V. O ! Ponce Kupeif Daiiy New Friday, January 2, 1951 Eddie Sawyer Quitting Baseball Fly PRINCE RUPERT to KETCHIKAN I PHONE 743 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED a ht a icd DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING- 4:30 PM. DAY PREVIOUS V, '." -. : .-, lf V-.! V , 'MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY Deports Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. ROUND TRIP $27.00 ELLIS AIRLINES Contact QCA ... or your locol travel agent Phone 476 , J J ... WINTER WORK All kinds of weather conditions are encount- ' ered in the laying of the pipelines whinh are forming a ste?l tube ! from the Great Lakes to Vancouver for the Iransportalion of I Western Canada's oil. Heavy pipe lengths are handled by j mccha.iica! tongs guid.-d by warmly-clad workmen. CP PHOTO) ; o l t 4 , - ... of New York Lands on Rocks there to stay." The 391 -ton veteran, converted to a coastal cargo ship when bought In 1934 by Capt. Lewis Kennedy of Conq ire rail Bank, VS., waa being towed to Lunenburg when her tow-line napped. She drifted helplessly onto the reef and caught fire. Capt. Thomas Hemmelman of Lunenburg and his five-man crew were rescued. FOR SALE FOR RALE American halibut boat "AIXJHA." I-ength 5o' beam ls 60 HP. "ATLAS" DIKHEL. Inrsor of engine. room and forecastle (iumaged by fire. I'ilnl house destroyed. Main engine tiow piuced m good running order Tender will be received by the undersigned up to noon January 10. 1053, for the pur-clmse of the above veswtl "AS 18," subject to owner's rights to reject any or till bids. Vessel may be arid In spected at the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Dock. Real Cove, and Information obtained from H Ward Marin K,.r. vevor. Phone an or Red I Ml. Prliife Ruvrt, B C. -1 Ward, igi Kilt HUNT FOR RKNT To-rjo;n suite -m d'.ll Ave. Wert Hp) FOR RFNTn.rd"and ro.,m for young num. Cull Blue CM 1 1 FOR RENT Simile and doubie room: private home, rlose In 101 7th Ave. E.i-t Black 977, 3p) fin RENTIXluxe tinartmrnt kteam heated and fully fur-I nulxd. Apply Stone Hnildinit, aide doir. Keferenees rrqulr ed 12) " HANfiil TO liEVT 8INOFR SEW1NO tENTRR rent portable mat.Mnej. Phone 44. tel WANTKD TO ItfNT Three-nmm furnlahed unite hv young married couple. hVx ifi, Dmlv New. iSpi WAMH CASII for cri braM, copper. b.TtUrlr and rarit-itor. phone MJ CaU 30 8th Aenue W- rity. (ttt WANTED First mortgage, $1 r.00. bv reliable party. Ron 677, Dally New. i.lpi HARIKift" virw iir Close to arhooli, hospital an;l( downtown. 85 by 150 feet.' Priced fur quick le with; termfi If desired. j Armstrong Agencies Ltd.' Phone 342 Black 197. evening! IS) j Mine Output Shows Decline Famous City Windjammer YARMOUTH. tiS. O The' sturdy three-masted ichooner! which saw her proudest day as the flagship of Admiral Richard E Byrd. has found what may be her last resting place on a reef, off this western Nova 8cotia port.! The flame-blackened City of New York, last of Canada's large1 windjammers, last Tuesday end-' ed a long life on Cheboque Ledge off Yarmouth harbor, where a, port official predicted: "She 'I; By Muzzy Can Contract in BLACKWOOD on EASLEY BLACKWOOD ' 1 ,! I ff V , ' 4 ' ft V ' V i ' ?H..i . - CvLVS-'i V tlv. ,- V ' H ' 1, W - ' i i y. v . v7 ' 1 '.' I rM-t? . - IT if -j- v, t n J 4 - ;i - ;? A ? . -4 V f. i . I.. J I ;': Id. I -4. 1 ' ' 1 I , 'l if 4. r f 1 . T.. ,?" fl t,'" . e- A '. 1 1 ,f : . 4 - e '1 - . - - i t i , ), ' , Subject to Cbanfe) RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycle H!I)AT PM. OOTJN rrwrimiTlUrx 115- luwhkl M Mu-.ii: uy Erie Wild f--Tim rfhyllim Pnl 1 & m Work 8 'Mi M umchI Vttrll.H4 16 -Mrnlli-y BumMl f.how 7 'l - lie; 7 HC Nr., Roundup 7 iohi.n Mulc a oo MoMf-Ml Pr,rtm ft :io -Vimw,yi'.r Thitir on ik; KjKiru pnr :') Am, da. I l,ru 9 4.1 MHMik!.n Choir Hi k - m: Nrwa 10 i Hi: N. 4 in I - Blu I.inwi lu ;n . fuiiui hi Choir 1 1 no --WrtiM-r KKirt II -nj.-Mu-.ie till MuliilKlit. VI Wl-Aun Oil Ann n. KATCHUAV A W 7 oo-.Mtmeal t'l,k :-- in : n.-; watber ''" -MiiMval cine 00--:Ik: krwi lo- lir loll Cloud Id Hi l ar.d Kncorj 30 M'irnlllll lirvolt. n K 4 I i-ti .mo rt W-WH' - uil Cummvnuri a 1(1 -J..OOU- HrlriuuM V B: tv,n ( i,,b 4,i - et K, 11,0 vvmt i not, fcfjjuj.i ll oo o.uirm n "niir 10 ;io- w.nifi Church hews 10 !.'.- ( Ik: Nm 10 e w- tiwr Import 11 Ui hli,ld;,r tU II JO -U.l!r IO(H,r 1 1 11 1 - Unwr IVl Mil I I 31 R lot II 41p Ivi,i,i Album f M. 12 Ot -MH II.I MHiKlIrt 18 -f-r.niM.ni ltroru 11 Mt rb-o.nl ftriutr 1 in - IcrfOwl Clioulcr. 2 - BiOIrt Cllllj 3 WJ-CBC fo . 10- Kr-rxmird InUrhuU New Surgery Performed on Siamese Twins CHICAGO tCPl-Rodney Dee Brodle, separated from his Siamese twin In a history-making operation two weeks bro. underwent new surgery Tuesday as a team of medical men began the procedure to give him a t.kin covering over his brain. The 15-month-old boy. the stronger of the twins, was on the operating table two hours and 15 minutcS and reportedly withstood the ordeal 'fairly well" His condition Is described a good as could be expected. A-Bomb Plane Pilot Tells of Spy Attempt WASHINGTON 0 Col. Paul W. Tibbctts, pilot of Enola Oay, t-, plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima said that sph-s tried to sneak Into the B-29 base where the bomber's crew got Its training. He said the spies were captured. The youthful colonel he Is only 37 now was commanding oft leer at the secret B-29 base I at Wendover. Utah, w here Enola Oay flight crew was trained for history's first A-bomb mission on August 6. 1945. The lorelgii agents, Tlbbets aid dldj not get Into the base iiseir. int y were apprcnenued in the general area. SPORTSMANS PIGESF A ONE MAN CARRY FOR BIG GAME... . C-JoiW HANOKE R-WjfV ANTLERS ILIT FRONT LESS' SKIN FROM JUST ABOVE KNEE TO NALF-WAy TO FOOT. PEEL SKIN BACK SO YOU CAN SEVER THE KNEE OOlNT. CUT A 8" SLIT IN THE REAR LEGS' GAMBKEL THROUGH WHICH THE FRONT LEG IS WkSSED TO LOCK AS SHOWN. SLIP ARMS INTO RACK-SACK-LIKE CARRY BY LYING DOWN. 1 r? . o, DELUXE PRESS "Gesretner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Monthly Bulletins any kind of-Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40 less than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert. B.C. Give us your mailing list We do the rest. Shipping and General Sloving, Packing, Crating, Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 GEEER ti BRIDDEN LTD. . Builders and Contractors New Construction, Repairs. Foundations and Re-roofing 215-lst Ave. W. .. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 904 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Luxury Steamer PRINCE RUPERT HAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Porta Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGBl Comfort and Service For Reservation Writ or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. ' R-C. GEORGE DAWES , AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 W D d JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist A John Bulqer Ltd. Third Avenue John F L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 4-12 H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phorre 96, Evenings Black 809 LING THE TAILOR Tailoring - Alterations and Clothes Made-to-Meastire 220 Sixth St. Phone 649 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Avg, w. Prince Rupert, B.C.; Phone 347 P.O. Boi 374 PRINCE RUPERT, UPHOLSTERY Custom Tailored Furniture REPAIRING - REMODELLING REBUILDING Ph. Blue 51S . 330 2nd Ave. W. Lhmt'Se rDiheS Chop Suey - Chow Mein Op-n 6 - .ja. - J 3 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 Start the New Year f Right Change to BLACK and WHITE For a Clean, Dependable Taxi Service, Call 65. "Eventually, Why Not Now?" 3 DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe By CHIC YOUNG l PHILADELPHIA (AP) Eddie j Sawyer, fired last June as man-jager of Philadelphia Phillies, un-nounced today he Is quitting baseball In favor of private busl-nes. Sawyer, former Ithaca, N.Y., college professor, who directed the Phillies to the 1950 National League pennant, was removed in niid--aon this year as manager and given a job in the club's front office. He was succeded by Steve O'Neiil. Hi retirement from ba.seball after 18 years in the game In both the minor and major leagues dispelled rumors that Sawyer would succeed Fred Han-ey as pilot of the Hollywood club In the Pacific Coas.. League. Haney recently was named manager of Pittsburgh Plratts, a post lor whi h Sawyer als.- had been mentioned. "I wouldn't b interested in a minor league Job." Sawyer ."aid at his home, where he Is recuperating from a grippe and virus attack. Sawyer was In the first year of a three-year contract at a reported $35,000 a year, plus bonuses bawd on attendance, when he was dismissed. He has at least $70,000 coming to him under the contract even If the bonuses were voided. He said he expected to reach an amicable adjustment of the contract with club preident Bob Carpenter. ' Sawyer left his managing Job with Toronto Maple Leals to pilot the Phillies in 1948. succeeding Ben Chapman In mid-season when the club was floundering in last place. He directed the team to a sixth-place finbih that year. In 1949 the youthful Phillies, known as th -whls kids." finished third. Trie kid surprised everyone ! and on the wings of a hot mid-sea-wn streak won the ISM senior circuit flag, in the world series they last four straight games to New York Yankees The slump that overtook them In the last month of 1S50 was carried right into the 1951 season and the team dropped to fifth place. When trie club started j poorly In 1952, Carpenter removed Sawyer In favor of O'Neill. (The Phillies finished third luxt season. Today s Stocks 1 Cnmmtj a U. MuvSt r. LU.) VAXC Ol PR American Stf.idard Bralorne 4 5 B. R. X .02 Cariboo Quart): 125 Congress 05'j Cronin Babine 22 Giant Mascot 63 Indian Mines 08'j " Pioneer 1.95 Premier Border 151 2 Privateer 05 Sheep Creek 1 10 Silbak Premier .32 Vananda oii Salmon Gold fA.sk 1 .03 Spud Valley .03 Silver Standard 1 55 Western Uranium 3.50 Sil-van 63 Oils A. P. Con 38 Caimont .... 1.55 Central Leduc 3 95 Mercury 20' Royalite .. 18 TORONTO Athona 15 Aumaque ;jj Bev:ourt . .. x-3 Buffalo Canadlun .17 consol. Smelters' ?3 25 Conwest 4 60 Donalda 50 EJdona J7 Ea.st Sullivan G.35 Oiant Yellowknife 1090 God's Lake ,73 Hard rock .. ;.. .15 Harrlcana .08 Heva .0614 Duvex 41 Joliet Quebec 33 Little Long Lac 67 Lvnx .. ui'a Madsen Red Lake 1 65 McKensiie Red Lake 35 McLeod Cockshutt 265 Moneta 43 Negus ..' 'is Noranda ' 74.75 Louvicourt , 17 Pickle Crow l'sa Petrol Oil & Gas ..' 72 Sherrit Gordon 50- Steep Rock 7.45 Silver Miller 1.10 ' Sweet Grass Oils . .63 Golden Manltou "; 3 45 Landover Oils 30 Rlx Athabasca 1.85 Nesbltt Labine 2.10 Poor Location BARNSTAPLE. England (CP) A famous Devon landmark. "Chanter' Folly," has been demolished because of decay. The tall tower was built in 1800 by a merchant named Chanter and Intended as a sort of, lighthouse, but because of the land contours It could not be seen for any dlstanc. Mr. Champion had a sad lot of choices for his ojH'ning lead in today's hand. He finally decided on the 10 of clubs and, while this was as good as any, it was unfortunate as it gave Mr. Muzzy a chance to give the contract away at the very first trick. The Uey was placed from the CiasKiiied Katca S ioure C;ne 4 30 p.m. day pre-f . in nubllr-atlon. l-ili.-d. 3 cents per word per t ... minimum chares 60 llinriu'"'. l.,ih voters. SO cents; Card F'J .. ... ft..... I, lLO.tl mncrt'I Notice. Murrlayt and lng, mi-ti1; Announcement., r: (X). ,..,1,0 Illiplay duUlB prlra. 'ANNOl'NC E.MENT.1 (iini'i I'-TA Curd Parly Jnn- :v 11 MIMOKIAM In ii,vi!,i; memory of Knul lio dlfd' January a, ii i lvr remembered by hi lovinu wife. Mrs. Julia suit j. and family. I Hi IN MIMOltlAM I I In memory of Knut rilatla, a w.v,t-d away January 2, ,! Vour smile, your kind word 1 wine counsel will always be mhed bv me. John M'-N.iucbton. Ut) I I'lltsoWL it'll) Mr Olinr Kmil Hansen ,r invhinlv knowinff hi idf ie;ti,o(n kindly writ to 5w. ruily News? urgent. i2i iirij) Mn IlfU-n lUnwn or i. knowinc her where-,i;t' kiinilv write to Mor .') fai!v Nr- Urgent, 12) !N :m- Pi lin e Iu-rt group ,1 Alcoholics Anonvniou to-, t.,v WnU- PO Dux 1511.1 "!!.. Haperl i2l lit MNrNN I HtNOS AI.S MiVMAN A; I'hliimev Kwi e-n- Jwiviee Pbonr Blue f11 I l'il.AS ' OVV (iUYATT. !, . Wiring and Klectrlcnl j bp "f 1411 Wh Ave West 'i.-'ie K'-.l ifir 127) j Vi: !;,ih l'ltj taken at loii.e i'h;unllcr' Studio ! i i r V-'j (9pl I MITROVR PHHTO STUDIO j , M'l . l I'l.-tores taken' f-T ChrUtma. li'ibr'a, Wd. .ngi. i u-. rtfasoname. Ulpil iAZiNKS. novltle. Eddie'' ' .-liUHl I'M MU.Y cveryb idy u- 99. cl I jpTI'iNAX Maeluncry Co. Llm-' u en. i.onrinutnni lor: Mlnlna. ,i,i. i.,kkim aim ,.,Hn. L'.. . . . . -n . V4in-, J '-i-'ioiorn-.. r.mjuir i?-x.a&mw rnu)R fintst ct fanfr" j (TKOI.fX. Pli Green W50 r Pi'-rtt. rlc. service. lc j "MBINO. atitomatle nil hat, Khc-t metal work. Phone 3, 830 6th Wert. U tourneau I au ' FOHD Flectrlral Work. li.Ct i rs boueht. sold, rewound and '"! (tf) j S T.ivi Service phone 48 M to O K Barber Shoo. .. , 1P HH P WANTl:H'EM.i.E NTH) Temporary nurse-ul required for baby girl. "12 months, while mother ""spiral, poxslblv permnn-t position. Live in nrefcr-f Modern flat. Apply Box Dally News, , (J STKIU-Exnerlcnfcd grocery ' Anpjv In person to "-na Grocery. (31 'M.En.FRKrjYPisfre-Meady emnlovment. n"x 583. Dally News. (8pl KST AM IOi mi N'-At Boxing Day dance nrmories: one mnn's ""'i ","' l"y ,rrlnt? and 'adv's bracelet. Phone tf,en M9. )2) .t:iu"s rANTM" "5 ACCOUNTANT. Income ' v' 11 'UTK, ,n t. '. . wjiiiikhng. T.ed 593. (20m) BArrFRYsERVlCK ""''"y H"op. Z34 East f' u fhon" Blu, m- R" ''rK"' n rebulld-k lr u i Cuaranted. (rt tAftS FOR &Mfi t".. ra- . " " siav to Keen for sale nn,rSAIiPry rpdnr kindling Alberta Foothills pcml. "'OIV n , -uru riu.... . . . . ;in ' ' J- i none 1 .M u., (llD) ' "' ur,rr ridden. "one . repeater, Itlue SM".. t-o 7th West. - iti "iTHrr ii, : ". I'llone 'HOO1w) coat, r, fo I Id "i'Pott. Evltt U Ul0ver 51 Total board and Mr. Muzzy unhesitat-j tngly went up with the ace. If j j he had played low on this trick Miss Brash would not have hart a chance to bring home her optimistic contract. At trick two Mr. Muzzy re turned a club and dummy's king won. Miss Brash took three j rounds of trumps, ending on the l uoura. one lea me qurrii ui um- monds, Mr. Muzzy covered withj the king and the ace won. j Two smajl diamonds were now i discarded from dummy on the! c,ueen and Jack of clubs. Mis.;; Rrash then cashed the Jack of:Sonth v,t North Throw Away One Trick South dealer Neither side vulnerable Xnrtll I Mr. 1h-I) S-K 6 S h- k :n D Q 4 6 c k a Wrst Kast (Mr. riimnpiori) (Mr. Many) s j 8 7 3 S Q S 4 3 H3 2 s D K 10 4 O-10 8 3 C A 8 5 Millth (Mix Rra-Ji) S A 10 H A 9J1 I) A 1 1 C J J 7 4 E.-st I H Pass 2 D Piss j II NT Pass 4 H Pass j 6 H All pass Mr. Champion was mean but right. The ace of clubs certaln- ly. should have been saved to . J.- ... In V,nt IHIIUC UUIII1IIJ a Hill. vl case. Miss Brash could have discarded only one diamond from dummy and would have h-irl to Inse a cluh and a dia- mon(j '. - SQl'IRRr.L, MIXK. WEASEL-ALL B.C. FI RS wanted: HIGHEST available Prices assured HIGHER prices than obtainable locally or anywhere. For (TOP grades) as high as: SQUIRREL 60c:. WEASEL $3 00; MUSKRAT $2.50; MINK and OTTER $35.00; MARTEN. FISHER, LYNX, all other Furs. Full Market. Trial shipments will prove "S H U B E R T" pays MORE. Don't delay ship Today! Dept. 196, A. B. SHTBERT CO, Winnipeg. Address shipments to: 193 Hastings St., E. VANCOUVER Only Half a Tragedy is Pol ui In Dullj Ke VICTORIA Hon R. E. Som-j mers. Minister of Mines. In a pre- llnunary report Usud today, laid value of mineral production in Bii'.Uh Columbia for the year ',1952 U estimated at $160,500 000 compared with a final figure of $l75:,9.aSl for 1951 The climated 1952 values for 'the major items and for groups of minor Items with 1951 figures in brackets are: Plarer gold. $505,000 i$717.91U; Uxie gold. $8 830.0110 i$9 627.-947 1 : Silver, $5,820,000 I $7,708.-118; Copper. S12.8H()00 $11,980.-lSSi- ti.,1 4II44I)(IOO (S.S0 316- i0I5i; Zinc' $57.510 000 ($06 488.- 24'.' i; Miscellaneous metals $12.-000000 ($5.485 81)0 1 ; Industrial minerals. $2.325000 i$2.4)3 840i ; Structural maU'rlais, $10,400,000 ($10,588,210: COal, $9,910,000 ($10,233 353). The estimate is some $15,000.-000 lev than the final figures for 1951. This gap may be reduced somewhat when the final figures for 1952 are In, but will still be substantial. The quantities of gold, sliver, lead and line are still hvs than for 1951 and as the price for these metals averaged less than the 1951 prices, the value for the principal meals In 1952 is more than $21,000,000 short of the 1951 value. TunKsten and iron in the miscellaneous metals Rroup contributed nearly $10,000,000 to the total compared with about $800,-000 in 1951. Group Plans Ski Club In Terrace TERRACE Interested person as well as members of the Golf Club met recently In the Golf Club house, to discuss the forming of a Ski Club. Mel Peeke-Vout presiding In the absence of president Art Case. Plans are to slash trails behind the clubhouse, and one that will meet the fairway -on the lower slope. A toboggan slide is planned also. Oerry Duffus, an experienced ski Instructor, offered to Instruct young people up to 18 years. A committee of five was formed and Johnny Sarlrh nominated chairman. diamonds, returned to her hand with the ace of spades and ruffed her last diamond. She then .-pread the hand for six-odd. "A very nice catch you made with your ace of clubs. Muzzy ! sneered Mr. Champion v,. OU! snared the trey from dummy and the four from the closed hand. Didn't you ever hear of using an ace to kill a king?" "How did I know Miss Brash j didn't have a singleton?" asked j Mr. Muzzy lamely. Mr. Champion snorted in disgust. "She bid no trump, didn't she?" he growled. "Even she doesn't bid no trump with a worthless singleton In an unbid suit." "I resent that word 'even'," smiled Miss Brash. "Well, you might have had a lone club," went on Mr. Muzzy desperately. "That would give Miss Brash a six-card club suit which she never mentioned," barked Mr. Champion. "I couldn't see in her hand," said Mr. Muzzy. "I can't read the backs of the cards." "The fronts either," said Mr. Champion. BLONDIE U This W0x& A fe to u j