Htinre Rupert Daily News Tuesday, April 21, l'Ji3 PROP WASH... Auxiliary Nets Murray Opens Bid Election in Rupert Nearly $300 or In the past week, two of our ! students. Cecij Wing and Brewerton. made their Color Film on Missionary Work To Be Shown Tonight solo Len '" At Big Sale md i -1 flights, and Ralph Mathews a Mr. Murray Insisted that fishing and lumbering are on the same plane with regard to the natural resources picture and that .ocialisU will "whether they profewi it or not at this time levy high taxation or take complete control of the Industries If elected." A vivid sound and color film depicting the work In various lands by the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Dave Dowsley made their .solo cross-ccuntrics, Dave s now ready for his flying test. Two new students. Lou Hagcn and Jerry Irving, have signed up for Instruction and Jim Munier has been endorsed for floats. Three student pilots, Vic Canada will be shown to the public in St. Andrew's Cathedral Wednesday night. A higjily-rated prcrluction which has been seen by thous The annual rummarje sale sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of Prince Rupert General Hospital once again proved a success as the group netted close to SjlD. The money will be used to purchase equipment for the hospital. Mrs. C. C. Mills was convenor ands of people throughout Can District News - --Jr ft .V' -' c 1 Vv ! i l ' i r- :r - - f f I L v , . ada this year In the Church's Grant, Joe Goscoe and Ralph observance of the Golden Jubilee ' Mathews are just waiting the Bill Murray, Social candidate for Prince in the J""e 9 'lection, his campaign In the .Iltrr last night with a t Labor Minister Lyle ,ui'.i!ft speech at the last o! the URislature. appearance at a gathering. impa'K" nianaser. Art also spoke briefly, crlll-i-tnark made last Sun-,1 by Georije Hills. CCF ;. nearer ami member , t legislature, jrray termed Mr. HUM' r.arru and typical." B,.5tc(l that contrary to belief, "large corpora-mild nut be unjustly i! they have shown a .ive siirit with regard! ir.d povernmrn'." on .Sunday dutcloscd led Minlim and Smelt- of the Missionary Society, "The arrival of the Department of of the sale and was abiy assisted Power Within" relives the every- Transport inspector to take their by Mrs. A. Hurst, Mrs. L. W. Ker- day scenes In the mission field. : unai written exams to obtain gin. Mrs. K. Robertson. Mrs. H. Harold Winch May Resume Public Life Harold Winch, recently realised leader of the provincial CCT party "L? thraysh yet" with public Hie, George HUU. E. Breen, Mrs. C. H. Elkins. Mrs. L. M. Greene, Mrs. W. R. Kergin, Mrs. H. Bancroft and Mrs. R B. Skinner. "The Power Within" Is seen at their private pilot's licences, work in the live of people In j Lakelse Lake at Terrace is now the Arctic, In Japan, in India open for landings during cross-and along the coast of British ! country flights. This has be-Columbia. x Many of the scenes come quite a welcome spot for a are taken in actual Ueis of break in your cross-country to work i night from Prince Rupert SMITH ERS. Support of a move for heavier penalties for dangerous or drunken driving was resoived by Smithers District Senior Chamber of Commerce at its recent meeting at Telkwa. British Columbia Automobile Association' move for amendment to the Criminal Coov covering such serious offences met with full approval. It was agreed that too light penalties were being meted out by many magistrates. A higher perc e n t a g e of apprehensions was advocated. Adoption of common names Prince Rupert MLA told member ! Terrace to Kitimat and back to 15 ! Running time ot the mm. film Is about 50 minutes. Thej1111 story begins in St. Bartholo- . , mew' Church. Ottawa. In a r-! LONDON, (CP) First editions of the Junior Chamber of Commerce last night. In a talk on the proceedings i ; . ' - A : ! of "History of Canada" and mon preached there, the work of ;iany proiiu our, couia ii ai isw cr to a question iiit uf money the cotn- the Church throughout the world if voyage 10 me uouniry oi tne V bark Into the bUMlrieM.1 is told in graphic detail. The j y u ti- preacher' few words of Intro-! Sagard-Theodat and publuh- " Paris ln 'he oI h duction lead into the pictorial m'fd'e ..a, l. 17th centurv. brought Si.210 a' , f Only " I B 14Hrs.30Min. ffl from Trr k V j CHICAGO) : I $162.25 I CaModUut (Pacific 3 7? 3 ill n now In use for several district points wa recommended by the ' " " ' . iri th Ri,h ' auction of the late Sir Leicester Chamber in answer to a letter rlarmsworth's library here. 0f of the e AreUc rUlc Undine by plane from lsn,n8 y P .ne; the B.C. Department of ! . - ,i ray said he was "aur-fuul Mr Hills so Ignor-rrcards to many a-tlif Rulslon formula," at it appear that he aiiliiiK to learn thoie nut iniiiht huh him at. the recent sittins; of the BC. Legislature, Mr. Hills forecast that "with care, Harold Winch will yet return to public life of this province." In his review of the House session, Mi. Hills termed the cum-' Ing of the Legislature ' a colorful and spectacular occasion . . .' the so-called pump and ceremony! was not at all overdone In my estimation." j Iut Mr. Hilts u critical of' the unorth'Hlox way in which icveral procedures were carried Lands and Forests ' It was found i m tne irozen norm; enmusiasuc; in the I960 district survey for a1 Japanese Christians building new map issue that names of ; their own church; the kerning local usage did not agree with ' miilions of India with a special names on existing maps , Klimpse of the leper community Recently Smithers District)" Palampur; mission boats Chamber touched off lengthy i ploughing through the Pacific America A OROl'P OF LONDON DESIGNERS called the "Big Eleven" has designed a series of gala gowns for wear at formal evening function of Coronation year. Victor Stlebel, designer to Princess Margaret and the Duchess of Kent, has fashioned with classic simplicity this "occasion" dress. In cream slipper satin brocaded with gold roses, the strapless bodice moulded to the figure the huge skirt draped in front and billowing back to a full train, it makes a perfect background for heavy, heirloom jewelry. HSPtAV ftAJ t A OOKUTS seas are a lew hwk " controversy in connection with Your Travel Agent rs Desr crt Market out by the Social Credit government. He cited the nomination of the 8M-aker. moved and seconded both by the party In power . . . Power Within" to be seen Wednesday at two showings S p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Helping Crawly h'lims with production of the 1800-foot reel was the Rt. Rev. H. G. Watts, now Bishop of Caledonia. BUYING FOR YOUR HOME the proposed post office department change of the name Fort MacLeod. Smithers and Telkwa village commissions will be approached to take under consideration application for assistance on need-id housing facilities under federal-provincial housing legislation. Both communities have ex-ix.-ricnced steady growth the oast few years. Pressing need for additional housing must be substantiated by the munici- r.M iPt Aiex Gray of iitu "i and Immediate Hit of the Canadian A'MU'i.ition: said to-; Aiiiima offers the .r: aruty" fur new Can-itt market., y, member of a good- "the only time in the history of :our government this has been jdone." The Sjh-ccIi from the Throne also was adopted on motion and iwconded by cabinet ministers , . f "something else contrary to prin Pint-Sized Furniture Welcomed by Children WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! DIBB PRINTING COMPANY t i.:';.?.t.jl. lly M.t .NOItt: LKSTI.R Adjudicator Named For Festival Here ciples. -'' - Pint-sized wrought Iron sets, phonograph cabinets Th r C'omnlr-te t'ntrrl Serrire "Just like Mom's" or "Just like iriiM"!i inai visucq j rica earlier tills year, Mi. HU1 outlined some pro- j cedure of parliament and le- ; wnn sncives lor record albums, ; palities Dad's" are magic words to j youngsters. Child psychologists jsay this should be encouraged. i '.i o- ner exports. ! counted social events in con canvaa oeacn chairs and even! a letter from the BC Liquor stacking stools of good quality Control Board informed the and excellent design captivated Chamber of further delay in essentia: to her econ- nectlon with the house sitting barring war. In1 He described the fall of the!for Imitation is what helps i:,d aouu eyes, buch furniture Is ! action for a new liquor store at bound to delicht children and to; Smithers. The government is I competitive years house idefeated-by opposition to,c"""rF" Krow-will have to fight for: Bill "9. the "Rolston Formula"! Toy manufacturers, alert to give them a sense of comfort, ' Cot doing anything in reeard to i are putting out ,Hn, ,,h ,i.. ,v,i. . : rt- In my opinion1 as "somethhig very Imminent. this desire V ..crsca oilers the best "We all sensed that It was children's furniture in One of Western Canada's most i popular senior stage personal!- j ties has been retained by the j Prince Rupert Music .nd Drama Festival Association to sit here as adjudicator. She is Miss VerHe Cooler of i West Vancouver's Totem The- atre and will judge the drama j entries in this year's festival i ; early next month. I Qircci n!avrnfim i tho uitnr -.... MAM' r " 1 I One wrought iron dinette set.' Property for location of a new u have a contingent than 150 000 000 peo- romlna." he sale!. ' copies of adult styles. Mr. Hills said he got the most' At lhc r.'ent Tiy Fair In New-publicity in southern newspaper York, a lot of nigh svle nVKlern when he called the Premier "a furniture for the three-:cot-jack-ln-Hie-boX- ihiuh s. was shevn. which wiU sell for about $2295. store was purchased last year has a drop leaf table with a red tnc Liquor Control Board. or pink thermoset plastic top. ' Installation of a new tele-Swedish modern set fnr r, Phone exchange system in the :it 'o export to us TEA. BAGS do nut produce, and ..;n:l nm:h that Can new federal building was con-1 In great demand wun loicm i to export ' I fx,rts to 6ntinAm It's The Bag That Counts is wheat finished and has arm chairs with inset plastic upholstered seats and backs. A Pennsylvania Dutch motif is hrirchtly enameled on a waxed birch set for the youngster who 7 , f;a"L are 12 times greater ; 38 Thev amounted tu sidered an urgent matter by the! Theatre this past season. Verlie , Chamber of Commerce. - j Cooter has won high merit A tele?ram wa.1 sent to the i among discriminating audiences ; minister of transport in answer! who have seen her in a variety, to a letter received asking de- ! of roles, ranging from fast- j tniis of the board's complaints ' paced comedy to tense drama. J When Buying Chicken Feed prefers Provincial There is even a 24-inch square uunaaoau f (HiCOOfl'tn 1952, 4 f l the rompetlllon was the Increase !('':;. rican imports from I "'n Japan. Tlie Ger- rt increased to from $3,200,000 lit f Japanese import to m 1MI iiom $8,000.- WINNIPEG 9 A fashion show ; held here recently proved that ; when Manitoba women talk bbout putting on the feed bag. they don't mean going out to lunch. of service in earlier correspond- j Verlie won top award for her ence. ! olay entry In last year's Drama Population increase and dif-1 Festival, and also won the best ficulty in obtaining and retain- ' actress award for her memor-ing satisfactory switchboard able performance In "Ladies in operators to service Smithers Retirement." nnd Telkwa subscribers war- j oday in securing an adjudi-rants serious consideration of ! r9tor for drama was caused bv card table with a white enameled tubular steel frame, to sell at about $10 95. for the youngster who has "space problems' In his playroom and must fold away his set. One ton of fertilizer ln 100-rioi rvl 1 gs gives the lady of the house 20 yards of usable print material. Mrs Perald Dcnnehy. co-or-tUnator of the show, says the time when mother's homemade ' The Canadian feea inanuf.ic- m automatic telephone system, 'he Chamber said. referring to confer- turer division of the Winnipeg I ;'alf mission had with Chamber of Commerce presented underwear featured the words "50 pounds bread flour" acros , i i the iror.t is gone Brand names V..OU X Q V3 PI ti,,u' urn t.ritstff in tt.iihnhl InkN ' Would Business Come to British Columbia if Ve had a Socialist Government? the fact that the Dominion Drama Festival is to be held in Victoria at the date of Prince Rupert's festival. men. atd they . All) ALMA MATFIt EDMONTON (CP) About 700 th? first exclusive collection of et.aembles made completely fr"m Tne show featured 18 outfits warm that coir.e out easily in Heads Rotary (alumni of the Banff School of water. ' The plain white bag of grand- mother's day has been replaced that started life as containers for flour, sugar, fertilizer and ore direct shipping Canada particularly , 'lie coast, ; uld like ur buyer to and oilier product 'ad ! through Hous- ' ' and other United ! 5 They want to sell i 't on, more peanuts. ! 4 fruits and fresh and preserved fruits : OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 starter, i during the last few years by gay i chick, turkey and hog Fine Arts, living in Toronto and district, have staged an annual music recital nt Toronto in recent years. This year's proceeds $265 have been turned over to the nlversity of Alberta for scholarship purposes. r eacser- TACOMA, Wash. (CPVDr. W. D. Gordon of Courtenay. B.C., was elected president of Rotary' District 151 here. Dr. Gordon, a drntirt, is former prcsiici.t of Uu Rotary Club from Vancouver L'. ip.d. He was unoppr.Si 1 RnUii ln.s; from western Wash-incrtcn, British Columbia and Alaska were here for the 1 1 H 1 5 H I 0 0 m $ "rhlfet, THAN, IVil I I 0 I I t cotton prints in plaids, floral dc- sij;n.. stripes, polka dots and checks More farm women use cotton bags to outrit their fam-' iiies today than ever before, Mrs. Dcnnehy sold. I It's come to the point where when father goes for 100 pounds of chick starter, mother goes i ioiig to pick the pattern on the baa. i Anvone Interested) In niavtn P sed an Interest In baM-tmll for Commercial Hotel 2 wmm adian wheat. Canad- team please phone 678. (031 and they mention- i i oilier prodiieU which ' fffi M""f Cluo fliwrj f- 't c should be able, "SIi"f f,,r redccoratinE. Re- 2y-,J,','iil'ns on Saturday, April 25. 1 3 irt Slate is between "rally, ti,cy said, but ' ant it to come be-"ni'iierclully and fin-. A general meeting of Khoff - i workers Ixm-iiI, U F A W U., Thurs- i , ' ,i " 11 oiy. April 23. .'i.30 p.m.. in tne ' ! , , f-nadur Metroixile Hall. All members re-r-'n visit Latin Anier-1 .. . LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Lslablishnl 1910 ' V.OVINS . . . PACKING . . . CRAT5NG MIITl:.. . . . FORW AUIUMi . .". SIOU Xt.K Experienced handling Lo- al Nu1.lon- ide and World-wide Shipment. "Movk wirn t:sv. . . . ship via i.inusav- Aiteuts Allied Van I lne I til. rimne . ir hX Cor. ii.f ril Vrk Atb, or cstrx-caxj u u n V u n SUPER WAIHONW Within th po two yor mora) than , one-and-a-half BILLIONS OF DOLLARS of investment capital ha com to British Columbia. It cam because B. C. has plentiful natural resources, abundant power, a supply of labor, transportation by lend, air and sea, and proximity to world markets, STILL MORE IMPORTANT was the confidence investors had in the political climate which existed in British Columbia. Without governments which encourage free enterprise, sources of investment money on the scale needed by British Columbia simply , dry up. By no stretch of th imagination could w foresee Investment capital being poured into this province should there b a Socialistic government in power. Why? Because no one in hisight mind would build up a prosperous bLvness where a Government was talking of socializing all the important payroll industries. The result? Business would STAY AWAY from British Columbia, and with it wojld go the source of jobs so necessary for our prosperity. ' The decision of every thoughtful and progressive British Columbia voter in th forthcoming election must be to vole ONLY for those political parties that advocate ond support freedom of enterprise. i uaie business opKir- i . I Do you liRe kids? Would you! i like to know how to lead a group 111 of ll,rm7 " "" rmxill now in j i 1 "' II ' )cii(l llll K,'""t l-eaders' Tinlnlne j . course. Phone Bill Doumont at , 7 ;H1 or Fred Connid nt 117 for (JitlnhlHTV application form. Course rom-i l The Kltimit y '"''lice. April 27 and runs every '"'s planned a 'tea on , vrnliiB to May 1. . (94) 1 3 m a P m. at which m Attention Fishermen and in will be taken .shoreworker members U F.A W.U. "'""ii towards sen l-! .lu,t eh m. e this week to vot-1 out from here t.i f.. rri t ti, n.,i vv.l. I . i " m ' ' rtOWS ON IN MINUTES ... STAYS BRIGHT FOR YEARS! S THE BELOVED ""'imirce at Ottawa. . '"' "'')eis will be cor-"d. Next i...i . nesduy and Friday. 7 to II p m.. In Mctropolo Hull. Prlnee Hu ix-rt. Thursday 8 hi 10 p.m. In Paramount Cife. Port Edward. H f'Kes ikes ,.,." . vrrj'6 f't (Mxazf (Mtxzf (fr&tjest i lit MIC 1IIU Ma lay H. (9!- MANY' DIFFERENT VERSIONS Utt lisht Iiom lh Srilt litth, unltdmj Standi ftpctd can. No miin. ot colot to wall and iciubbinf, washi thinninf itquiitd woodwork foi ycaxl taiy as a china pUttl Gel SUPER WALL-TONE with COLORSEAL latti batt at yout local Marthall-Wcllt dcaln't. Choox horn many modern colon. sure New . . , Terrific . . . Lizard In Red and Urey . . . Snake in two-lone Natural and Brown and, Natural . . . Genuine Reptile slyied with imagination. BV THE GALLON . . . R ALL YOUR PAIM1IIMOI .it.. v- r r mm i Shiny black. Patent Leather . . Super-flex American Girl with narrow heel and combination last. . , . SPO k' - MITISH COLUMBIA FEDERATION OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY FASHION k. FOOTWEAR no