the red wing tips and tail i iPrtinn iif tlw tULri-nilitjirpfl nlfinp w ere suottrd Monday. After ! Ih fnn li.u Introt tmnnim nvPr thd I np ,t"d no Mgn o sun vors. i-u.a u. i, ,av, . , , .'rounds. He did not have any .i it Fishery inspection officers of mon-v money .. , t. a catch ,., him hlm then went t to a cafe, ., r - , yniji trnnhv romDetillnn had bVen nlaved Farly this morning the Gcdd;s rink from Prince George defeat-: " - In 1 downed the . . ... Hign scnooi rinn sxippen ny Dennis Reed 12-8 in the Super- ! ior Auto competition. i In the eighths golnst into the four's of the North Star Bottling MnI,an -nd Phll TI)onl dc. 11:45 Wednesday morning will ..... ... .. . wc Miicnen versus Moore in uv Grand Challenge semi-final, and the Miller rink take on Heggle's rink for the seml-fliml In the North Star event. table and drank two glasses of i beer while standing up." Ouellet said they left the hotel and went to anotner beer parlor Because uie management sam "Dora was too young" and re- iU.Cu oc,,c lllCJ III H1C UHICT; time. While Uieie, OueUet M. i they had "three or four rounds.' "Before Dora drank her beer, she left for three or four minutes I and brought back Eddie Hashka. She called him Jim." He said he did not recall seeing Hashka previously "but he men tioned that I had given him a ride to town in my car one time , I never saw Eddie buy any i "When the hotel closed at 6:30 "Me and Henry and Dora and Jimmy went to Henry's room." "The two girls I met first, left." He said they had a drink of rye whisky at Henry's. "Jimmy left Henry's room to get his wrist watch, which he said he had lent to a girl . .. "We did not expect him back. We expected to meet him later 7TTT ;Ufcf' A wildcat strike of between 30 and 35 construction men hampered construction work at the Columbia Cellulose Com- ipany plant on Watson i Island today. cester prescriUy being Installed at the plant. Other alterations . . u-.T .i ..B.o th0 WlU als0 "?-ta , , ' Company officials declined to make a statement as did Chris I.aursen, construction superintendent of Dominion Construction. Business Agent Gene Holllston of the union was unavailable for comment. held a meeting last nignt ai which it was decided to go against the union wishes. Pick- cU Qut Qn port Edward ( at rntrancc the nlant before shift time this mornln8- Before noon It was re- norted that the electricians had -... .,.. , .t "' B" "7 .. u , time denied this. WEATHER Forecast North Coast Region: Variable ' cloudiness ..... today, sunny tomor , row. utile cnange 10 tempera- j turf. Wind northwest 25. Low j tonight and high Wednesday at j Port Hardy and Prince Rupert 1 32 and 48, Sandsplt 38 and 46. milk used for butter, etc. which sells at far less Opposition members said the producers wanted the return of milk controls. Mr. Lalng repeated hl.s request that the government in terview all leaders of the milk Industry in decontrol. Mr. Strachan said the opposi tion knew more of the wants of the farmers than did the government. The debate on the attorney-general's department was adjourned after Randolph Harding (CCF Kaslo-Slocan) gave notice that he had several questions to ask about the Sons of Freedom problem. Vincent Segur (CCF Revel-itoke) said the present liquor regulations took Uie hard liquor out of scope of the working man. He asked that beer parlors In rural areas be permitted to sell hard liquor or that cocktail bars be allowed to sell beer to take out. Attorney-General Robert Bonner said he did not think it was advisable to open the liquor regulations without a year's trial. Zltst.n, ju mues ca.-i i urniiuc,fPated Mitch Grecnc'8 rink. It. C. L. Hutchinson of Wuwota. : R-.i -k.. ' radioed to Grand Prairie, , the federal fisheries department are meetii'g with .scientists ol the fisheries research board m an endeavor to arrive at standards of inspection which can be applied throughout Canada. The meeting follows a coast-to-coast survey of more than 500 fresh, frozen, salt and pickled fish planus which handle produce for intcrprovlncial and International trade. p--y IT TV x X1; niiu., nun ih- riiKiiie unu i.iwu s (iiiiiiirr nis .i.iii-iniii' iiifiin. i nun i ' ,;ilnionl,on In Fort St, John, B.C. .... Milk Curbs Said Not Answer To Dairy Industry Problems l 1 ' -, , w i--ls. J I f'i ' ' I i I fK: jtot. ft I Prairie. During ill., kiv-finv nsin'ii " ' , t imim-R w- " j-'B ii cm is aim covcieii uiihom. y.uou square miles. - - if', 5 xmmnuiiiim. '"' lit" 1 where he met a policeman and reported the Incident. , He said he has not seen his wallet since. Under urging of Mr. Pettenuzzo, Ouellet said he is "certain' that he did not purchase any liquor while in the cafe with Dora McNeil and HashJ?a. -it Gothic Loaded For Trip Back From Australia ADELAIDE. Australia (CP) The royal liner Gothic has takea sufficient food aboard for the whole tour of Western Australia, by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, and' for the voyage back to England, It was revealci today. 'inc (jueen'and the duke ure to fly across the country trom Adelaide to meet the Oothic in western Australia where there is a polio epidemic. During their tour of the state they will live aboard the Gothic. Meanwhile, dozens of women and children fainted when they were crushed against barrlera ia 50-decp crowds waiting to sue the Queen and the duke here today. The crowd, 27,000 strong, had gathered on both sides of the 100-yard-long road from Government House to Parliament House, where the Queen later opened the South Australian state Parliament. FTve functions the Queen was to have attended during the tour of Western Australia were cancelled today under the arrangements to protect her from polio and discourage the gathering of large crowds. VICTORIA (CP) Milk was the! main topic of debut In the legislature Monday. During discussion of the estimates for the next fiscal year for the department of agriculture opposition members of the legislature fired question after j question at Agriculture Minister Kenneth Kicrnan. j The legislature approved the $1,268,235 estimate for the department and went on to the debate on the $7,012,799 estimate for the department of the attorney-general. In answer to questions and comments from CCF Opposition Leader Arnold Webster. Liberal Leader Lalng, Robert Strachan (CCF Cowlchan-Ncwcastlcl and other opposition members, Mr. Kicrnan said the milk control Is not the answer to the problems of the dairy industry. He said he thought most of the milk producers wanted milk controls above the producer levels but this was not solution with fluid milk production increasing every year. Controls I might be the answer if farmers j agreed to sell milk at the same j price as manufactured milk ; ! L -r- n PRESIDENT EISENHOWER walks In the rain by himself as-James Hagerty, his press secretary, holds an umbrella for his assistant, Murray Snyder (right), and himself. There Is something peculiarly American about the scene. Almost anywhere else the President would be surrounded by a dozen men, each with an umbrella and smile. Here, good old common sense determines where the umbrella is needed most, not political factors. LOOK AT WHAT BIRDIE, asks CheeChee and Blackie (right) as they pose for this old-fashioned, tintype photo. The "family album" portrait was made after CheeChee decided to become a "greasemonkey" by climbing into the motor of a parked car. Loose for a day while his owner sought police aid in finding him, CheeChee's monkeyshlnes were discovered and he came back home to a reunion with pal Blackie.