Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, February 18, 11&3 Ispassing Rotary Choir Featured In Concert Here Sunday Many in Attendance at. Shower for Anne Dumas ri uvuiner is Br ... ... ud two C . ..... .hi. Irom Vulicouvr. ..... rf We t e"J"J """" District News TERRACfc Flying Inatrurtlon were Ijeing conducted here In Terrace during the war years and now over 50 people have Indicated their Interest In the. newly-formed Terrace Flying !?:. ' -j I". c - A, i i V J ' T " -i " 1 ! v ''. - ' lapi. r ,t.r pilot and engineer Hank lUKht thiir craft In Van Pyksl i; a:vl ';ie Mis-' Sharon Dumas, Florence, Cormier, Lena to in as, Hcr-au i',il-kestad and M.iry Ba. ;o. Those unable to allelic! but sending gifts wre Mr--. Jehu Basso, Mrs. W. C- M array, Mrs. Beryl Hoots. Mr U i P.-d.-ct, Miss Bea Ir.inj a:- ' Mu Pa alette Telsttl. med to P"Tea 10 o ia some work wllh but wind -omuuny s Ki' on the gruuna umii D..t.. formerly flew ,T.Ioot and Klwm wax o( A auer The group plans to start ground Instructions now and later In the year get a plane for flying Instruction and practice. Officers of the association are: President, Bob Cooper; vice-president, Don Parmemter; sec-treasurer, Denis Becker. Canaua from Eng- ),e v.-as vum im- Miss Anne Dumas was honor guest at a shower held at the home of Mrs. Harold Newsorae, 1315 Sixth Avenue East with many friends in attendance. The bride-elect will be married on March 3 to Mel Thompson radio announcer and popular city basketball star. The shower room was decorated in pink and white streamers as was the special chair reser vei for the honor guest. A lushly-decorated basket banked with gifts was presented to Mis Dumas. Games were enjoyed and delicious refreshments served by the hostess. Guests attending included Mrs. Anne Dumas, mother of the bride-to-be, Mrs. Svea Ma.zel, Mrs. Pat Hamilton. Mrs. Mae ?,fcCormick;Mn. Alice Le CiouCe, Mrs. Anne Parks, Mrs Vina Dumas, Mrs. Rose Teiset), Mri. Ellen Cormier. Mrs. Mickey La-vigne, Mrs. Pat Ward, Mrs. Helen L.M'KENT DniK, 32-year-old OupW ritv A concert of local talent scheduled for next Sunday evening at the Capitol Theatre will feature the llotary Mixed Chorus, well known in the city for Its outstanding performance. Directed by Charles Balagno, the chorus btfjun some 10 years ao as an all-male group. When uiaie voices became scarce, women were admitted. Present membership is iil. While the group is sponf-ored by the ttotary Club, only a few of Its members are Rotarians. The concert is presented by Rotarians to collect funds for the clubs service project that of enlarging the children's ward at Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital. The ward was initially equipped by Rotarians. Among those taking part in the 11 -item program which opens al It. ii p.m. are tne mixed chorus singing six selections; Janette Spark playing two violin solos; studi-nu of Annunciation School in a choral speaking recital directed by Sister Mary Daniel; Christe Furniotis playing two violin solos: Mrs. Rae Moir singing two vocal solos; MikeC'olussi and Robert Wood playing accordion solos; Eddie Gladding giving impersonations; Frank Guidi playing novelty solos on a leaf; a ladies' cbortu singing two selections; Mrs. Patricia Wicks singing two selections. !USv girls these day PIERRE LEFEVRE, who has an International reputation as an actor, will adjudicate the Dominion Drama FesMval finals at Victoria, May 4-9. Mr. Le-fevre, who adjudicated the regional finals last year, was born in New York city and has appeared on the stage in England, Holland, Belgium and other European countries. He served for a time In the French army during the Second World War. He landed in Normandy as a war correspondent right after D-Day and later was accredited to Canadian army headquarters for a time. .,, T!ii-v are man-ji:mnt.H for an "Am-"anient" among the ..mhrri of tile bud- j6 Those wishing to a M ta j FOR A i LASTING jJ. shine i$&!&: P. R. WallU was in town recently in connection with Installation ol two new fciigiish-uuuie switchboards In the local government Telephone office. Terrace office will add a niisht operator and a messenger to their staff here. Mrs. Sam Klrkaldy has returned from a visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Arsenault at Kemano. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Osborne. Jr . In Hiil fax two year. after he disappeared. i reunited with his '"'" y home Dub ,u declared dead by Quebec Sunor Court ku than three month ago. and an liuurance company made payment totalling $8,500 to hit wife and father and a bank which had some claim on the account The RCMP found Dube. apparently a victim of amnesia, work-Ink In a Halifax hospital under the name Paul Dupuls. TLC Protests Wages Paid Workers on Spare Gangs The Trades and Labor Council is nrote.stintr a have until live .nday aft'-'nmm to Mr pleasure The ';; w held Feb 25. Odours has received u.:.L'mc news about - ij.U dauiihlrr. UlK r class at the Mid-!! and Technical the first term, ftn-h an 82 per rent li n are 4'J DUUlla In report that men working on spare gang's on the CNIil THIS WEEK International Typographical t'nion, local 413, monthly meeting at the Civic Centre, 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Rotary concert, Capitol Theatre, 9:13 p.m. Sunday night. Kinsmen Founders Day dinner, 7 p.m. Saturday at the Commodore Cafe. Lois lift here three terry iip here receive only 74 cents an hour and are working 10 hours each day. S,u Calls UU Delegates were informed -of (r Ketchikan on .r! trip are Hoy I thuik rurman. FREE SHOW FORESTS OF THE FUTURE Depicting all activities of the Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd., and some other interesting pictures. Friday, February 20r ai 8 p.m. in the LEGION AUDITORIUM Collection during interval, all benefits of which will gc to YOUR PRINCE RUPERT EUROPEAN FLOOD RELIEF FUND. PL, Orl JL ouie itxurd Ellis Airlines' r.t i02 . . cays Norm are making their home in Port; Alberni. w here Mr. Osborne Is on-the staff of Marshall-Wills Hardware Store, according to word received here by Mrs. Henry Pashe. j 1 The Village Commission has' appointed Alex M OHIaiulers village clerk. A. J. Harman will stay and acquaint Mr. Gillandcrs with his duties. There were 12 applications for the position. i Terrace Public Library Association Board received word that a room In the basement of the New Provincial Building Is reserved to accommodate the library. Mrs. W. Welling will act as librarian. j FRAfMCOIS LAKE A lynx Is living not far from the landing It was wen by ehlUi dren r.ear the Shaffer ranch and people staying at Van's Cabins often hear It screaming tn the, woods. I . I Women Want Labels on New Fabrics TORONTO (CP) The 40.UU0-member Federated Women' In-rtltuu-a of Ontario wanU iht Canadian government to act up a yslem cf labelling lur m fabrics maJe from tynthetl; f.bres A copy of the rwi resolution The newly-formed women's auxiliary to Ckptain Cook's Sea Cadet Corps will hold open house Thursday night at the Navy drill hall at 8 p.m. and all parents of sea cadets are invitei The auxiliary was formed to help out cade's of the local corps In various ways. ' this situation by one of the locals at the monthly meeting, a TLC spokesman naid today. A resolution was endorsed demanding that auch project hould provide a "decent wage Handard In keeping with wage .ates In this, area." The secretary was asked to write E T. pplcwhaite, Liberal MP for ikeena. askinjj him to investigate the situation. The TIX" was advisee, bv the ANNUAL MEETING RED CROSS SOCIETY FOR Reports, elcc'ion of officers S p.m. Thurs. Feb. 19, CIVIC CENTRE th" p-turning to uiard the Prince reining were Mni. ind her win They ai'.li Mm. Kiit Fo- r "t the but at the KcK rii iient grain recjoers rr h Arnold Mill. ! sme. hi first name i''J in print an j n t Itr.nw how that j wt l.o one erer dts- r of the M c Benefit Variety Show, March 15. Capitol Theatre. (lt ! L.O B A. bake sale, Oordnn ;& Anderson's, Feb. 21. 10:3!) I a.m. 43 1 i Mrs. Kirby has left for Vancouver where her hutbmd is having medical care. They live it. fecuthhark.. 'tt a holiday and :p '.o Vancouver U ruth !;o wi an. org tn j'.ep down the th" Prince V returning to hajs been pj.vd to the Canadian A-vuk latlon of Consumer which ha long ur-ecl that more tlled Information be put on fabric label Mru. Mi.-hael Himiphrle. convener of the CAC textile Committee, aaitl In a recent addris ,'hat adequate labels are nee.; c! on textiles co women can apply ie;r t...owUJe 01 tr." ni j.i and function of given fabrlrv. 't)n;y the nianufa;:tuier ci inlshrr ran provide this." i iJ. She abo retVratiMl i ;t )'.!.in by the C.C ii.r l: (atIct made or :rt In C.n-- - '' 1 n ifio '. ne no re present, the fibre In g:ta t pr portion to be named il . itie ot'ierj according to the amcutit ptf-cni unrRAT. coNvrs-rio.' a ! t nera! r.eeUng cf all Ir.terest-! -a Li.'-.i rrls wi'l ix' held In the (ivi-. Centre, t.t 3 p ro, Friilnv. Dr lutht. f 'minion Veteri 1 t-ftiniarv "fl I'l'l AIT. tmni. ery Kurpeon. spent a few riavs in were Kert and r. Mr. w. Irwin. irf Ir. F Nnreron and r I) Sk( inltn, chief .ntnie- f "13 Wn.COM S. i ': i I 1 rt-rT rj.ib I'rrtenti R ' ':- rr.'.xri churui end a0titi!t silit.t. in rcit-i tiinH.v n'h' F'b. Z2. .-I 9.15 in the ';:mto Theatre. Come early. Ticket-avaiiabie at Ormes or from any. member if tiv R liirv Cl:ib. i i:. E' Parker. up. " P'inr- C,f,,rn to "v tff (.ilkiT He liort bu.mewi trip Workmen's Compensation Board that hearings and medical examinations would be held In the .-rinca huperi oeneral Hoi.pital it 1 p m. Msn h 25 Claims must be aent In before March 18. The meeting -ndrc-.Hi a mo-ion to fciid i'Zi U i he cnil-Uren- preventive deniil clinic Tne counnl alvj' cferi'led to trc;;t an inv. tatmn to affiliate vitii the newlv-iormej v... Tracie fnion Congress, provin-;U1 t!S-.isluo i f th iju; ...' it:iii ftMimd in N.uwimi I-', "all, Aetirn 1 th f? U.'l-e fi .. in - r.v i.en'iT.eiit.-, to tns Criminal Code that would d ' v "'lib. I ilK.r' present rlKht to strike or peaceful picketini was endorsed. ro v.i-ie !rticrej cincl." .11 h? hv'k of life-saving rnu;-ncnt en come coistal airplanes ss In the recent case of several men stranded on a slowly-slnk- i ' far Irom il.or'? with no paodles or UferafU." Only one man safelv r' -ihore, uie Ov.kts are still lost. -i..i ii. . -. M weif requostei o the Unemployment Insjranc" Act thil would prevent long delays In api .lis against disqualifications, after; It .had been reported some cact lvid been beM up as much a three months. President R. L. Oardiner was In the chair. the district testing rattle for TB .. ...... -foi rj.v - fill team of seven year old horses through he irs on. si i He h1 re""tlr bo'ih snd had only worked them four days, hauling groceries ar,.l hi b neross the ice on Oufcii Lk Two men were with the trim they crossed safely nearly to th north shore, when they crashed through 20 feet from shore tn ve feet cf wter. One mare t, steidilv for nearly an hour with her head on the ice, before she gave up. I ti.;d (! a grH(i trip Cubs Shown OPTCW.ETft.'Sr Fred E. Dowdie lt.. im lu. Siot.t; Building f'lior? Blue 533 I i i How to Use Public Phone n-.-e he lrx,k 1H i enter t-amlng In li'xpital in not the ' silent 'if ViikrrMin Rupert, last M b--tnt rnwht hv h went to Seattle (in of the Inter, 'iliout Commission. brief loui before y If oil like an Arrov.rool hiscuil, !t 5 ou vill prefer fy STfni j The first Prince Ruiwrl Cul Pack got some training last night In ho to use a public telephone in an Under leadership of Rev. Barl! PriK'kl'r. tubmastes, and av.lst-ant Wllf St. Clair, tne pack wen1 on a tour to the Canadian Na till .wme me;ish,T- , , "us r url (, union and he tional depot and u.scd the public U' there ' place rails to : "'r will be only too Plain how anyone "e Earl reports a ; "e club . , . and "I for the big bon-"fin'.h Sorne to nut-ivers are exK-rted 5 ' "' " r- : ' yf' ; i J Box. 2l mdi sr "Lady, you'll save plenty with a modern ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR!" Amazing how far a food dollar goes when ftm'r got mm of today's electric refrigerators on the job. All yoar eatables stay fresh and sweet, good for days and days. No spoilage even in the hottest weather, ne more dried vp, wilted vegetables. A big, modern refrigerator has a lot of extra time saving, step saving, money saving features. h- roil-" fir (.rpartmenl anil; the ambulance. J "It was all arranged before- j hand, so there was no cause of i .'alse alarm." said CtiNnastoi j i io"kt!i. M "(VP's ih". beys m i lea o w i id to tlo In un enwr- i ; ("lirj. I Till follow U)R b:u!;trs have heon , I vwnrdv'd tociiti ,: (i!iiclnr btt'R ' I 'o CI. I is lliirvvy utid hli linn . !5: I ' v ''i PEEK FREAN'S House APPROXIMATEtY 40 BISCUITS Look lor the nuriKin Allil c!1oh piikc:. BISCUITS ned by ien P-TA Convenient . . . easy to install . . . long lasting. ' i :a'.ildliiit: toyruikets badge U a i t. il v!c. The historic principality of I l.ieclitenstel i brtwnn Austria ir.d SwtUterlitnd mis an are o: 50 fqii.uc in!!es. "'w""li at Horden ' 'I Tuesday. Education V -s . AVi m m n ft ff Tim G w f si AVV i' FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 "wci and it cle-' "Pen at the "h Tea will be eo!,Tt,m lak(,n 'ff le will also be Marrh 21. " PioKre.s.s of the k ",''d thai, of t, J mice Sept,.,,,,, ",m""'l''d. The a, "rl l, a bursary fr a l'l h, a,l"W" e(l is i,,.r,lt,i"' met- vnife iOicavy enough fui rir-"- ri If ' -Vk rivS, v Don't 'Forget THE ROTARY C0NCEUT SUNDAY AT THE CAPITOL THEATRS 9:15 P.M. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ORMES OR FROM ANY MEMBER OF THE ROTARY CLUB H""" v rout u l" ',l,,,s,e' Id c "-UMl " r. fin. t DAI ' (or i nne ,n MUk . ate of T, rneciii. ... abn, t oK'., .Wls O. ver " ,'"P P the - I i c0 C.m,t' As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. . to,. , "une thnra. by in. M " II'1"-' 11 II A no, 'V- ss "K flk v i-'-PiPfe'-lw 4tf 1. .i ,-.-e 1 &rt.S-r by 'o;!Hll. This advertisement courtesy of NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. LTD.