Prince Rupert Dairy flews As I See It BY HARBOR COMMISSI ) Friday, May 7, 1954 NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. "MJ by new decpsea docks here moved cioser T. " u" cmtWil for the $1,250,000 job were examined " b nt commissioners. board o; , K. K. Reld, chairman of the board s-.iri . awarded as soon as federal autlioritie '0, a independent dally newspaper droted to the upbuilding of Prlnea Rupert and Moxtbwa nd "Central Brltuti Columbia. Member ol Canadian Press Audit Bureau ol circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Hupert DalU New. Limited 1. T. kAOOR, President H Q. PERRY. Vice-President . , Subscription Kates: , ' iWs, I carrier Per wet, USc; per month, (1.00; per year, (10 0n. BiTp-.Jifr ! t mall Per month, 75c; per year, (8 00. 11 utoorized as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa l mote V ll II I i-ieusuieu ur ct-uar pilings would he " ut0 ! ustd. expected within the next few days 1 1 i k ' ... .... SPECIALLY REDUCE! Senator's Error AN AMERICAN Senator had become very alarmed about the state of the world. He thinks North America Is wide open to attack. Hence, he propones to introduce, a kill in the. American Senatp to M-l up 0ur Diploy Stock THIS IS BRITAIN'S new heavy gun tank, the Comjucror, v.hlch will be put through first trials by the British Army in Europe this summer. DesiRned by (he same experts responsible for the Centurion tank, the new tank will be complementary and not a replacement for the Centurion. The development of the Conqueror involved the .solution of many problems in suspension, power and transmission and in the fire-control sys (em. Moie heavily armored and larger than the Centurion, it will carry a crew of four. CP from U.K. Information) u unified :oinuianK for all the tit-fauees of North America. It would be difficult to imagine a more mischievous proposal, coming in such a way. Long before there was any .such thing as a North Atlantic. Treaty Organization; and, indeed, even before the U.S.A. had NO $389 $289 Regular AUTOMATIC WASHER $429.50 AUTOMATIC DRYER $319.50 i DAILY NEWS LETTERBOX -. completely abandoned her "go it aione" Isolationism, Canada ! had agreed to enter the joint defence board with the U.S.A. This joint defence hoard has The Editor Low Down Payment Easy M "Ulily Tfrw The arrest of the three miners The Daily News: i was conducted in the form of a RUPERT RADIO & ELECT final order, "Cease Firel" We were supposed to come home to jobs. Where are the Jobs now? IVAN ADAMS, Prince Rupert. On April 30 we read a ' brief kidnapping. All three men were comment in Bitl Raymond's col- crabbed at midnight In Denver umn of the death of Harry and rushed aboard a special Orchard In the State Peniten- train standing in the rail yard. tiary at Boise, Idaho at the age When the accused men were i of 88 years. Harry Orchard placed aboard, the. main line! shocked this country and held was cleared for the kidnap' the spotlight in the big daily special until It reached Boise, worked admirably. No serious difficulties have arisen which were not soluble on a basis of common sense and good will. There have been from time to time quite divergent attitudes as between the American and Canadian sides of the conference table. But these have always been reconciled. Up to now, there has been a genuine meeting of mind. CLOTHES and SH01 Time To Move Wounded Asked Radio-Telephone Plans ALTHOUGH it requires a technician to understand fully the North-West Telephone Company's plans for improving radio-telephone ser-" vice in this area, one important fact which can he appreciated by all is the intention to centralize the service in Prince Rupert. ' , Since the city is the home oi' a ereat fishing-industry and headquarters of the district's Indian affairs branch, there are special reasons why it should be considered the base of operations for such a system. Vet its surrounding topography is by no means ideally suited to radio communications, and any company undertaking the project might easily find excuses to make a less satisfactory arrangement. To overcome .the difficulty, North-West Telephone is thinking of establishing medium frequency sending and receiving stations in the relatively unobstructed locale of Masset. Connection with Prince Rupert would then be maintained by the -VHF link which is as reliable as ; .clephone line in the service it provides. To serve logging interests on the Charlotte?, K SI is also planned to install VHP facilities at Queen -Charlotte City. In addition, the magic of VHP is expected to bring Prince Rupert and Kitimat in touch by radio-telephone with Vancouver. Of course, there are certain immediate problems to be met. One of the most serious affects ship-to-shore communications in this area. Because radio waves have a strange way of bouncing off the upper atmosphere and returning to earth hundreds of miles away, Prince 'Rupert fishermen at sea frequently find their wireless communications interrupted by traffic emanating from Astoria, Washington. This has been known to drow n out radio talk right in Prince Rupert harbor 1 nterference from Ketchikan is also ex-yevienceo. : ' liut ""North-West Telephone appears determined that this area, which is so dependent on 'radio-telephone service, will get what it wants. It is a test for private enterprise which will be , watched with interest. papers 48 years ago with a con- Idaho. fesslon of mass murder in Col- j Moyer, Haywood and Pctti-orado and Idaho. I bone were spirited away to cells He attempted to Implicate in the State Penitentiary where Moyer. Haywood and Pettibone, they remained for more than a FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAt AT REAL SAVING PRICES? If Uie American Senator wer.- officiate of the Western Federa- year, awaiting trial. tion of Miners, in the assasslna-1 No one knew who. the lmpli- Men's and Young Men'i Slocks PARIS iReuterslThe French delegation at the Oeneva conference has asked Chinese Com- j munist representatives about the possibility of arranging a ceasefire at Dien Bien Phu for the evacuation of wounded, diplomatic quarters said here today. A reply from the Communist side is expected soon. There are Fine quality. Plain shades. Well Si tailored. Reg. $11,50. Now, pair tion of Governor Frank Steun- cated persons were until the enberg of Idaho and also the story was published in the dally dynamiting of the Independence papers. Due to the labor war In Depot in Colorado. The station Colorado and Idaho, the funds was filled with strikebreakers at ; of the Western Federation were the time. The incidents occurred '' almost depleted and things in these two states during the looked dark with head officials 10 years' war between the mine ! In jail and little money in the lo win the day, and attempt to high-pressure Canada Into accepting a rigid unification of the defence forces of the two countries, the whole basis of this pood will would be endangered. THE AMERICAN Senator has made a serious mistake in comparing the unified command in NATO with his proposed unified comman't in North America. Canada did more to initiate and promote the whole idea of NATO than did any other country. Indeed, it is by no means Men's Gabardine Jackets Fine quality. Extra tailored. Regular $14.50. SOW '11 ft kf I ; t owners association ana tne j treasury. j about BOO French wounded in Western Federation of Miners However, Charles Mahoney of . underground shelters at Dien between 1898 and 1908. Butte. Montana and James Kir- , Bien Phu. Evacuation of wound- Young Men's Windbrcakert win of Lead City, South Dakota i ed from the besieged French renlaced the imprisoned leaders, i fnrtress ceased March 27 when MINERS FREED Fancy satin. Sizes 38 to 42. !l Regular $895. NOW U the Vietminh rebels got control Orchard s story railed to con-, defence committee, consisting vince a 12-man jury which had ' 0f secretaries oi a.'i local unions, been picked ' and cnpanelled only ' Was formed. of the airstrip. Men's ond Young Men'j Suits f-oi-tnin that ITS nnhlip nnirnirm . ... Double-breasted. In brown shades. Co Sizes 35 to 39. Si 2" REAL SPFCIAI, TRAVEL TOPICS three weetcs zealous wru-: of Mter j secretary myself,-being could couin have nave been oeen .souui solidified icu ur and t b Clarence Darrow j Miners' Union thp Roiar,H nossiana Miners union, hind the idea of stationing Am-' Qnntnr R,.k ,ttoriwv, fnr' I? ?? attorneys lor . Nurnber 38 was appointed to this erlein trotms. Eurone had not , trican t oopin in tuiope naci not. i . both Silles At the end of the f committee We all serv-her we " next door neighbor, Canada.' f comm'uele- thp accused miners walker! . the accusea miners waisea worked WUl Gene ed aml -.lreariv acreed to do exVtlv the . alons tJZ lhtnl 7 lodoeMUy the;out of the courtroom free men. Dcbs Dave CotUs ex-Lleuten- I, myself once had the itohor Tiflim lT'T ' C,0r,aJ0' nd ineeches!to , (n convlct himself to life Im- f . C., who later be-in of making a series of ul Prisonmpnt in the State Peni- came R member of the Vancou-in the tne USA u.s.a., along along with wun a a us ! ,...:. Aftr iSK wau ' .... t, ,. .. MEN'S DRESS SHOES , . - Uifes of wear. Good appearance. Sizes I to II SJ , Regular $7 50. NOW. pair ' .'-,- - SEEING . , ENJOYINO f T - 5 t , ' tr ii. V, if i2 Assistant Secretary of State.; death 7" ',:..,; rV H V""mc MEN'S WORK SHOES Well constructed to stand lots of wear . Regular $8.75. NOW. pair - f lH'ifurm mf tew soon a c nu- B0Y$' PANTS ' Suitable for school and everyday wear. Cotton worsted. Good shades. Reg. $3.75 NOW, pair BOYS' SPORTS SHIRTS Small sizes, 2 lo 8. Attractive patterns. Regular $1.45. NOW - REFLECTS and REMINISCE? mm ai me age oi eo. u ,,lted u nrrWed from almost Following is a summary of the j every country in the world. A case as my memory serves me: total of a million dollars was On January 1, 1906 Governor collected and spent in defending Steunenberg of Idaho was as- the accused miners, sassinated as he opened a gate oi:TSM.KTi:i) DETECTIVES to his home at Caldwell, Idaho.' we outsmartiu the Pinkerton A bomb was in some manner and Thiol detective agencies by attached to the gate and went having our own detectives on off at the governor's touch, to j their payroll. These men kept set the western states humming our attorneys informed as to with rumors. what were the hole cards still to Idaho and Colorado were then be played. Involved in a state of war with Clarence Darrow was our chief the Western Federation of Mill- j attorney with Richardson and ers. I Murphy of Denver assisting. A sort of dn.-s war between j Senator Borah of Boise. Idaho the mine owners association and was chief prosecutor, with at-the Western Federation had trny Hallpy- also of n"lse- as been going on since 1898. At that I hif" us-sislant. time the Bunker Hill Mine had ! Darrow's address to the jury That was just before the Korean war. Yet, even at that time, the average American audience looked rather aghast at a -proposal which meant that American and Canadian boys would have to line up at that sinister barrier known as the Iron Curtain. NOW, THE Americans have not only become reconciled to the idea of intervention in foreign countries. But they are at times showing a disposition to intervene in the affairs of friendly countries in a way and to a degree that Could boomerang disastrously. There is no parallel whatsoever between the defence of Weslern Europe and the defence Of North America. If we ever get .ife was so much more simple ' hen anything that could "come ithin the general classification BOYS' ANKLE SOCKS Smart patterns. Reg 4ic. NOW, pair . While Eost This Summer CRUISE The Beautiful Saguenay and St. Lawrence 5 to 8 days. CONSULT YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT Crawford Moore Travel Agencies 215 Second St. Phone (HO BOYS' OXFORDS Brown shades. Well built. Lots of wear. Sizes 1 lo 5',: Reg. to $4.05. NOW, pair : "Oh East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet," sang Rudyard Kipling, and "You're a Liar," says R. G. N. Cavell, Canada's director of the Colombo Plan, who is working hard enough to make many fellow Canadians figure he's going to lick the Communists. Our money is being spent in such a way that the East will shake off its cruel poverty and 1 ll f odd or strange could be blam-; on sun spots. For one thing, art attacks were far fewer th a much higher proportion " recoveries. LOOK FOR "I JT LITTLE "IF" . ?A11- of us could retire nicely in been blown up and the "bull THE NAME into a third world war. Western ! Pfn published. This was a - r old fcge it w.e could dispose I f out ejpftenV- tor wMff iitoyi took 1 1 hours, and Senator Bortih took nine hours. , Now that Orchard has passed on. to the best of my knowledge Frank Phillips of Nelson, BC. strengthen resistance' to the ilimpagupda,' ; The arage her capita IiifcJmVcJf 57 million Asians is $00 a year, compared with $1,200 in Canada and the United States. lllllrb I it US. lti-lui-pq Ihc Koyal anU Belmont field. Not only air forces, but ! 1" the Vacation: Two weeks on nd and 50 on the rocks. and myself are the only ones, actively engaged in that case, who remain. The Haywood trial lasted 11 weeks. GI-.OKGE H. CAREY. Prince Rupert. An old Chinese proverb reads: "To be Idle is to be wise." Providing the boss doesn't catch you, of course. sea and land forces, will operate on European lands, and in European waters. In most circumstances, a unified command is necessary. It has been established beyond all reasonable shadow of doubt that no attack could be made on North America, by land or by sea, which would constitute a real menace to this continent. ARRESTED AS SUSPECT A thort time after the assassination of the Governor. Orchard was arrested as a suspect. Following the arrest a rumor was current that he had confessed, Implicating others. It wan not until the arrest of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone that it was known who else had been 1m- Mow that mankind has the wer to destroy civilization or i substance of it he had Wr read the handwriting on & .frail. That is, while there is H wall. The Editor, j ' The Daily News: I.F.ST WK FORGET ! How soon can people forget? I Nine years at;o we cot our ! Newest method of "letting your MP know how strongly you feel about something" is to send him a tape recording. One advantage is that he can't see how badly y-m spell. There might be diversionury ! plicated. -We- know why people climb ountalna. It is done. In order to t to the summit. But we still ive not the faintest idea of why .ey wish to reach the top. 010 SHCIAL c fjD RockMpuni "y stunts, deliberately made by a potential enemy, to panic North America into concentrating on home defence. But in any foreseeable danger, from land or .sea. the present set-up Is adequate. Canadians are quite competent to defend Canada, with the ability to call on our big neighbor for help, if and when needed.' I See PIIII.POTT Pa8e 3) MORTGAGE LOANS wider the provisions of THE NATIONAL HOUSING ACT, 1954: may be arranged through any branch of the Royal Bank Tipped in Advance LEYTONSTONE, England "CP-Rev. John Fleetwood visits the homes of engaged couples in this Essex district to show films of the marriage service. He says there are "fewer hitches" in the ceremony as a result. "I loaned Smith $20 last night, e said he was stranded high id dry." '"That's strange. I lent him ten ?Rause lie said he could hardly lep his head above water." $3tS5 ptu,t .ii,- TKil dvrtn'mnt is not published or d'?plyd by trc LlquOf Control 8oid or by the Government of British Columbi rtoTMi Ir Before you discuss the details of your project, save yourself lime and trouble by reading our pamphlet "Loans for Horn Building". It describes the basic conditions under which loans may be made. Ask for a copy at any of our branches. With Summer Driving Just Around the Corner Be Sure . . . Ploy Sofe ... PHONE TUNE-UP TODAY AT 386 SUPER SERVICE At the Corner of 2nd and 2nd, Where Hie Service is 2nd l None THE ROYAL DANK OF CAHfiP 51.HO -.'-o-t-' . r' i