OTTAWA DIARY Cy Norman M. A.jcLeoo CI i i As I See It inn n rf ye It Ti.ri, iilieudv a legend on . vlnrial leader of the PC All . Viscount y,, hy eommaiider llt Ul(. j.-. tl.. tic Tl.. ... " I Parliament Hill that Newfound- tilings con.sicier.-n. me joi uig-landers have a contempt for gins did was regarded by Ottawa Ku.numhv oolitic and that ! standards as effective and reas- Pad power:. in rV attack lltl thev like a robust overtone to nimbly successful Hut down lnian Nvrti, more their campalKlis. newiuunuumu i asinii upeemiy , ' uie north p,Jif In the coniliiK Federal general """ no secret of the fact that 'compared ,0 ' election that Just what they're , wan;t impressed by the HIr- The west, be W4tZ eo.mttoget. A generous display R",s tevhnluue. A split resulted ferenee m tw and first the PC members in the pie Ralltry, f of fireworks Is reasonably awur- .,,, i ika itinnri nmvlnre. Thev - ii'KiMuiyic aim nirii uib rv pro- use call on it r . , " - - - in . i i . uie com ar may even be sufficiently s)ec- "i'i"'v To India, Russia? I READERS have asked ed HiKttms. When the controver-! wesiern ui.o oeienxi, a-I!ik. f positive uiiij a;,,,,.,.." Ucular to hold the Interest of the rest of the nation. The reason that this prediction ran be made confidently is the fact that over the week-end Gordon Fruncis Higgins, QC, OUE, MP for St. John's Fust, I mom. arotT I sy was over Cashln found that, instead of being a PC provincial leader, he had become an independent In politics. Thai's the oi Igln of the present trouble. When the local press when I take on on an-, other trip? Ariwer not till after we get two crucial elections over this mrs. John Fish. Puts onBfueBoar, - tnjoysF.Nl ,.!. nri almost vehement- rcnoneu. wuitoui nu-Muoniiig me -4 THIS CARTOON BY ROHKHT I.APALME of the Montreal 1 Devoir, has won he fourth annual national newspaper award for cartooning. The judges agreed on Lapaime for his intulvt comment on Individualistic style on public affairs-national. International and provincial." The cartoon shows Finance Minister Abbott as a prestidigitator producing a surplus out of the taxpayers' pocket. hT denied puonsheJ reports '"" ' i'f"rnation. that to 'glns was quitting the politl-lire statl.iR that he proK.sed ,e- from public Ute. Hlggms '' ar""a- Ki- partl.ans in declared definitely that he would these pa rut Immediately 8Ufpect- year: I have a deep, double Interest ! in both our elections this year. 1 1 want to help elect a good stable ! government for BC which ha-s more modern ideas than "buck to the Utile red sehoolhoime." That seems to me exactly the :same kind of thinking that pro be a candidate for re-election in ed that the canard had .spread from the Ca.--.hln fa lion Higgins 5 Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, April 21, 1953 uTttYjapeiMieiit dally nrwapaper derowd to Uie upbuilding ot Princa Rupan and Nortlirrn and Central British Columbia. Mmber ot Canadian Press Auult Burau ol ctrcula'taoe Canadian Daily Heo-sfiaper Asacn-latlon Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Umltea J. P. MAllOR. PnwdfDt H. O. PERBY, Vlc-Preald.O Subscription Rata: -TSn er carrier- Iw wrs, iSc; per month i ir,; per year. 10 00 l$?H ey mall Pw jloiiUi. 'idc. p-r y-r. WOO. lo- jtborltert aa ound claaa rt-.all bf th Port OtSoe PeparlmfDt. Ottawa. Dredge The Coastal Wafers on a letter from the Fisheries Association ACTING of B.C., E. T. 'Api.lewhaite, MP for Skeena, recently made a proposal to the public works minister at Ottawa which could lead to some much needed, thmijih minor, dredging in our coastal waters not previously contemplated. ' While dredjinjr of Delkatla Slough at Masset ami of Inverness Passage has been officially approved, there are other points where similar work on a smaller scale is also called for. As mentioned in the Fisheries Association letter that Mr. Apple-whaite read in parliament, one place is the shallow Skidegate Channel which offers the only route to the mainland from the west side of Queen Charlotte Islands without taking- the long way around the north or south end. The letter pointed out that during the heavy run of pinks last year on the islands' west coast, there were delays in reaching- mainland canneries because of bad weather on the outside passage and the inability of boats to navigate through the thannel. - - Another point where dredging would help is the harbor at Dodge Cove on Digby Island. There a liinall dredging operation is required to give boats a suitable berthing- space at low tide. -;:. As Mr. Applewhaite observed, there is no Question of another St. Lawrence seaway being involved in these projects. Although important in their own w ay, they are minor undertakings which Letterbox lost no time in denying It There is a further rumor that Cashln ' may resiun his legislative seat. In order to Mounts fed-' eraily If that hapiM-us, the con-; test w ill be one of the most ' spectacular to he fought any- i . the PC Interest. wide degree of general (The interest In Higgins' repudiation of the unsolicited attempts of the presa to retire him arises out of the fact that he is one of the more picturesque individuals In the House of Commons. He Is Irish to the core. That means duced the Bible-blaspheminu Matan the South African throwback to the dark ae.s. But I promised key people I would do my level bet to get our , Prime Minuter to make a Rood-' will visit to India and Pakistan. I THANKS TO IVtRVONt Tlie Editor, The Daily News: The booiu of the Prince Ru- where in the nation it will ensure at least a share of the national spotlight being trained on Ni-u foiiixll.ind during the campaign. 1 got him to the point where lie political i;t::i:w Trie Editor, The Daily News: A review of politic!. xihtical parties and uliitclu,ns, during the past hall century in B.C. may seive a u-scuii purixise at the present lime. Prior to 1W)2 jiarty politics In Provincial Government was never applied said in parliament he will go a.s j)m fi(KXl Relief Fund were au-soon as he can. That statement dilMj by me ancj found corre-t that he possesses ready wit and instant fighting qualities In approximately equal degree. Ho far the House of Commons has witnessed mainly the former attribute. But down In his own province Higgins has got himself Involved in a lively political Mi-. J .1,11 yf, , : lii i i ll.isst.-i t,i-. : I lairt' Nn'nti,' ( l) ait .J ll lun,,sl . iwr-isirtitlv vhi a i! K; BOOK FOtMl Total donations $3 209 85 Total Expenditures . 147.44 EOLTHAMPltW. England TP aunntwrH lM, ,,,VWh ... i. .. i b l... iv.- ,.., t Hill ltnMiiMt.t ill- ia i'i hit? iii. . .,, i 1 'l II aMTiiilr il. k . - quarrel. And the battle which Is has Deen warmiy approveu oy the Liberals, Conservatives and Ct'F. So it looks now as if I will have to do my bit to make sure t'nele Louis gets re-elected P.M. Just to make sure I do get, him out there. I'm a very M.ub-born fellow. ; BUT NOW that peace k breaking Kir liicnaro Mcuruie, wiio iu .hinn uu down lher mtcp the oio lima u lusirauj. a "-iu value, um,'- mH km lt.issi I l-r-, born in Mew we.simin.sier unu ronilnK campaign geLs under; tup Ly lU rt l-hnk't r 23 years Transferred to the Canadian National European Flood Relief Fund M. lli'lm-l'Saii-, Txif).t' raised on the shores oi the rra- w;1Jf promise., t,, maitP a Donny ser River, worked his way from brcK)k Fair seem like a quiet Sun $3.122 41 H Waters a v. was foiuid In his old plane that had l ( II ton 1 for 20 year in a barn here The italic a cannery woraer on uie rias. i (lliy arUTnoon In comparison we WLsn to maim an conirio- in oecome me i.rst pirmier i" out it looks as if I may live The trouble started bark In was purcna.'CO oy me iiani- i in t n i iw.m-m .v.i a .in.fil i'.m f'hiW In trvnil KH all litr- 111 15 11 the last Newfoundland provincial election when Biggin under-1 , 1 lli.i t H-.san .a. look to lend an organizing hand'1 ' long enough to make the news- utors ar.d all who a.ssi.sied in one j,,rm a government on party paper trip I have always mast way or another to make this Unes In BC wanted to make: drive a .successful one. A spe-, Inat us a Conservative gov- To visit and really see the cial word of thank goes to the ernment that ruled the destiny countries behind the Iron Cur- Job's Daughters, the Kinsmen 0f the province lor 13 yean and (.,i .,.11m Rniu nnri Club, the Canadian Legion, the met defeat in 1915 by a Liberal to Mair P J Cashin, then pro- i china Civic Centre, the Columbia Cel- force led by Mr. Brewster who dlid MILESTONES! I rum the lllea H 1 h lwll a I lulose company, me oin utimn, men Decame rremier. oui Life is a funny thing. I was and to all volunteer canvassers during hts term of o!fif ; nffurarl n nAV k'nanur trtn tn Hi IX- The same late met his suc- : i .T r V : r ." , and workers .sia uy uie iin; J. ma.... . m.ver ....... . -,. ii i,,v, i-n i r iiuui-u r,uij.ii .,-., !.. 40 Yeor Ago Todoy J E. Dalrymple, vice president; the irio aL'o died white holdin Flood Relief Fund. oHioe of premier. He was commonly known Eric Faure, President Harry SchoUen, Sec. Trs M of the OTP. assured the Board John," a farmer, who or iraae inav me railway ui- the Toronto Star. That back in 1937. when just about everybody and his brother wis going over there saying "it's wonderful" or "it's terrible." I said "no" and ln.-;tead moved west to B.C. Then after the Hitler war the U.S. State Department ment Invited Invited Honest In turn wax succeeded bv his lenuea MJ ereti nrrr one elevators minister of education, the Hon. moat mooern giain Dr. M'Ltan who for many years now In uie Moscow Paper p p joumaiuu to ays lommuiiists . " a lew I three top Russian Alexander Robinson. Suerln-i tenrtent of Education for B. C , U a vL.itor in the city , 30 Ytort Ago Todoy 1 taught school in Rossland and Greenwood prior to his elevation to the medical profeasinn and ' politic. I I The Conservative party led by, ! Dr. 8. F. Tolmie succeeded -Inj visit America. They 1 spent spent Going Into Africa The Civic Pjnployees Union at. days in Canada at the finish and I had the great honor of speaking with them before vast mass i meetings In Toronto and trcai. I toid them that this was il'"1:" h r. r ; a siai meetm, deeded to ar. illlCllb UI1U I"-1" ..... Ka MjnmmAnflallnn isf Ihf By W ILLIAM L. RYAN lAP News Anarysti days of the dark P'n:'fu,,rtIuitlon board of 0c an hour : the message thev should take n people from communist.,, all set to raise "'"t -D thc r!t back to tneir ow cam In : the ordinary people here: central Airica aespne ... rf . ,. . ,r, - ,.,,,,,.! That if Russia or her allies their peace talk In Moscow, now- - T H Johnson has returned 'n'rfteVS- a Rotary convention in Ta-! attacked us or our allies we are or soon will be chalking tip would certainly fight them and slogans on the walls of buildings they should know that in ad- throughout a vast area south of vnnrp hut. that the Canadian the Sahara. The slogan will a group, uie ti. l.iii-- wi - I 20 Years Ago Todo : presslon. known as CCFi rs. of war on oe- T. D Patlullo has again been - - . - ..... . ., . t A V.V. declaration I I t VJ t VI WW a s-'- , CHAM peopie would never support or say ". d;. press.on and poverty is still tiie nomn,tNl Ub4.rai candidate lor condone an attack on Ru: -. a. foreigners go home. we ae slogan of the CCF uho have Ptm.,. Rup(.rt ln provincial Trust not to V If they had listened to me heid a front line posuion 0, election. could be done all the more cheaply with dredging equipment already in the area for the bigger-operations. Small and timely expenditures of thissort are ' actually better described as economies and, in bringing up the subject, Mr. Applewhaite was speaking in the best interests of not only the local residents immediately affected but the fishing industry as a whole. Gef on The Voters' List IS YOUR NAME on the B.C. provincial voters' I list? If you did not vote in the last provincial election, your name will not appear on the voters' list June '.K Nor does registration for the Dominion or municipal elections mean that your name is on the provincial list. Newcomers to B.C. and young people just reaching voting age should get on the list. It's good business for them and the community. Here in the Prince Rupert district, full registration will assure an honest polling- of public opinion. Moreover, with a -full list we can show Canada an;up-to-date registration of our populace. The last census Way have 'bten inaccurate.' If sill qualified adults reginter for voting, we have just one more bit -of official evidence as to our size.-It will help in attracting new investments to the district, in assuring- a fair adjustment of grants which are made on a population basis, and in convincing Victoria that we are alert to what is going- on down tht-re. This is an important election. If you have a right to vote, you should be sure to exercise it. right This intciiigenco ooes im come Jo 20 years but never had an ' and passed it on to the quarters we would never nave ;" !-. opportunity to torrn a govern-j ri-S Charles W. Homer, provincial Make sure of your pie th nu uli reiufor Miw'; had the ghastly war in Korea. Moscow, ii na Dee- winuuLvru m(,)t but ,lK(.eeded as a press-, a,M.,,r at prince Rupert for in the Soviet press. In an artlc.e tht QT. Kf0up ,n or(.inj! govern-; many y(ar4 tiring and THEY INVITED me to Russia 'hlch a,s0 Vr ,hU'atr te m,knt to mPlMntn.t murh of will be succeeded by O. W. Crlpps. then. I could have gone be- lu ",..''; 1 ;ru " " proposea legisiano.i. i hinrt the iron Curtain manv movement movement" In In the the dark dark con-, con-, BC i,ffli;iatur- Legislature during5 during: I U I curs M90 1 oooy OPEN A SAVINGS tinent. Strikes ln the Soviet Un- th, L, v-ar,. have pretty: J J. Hennessy Is now In the always on the wrong kind of lnfre, "Je ' " 'well kept pace with economic city negotiating for pmrty for ACCOUNT AT l mUslon. I was personally Invit- " - colonial pressure ana socjai requiremr. uie purpose w. r.,iu...... of Soviet asents ln coun- Rut ifl none the dynamo: wood Jard. ' ed to all the Stockholm peace trie. that generated the power, that; : meetings and their successors, in Mexico City, Warsaw, Pekin Ail mis aooa up w wuaa up- twipeci .so many, was and Vienna pear a deliberate CommuuLst ja!,r. The urgent need for immediate action in providing Prince Rupert with an adequate and regular milk supply wii the main topic of discussion at the P-TA meeting In Booth Memorial lllsh Sch-Hjl. iweiuy-iooi po.e-iur uu.u ..". tinn of whit AMti l ll? Ill' ... C 11, J m M v. take nart in anv wav. shaoe or agaiast Negro an" all-out Editor, The Dally News: lUilll III Mil VWIIIHIU". "- .i racial war. 1 I am most amazed at the re- front. I know many sincere peo South of the Sahara there marks In Sandys column am ple did loin them. But it seems 1 some 100,000.000 Negro or more so 01 mose passru uy o to me that these Dhonv peace are nwinir. Ttiore Johnston at ho.ary. Alier Ull f ronts 1 like all the other camou- dark-skinned who rule the Gyros are always ready and of Intelli- illlng to meet Rotary at any have done 0 harm to the with varying degree of east-west relationship. Rence ranging from very nign ; By making them.selves nothing ,r, Uirrin on oneself ' In order rd to put but propaganda agencies for the Much Communist PKan. la ,r welht, one musi nraw zig-zag Russian world line-Its being levelled agaln-st the Brl-'.on l ..i,.. ii. nun nmn iiir ntii'i iiliuii ui , V.Iimif II fl V XVHIl I 111" litllLOilLU, v. - A GYRO. REFLECTS and REMINISCES falsehoods about germ warfare' Northern and Southern Rhod-Ihat would not deceive a ten- esia and Nyaaland. year-old child they have made Says the Moscow newspaper suspect the very word "peace." Trud: "The political conscious HEAR ness or the African workers ai . ', "V 1 ' n mi t-"1 i . For A Limited Time Only THIS BEAUTIFUL WASHER . . . Regular $179.50 FOR ONLY $39.00 Five Year Guarantee When the time comes for the gallant feat. Aboard the "8nirit I WON'T CROSS the Iron Cur-! ready is sufficiently developed to mek to inherit the earth, taxes of St. Louis" he travelled from! tain until I can go on the same! understand that federation will will be so high they won t even New York to Paris. This would! terms as I have gone to other lead to still more effort to ex- want it. I countries paying my own way P"'it them." This line now will .be about twenty-seven years ago. j But it won't be news out of newspaper income and BO into mnca, aiuog .n u-seeing what I want to see and slogans outlined. Members of the legislature dO not leel well after brief visits to; Efforts to cause the people of1 writing the good and bad. 1 It U a pattern for chaos. the provincial mental hospital.!, Canada to become greater con DAVIE FULTON, M.P. TONIGHT THE NATION'S BUSINESS" 8:00 p.m. CFPR Published by The Progressive Conservative Party .TERMS AVAILS I sumers of nsh are on a 'ld some days. Overcrowding amounts to forty-six percent. , Bcale- "n,ls had been done be-, Conditions will be worse this j fore but never with what might year than last unless some ac- , be thought conspicuous success, tiott, is taken. Some of the MLA Today, ln Ottawa, nothing to be-say they hesitate to ever make a ing forgotten or overlooked, so retain visit which Is a reason if l far as known unless it Is to ever there was one. i snow the people of Canada how best to cook and serve. For fish I Trie Crown Prince of Japan can be made a dandy snack, un-has already crossed Canada one j der certain conditions. way. It seems he was delighted. I Home bound, another month orj Most of the old flag and longer, he will be west bound. A' marching gongs of the Boer war lof of interesting country, up featured the election day parade that way. . j ln Pretoria lat week. Oom Paul " land the republic are over and SOMETHING ELSE idone -with, but it was a good FOR SALE Restaurant As a Going Concern PHONE 860 or APPLY in PERSON to Civic Centre Dining Room FEATURES: Ar Pump it Loveli Automatic Wringer -Ar Scaled Mechanism (No Oiling) RUPERT RADIO & Phone 644 ELECTS l3 Colonel Lindbergh, first man to amart scrap, anyway. The cape fiy the Atlantic, will write a . still has hor problems, but none book about it. An epochal and a are without solution