V ,4 Prince Rupert Daiiv News Wednesday, February la, 19a3 iKnhleet U Change) IID ADS' " BLACKWOOD on Reflects and Reminisces pHONt 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER PEAPLINg rOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINQ 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOU8 I Luftwaffe Bases Re-Opened, Says Magazine Article WASHINGTON 1AP1 American Aviation magazine says Russia is building an East German air force and has reopened every former Luftwaffe air base The trade publication said its reports from behind the Iron Curtain also indicate the Rmli are building a system of air baj.es near the United States- rH'SINFSS PERSONALS I'LUMHINO, automatic oil heating, sheet metal work. Phone 543. fall 6:0 0th West. Ijf-tourneau. (C) DAILY NEWS want ads win (bridge by EASLEY BLACKWOOC Mr. Muzzy Spots A Clue And Makes It Pay Off niip you sell or buy, rent a room, hire help, find a lost article, or do prueticHily anything you fan think of Just phone 748 142-rir) Anybody hut Mr. Muzzy would have known bet tor than to double the fcix diamond bid. When Mr by himself, he has really iirior 10 American and British '1 types." owned Aleutian Lsland off Alaska I pnu are starting to produce -in every category of combat air craft, models comparable or su- Ths majardne said Rassta has built the "air section of the people's police" in East Germany into a tactical air army by train-ling more than 300 German pilots .in MIG-15s, the jet fighttr now action in Kores. NATIONAL Machinery o Limited. Dlstrimtfrmt for:- Mining;, Kswmill. Is inking and in-t.rselors' EiiuiimxnH Inquiries invite. Otsnviilc. Ifcian.1 Vancouver I. ISC. tfi AGENTS for r'nntuhan liquid Mr Cn I li I.iriiui4. ...... Lindsay's Curf iv.f tu Biuraw IM. Pltone ISO (ci wn.FORI Electrical Works Ho- It said, too. that tew Re.is arct reconvcrtint; mar.v former East1 Britain's explanation of evacu-j German aircraft plants to plane '' atifi t!l" Suez Caiuti ans ap-i production. : lrs to be riving the Churchill American Aviation said more Sivernmtait an atreeablc srt t"rs bought, sold, rewound iu.d repaired Uft the electric Fan RAW3 WAL CFPR 1240 rv.iorye.les OO - liilrtnt iofifcj Commentary V4t iifn.tttsf In Harmony &-tf'4tObfirly New Jnuuattirr Uerrt br Mmbltt lft-Aufifjr.r b-riiiflr ).il-)r burnett Hlv.w 1i - tK Hri Ik HC tiwm ttmitidutl w -Jittm Avwtn Conduct - Antiin-" IO:lK) - iC Kewi IO t' N.-w tt m Tin of CHiiKdun Pon-lttn P.aK-y l!&-(t-lll ttir Ktmm .IKiJ. Mmc Till Mirtnlt'bt hi -mi- THUrDAT AM TK-lir FlKhermen'l rir'nuleaiit ih Mie.leitt rti.lc B; N, wit; WivaltMT pepwrt !M-a.i.i Ciixit - m: Ne IS .!- Hill 1.J U M.i.H,r K,,ii( - M--:.t:. !".: .-t; 1 la.iji. (Uaurrt : M Bow.i A: l'.,ii,.iiri,K.r : Ik Mn.tr f.,r M.aienu, uu . t Mltl I.ikii.iI ' Ifi-Mut-!,! tfuKtanr- :'M Tto W(t Art is.t e?. M.,lei.l K.tel.ei, -1i - Klitlil-rijiitwn r.f &I' ftt H.ituii lime Hi M,-.. I'. ti.rf ; 11113 li Irit 4& ftMliOUIIivun Met.Nllefl j r m i w -Mli rjiiy Mi lixll)- K.--I H; N. 'i 'Jth - i'rA.;i am e-iiro-ll-ll U Kitnii liiafte:u! .'.!.-KiK-'jr'l. H Invrlod j IW-THe Ojimrt Hour t I 3 UO - H c beixxii HnaurHt II :;!'! .rfl:.y y flllrM i :i w -tK.K, i, v.,u ! a e - iin..-.'.n.iui J.'itliiec j 4 1.,- Kt.t4 M...W 4 :ui I't .M.iilinuy MwU Pir.iUJi 4 4:- IM: N. . W" tlier .mtt 4 o.i'.tti'iiwi Blind Curlers Get Together On Sundays WINNIPFO ? Every Sunday ; ' nll.ht rli.rino the u inter n or nun men and women participate Winnipeg's smallest curling league and ths only curling s?t-' up of its kind in Canada, All 12 curleri on the three rinks are blind. About a year ano. a few mrm-jbers of the Manitoba league of the Blind decided to try their hand at the game as part ol their whiter recreation. They received permission to play at the fVer Lodce Club, and row the leaRue has become one of the mof t populuc sporting activities for the blind. I Members of the Deer LodBei iCiub assist playeir. in lining upj shots They also post the play-j ieif on wnrre ine rocus are lyniR One member. Stan MarDonalti.1 I). GuvaLt.l hon e wliinit tmd i-lrrtriral repairs I4'l lilh Ave. West. Phono Red lCi. 1541 MAOAINK8. iM.v-iUe. Wdif'f New Uland. lei Will. CIO Ol'T mid do h'eht housewolk. Pilot. f Red S46 I 41i) DIXOHATKD pap-r tahlwlotha. , nnpkinn candlen. birthday balloon the aimwer to your i party and iltowrr problem. VARIETY STtlWF. I40i I'l ItMiV M. WOR1.I1 H HNKKT CT.EAN1 1 -EIEITKOI.VX I'lK.ne lihie j 1(70 for Parts flulij. Kervlee ' PHONE your I'las&irierts in to Ihe Dally News. Ju t phone! 7111 and we will be glad to h. Ip J yu pliiaw your adverli.se- nient i41-nri PI ACE your cla.'.sjfied ad In this p.i r at the economical .six lime rale i- words lor 3 r n- t Mt iilive d .ys ro t $135, 15. word f.ir sil emtwecu'jve daV4 i ft M And rpncsi)trr t.u ! ptii.nr vour arts -hut evil itx V' txt S3. tali Ni wu. ( tf-n; iFOR SALK El5lit-rim huse. '.lST AM) HUM) LCST U.lifuld. employment in- surance borik and ticket. Find-j rr pit use phone lil.u k 8''7 An escaped lunatic recently was recaptured while he was giving a lady his s--at in the subwayThe Gas Flame. Another pioneer that will not be seen on Th.rd Avr?nue during tourist season next summer! The portly figure of Wiliiam Gold-o'Hd .ted neir the sitierviH.: explains the new north U the newcomers. The Iruppt-rs Ii.entl can tell a lot. Did timers complain of having forgotten the naric of their neighbors and ii ; a distressing fact. But, according to medicine, we rer:all event:; or long apo easier than what haitof ne:! y,-i-temav. 01 suiisiu.'t!o-i. r.f.-xt !i,;iv; h r1 b" an exchange of and more wo' cleriii". Trr? greatest na-take you can make is to t? cor.tinual'y fearing that yr.u'll maka .ti. iiabbard. Mac's wi.' wa .. y si.-;; a.,.J ho ran toaard t!i,- mortician' n's. A friend stopped him "Surc.y a doctor von want " ' Outa way. I carina effosi to deal "Al, mi.ldlemen " This is Phrovo I't; Ja; a-id Ash We-Jiv.J-ty ti:ne. i; i! hai! the ho takes, pan cukes, griddle rakes and a lot of others. But the best of the lot Is flapjacks. That has a touch of style. Then, of course, there's the sourdough jack. Tnc.-e have sharp flavor all their own, direct from tiie Yukon. ProfcAUonaf JOH H. BULGER V ' --Jonr Bu!g-r Ltd. lii iid Avenue i fr.im P I I I, ndpc D C ' CHIROPRACTOR firs. 10:30-12:30: 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appoinlri'.ent only 21 - 23 Besner Block -Plncic Blue 442 H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED r".".L ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 9i, Evenings Black 899 LING Tr! TAILOR I ailiiring . Alterations riothrs Made-to-Measure 220 Sixth St. Phmie 649 L SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 6C3 2"d Ave. W. Prince Rupeit, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe By CHIC YOUNG Meek wes all the way to six i pot a nana Of course Mr. LW.e would hav (ton b:i k to xix spades even without the double. But tiv? fxint was that the double gav;-; Mr Met k a cine as to how to iiujr foi 12 i. U ia utlr. 13 j you sor- how he made his curt- tract? kr. iAhtvy ojitned the king of rlubn and the lone ace won. Now, the "natural" play would be to cash, the ace of spad'-s. Wain Hie bad news, then play the are of diamonds and ruff a second diamond lead wiUi dummy s king of spades. A fpiiue return. fiiB-wJng the tiinc. wouid make it posnible o nick U!) Mi'. Champion's remaining trumps and spread th hind. Bat of course that would ' not work as Mr. Chamoion would ! tuff the first i ad of li.itnonds i and then, even it a subsequent ' lead of diamonds were ruffed : with the kin of spade, Mr? ; 1 "TVtrlnvc OrLr i 1 vsiu ; j 1 s. i j t (nrley K. II. 4.rf..lloll ' a. I Id.)' VANCOl:VER . j American Standard , .08 Bralome 4.85 it U X .On Cariboo Quartz .. 140 CoriRress .00 '2 Cronin Babine .14 Giant Mascot .46 Indian Mines .05 Pioneer .. 2 01 Premier Border .07 Privateer .. .05 Sh?cp Creek 80 SiUiak Premier .16 Vananda - .. .021.2 fialmnn Gld 013, Snud Valley .04', Silver Standard 1 15 Western Cranium 3 95 Sll-Van 40 Dorreen .. Jt Ete!!a 85 Oils Anyio Canadian ..... 7..10 A P Con ... 34 Caiinont .'. 1 70 C & E 12 00 "Central Ixtluc 3 60 Mercury ". - 18(, Okalta 2 77 Pacific Pete 12.25 Roval Canadian 15'j TOKtlXTO Alhona .- 22 Aumiiiue 18 Pcvcourt 82 Buffalo Canadian 32 Consol. Smelters 3000 Conwest 4 80 rxsnalila 62 Eldona 42 East Sullivan 630 Giant Yellow knife 10 25 God s lake 85i Hurdrock 15'j Harricana 08 12 Heva , .50 DuveX 1 i .35 ' Little Long Lac .81 Lynx ... 12 Marisen Red Lake 1 59 McLeod Cockshutt 289 Moneta .49 Negus r ia Noranda .' 76 00 Louvlcourt .20 Pickle Crow 144 Petrol Oil A: Gas . .55 New Senator .27 Sherrit Gonlon 5.10 Steep Rock 8 55 Silver Miller .83 Sweet Grass Oils .71 Golden Mnnitou .. 2.93 Greece Creek .07 Landover Oils .39 Rix Athabasca 3 00 Nc Sunday Fishing BLOEMFONTEW, South Africa T The Orange Free Stale authorities derided not to relax the provincial ordinanre which forbids angling on Sundays. The decision rejected appeals from anglers after one man was fined about $10 for fishing on Sunday. The two largest stars messuied so far, Heifulis and Betelgeuse. are respectively 400 and 300 times larger than the sun. BLONDtE ClaKMlii'd Kate 1(. 4 3(i p m. day pre- 3 rents v ,.iiii-n minimum murst in. i, K,,IU'e 50 rents; Curds . Think.'.. IX " Not leu, l ,.,;,! Notice. Marriage an.1 I Announcements. ..fiiiu-iit DM)l:ty double pi le-. So Relumls SrMI DISPLAY RATES: , . I an mrn it in-.i'iivu every av for a month I on inch if inserted every lfiv i'X a yoor.i ;,Iiiii;iiiMH size ill'lK-jl SIH Si IMESTK b U Card p;irtles. f'ebru- and M Feb. 20, H m i.l-ierartc, lllillU t riinimnKe i.lc, old Uifket. Katurdiiy, f-t. sil t tmn-h It-. Ki-U. 2S (apilnl The-: of l'jr.2" ly'rriail ruililliaKe S.ili' Muri ll 5 Elaid Selinol tea ami .liph.iiit ...le. March 12. Hid P TA rarcl party. 'i 21) AuMliary lipiini; Sat'. isiiiUtum. Jii'jh 8- hool uft'-r- unit rveiiins :ul 1' T A . ki'c. blur h DaunlUeri Easter leai e. Al:.l 2. ... ; i..n A'ixf!i,iry Card parties. and lit. Vltlr-w j. CaUiedlai liai a.iy. A;.nl !. JiiU, in Mrjl. K sa"' 1. , rn M: ry Chapter 'laffudil Vni 2 t r's r itni !.. mr. I'uiplr i:n batutar at uiie, April 21. HA biitaar, May . ad r I'.ir.h W A. Spline i.y 7 uri Auxi'lmy Tea .n Show, May 13 'rn Siar tea, May 14 m of tlte M..e Spring May 21. M,Kse Temple. r. ailfii v.le. May 2tl. tea. June 4 ll.M KM WrTWK. ',i 1.RKOV) i th, rv Mon. 'U 10. I'Jjl Mvrlle Heli.n s aue 61 years, of Pioneer Third Ave East. Rev I. "ff will conduct services "inville C,iUrt fhniw.1 at ! m Thursday Feh 10 Tn.l 1 nt to fnllnw i r,.t t! t n,iL. 1,, of arranuemenu. tlti "M(; EVENTS COXING AT hNNUNCIATlON SCHOOL HALL ON ay, Feb m. 8 WaudliH, Httuit, ATTRACTION Charley PQr "r-P pi(i,.n 01()VM BC. '1 10s. vs, p-''e Schut "U ' be SolU al door JStl 50f. in9side P'l'si: Tr fcouth dealer Both tide vulnerable j j (Mr. liale S-K 4 3 2 HQ 6 6 4 IV-2 t C 0 1 J Vti-t Jj.l (lr Mury) (Mr riinili,n i b -None B 10 t It H K J 10 S H A nil' D-J 10 S 4 D Nor C- K Q J 10 C- lilt I SHIIttt Mr. Mrrk ) I s a v j a s 11 - None D A K CI 7 6 3 A The bidding: . South West N'jrth last 2 D P:iJ 1ST Paw 3 8 l'tw 4 8 Pa-w 4 8 Unl 6 6 All Pals Muzzy would still have a dia- j rnond winner. - Mr. Meek didn't po foi .hi' natural play. From the opening j lead he deduced that Mr. Muz- zy did not have the ace of hearts ! lor the reason that he practical-i ly always opens an at e against a slam if he has one. What did he have to make such a quick double of six diamond!? Could It be that he had all five outstanding diamonds? Mr Meek thought it was ouite likely. ' After cashing the ace of spade3 and seeing Mr. Muzzy Itvard t:ia 10 of hearts, he led I IHE TREY j' diamonds. Mr. Muzzy s;ook his head in confusion. Apparently Mr. Meek iad pulled the wrong card. fter earefully checking the dummy to make sure that only he .deuce was there, he won , vith the four of diamonds the ; cheapest trick he ever won : tvainst a clam. ! However, Mr. Meek had made he only winning play. He ruff-d'the club return, led another mall diamond and ruffed with 'ummy's king of spades. A spade finesse was taken against Mr. 1 Champion 10 and the rest of 1 the hand was all Rood. iHI: 654 tic pv fi im Mlm eUM U 4m f, 4Ma W ola. k. LkiM. Ci.l tm4 m V (i GFORGK I) AWFS AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe -H't The Setting Up WASTE!! TO KENT A 4 WANTED TO RENT House. Phone Blue 331. (49pi 4 SALES HIXP WAMHI-MAI F T 7 WANTED A man to start hi own business. Almost no i money required. Sewing ma- HI chine experience helpful but ' not essential. Reply to Bex! S 599. Dally New till . " SALESMAN WANTED j RAWLEIOH dealer wanted i once Good opportunity. Wri'S 1 at once to Rawleii;h. I)ep 4 H16S3, Winnipeg Man. WORK U'1.TE 4 l)l)v ml tint', etc. by liour. Ltvi only Plionc Black 278. ' WANTED j 0 - - , i CA.SH for ' Hi Reran: ropT, bras, blil-V-rie! radiators Phone MS -4"aill IH' 1 1 i Ave. Wc.t I ICI " REAL r.STATE II $13W eh. bflanee an reft elves II you immediate prse t tm of thh wartime fmir. floor nil is U furnare io basement, Rarage . Price t42uo fH) Armstronrr AVencw-s LtI. Ki 307 3rd Ave. We.st. Pl,nes M?. Wlaek i7 evenlcpH Mil PRINCC filirVRT REALTY Cto. Reol Estate and rVisuronce- Now Lijealed' ut j 345 THIRD AVE. W. j (Next to Rtyle Baier Hliopi PHONE 301 j Are You Fully Covererl j Aitains-t riff f ET R BAtJS Six-room house, lint! 4-room house on 1 llh ' Kist. Apply 454 11th F-ast of (41p In I renient basement. 338 Ktli WMt 'MP j : ' FARMS rOR SAJ.K In ufer.lt: ! Bulk ley Valley Write or see i j Jf' Watson, Kicl'hers, HC I 46pi nm sa v 1 . SIMPSONS SEARS SPECIALS NOW J PorU.ble Record Player $09 50 Jg9 5Q 1 I Table Ijimps ... 10 95 o. by 2 Table limps M 8.70 2 K.-atU-r Rugs J0.5 1 3. CO I j j n 8 A R,fl(, ' 1 --'- , 39 45 1 1 1 fiiiriiiF-fiiUtd Mattl-css, SS'" 5'- 50 A A en 44...J!(0 I "Q!,'INLAN3" tlasstH'k 8.75 , "ARMSTITONfi" j Ouaker Linos, 0 K 12 fert 17 50 14 ' 32 ' ! Torchicre complete 24 i 9.95 EXTRA SPECIAL i pc. ChronM Set 106 50 89 95 ! Only $10.00 down, $1(00 per month, AND 1 Blonde Vanity Bedroom Suite $1S1 50 63 00 Onlv $17 00 down, $1100 per month. SIMPSONS-SEARS 312 Third Ave. Prince Rupert Phooe 460 142c) FOR KALE -16' house trailer, partly furnished, Apply Oscar Johsnsen, Bus Dept. 43p FOR SAI.K Five-yard dump box and hoists one two-wheel trailer. Industrial Welding. (43) FOR SALE Wood and coal kitchen ranfie. Apply Savov Hotel. (41) FOR SALE New Moffat elee trie range, four burners, nuto- niatie oven. Phone Black 7!)2 Mies) FOR SALK 30-ft. troller. ready to bo. Apply Box 1211, Station B. 1P : 1. man i.oou lied cr.inb.it plan's ;' .based in Ea.t Germany in arl- dition to several hui.di'. :1 j$ li'tiuere on the PoH.,h f !:!. of I the German bord-r. Walter Choopka Taken South Walter Chxiki. 30-vear-oH city hotel employee discovered bad;y injured in his home h.-.-. Jan. 20, hasten trarjtfcrr.:-: to a Vane-.",;ver hospital. IHs physician said the man was totally blind but had re-sained eortiiciou sness several days before bis transfer. One of his eyes , has been removed. The area of the West Indies is ubout 0a'fi0 M4'Jirt' miies- i" ovtr na" lnal 01 lne vuuvi kingdom. DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" .Duplicating Circular Letters - Monthly Bulletins any kind of Business foims. Direct mail advertisina. etc. 30 - 40 lers than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2ml Av. W. Prince Rupert. B.C. Git'" us your mailing list We do the rest. GRKER & BRIDBKV LTD. ! Uuiltlrrs and Contractors New Construction, Repairs. Foundations and Re-roofine 215-lst Ave. W. .. Phone 909 P O. Box 72 i FOR YOUR rtOCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED W Pour Cement For Ltsss Phone Elue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types cf Saws Sharpened 213 1st Ave. W. . Phone SOS 1 Train ScWJiiu STANDARD TtSib For the East . Daily exc.'pt Sunday..... 8 p m. Fr. in the East-Daily except Monday V:o0 p.rc Prince George Luxury Steamer SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and intermediate Ports Each Thursday ' at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service . Fur reservations write or I call ( il l iv ll, ...t lllli, .-. ' Pr.iM'e Ritptrt. BC. Exercises! league since its inception. He pays he is "am iited" .t the en- iihu.iasm the players have for) game- j ONE bi.nk i:xn 1 "They've really turned In some j surprising Barnes at tiims." says' MacDonald. "In two years of play j ve "'y s,n one Dla,,lt entl and j in. all that time there hasn't' ilx'en one substitution on a rink." j T'ie '"Uxr's main function is' ..pe that 'he curlers get lined j up In a straii'ht line with Uie! 'house. The players must judpej for them.Tivcs the proper .weight 1 I41CSI Ft ''! Oul-tde Riiper-Vstti :,!- Feb 3 sum of inimey wii fcriM-civh&t t1aim:inl may re reive atie bv 1 ulnnr. at Dailv Nt: aiid ItK i.tjfyintt iwiinf 14! AtCOINTlNTS j PCM! !CACC U NT ANT. I worn e i Tax Mwiahst. P O. Put it KUir.r Ituiktmit. Kti 5M. il'fttni ItATTMtv" sril'. K K j 2 RUPERT liUlcry Fhnp. TM EaTt 3rd Ave. PIkiiw Blue l.'A Hf-tit4. rechart-'P-it and fbuiM- irji. V' rk tu-vianted r) ! IW)TS Hill A1.E FOR SAJ f. Otllnetter. coin- j plete E'or particulars phone; id 825 Also house. Hunt's' Inlet. I45l! 1 --- - I AKK 11m si.r. FOR SA'T. 1) Ponllae Cmtpe liect t.fler. 207 full Ave. F.asV ' after 6 p.m., i41ps j Mm MALEl S2 Chevlcin' 'itfi J sji.ue motor, iransiiilsstun. 31 wheels and tires i'J5 00. Phone Oreen 6;'8. I4lp FOR SALE 1950 Monarch se dan, like new. two-tone, crry ; and green, mileage six thou- I sand, one driver, two new j caxnwrs, besides spare wheel and rasing, set of chains. This car In perfect condition. Not a blemish. 22no cash h k ' Blackburn, New- Royal Hotel (421 FOR RF.NT FOR RENT Sleeping room. Blue 02. 142) Ft)R REJJT double room, close In Phone Black 8?7. i44i FOR RENT Sleeping room. Phone Oreen 43A (421 KINOKR F.EWINO CFNTRR rent portable machine. Phone 84. ie FOR RENT Room and hoard, 223 4 Hi East after 12 noon. (44pl FOR RENT One 5-room nnrl one 2 -room furnished suite. 238 6th Ave. We.st. 44l FOR RFNT Corner store, Alder Block, Third Avenue lind Sixth Street: Oil-O-Matic hot water heatina;, owner will decorate to suit tenant. Also two stores on Sixth Street, could be used fts one large store. See Prince Rupert Really. 345 Third Ave. Hi FOR RENT Lisht housekeeping room. Couple onlv, 241 7th West, between fl and 7 pm. (42pi FOR" RENT Two-room apartment, nrivMe entrance. Men only. 743 Oth West. (4fli WANTrO TO RENT WANTF.D TO RENT House hv CNR. employee. Urgent. P ho rut $7 after S pm. (43p) 1 i 1 Im- their shots. Two links see action each week, w ith the winnliiB team and "e Mi "nf moc,in8 l,,e follow- iliR Sunday. 20,000 Lose Homes in Fire SAIGON CP Fire raged through a straw hut village near the commercial port of Saigon M",,r,ay nd destroyed some SOW) Domes. An estimated 20.000 persons were made homeless. 1XM LATE TO CLASSIFV FrNFKAL NOTKF CARLSON At Alice Arm. B.C., Sunday, Feb. 15. 1953, Bruce fed ward. ee three years, beloved son and Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Carlson, Alice Arm, BC. Serv ices will be conducted at Oren-vllle Court Chapel at 4 p.m. Thursday. Feb. 19, with Rev. Canon Basil S. Prorkter officiating. Interment to follow in Fair-view Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in ehsrge of arrangements. lti FOK SALE FOOTHILIS isootltss) eoal. Phone 65 U Philtt, EviU fc Co. Ltd. el TAXIS an4 TRAXSIt RS CITY TRANSFER Looq Diitonce? CRATINQ ant) PACKING Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effect Moved in or from any point in B.C. Phone 950 First Ave. nnfi McTMrta (e) "'i!'4.' ""' V ( ACE SOLI ALWAYS ) JS&f&i YmMSm 1 -&-m vSK-n issff irbii 'LY 'WKaVuses 8fl. ,ci