Trespassing Prince Rupert Daily Kewg Friday, January 2, 1953 3 Neighbors To Help Build House for Polio Victim Iris ' . j.. . k J:.iL i ii. in mi i"11"" 1 1 J'i u Z-" 4 lif'" Canada's most popular white shirt ; ground her dauRhttr-ln-U i harln't paid her the tJo monthly j rent. Ben Scars, Park Ridge builder. : offered to construct a $20,00C home for the woman for lea ithan $7,000. j The group plans to finance (he 'project by canvj -:sin: the cam-snuRity and pre,?entlrig a bencIU I stae thow. The yci'ir'cr Mrs. Kit'aiiilk: i h-ia been i.i an iron lunj must of I CHICAGO l:' - Nzlti,uru j plan to ruikl a $;o,000 house lot a young iriother. almost com- p etcly paraljni oy polio, who Xacen cvktin from her; nnme at her mcther-in-Uw's insistence. Reprewatativcs ; 20 civic and church group, in ulu. ton Park Ridge, met Sunday to outline tt p.'ojti.:, wiuch caifcs tor buildiiig a five-room i:: 30 days. The woman, Mrf. r,:jry ;i-bcth Kitsmlller. 27, her "ix-year- son, James. at;d her verc ordered evicted rh;n 3'. t.a v "! Irrim ihe:r .nx-roem hon-e. Tiii: tXiickeo woman moliier-in-law, Mrs. Marlon Kitsmiller. t. sought this twrt order O j I the tie since .tm as .stricken '.Uh polio Aj;;."H, lOil. She i. recoveKn? use of her chest mut- I f. ve:rfL ' o t k.?.-. - t ; '" l ;ics but U never expected to r-' S-'in uie of hir pj .r. The polio victim hai a seanr j i rjimni(!i; jnce uit penaiK ' against hr husband, Jamas, 23. , enargUt j f.sertlcn. .. 1 ( ARROW DART i Here is the greatest collar to i grace a neckline ! Perfect fit . . . ' stays fresh . . . needs no starch ! ... can't wrinkle. j Brt is tailored of combed broad-! cloth for fine texture ne your skin. ' SANFORIZED-labelied, so this stunning white shirt will avan ht. j Launders, irons ard looks mighty, ; mighty fine! AS ISM IlRAMH TO A I.OSK, the KCAF can look back on a year of achievement and expansion. N-w operational squadrons were formed, new ''raining UUon came in!o being, and new aircraft cd cquipmeni .-re brought imo uc. Fersonnel otreiigth rose from 2iii2 at the close of ISM to an estimated 38.500 at the e:ul of 1952. The pictureg give an Indication of the activities und strength of thp RCAF, Hi An RCAF hill-copter takr aboard a !ck pa'.ient, 2 A recent addition to the RCAF it the C-119 or "Flying Boi-cajr." Invaluable for carrying heavy freight and equipment. 3 Departure of 439 Squadron from Uplands airport for North Luffe iham England Mi Defence MU,Uter Brooke Claxton right 1 announced that' Air Marshal W. A. CurtU, Chief of the Air Staff (centie. will retire at the end of January 1953. and will be succeeded by AVM C R. Slemon Heft.. (51 Symbolizing the importance of women in the modem RCAF. thi picture shows an airwoman directing a Sabre pilot to a safe landing. Vast construction proKram. including new barracks, runways, -and hangars such-as this massive concrete structure, are necessary 171 Two French at.d two Danteh students examine navigation instruments during their training in Canada Hundreds Usher In New Year At Club-Sponsored Gatherings Wails & Hickerson MEN'S CLOTHING wry '-. i' i " s i ' I 1 ' I V. V- v ijt:: , f - V ' v V i.s. 's-' ' h tV .'- y"kH . , A I r ''.MP - -' ' 0y "I i V v i - ; , i i i ' i, , Y'v ' ; - 'V r ' . ' I ' , t ' ft i"? y ft 4 1 h CHILDREN'S SNOWSUITS SPECIAL The inti'iiliuii was right hut Ihf onthtisla, an a bit w.ny thu Third Av( mte'ien mrn'ni! v awakened to the start "fcution.s were made thick d h t over the holiday but h ninny k Into effect, rr-i;illH i" l Tin- chore now nimci for ,imrnn" to re -read the Christ-mW ,:ird- Miid discover wfvi Ihev forgot. However, povlmas-t,r Jark Hurrrss will probably nwd more help if all those Hill,, notes thiil appeared on bu.-iness cards this year me 4 fronn of ladles t a party ri marked til it they had teeelv-,il more "letters" on their Clitnliiias cards till Ji-ur than ,?rr before . and now they MUST !"'' them iimif Miliar ni'i"iit!, buying rsrrl.' on which I'M th it is tlcc- vry fc to mark an ,X after th" Va rill IS OllestlOIIS rulKfrtt - ine jour activities Ai!)iar,nr(' hav a liihlini. nv !wrv A rltlrn who wanted in talk to Donna Mnarthur (jot railed the editorial de-aartiwnt nnd asked if he could ltk to the lit Ui" bhmde-hairrd ifirl on the left side of J front office Donna insists !'. iu bunines call. A lot of travelling took place over thi' festive w ason with many visitors coming to Ru-vrt Mr and Mr William flBllin and their babv datigh-'er Margaret, have returned to M.wH lifter mm ndinu Christ -T.iin her? ith Mr and Mm A Duffw. Rif Johnson's daughter flew up fmm Castle Rock. Wah-njUm, to spend Christmas but welcomed 1953 In the with. Wren Hill Bond says he's suing !o rook breakfast on New years morning, he mean It K'hil rvcrviiin- m hi party went on a "hut" social rail a .mwn was breaking Hill went inifOT nnd prrparfd a great 'jt of ham, baron and ck !v nthim? was ready when the ;any arrived ... " u,t'"'t lr.f time to deeo- ', ruin a Christmas tree but cmiy - t- minute to un'angir the wht drlmr and gitdycts tnr- HiMiiantllni! our rations Hill krti .ays tt s Ilk? rooking ' -fi it takes hour l0 prepare in' oni a fpW minute to eat. Ht n he knows where '". light arid string on his ! 'fee hnuld be stored awa? for j next Christmns. but Sid (ionick j Mit too nut of that state- , wnt i Jusi when tearlnts-down" 'rfmonlM bcln lis uncertain i .ithrniuh m0M pft)pP art, j thstucin al,.it getting .started 1 'liu icyk-end. Among New Year resolution SH interest a lot of thM- who W a tror carh j.par , on ; ' Bill Vanre that ncirt year i 'if really ein u make wn : - mil ahead of time Seems h '-wni grt arouti'1 t nmkinc nr for himself this year I . cVrhaiw that's why he Un I 'Z " Si'n"' lth".,t that a- tlijnk It would he a B00d o leave it t.r.P B)j 'h- ll,h,s on JoUI w" to n;,VKMt. the st-ps. ; -.ri'-T"'.' r1"1"1'' Mi,rt h ! f Bw- fin nipprri; i ft'int vi itoiv rounds In the v,.,"''7 ,C,,rl;tmas and New i ,!,,r1 ""-"id s , Kidm. m" fl'n-" Ili'llr, "hlvorMtv Im t.fcin- .1, : -4r"r"-',lrV H ,hr Un" ?,"t"I"n ln Po'tlm.l While ' V Harold entered hit fir, Mil b .f.',r"Vlr" n rVC "" -i fli'rtl'' "kfi-s nd pi'ne i lhpv t0lav , Mount,.,,, v:m-r.. sl.!furp ''turnlnat to th.-lr "h'!LVl"iUnu' frt,'nds d"-tt 1 ni'yS' G',0,',', "" rm,r;v or"("rh Un,B thr hlek i'i i 'fnt Rorvlk anrl '"kf.Jonnrr classmates. Thr,.n . "'"re Pl "" Rupert fills ,r; , , ,h,,: 'r Victoria tn Rovai jl, lal"lnK s,,'"'ol at fenicht "W Coftl""' are m (llr Rh 1i,r:'"- Slrarhnr.. MartU M" Bnd Plria A nip,i In I " bp n('Id ,U'xt , ; aceo dinK to jim H.AC0n su"'p ne "wnb -ra .,nd et "MTiCon knf,ck over l i . Q At Ihe Moose party, President Jim Bacon was committee head, osflaled -by Ororge Robinson, ; Uiine Gentry, Dcuile Freeman. Mark Hiil, sr.. Bill Woods. One hundred couples djncid to the music of the Country Gentlemen ! Special prize winners were itip tweed. Mrs. Dan Jolnon. I Mis. Harold Munccy, Mrs WU-umii , Wood. Mrs. George Robin j ion in.d Mrs. Dorothy Logan S.111 of Vtuji About 80 couplet danced to Mllie Colusii ' iiceorii.un r.tusic with relrcsh-menta and dance arrangements in charge of MScn Was-seng. .'!c:l ty ..,1 and Mrs. Carl , (sirand, John reterson. Hans KmitMii, Mr. and Mr.. Ounnar telvij Al the Shrine Club party al the Aimorks. the Fgur BiU' ; ' . Officer Commander j 1939 After Uklnj his officer's basi.? tralnlr.!;. lie cnt a ywr on the Viniouver Fxandtiiug Service, boarding and Inspecting all hins bound for Vancouver harbor j ' La'cr he was appointed to the ; ' corvette HMCS Chilliwack as executive olfieer where he spetit alnioM two years. During this period he was promoted to lieutenant, , and upon completion ho was drafted to Coinwaliis where-lie Uiok a long torpedo course. I Following duty at the torm-do school, he was appointed to ; HMCS St. Laurent, where lv served for the remainder of the ir first us Inrpedo officer and then i' exerutive otfleer. Upon demobillration, Cdr .Tnhtv tone re-entered the RCNVR. end "sas transrerrcd io Hv RCM1R1 uton It.', formation In late 1946 with nnpnintme-nt as executive officer of Chatham. For his services In HMCS St. laturcnt he was awarded a Mention In Dispatches, the ritetlon of whi 'h rrads 11s follows: "For itnnarallelrd devotion to duty throurhcut the Baltic of the Atlantic While serving In His Vtiesly's (...ifiinn destroyers over a lone period of time T,t. 'ohnstonc has carried out his coties wllh the utmoit real ard devotion, adding to th" iiecei-i-l oneratlons against two enemy U-bost and during D-D.iy cvstlcns." s reaoers m Meeting of Job's Daii'ihtevs,' Frldcv, Jan. ?, S p.'ii. Siiv--march ' and party. i: Even's to be held by 1'.v-Y.P.B.A. Club of Port Simpson Jim. 5. Snowhull Frolic; Jrn. 6, Ruskethnll. Merchants of Metla-katla, .Muska. vs. Y.P.E A. (3) A M'lTIU, MV'iTINO of l.n-eil lSi), will he brld on Moiiiliiv, jHioiarv l:).'.."i. u( lite Chic Centre, at R p.m. f.l'SI-NF..SS: Itepoit from Mr. Scott Mel.arrn. C.A. Rerort bv Business Agent of meeting Willi Cun--rio;on Offi ir and einployers. OM.Y members In good stand-in; will be seated. C. G. Sil-i.r-ii'. I'eesidenl, (Si 25 v -J District News FRANCOIS LAKE There were seven tahi r,r whist at the social evening Hpcn-oied by the Farmers' and Women's Institutes. Winners were John Keefe. Jr., and Mrs. Sey-:mour Lovesth, with Ka Chap-eile and W:ilUe Daveseth winning the booby pries. The children enjoyed a fish derby, prizes going to Ma-vin Chapeiie and Sylvia Partington. John Keefe, Jr.. won the three-pound box of chocolate which was raffled to cover expenses of the evening. The Women s Institute had tor sale tor order some lovely house-: dresses made by the Disabled Civilians- Workshops in Moose- jaw. . Floctinq Church ' SOITHAMP iT)N. t.r. i .r.J I P) -A 10.000 rioating church is being built here wiii a I00-;.(3t ehapt-l. The ship is to replace the i;98-ton mission ship Southern Cross, which for 20 years cruised the southwest Pclfif holding services for natives of the vast diocese of Melanesia. Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST Room 10. S'ooc Bm!'".:iig Phone Blue 593 :1I K5i--1 x a aS-e& A FAULTY FURNACE CAN MAKE YOUR FUEL BILLS SOAR . . . Let Us Ovcrhoul Your Furnocu Now . . so you'll be ready when l.'ic southeaster roar. Thorn Sheet Mefa! LiMiTtD . i l.'ti Firsl Are. Then ltlai k 837 DISCOUNT Slar provided riusic for 115 couple who thoroughly enjoyed the catering of the Job Daugh-I tei '.-; dam e aira:ii.i .m nt by Ai Kheardown and decorations by Bill Sheardown: refreshments , by Don Stewart. At the door was George -:es. and John Bi-nnet was in charge of tickets The Navy party at the Drill Hall was attended by "5 couples where arrangements were successfully carried out bv Sub-Lt 'Sid Alexander. PO P Fitsim- ud and Able Sen men M. McMillan, P. Chinourd. B. 11cm-nunger, L, Hagen. Officers cf HMCS Ch.i-hain bruught in the New Vear lr the wardroom where 20 coiiples pral:rd Hie arrangements by Lt. IW, Murray. 8nb-Lt. 1W1 Diane Kennedy am. Haure Basil S Fnx ktcr. The Prinee Kuirt Junior 'Chamber f Commerce Javcecs -party at the IOOF Hall dan :cd to music booming from .- loudspeaker with recoidmTi presided over by Mrs Rov .Brown. In charge of dance ar-I rangemenU was Don Williamson, assisted by Mel Burrison. Sam Simpson, President Bert Jcffcrics and Treasurer Roy Brown. j Wives of committee members I were responsible for a bounti-; ful supper. Fifty-five couples filed past ' George Cqok at the Canadian : legion auditorium door for the Gyro Club New Year's party ; where Frank Skinner was In charge, assisted by Duncan M:- : kae. Dr. Duncan Black. Jim : Fields and Norm Jcrtivn who 1 supplied muic with latest audi old4lme recorded hits. Etipn r at 1 a.m was supplied by ,h-Galley Cafe. BACKACHE MaybeVarninq RaclurrKc is vften cuiMit) by Uxy kidney tcUm. Whfti krdntyi ul ( wder, ireu rHb wA wattrs mtttn in tht ivttfm. Thm barkacKe, disturbed rti m Ihtt trd-ut am. hrary-headrtj hmf mav aeon fellow. TKat a th Hrar H take Dtdd s Kkdmy Prll. Dwtd s stimulate the kklnere t iMrmal srtiawu Then yeu ff-vl better tltef better watrk. better. Get DmM Krdn., PdU new. 51 Ladies Shoes Sole Price DOM'S DEPT. More Uian 800 counles entoved entertainment on New Yeai-s I .vc with friends at favoitte club-organid parties to u-,h i in If 63 S Ail Uie parlies held throuh-out the city tha. night report ' overwhelming ucrrs" and dt-i Clare It was "the bejt parly j we've ever hah"." ' Attendance at the emht 01- mantKed eventx ramred from 20 to 125 couple, with the Elks 1 the .Shrine Club and the M.-ov parties taking the bujicst siuie "At Ihe l;ikV Hume, 125 cou- ; pies saw the New Year come in Al Hjiumi and Ke tKimlnato ete in rluii' of dance ar-rangemenU, with L..jf Husoy iind Iloaard Hausan looking' ttftcr rrfrrshinenU and Niek, I'avlikis at th door. The Four( Dukes supplied music i Rupert Nava Promoted to Word was received toi.iy from Nova I Headquarters. Oltawi, thnl Mi'ulenanl -Commander T. A Johiistone. RCN R', has own promoted u tunimaiuicr's rank. Commander Johnstone Is at preent commanding officer,1 UMCS Cnauii.111. Prince Ru-P-rt' R;.si-nrr Naval Division He succeeded l.t -Cdr. J. D Mr-: Rae October 1. j f"dr. Johnntoni? begun h'.M naval career In 1031 when !i Joined the RCNVR as a bnv ouster at uie i-ge or 18 In thl eapaetty h served for three' 'eart but aft' r roiupletint hmft ehcml h" left Fiinee Rupert nnd he ri-rvi 1 to teioln .is nn aet-lti!t sub lieutenant In Octob-r. -r Jim flf R EGPES If jou'ic' tired of turkey hash! n't en jni' d turkey, t'y these erlsjjy 'Golden CrrKjueltes." , Crmbine ihe I 't h'lf cn of trkey fhrr'is viih mnihed large; lni" t heese ..nd se-.ior.ings. Dip lit egas and numbs, and trv ( Iden bn wn. For a good easy "ii'i1, het .1 r in of cr.ani of chosen soup nnd dush with eiirrv powder. :n ( Roorrrrr.s ? mi emi;ed California ! ipie dry llmas "1 run grated Cnnadi.n rhcrse ! cun chopped rooked turkry 'j titri eplsup 1 taMe.moon grated onion ! 1 4 cup fine dry bread crumbs 2 ecas salt Fin:' d-y bi'cid crumbu rw-king ( tl for frying Fuller Drain beans and mash, Stir In "h"rse, tmkev cntsup. onion, "i iimhs and slightly beaten ejig volki. Season to taste with a little salt. Mix well. Beat eg': whiles until foainv. Form bean mixture into croquettes or psil-tles. Dip in crumbs, then in rgs whites, then in crumbs again. Drown on both aides ln hot oil. Serve with hot tomato liauce or heat, a can el cretin of chicken soup. Dilute with Vi cup milk and stir in a dash of cuny pnvrter. K3B STORE j jT.i? f.''1 -" ' Phone No .,. sr--: ---c.e U.J Ji "Xesp.- . !t! Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form -i i . i i ! ij ! ! . $1,95 .v. a r ; 4- v.. , ; V . . ' Jt" s ' I . ; rfsJ ' ' v i -' is I ' s. , 1-1 ' , ., s . - - " a ' r , " i . . w- ; ti i ; i t ?i ' fv v. A , Number' of Times Enclosed Please Find (3c pc word per insertion e.g. Numlx?'- of words 25; cost, c. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c ) four words if bo" number required Ladies Slippers f Solo Price $1.95 Fashion Footwear Arid Address '. f 7 P - n 1 1