Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, March 27, jo y D N llllH' ma-Ji fn Elans Oj Ju As Independent Merchants our' combined purchasing power enables . " blip nf Prinrr . fllinert Onalllv M.r.k,i.i;. " ' " r - -i v hum-, j, Speedy anil Efficient Service. OUR POLICY The Highest Quality Goods al the Lowest Possible ft Prices Effective Mar. 28 to April 2 "ON THE SHELVES OR IN THE' BIN-CHECK OUR PRICES COME ON IN" TAe Store 0 Friendly Service -3 Lenten Special CARNATION Carnation Creamed Salmon I l.dilf hmhi l.iillrr 1 tiit.l.Nlr, ((llr ll lraMH. Ml) I: -iip liiniHllon ink IrU lth U rn ""I i nn (liiilI.pM ,lp ruiiiml -jIiimiii Molt butter In saucepan M llimi ln i. Bur i,i flour im1 it 1 inlmitiv romow from 14 cup nillfc: blrnd MMall. nil Iimi) rn Ki,f. Add ns, inllK and ritunt ui t coiiManll) until WUre ttair'nrn,' IxilU. Add sHlmon tM tm nifHllalfly over frrslik uilr frrrvn lo 6. MILK SALMON M l IK .LIMITED. And a young man's fancy-lightly turns to thoughts of love. Phone 250 and Red 465 5th Avenue at McBridc But with the Housewife . . . Canned and Fresh Frozen Fish SARDINES O OQC Pickled Herring OC SOLE FILLETS h llrunwick M for MO Mersmack, Ifi-ox. jars OHT l.b i it's Houscclcaning! BROOMS, Kitchenette 1.39 GLOVES, Reversible, Elastic Wrist 39c SHINOLA Paste Wax, l's 35c SOS 14c BON AMI Powder 15c P & G NAPTHA SOAP ..: 2 for 19c CANNED FRUITS, JUICES PERFEX CLEANSER, Triple Action 29c PINEAPPLE Midway Grocery And Meat Market We specially feature form fresh eggs Phone 659 - 6th ond Ambrose Kenwood Sliced, 15-oz Jj ROTARY CLUB RUMMAGE AND AUCTION SALE Spring is here! Now is the time to clean out your basements of those odds and ends. Just Phone 369, Blue 720, 20, and a Rotarian will call and pick it up. STRAWBERRIES Greer, 15-oz., Choice 29C SWEET CHERRIES !;r ,5:o, 2 for 43c PEACHES K.Sr' 2 for 49c BLENDED JUICE Deep South, 20-oz. J GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Giont Size Texos Mogic, 9 for) v Unsweetened. 20-oz. Bleach, 32-oz. THE FAMOUS LIBBY'S BRANDS Rupert Butchers and' Grocers We Specialize in Fresh Meats & Poultry Phone 21 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. TOMATO JUICE I'ancv, ::-.. 2 for 35 SWEET MIXED PICKLES l(itZ. 38c APPLES Ncwlon, 3 lbs. for 3 PORK & BEANS O QlTp Deep Crown. 15-oz. i for UU' WHOLE DILLS 24-oz. CARROTS 2BUnch.,o, 25 45c 2,,27c SPAGHETTI In Tomato Sauce, 15-07. 2 , 31c SAUERKRAUT 15-oz. 3 4 I Canned Vegetables CELERY ""' RHUBARB j CABBAGE en fresh, lb , - Malkin't Best, Choice, 15-7, & for O i ROBIN HOOD PEAS No. 4 Koyal City, Fancy, 15-oz 2 39c PARK LANE CHICKEN Half's. lb. o7 our PPnnnrF mm m fdfh thdff timfuI 1.59 2 for 29 VVhUc. Chocolate ( PQn GinRcr Itrcad U for DdV .p w'wu riiini i kj iilji I I I HILL 111 i mw ZERO DESSERTS The Skeena Grocery "Where particular people shop" Highest Quality Meots and Vegetables Phones 581 and 582 PRICES ON THESE ITEMS EXTREMELY LOW ASPARAGUS Fresh and Tender WATERMELON Highest Q"'1 KELLOGG S CORN FLAKES, Family Size 24c NEW POTATOES From Florid Ronrrni i Fth oreen bund" PRUNES, Malkin's Best, Fancy Large, 2's Use Our Convenient Order Form 45c I i I ICING SUGAR, 2's 27c EXTRACTS, Malkin's Best, Vanilla or Lemon, 2oz. 2 for 39c BLACK PEPPER l''re' Malkin's Best 22z CORN STARCH, Canada, l's 21c MAZOLA OIL. 16-oz 49c LIPTON SOUP MIXES, Chicken Noodle, Tomato and Vegetable 2 for 23c SUNMAID RAISINS, 15-oz. 25c YELLOW SPLIT PEAS1"- Avion &c DOT CHOCOLATE, Semi-sweet, Ws 43c SHOESTRING POTATOES Nalley's, 8-oz. 18c QUAKER OATS Quick, non-premium, 2Vi lb 33c D&S GROCERY I Corner 2nd and 3rd Avenue Phone 656 Sordines Pickled Herring Sole Fillets Apples Bunch Carrots Celery Rhubarb Cabbage Asporogui New Potatoes Watermelon , Broccoli Brcod Butter E99s Coffee Cheese Jelly Pofc's Milk Brooms Gloves Wox SOS Bon Ami Rinso Perfex Blcoch Perfex Cleanser P&GSoap Tomato Juice Pork & Beans Spaghetti Mixed Vegetable Pickles Sauerkraut Cut Gree.n Deans Peas Conned Chicken Coke Mix ' - Zero Dessert Prunes Roisins Peas Dot Chocolate Peanut Butter Shoe String Potatoes Quaker Oats Kcllogg's Corn Flakes Icing Sugar Extracts Block Pepper Corn Starch Mazola Oil Lipton Soup Mix Strawberries Sweet Cherries Peaches ' Pineapple Blended Juice Grapefruit Juice EANUT BUTTER. 39c Malkin's Best, Ice Box Jar, 16-oz. PHONE YOUR ORDERS - ' '1 NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY Sugar I II Ill I IIIIMII I I I m . ,