Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, June 17. 1952 ' ' 1 Legion 27 " r HISTORIC MASS The first mass ever ung In Pays Tribute branch and at that time told of his lingering illness. He was be- j loved and respected by all and no more fitting compliment could be paid to hi: memory than to say he was a good leader among New France was .celebrated by Father Denis Jamay on June 24, To McGregor 1615. It was with deep feelings of regret that the members of the ANCIENT BURGH Rutherglen in Lanarkshire is the oldest Royal Burgh in Scot-land, having received its Royal Charter in 1126. men and his memory will never fade In tha history of the Prince Rupert branch. Flowers were sent from the branch as soon is it was learned of his passing and a suitable Canadian Legion Branch 27 learned of the death of their honorary vice-president, Col. John McGregor, VC, MC. DCM. Colonel Jock, as he was familiarly known to all had been hon message of regret has been forwarded to his widow from Presi his memory will be observed at the next general meeting of the dent Alx Haig on behalf of orary vice-president of the local branch for a great many years r-nd took a keen interest in the I branch, the last Wednesday oi Branch 27. A moment of silent if'bute touie month. affairs of the Canadian Legion even though he made his home in Powell River. He was present at the opening of the new Legion headquarters and took an important part In the opening ceremony. Some months ago he wrote a letter to the members of the t BAM) MKMBKKS and their loader, Fred Huber (centre), have cOme .wys since the first few studeats of Booth Memorial High School band ',(1 their instruments a year ago. But besides playing proficiently at ,,Hii. the band appears at public functions 'and has even taken part ,.erts These pupils have learned faster and are more enthusiastic about music than any young people I've ever seen," says Mr. Huber. There is only one thing which trbubles the music teacher and band leader. What will he do with the 30 applications he now has on hand from other students who want to Join the band. There are no mere Instruments. Trcscnt Instruments 'have been supplied through donations from volunteer groups. For Cool Cooking Use Electrical Appliances fryrites 39.95 table rangettes 48.65 G.E. KETTLES , 14.50 toasters 9,95 o 32.95 EGG COOKERS , 5.95 Future Bride Wedding Vows Exchanged ider Free Yourself Crow laxative slavery , Try this delightful family breakaat treat I Eat generoui bowlful (about Yt cup) of crisp toasty Kellogg'! all-bran with augar aad cream. Drink plenty of liquids. all-bran la tht natural laxativ cereal that may help you back to youthful regularity, lost because of lack of bulk in your diet. It's the only type ready-to-eat cereal that supplies ad the bulk you may need. High in protein and iron . . , not habit-forming. Why don't you try it? Kellogg's is so sura you'll like ALL-BRAN that if you'ra not :om-pUtely talUfied after 10 days, send empty carton to Kellogr's, Lor don, . Ont., and get doublb you honcy BACKl n Lovely Floral Setting I Lcyi'Mi K meets iHrsday. June 17. Klfi'tion. U2pt llllaS5el doup(e joined J)n Qutel Uetlilinj A quiet wedding yesterday afternoon Joined in marriage Mrs. Emilie Parnell and Mr. John Williams, both of Masset, B.C. The ceremony took place at St. Andrew's Cathedral at 4 p.m., conducted by the Rev. Canon Basil Prockter. Showered At Surprise Party Mrs. Clif Leveton was hostess at a surprise shower given in honour of Miss Anna Beketov whose marriage to Rev. Leonard Thorpe will take place Saturday. After the opening of the gifts, which were presented in a clever box model of the church, Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Amidst a setting 6! .fvvrs, lighted tapers and a peonie banked altar, Loiik Delphine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles PeeV Halagno, 325 5th Ave. West, was united in marriage to Wilfred Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whitehouse of Vancouver, n,.'.'tiiiK "f Carpen-Wcdnesday, 8 p.m. , st. Special Besner Block Stewart, B.C 5 Prince Rupert, B.C. last Thursday. f Laundry Ltd. at West will tfke over Ceremonies were conducted at quet of deep pink rosebuds with trailing ivy. games were played and delicious I 10 am. in tne Church of the Annunciation by Rev. Father O. j P. Mohan, O.M.I. I Olven in' marriage by her 1 father, the bride was lovely in ' an exquisite gown of ankle length, nylon tulle, featuring a ,v worries. Weekdays to 8 p.m., Satur-;,.m. Hl n Women of th? ',,j-woi kcrs attend nn'iMnc June 18 at N reiresnmenis enjoyea. The invited guests included the mother of the bride Mrs. N. A. Beketov, and Mrs. P. N. Kil-bom, Mrs. G. Hangerud, Mrs. W. Lund, Mrs. Pipke, Mrs. R. Edwards, Miss Nadia Beketov, Miss Oeshka Penof f. Miss Renee Nicholson, Miss Mary McAfee, Miss Margot Brown and Miss The bride was wearing a gray pabardlne suit and wore a corsage of sweet peas. Mrs. Cecil Brown, matron of honor, was dressed In a skipper blue woolen suit, with a corsage of forget-mc-nols. ""Groomsman was Mr. Alexander Yeomans. Several friends attended the ceremony. The couple will reside in Old Masset. jU No. 1031 Invited bouiiani sKiri ana tiny jacKei 11' i over a softly folded strapless Groomsman was Mr. "Louis Astoria jr., while Mr. Allan Armstrong and Carl Smith acted as ushers. A wedding breakfast followed at the home of the bride. The reception was held in the evening at which the mother of the bride, gowned in a deep purple dress with a corsage of carnations received the guests. Mrs. J. L. Bluin and Mrs. A. Astoria poured. Servitcurs were Mrs. William Bond,. Mrs. Allan Armstrong, Mrs, Denis F. Rowsc, Miss P. Astoria and Miss Beth tomtom wm- . Tir n . )P. Ethel Moorehouse. top. A ballerina wreath of small XIN( SHOW, Frl- white blossoms which' held in X Nine IxmU. Show place the dainty half veil, was i event, Fred l the bride's headdress. A bou icy. llazelton and quet of white gardenias and a hIiimii B.C. Interior! white prayer book completed the i lmlli iining Andy ensemble, lbs, Prince Ru- Bridesmaid, Miss Helrn Bal- ii Gloves Champion, agno, sister of the bride, was H vnur tickets early. ; her only attendant. Miss Du!- Mrs. Deblass New Generai Agent From Winnipeg Astoria. The wedding niu.sii' w;is f'WOM Regent ed by Miss M:iry .;ax and i j(i Rush $1.00. Stll-lls. Tii kcls at Orotto fgno was gowned in a charming ankle-length frock of pel il K. L. Robeltson of Winnipeg airived here yesterOay to lake Centre. See pink organdie over pink net. He for complete ensemble was enhanced by tlv Civic paper New slate of officers c' the Women of the Moose elected lust week i headed by Konior Regent Mrs. Dorothy Deblass, named from the time your fruit is prepared fill ivy crown headdress and bou- Rev. Father W. LsuiKtagnc wits soloist. The couple later left fur their honeymoon trip to Vancouver The bride's goiii!; away outfit was a lovely gold knitted siut. short beige J.ickct with natuiv.; hit and ilKird accessories. On their return the acwjy-weds will Like u residciuv. at 3fi3 Horden SI reel. At Allien lime the groom will renirn to his po.Mtlon with tlv forestry branch of the Provimi,'! COMPARE THESE TWO METHODS over from William Cruickshank, general agent for norihoin B.C. ior the Canadian National Railways, w'.io has beeji transferred to Vancouver. M.. Cruickshank. who came here originally in 1922, ex'peets to leave !atr this week for tlw ;ou!h. He has been appointed di f ief- passmic.e aiu with headquarters in Vancouver. THE OLD WAY by acclamation. Junior Regent .i Miv. Dorothy Lugrin. Other office; arc Mcsda'nes Mabel Skliiner, cuaplaln; Tona Aimstrons,, recorder; Clara Bellamy, ti . aMirei. Mi.;. Grace Mclntyie. pas! . e.ilor regent, y-as moved up lo sc. v-, a., junior graduate regent. Appointments include Mesdames Jmle Murine), argus; Francis Eeucliuk, .sentinel; Nvliie To.tira, guide, and Kay Grimb;c. assist-a:i', girdo. Mi-f. VV. J. Bacon won the raffle. Mrs. B. make jam the WITH CERTO 1. Mrs. A. makes jam the short-boil way with CERTO. She has 2 pounds of fruit prepared ready to start at 9 ' .iVlrirL i old-fashioned, long-boil way. She, too, is ready to start her ' jam making at 9 o'clock. Mr. ad Mrs. James Fiancis Munn ...QHPen - ( barjiWa" City into Oliia-Edith Ing'iMigi an-nounec the birth of an eight-pound, 12-ounce daughter, Ke-van Lliith Francis, a sister for James Allan, born Kunrtnv n (he .'iwMi.x;bi iotte Hospital. - J-crMt: mis -C ' '. .i .. .. i ..V. 2. The dotted line shows Mrs. B. starts off with Classified Ads Pay the same amount of prepared fruit in her saucepan. Mr. Mar Clonm-iy of Prince; auIh-i'I. H'ld Mi. l'lfy young of; Victoria., left bv plane Monday1 aft ei noon on a tour or the Queen Charlotte H;iwl ami or the Pjince Riipnt Foie t District. ' M.'. IW .' Mooie mid Mr. F auk oc WARDROBE . MB L A "-71 0 if mt WHITE DRFSS PUMPS SANDALS and SPFCTATOF Gale ol this c ty lelt by pane' momliiv evenliiR to attend UFAW Union nieelinus in Viuicouver. Mr. Moore and Mr. -Clale aie deles-ate.-, for Hie ii'trllivrn urea oi the UFAWU. Mr. D. C. !jlrvc!V,oii, atimlni i-trator of Prim e Rupert Orneral Hospital. Is leaving Kiid.iy '. attend in Vnnco iver Hie imnu il general ineetins of t lie B.C. Hospital Association. with WHITE HANDBAG 'f J 1 levef of the prepared fruit in Mrs. A' ' saucepan. 3. Mrs. A, adds 3 pounds of sugar. A pound of jam made with CERTO contains no more sugar than a pound made the old long-boil way, but she knows the CERTO recipe will give h-.T 5Q'v more jam. 4. Mrs. A. brings the mixture to a full rotting boil; boils hal ONE MINUTE only; removes from stove and adds bottle (4 ozs.) Certo. CERTO is the natural jellying substance in fruit in concentrated form. ' S. Mrs. A. is able to pour and parnflin about 5 pounds (10 glasses) of jam from her 2 pounds of fruit. She gets sure results because she follows the CERTO recipe EXACTLY. 6. Mrs. A's 10 glasses of jam were made in just 15 . minutes. TO MATCH 3. Mrs. B. uses the old- fashioned long-boil recipe which calls for "one pound of sugar to every pound of fruit". So she weighs out 2 pounds of sugar and adds it to her prepared fruit. 4. Mrs. B. boils the mixture about 30 minutes before the jam thickens to the desired consistency. This evaporates about Y3 the weight of the fruit, darkens the color and carries off much of the natural fresh-fruit flavor in steam. 5. Mrs. B. pours and paraffins about 3 pounds (6 glasses) of jam from the same amount of fruit. Until it is finished she cannot tell for sure how well her jam will turn out. " ' Mr. P. H. Mux.ey. trustee f rrtnee Rupeit Oeneral Hospital board of director. s. will uttend .i course in Vancouver thU week uiven to four western province hospital administrators and trustees. Course is known as Western Canada institute. M. Llnzcy loaves Wednesdav. Ml Dl'KE This recent photograph o: t'.Mtecii Ehzabeth of Edinburgh, who re'ebratcd birthdays recently, n the drawiiiR room of Clarence House. Th Queen 1 smoke gray tulle and lace ball dress, needle run with Jtl The sapphire and diamond necklace was a wedding ''m the lute King;. The Duke is wearing the mess dress 'iNav). This is a United Kingdom Information Office (CP PHOTO) as FASHION FOOTWEAR uuu DCfU a LOW-COST BiAUTY FOR YOUR FLOORS' V'--...-' Xk . . , .Srv . W j 1 - VZ7 Vi) 6. Mrs. B. took 45 minutes to make her 6 glasses of jam. vujibuLuj cm,r&& ill Ccrto qm Mn?. A. sure results.'., muoh more Jim saved ti me, work a nd moncij -t-M, MWmJ krs P1 fTVT"lf free Recipe Book Under the label of every bottle of CEKTO is a book of 78 tested recipes a separata one for each fruit. Be sure to follow the simple dirpc-cions EXACTLY. my Long-wearing, easycleaning Gold Seal, Conloleura looks lovelier than ever before. -Be the Shadow. Leaf Duo- - sure to see a f A N D -.uin.r nl rp v new wun mo Znd the hury-look of sculptured carpet. i , i A rodurt of Gtnlral Fooil. "CE'TO'' i o Trade-mark owld by General Food., ltd. ' IT Mitu,. Ham. I' . CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED, Montreal ?f ,"S''nna b"'m Aho mol.r. of CONOOWAU, f - --"' n cnu,.