1 4 luesday. April 21, iPi3 Kepes Sets Pace In Opening Spring League time In r-r.t.C-"tt' n . Cavalry the .'.:..r,. .. t'l''.-!.t I..-,. t )u.doors . . . with Marty SPORTS ROUND-UP Nick Kepes opened the way for nJ th-r a:, hiKh scores as the iive-pin u 8" re,'. ni-ring oowung ipauue got un-s derway. rolling hga single of BACK&C MaybeYtr Dy GAYLE TALBOT NEW YORK (AIM We present, herewith, ou-annual exclusive interview with George Weiss, pet,-leial manager of New York Yankees, who i t-reil ly many to k' the smartest executive in haseVuUl. k.iC!,' Wi ana tu lor tnree games j Uid;c' high slr.nle of 207 wini rolled by CUudea Sanderson and: Kay Juhnsim counted 6Kit for hlj;h three-game t'al. I l.:i.-ky E x cuunted team hi'thl ltile l'U 11"5 and S;aii-i dil-i ii tlir.-e R.inie.s for a hi?h lota! f 3240 j Reaiu ' llot. liots J. TrootH-rs' 1; Sharks 2. Rpitdres i. Lm ky i Six 2. Spares 2, -r ""SaJ VS. v-'v .''ii . '--...4 jj asked. ' ' I jo you." George ran mase it ' i -isnk your tx.ys mm i-. k, r. ' Pro-Rec Office Moving iIW.k.. Here is DICK G1LKER again with another u&on taken without benefit of boat , this one. a!- j " ready well f.iled with herring. fell for a str:p that was offered to him from the Cold Storage dole: r.:r e work for or.e cf our" local lad. this ec-n.s;str.t sue- . re-vs' JIM BACON and MAGNUS j HAL VERSOS at work by row-boat rear Sr.? forrr.tr's fbh plant, j no lurk :th salrr.on. but lots of j cod. i The F-BY'S, father ar.d son. al'-o har.dir.e out herring strips : for any interested takers: and the STONE'S. DAVE ar.d IONE, are usir.g the Skeer.a for their ' Doilay Vardon forays IONE took a five-ponder on Wednesday and it proved no fluke by bringing in : a six-pfiuncier the following evening; it should be mentioned that a" Montreal maeazine. Hunting and FtshinR in Canada, of I Uf in a row' i II sounds pretty hard to do. id'-nt tl?" Oeorye answered ' -However, we would nave won eii'ht straight if tlwy hadn t turned Johnny Babih loose on j ! " 1 u V.'lth th-t. Vf clammed '. ! up aeain until neitl April, Wo l,w ked it up and discovered that in HMQ. the year Detroit broke : nollH-r Yankee string of four Mraiaht flags. Babish rooked .the defending champs five ii iv . mostly late in the race. To Victoria VICTORIA KPV The provincial office of ths Pro-Rec will be moved to Victoria from Vancouver M:ty 1. UaVlClM! 4 YEAR AGO M-YEAR-OLn JOE JIDCE of Corner Brock. NT.X, dcvc'.cped a eondi-t'on that forced him to give up a career of harnesi racing that probably is unequalled ir. Canada H had tx-en riding sulkies since he wM 10 and hit the Newfoundland harness circuit of hU life, that Joe chalked up his greatest in 12" It was at St John's, mhere he spent raort victories and establL-hed himself as Newfoundlands foremost racing authority The move U being made to consolidate it with our govern ment departments In the Su l.il Many Close And Exciting Games Seen Credit "economy with efficiency" program fers two mercharidi-,e prices of MEN and WOMEN inferes.e-1 m V0.' PEOPLE G'e invited to to're pan ,n LEADERS' TRAINING COURSE Sponsored by $25 and $10 for the best fish - As Badminton Tourney Moves Into Semis EducuLon MinUter Mr Tilly KnUton said that her cutbacks in government help for Pro-Rec thu and other specie-s. and th nobody entered a Doily last year : wrrt "thoroughly iuceesf ui. Our first memory of Babe Z- h.-irus was as a basketball pl.iyer. If you think she could tnil and do many other as.orted mines well, you should have t n that gal play forward. They brought the Bibe up to D.illas from Beaumont. Tel.. in ISM or SO to play on an insurance company team which was about the best in the coun Mr Ralston said her plan of letting the club help themseivri MEN'S SINGLES (TepFlitht) Prentice beat F. Olson for seim- 1. Wyn Gardner beat George i finals. Viereck. 15-12. 3-15. 18-16. ns MH'BLFS (Top Flight) 2 D. Brown beat Roy Paulsen, i y Davt Rjd;ord aild Birry "i'Wart" Mills beat D. Hart."'-" ATZ"?Z la already ahominj that recrea The Prince Rupert DiUrict Boy Scout Atsoc tion this fall will be biiuer than Spectators and players at the annual tournament of the Prince Rupert Badminton Club witnessed many close and exciting games last night at the Civic Centre as the competitions moved Into the semi-finals. Finals will be played Wednes ever before. mett Charlie M.l.s ana ueorge Viereck who defeated Jin wig. 15-8. 15-8 4 Barry Williamson got a bye into the semis. Consolation Flight: D. ChrU- and H Moor. 15-1 Georgeson day night. Last niihts were: srores ter,.n beat E. Upsin. 15-6, 15-9 Chrtstensen meets victor of M IKS to be held April 27 to Moy 1 inclusive tfom 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. doH Registration fee 50c . . . No Other 0: Those Interested plexse tonUict: W. II IMI MONT trme limrv-ra. , fi or FK1I C ONK Albert k M ffert-IW I would expect that Ior.es fish will take a prize in that contest this year Do not heotate to enter any worthwhile f:h: fall your columnist if any information wanted. Several people have a.ked for the name of a fish that takes trolled lures and bait in mid-depths. Generally it looks like a codfish, but the three dorsal fins are distinctly separate and the body color is strongly mottled rather than nearly solid like the cods. This f ij-h does not show a barbel 'whisker that isi, and if one should be present it would be very tiny; it grows up to 30 inches but most around here are about 20 inches and weigh two or three pounds. His proper name Is Thcragra Chalcogramma. and for convenience is called Whiting, an Atlantic species to which 115-4. 2 Herb MorKan and NicS Pavliki defeated Bown and ijohn Tasman. 15-11, 15-J ! Cantolation Flit hi: Bob Mox-! lry and Dou? C'hnsicnsen de-; featrd Stan V'ickcrman and Harold StymUt. 15-9. 15-3. and , meet Fred Aston and Frank Ol-jsen in semi-finals. try This team went out and cut em. and It decided the Babe had outgrown her home town, j A we recall, she mas sup-'' pterd to be 17 at the time.! some hat on the skinny aide, i f-'he didn't look as though he , h. d much business on the same I !' r with .nHiio of her tull-bli.wn teammntes and rippo-1 nt nts I But she stepped right into that Uuah league and quickly i proved herself one of the very ' best. j S.nre then the world has come ' to kno - the remarkable girl who now is back home again, sick l 48-Game Schedule Drawn Up For Four-Team Ball League area! Prince Rupert ii District Afna- Baseball days are Sundays and LADIES' DOI BI.ES (Top Flijht teur Baseball League's schedule Thursdays. Final league game Is j FrancU Cross and U i for July 30. after,McKay defeated Mary Tmmh for for the the 1953 1933 sea-son sea-n includes memoes 48 -"Culed whUh playofa tin. and Mary Vier.k. 15-2, 15-7. games 30 to be played in me, Th teams comprising' ? t)r,t Pauldini and D-.t NOTE: Rnom for 30 in this tows. l : avvsured of at least 2! to Sr;r.sr a ' CommKsioner So art Now F. I. ANFIELO, District Commissioner !y S:: Golden tSs he is not related ; OK to eat him flavored similarly to ' city with the first game scheo- the league this year are Enquire, white downed Joan Cross and for he Is codfish, and does not run to fat. uled for May 10 at Rooseveit (formerly Abel it Odowesi, Gor-; Francis Partridee. 15-8. 15-T There is an excellent bait very j Park. don & Anderson. Commercial Consolation Flight: Helen Be w Mrllride St Tbone JU little used here, just the ordinary On the same day. a aouDie- Hotel ana rerrace. ; lugno ana imrnnic Mc- ,n tt.m He i cadiv r,h. I hoH.-r will be nlaved in Terrace Following Ls the 19a3 schf due: fealed J Bernoff and J Tiny Japanese Wins Historic Boston Race MI9T4 CVffdfyn J Andervm Ortnmercu! Hotel , Park llme r l.M4Uir v e T'-rrc rn talned by tearing iiandsful of seaweed from wherever it grows, and picking the worms out of the mass. Quite simple to get a ! V'y 10 I 10 S Colnrnfrr lal Hotel v Tprrce Here's the fastest cuttinc fcqvilre .. u R r CorrimTciai i-.rr.m'.rrial Hotel Mile v- v- fcs. dozen In a few minutes. Cut into , Lellan. L5-5. 15-5. V. Majoio-vlch and A. Toffoli drew a bye. MIXED IHH BI.ES (TopllichU ! 1 Dot Paulding and Dav "Radford beat Marg Touh and 'Bruce Mills. 15-12, 15-9. Win-'' ners meet Mary and Georg? i Viereck 2. Francis Croa and Cl.ru-Mills beat Lx.t White ai d TVi'ry Cnmmercuii Hotel CrCin Anderson t it . n !7 21 24 one-inch pieces ar.d fished on the bottom he is first choice of i the succulent flounder, while the taf.ty rockfLsh rar hlrn eger'.y a couple of fatficn'.s higher up; I -man chain sm. BOSTON Pi Japan's Tiny Ktiio Yamada. 25-year-old mitt-' Ut engineer who weighs 108 pounds, shaved six minutes. 48 .second o'.t the liUtoric Boston , Marathon record Monday with a s:nx'hm? 2 13 51 performance ! at'airist a brilliant international 7rraee r Kiu:ri F (ii.re vl Terrace (frrfm A: Anderwm RUire r. ouires vs. ivr.mercul Hwt T'rrf- Y iitl'n Ai1eTKfl f.mdim A: Anderm vs. Terrace C.nimercKil Hotel r CVirdim & Anttenain Terra- CVrdon Ai Anrterson CitjTiXon Ac AiHServm v Terrace EM)iiire V4. Commercial Hotel r-Mnmrrcal Hotel r Eo'itr 7-rraee vn Commercial Hotel f ommereial Hotel t Terrate I sfce no reason why other ftsh would not take him when trolled behind a spinner. Try It! Williamson. 15-12. 15-8 T.".n-ners play victors of Vierecks vs pHii!r!:nir-RAdford set. ever develops T P . 1 1 R R T T . , R K R R R T T R . n ... r T ... R ... H ... H ... T ... id 118 C'lntoUtlon mghl: V Man- to cf jolovich-Vickerman Ijeat A Tur-j Gerard Cote, four-time wln- cotle-H Stymist, 15-8. !-. P-tner frm st Hyarlnthe. Que. led! NEW C ornon Ai Arrterwn vt Eauifea Co r.irurr' lal Htel v Ciordon & Anderson Hixon-Hart it? beat Toffoli-; V ; Matte 15-6. 15-10 Winners play j Marie Hiltz-Bill Dyyer ho drew, a bye. Tonight's tournament b. cms at 7 o'clock. (v.uirea v. Teirace Terrace r Erulrea C-orrton (b Anderson t Cwimerrlal Hrt' Foiilrea . CVjftloo V AlHterwin Commercial Hotel v EUlre Tenace v. floraon A: Andervn McCULLOCI the Canadian continitent home ith 18'h piace In 2:42:40. LONDON CP) Sir John 81es-sor, marshal of the Royal Air Force. Aaid the aircraft cra.sh ra'e is b-ir.g reduced In relation 20 31 :i 2' . 4 7 7 , 11 . 14 14 14 . 15 , 21 . 21 . 21 . 2S . 28 . )M . 90 . 2 7 7 7 . 12 12 12 IS a i -a. w T Gordon At Andernon Terrace V Ceirdon At Anderson vs Commercial Hotel I HnmerclBl Howl vs. Terrace Ti-rrne Cfimmercliil Hotel Remember when amount of flyinit done r.i'iire v Ci-dm At Anrternon I . , , to the Detroit Red WlliKS beat Toronto f.or,lon Ar Andrr-n vs. Commercial Hotel' Terrace v Kftutrm j Maple Leafs 1-0 after 14 minutes Actual Wci3Kt 30 lb$. fcuirea v lerract i ... nvf,rtim. to tie their H'ar.,Cy' r. (-'unmereial Hotel vs. Oordon A: Anderaon Gordon Ai Tnderaon ; Cup final sent-s at three (rames Fsoutren Actually outtuts, out performs, most 2-man so ntltm At Anderson vb Terrace A strong complaint on prom- Ji iscuous shooting has been lodged by a cottager on a nearby lake; this stuff is mighty dangerous' and Illegal, and it is likely that the offenders will meet big trouble. Never shoot from or across any highway or road, always be sure you know where your bullet or pellets will end up, do NOT shoot over water because bullets will ricochet more from water than anything else: '. do not shoot at seemingly empty J buildings for there might be somebody working in or around : them, and NEVER point your ; firearm at anything unless you mean to shoot Treat All fire-i arms as though they are loaded, and remember that the little .22 has killed both moose and man at a hundred yards range. . . Tb6 general Fish Derby closes this weekend; evenings are plenty long to go looking for a big one to enter, and the season Salmon Derby will begin the kame day. Feed ls coming Into the harbor and good sport may ; be expected from now forward, j A little known and easy place j to reach for Steeiheads Ls the , Klsplox River. This water is ! north from Hazelton and any- i T Terrace v Oordfm At Arideraoit ! apiece, eight years ago tonifht i at Toronto. Toronto had won the 1 first three games and Detroit took the next three. The seventh jand deciding game at Dc'.roit jwat a 2-1 victory for Leafs. J 0 R Es(i:irei v Commercial Hotel R 'irjrcon A: Anderwm v Kaqulrea T Terrae vs. Cmmereial Hotel T Commercial Hotel vs. Terrace R Squires va Gordon Ae Anderson R Gordon A: Anderson va. Commercial Hotel R . . F. Terrace J. squire va. .- ,t ' - , R ' Terrae vs. Ktuulren ' R Commercial Hotel . Clortlim Ac Andervin R C'rfnmercial Hotel va Kiquirea VI 21 2 W .JiH t? -r , .' .- ') lV , s ,5- THE . f R.IKt H eve Participation in Olympics May Be Limited to 5,000 THE 4-30 IS LIGHTI Wtijl.1 It only 30 pounds, complete with bUd and chain. No oth wars of mote tnan Ikite korwpoatt this llfnl! THE 410 HAS POWtR! U dvtlop ktaondotft pov. (McCvllech at ft rattd aiclaMvtly by acentric dyna-aiti. yoa on tl the dilVtrcnct wkn yoa put thil M la lall) l.llms he" etr " LAUSANNE 'API A commis- with 100 additional for photo- for CKV'1 brxly riot knowing the spots wllljaion appointed by the Interna-'graphera and 150 for broadcast- not fall to notice the signs and '. MonaJ Olympic Committee to ers. At Helsinki, the committee study means of reducing the elze reported, 1.800 Journalists claim turnouts on trus roaa, wnicn . V TO THE ECONOMY-WISE DRIVER . . . flnjoy the Comfurt nt Big Cor Performance and the Pleasure of Small Car Economy torcthcr with the Smart, Exciting Consul Styling Make this your new car I .year with a '33 CONSUL Sedan or Convertible. Test drive it today at Bob Parker Ltd. "The Home of Friendly Service" ed press seats. i Con; nued on page 5i The following sports would be maintained: Track and field. of the Olympic Games has recommended that participation be limited to 5.000 athletes and that the number of officials be reduced proportionately. The commisaon has asked all international sports federations to make similar proposals at the boxing, swimming, (hooting, equestrian sports, modern pen fovea GOOD ADM A ni f of amicni f nglish churches arc replacing their eoiully aiKKnl uwU nh ulumi-num. One of Hk i iht ( tuncl of Si. James in lh mIIjc of Nether Warlon, Otfordhire. lis lead roof, originally UJ iii Wi5, biouthi WW m scrap enoBh to pay the whole cost of imtalling lite new rrxif. It is a neal example of how, white most melaU have been getting more expensive through the centuries, the coil of aluminum has been going down. Aluminum Company of Canada, Lid. ( Akan) for your money 7 r Mexico City congress of the com mittee, starting Friday. THE 4 30 IS L0 tathlon, bicycling, sculling, canoeing, yachting, soccer, basketball, welght-iming. Optional s ports would be field hockey, handball, archery and water polo. The committee recommended that the following sports not be maintained: Trapshootlng, pelo-ta, bowling, polo, lawn tennis. The commission proposed to . a., kudu's exclude all substitutes in the In dividual sports and all "artifi la THE 4-30 HAS SPEEDI Equipped 'with she new exclusive McCulloch Sabertoolh cha.n, th 4-30 really does ob on trees, loes. You II htv to tee it nd try l appocUt th 4-30't t- I.. Jtutaie1 cial" teams such as gymnastics THE 4-30 CUTS AT ALU ANGLESI The new, Matr -protected Hoatlen carbaretor fives full power csrtttne at all aisles without adjustment sipsida down, rifht-ida p, blade down, bltde up, ny positiosi th job calls for. lai often PV t wft. Mtional cutting tpeeo. and fencing. Where team sports are allowed, only eight teams would be selected for the games after regional eliminations. The committee proposed that , sc-'Bo-S'' table tennis. Bridgetown, the capital and chief port of Barbados In the British West Indies, dates from 1628. ; the number of places assigned to Slinodli.v.il.bl,14",18",54"30".nd36 bi.. - loci' d"'' ' For I d.monitriliott of tht tm.iim new McCulloch 4-30 it yout inMEtlY DISTRIBUTORS UW1 the press be reduced to 1,000 V ?Tf ta. When rheumatic nainSamil I- txdtisivt Canadian Agents VVI A l Vly OtMtMHA gets you down, here's the Qui quick way 10 get rciui. 861 Landtdowne Si., Peterborouah, Onl, !!0 West lit Ave., Vaneuv 10, B C. Rub in soothing Minard's ft Liniment. Is II good Just Here't Our SPRING OPENER Speciol Haseball and Softball Mitts at real Savings. Last year we over-ordered this year we're clearing them at huge reductions . . . Bee our stock. ThCSPORTS SHOP PACIFIC ELECTRlf try it, you'll see! RHEUMATIC PAIM? Ml nitlAEIB8 "KINO OF r AIN" it ill LI LINIMENT Thin advertisement Is not published 718 West Second Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. or dUplayed by tne Liquor tontroi ol Hoard or by the Government British Columbia. 0!