J. .- --r -nww-r-Trwr tt-i IT -T riiday. May 7, ISjoI Next Little Theatre Vehicie Riotous Noel Coward Comedy v&Moti'AAusjkl """ you, A COM.LTE 1 IR btnvitt. RCAF Officers Coming Here To Inspect Cadet Squadron M .ft.'. V Clcon-n directed "Streetcar" and "Born Yesterday." Mr. Dobbie played the part in England, taking the part over from Noel Coward himself when the production went on tour. The Little Theatre presentation will open at the Civic Centre Monday, May 17. i:ng Glazii tng -1 After the presentation of two outstanding American plays. "Streetcar Named Desire" and "Born Yesterday," Prince Rupert Little Theatre is producing a new Noel Coward comedy "Present Laughter." for the third offering of the season. Noel Coward, probably the most noted and certainly the most colorful theatrical personality in London, has been responsible for a number of fine movies which have come across the Atlantic since the war years. Six JRCAF officers and air cadet tffidals are due here May 18 to Ittcnd the annual inspection (J the rrince Rupert air cadet fquadron, it was learned today figm l'-pgue headquarters at Vancouver. The Jrisftors will be headed by Air Commodore W. A. Orr, CBE. :D. OViifl Ci-miUiindcr of RCAF Restyling k Rcpairin Phono 97J for free pick-up YOl'NG Fl.lfcR EDMONTON j Ten-year-old Maureen Godson is perhaps the youngest flying student, in North ; America. Flying Instructor Ai Lang who teaches Maureen In her father's plane, says .she's V 0d.mi. jew BILL SCUBY FURS "In Which We Serve," "Brief through intensive drill manoeuvres to prepare for the event. On May 23 they will commence their local air cadet week, starting with a church parade. IODE Names New Officers Welcome to two new members and appointment of new officers to replace resigned members highlighted yesterday's meeting of the Queen Mary Chapter, IODE. held at the home ot Regent Mrs. J. R. Carr, 95 Borden Street. Mrs. E. Kwast and Mrs. V. Morrison were the new members act-pled, while resignations were ereived from Mrs. Grace Gillis, who left recently to make her Blithe Spirit" ! ready to fly solo. Under federal Encounter" and regulations, however, she can are perhaps the best known, but V'h'?- not fly alone until she is 18. FOR ,o. 12 Air Defence Group, and t'apt. F. I ClirKc, B.C. commit tee . h.i-jjjan of (he Air Cadet ''. Leotrce it Canada. Others in the Kniun v jfVpje V. I?. Clerihue, im-" mediate .past chairman of the B.C. coijftiiltee; J. A. Brown, a member the B.C. committee; tft V. F. Fows, Powell River, mem- i-. ber-iit-li:r of the B.C. commit-i , t-e: iidif!ii-ht 1 1. H E. Curling air c.-irii flai.son officer. Th"1 Fucc RtiiXM-t air cadet' '' will bo T romprtition for the trnrhv ii'-arded to the squadron making hs best showing in its i" rnrurii Tfjsrection. In recent week-: they have been going MOTHER'S DAY Present i f lighter" has not yet 'jeen fi!:i:etl. In "Present Laugntcr" COw-ird 1 i written a play about himself. The story revolves around Garry EKsendine easily recognisable as Coward and Ills intimate a.v,uciatc.s. Home uproariously funny situations arise in the highly amoral mixups with his women friends, thea're managers, and fans. It gives the audience a peep through the keyhole into ti.e most Intimate de Skinny men, women gain 5, 1015 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor Vint tlirillt ffny Itmtts lili mil; nijlv lioltom hll lip; Hfviv IH llKff MftUIIS, b.tll lnit. skkly "ti fit-k'' '1 hoiiMiittlk t ULuU, Umrifn, iih i, who wwt ttmlti umhi U'lwrc, rr mw innid ot iiriv. jttl.x -lixtking lf ,. i v thank Oh s ii i-j"r-inl(hnn. flrili-lmiltiiiif lunw, llm. I' tmin. vliiitulMniv int iguulors, iron, it-ni'tt fti, calt ium, riuH'h UIikxI, inipfoc itr-lila utid tliur'.Iion so food Kiwi yoti mute strriiutli und mHirwhiufut; put Heh on Imb-Ivmi's. Ptm't Jrir Kfttma ton it. Stun wUrn youvr Kiwl tbr V 10. 1 or 20 vmi If-rd lor nnnjl wi'igltl. tiltlr. Nrw "m.i i li Give Electrically" CANADIANS are reported taking television started nearly two years ago in this country in their stride, This photo shows Phyllis Marshall, singing star of "The Big Revue," which originates at the CBC Toronto studios, in a production number with several dancers. (CP Photo) Television Opening Up In New Areas in Canada General Electric home in Vancouver, and Mrs. G. '.V. Graham, who left last night j for "Victoria. Mrs. W. Buscy was named first, vice-president, Mrs. B. J. Bacon, second vice-president and Mrs. Kwast. standard-bearer. j The meeting discussed tentative plans for Empire Day activi- ! ties at local schools, and heard hii article on "The Canadian I rails of die life of England's most talked about stage personality. I The part of Gairy Fsendine will be played by Ian Dobbie, w ho .nint.-.t Hr nnli ftlh-. rv imn iMrrx 1 STEAAA IRON s2l-oi ' P-r. 4ttt! Al all drnsjtiitti. pntmiii, tht er day, General Electric I Way of Life," read by Mrs. J. Clark for Empire Study. By IIAKRY ITf'LKS TORONTO (? Television i.- KETTLE $13-50 Members volunteered to assist with ushering and other work at j opening in new areas in Cumuli) :oing to dis v viewers arc "r whnl other regions h.ivi Gcncrol Electric .he Music and Drama Festival ring held lint next week. Knitted articles were turned n for shipment overseas and a dft of daffodils for each member vas received from Mrs. Carr's 50 found you can't ple-isc everybody at the same lime. The m,-n m-iy stick to i.hc st for sp-rts shows including bo-ng and wrestling, hockey, foot- Automatic TOASTER $2i7- General Electric : Flyincj Club Launches ; 'NevTSeason The Prince Rupert Aero Club yesWday started preparations for their summer flyinit season. . launching one ol their two .- Tayloreraft planes. -. About 12 slucie;,ts already are lined up for Instruction in the club which, in the past five i years, has gruduatrd 24 pilots. ' two of whom are now flying for commercial airlines. Di' k Melcombe, flying instructor f..r the club, checked over ; thp instruction craft, a two-i ' sea tor on floats, yesterday. The ;' other Tavlorcraft owned by the i club, a twin to the model floated ' ' yesicrriiiy, is brinst overhauled but will be put to work "..-.ter in the season. M.'an mis. Jay Burns. Aen ' ' Club president, has been notified ot a coast-to-coast light alrcraf ; ; cavalcade planned to tic in with , .' opening of the British Empire In addition to the occasional special feature, CBC television now shows several popular American programs such a.s th-Tarkie Gleasnn shuw on .t' iti.i"-days. and Kd Sullivan's "Toast ot the Town" on sfinday. Biggest of the CBC's own pro-luellons are the Big Revue or rulays and more serious pro ;r,i:ii.- such as a Sunday evcniii;! how with the Leslie Bell .singers and Howard Cable's orchestra. TOOL OF TALENT At the Toronto tdeviskn s'.u iles the CBC selects-around 200 triors from various shows each wet k and rounhly 85 of these nothcr at Port Simpson 1 he monthly prize was won by ; ball and important hrse races baseball's world series, Ai's. W. Bussey. featherweight IRON $.95 roivm -J General Electric fLGOK POLISHER 4'50 and Prince Rupert's Guides The women soon rt'scover th"ir own favorites, which may include cooking lessons and fashion shows. For the youngsters, programs i h it h:ve instant apoeul to the child, under eight will leave tlT-teen-ager cold. The latter group will go for crooners or orchestras. CORONATION I I'IC Put in the whole range of television fare 'li re's a proport on f prosrmis that appeal to -veryi ne. Irownies today proudly reported 'omplction of a mass good deed j Sunbeam Mixmaslcr $3 J .95 ! 1 T' project. will be nrw to the programs. Around 100 arc given singing parts. An average week will see i bout 30 solo musicians facing tilt caiiu-ias. wli'te" special p i 'onu, rs f.,1 a.i .ier score program spots. ' Th" hi: sin"iii'; en'! ''in"'r hows of course are only a se; The youngsters have been gathering up good, clean used clothing for the past few weeks i Games in Vancouver. i trvr.;. if -1 . . .v. .' f: r r'" t - f t- - ). -I. r ' - . I'- , t , , r.i t 'i !! ' i ' A l ' t ' ;:.h General Electric MIXETT0 T1:e Royal Canadian Flying Clubs' Association in Ottawa, is sponsoring the flight which will r-inifii-Ti teievi -.i.l'S bi'.-.gc'--' nueiep"!- up lo tint time w" drrwn bv th" Commit, on ir June. 1053. Tnto-est in th- !v --toric ri'in! h id been stirred by i see planes from across the ' try joining in a flight to oouver, winding up July 30. ind yesterday shipped it off to he Save the Children Fund in .'ancouver for distribution in Corca and Greece. The youngsters packed five irae cartons of clothing, weigli-ng 5j to 65 pounds each, for the woject which was launcrietli vhen the girls heard of sister; mint, ot the whole TV menu, ranging from puppets to public panels, from h u-monieus to sym-phnny orch-stras. One recen. feature was the TV del)ut al Toronto of the National Ballet Company of Canada. ;, Mr. Burns has further infor- V mat Ion on the project available the transatlantic rice ol !C" pi? pes carrvi;i ; ilms for TV $13-75 Combination , Walfe Iron and Sandwich Tocster FRYRiTE ?J?YER V od ! riRWs0 A DiStiUfSO B ZTr- MTOCtAT I '. 1 cowP.lof0'" YfS OtD 1 for any club member, or owner.1 networks i n t'li? continent.. Tcj2 ' i) of private aircraft throughout this district interested in the .'" ; CBC was able t, .-how the with nothing but rags for 1 ,, .,. . trans-Canada flight. $3t95 llOinillg. oleinn mrli.i- linn -i nu Ilnilr.-: DIVORCE RATE Newfoundland in 19)3 had the lowest divorce rate of any province, 2.3 per 100.000 population. : 1 , This odverfisemont is not publi-.hed or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by th Covernment of British Columbia. States station, 'Ling at 4:1? p.m. Regular TV .., wr wer TABLE LAMPS from $&30up again joined by a host of oth-r for the Grey Cup gmic 1st. No vember, when the football clasis'r :,ffiuTl1cTlll10 was televised direct from Yi-.r-;ity Stadium in Toronto. The Ore Cup final, Canada's birc-' r f . f n F n ... iwiwern d. i. row single sports event, hid been televised by means tf film th" previous year. OUTSTANDING PROGRAMS Co. Ltd. The CUC will provide a min'- mum of 10V2 hours weekly in Phone 210 Bcsncr Block Prince Rupert, tv programs to piivcte stations. wit k r, f firrc tf iffwrtrf B.C. Till FAVOURITE CICAR FOR EVERr OCCASION sucuitD riucf who will produce much of the remainder themselves. is - ??'' .-;-' vl LjvuA LJ i JLvLiy "r r-i i i-nrii irffiTiriiirifriiiiiaaifiiiift&i NO OTHER TIRE CARRIES THIS . WW-, ft J OKFH.VNED Itt'DY, two-wcck-old offspring of a calico cat, takes liis milk from a bottle. Rudy's owners believe him to be the only u male calico cat, that is, feline with black orange, and tan mark- J ings, in existence. If Rudy's spots don't change and if he can reproduce lie may be worth as much as $100,000. - - , I7i : 111 wia . 7f4:f ft hull KIDDiES ARCH-PAL RUNNERS ; for ploy and everyday CUSHION HEEL ARCH SUPPORT CUSHION INSOLE Snug lice I fit, lots of luc room. hi colors of: No other first-line first-quality tire costs less Honoured by more than 10,000 dealers in Canada and over 28,000 dealers in the United States Atlas Tires are covered by a Double Written Guarantee ... a guarantee against defects in material and manufacture ... a guarantee against all road hazards. No other first-line first-quality tire can match this offer. If you carry an Imperial Essomatic Credit Card, a convenient payment plan can be arranged without carrying charges. ' r-i--,i-, V" '-' ; v-' -" " . . -f-1-'-- RuUy, Plaid Blue, Green, Brown, Red, Jade. Sizes 4 to 2. Priced from $2.69 to $2.95 FASHION FOOTWEAR err-! 1 ! iiiM'ilm i . ree?-i'Wi '!mWi.hjwpw"-' n