Rm AIO cae 3° oe a nena » THE DAILY News THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —60 cents per inch. on application Contract rates SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico-Dany, soe} Why the Four-Footed Friend of Man from the Finest Pedigreed °”? °"" per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weeky, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave , Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98, BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York —National Newspaper Bureau, 219 Bast 23rd St,, New York City SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. the mongrel and the cur, as LONDON, ENGLAND —The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar | well as the high bred animal ee > eet ee They all have the same affee- aoa Sere ts Sn. et —jtionate nature, and, it may be} DAILY Sorrion. ae. Tunevay, duty 2| added, the same capacity for suf-|« —__ = - | fering. Anybody who professes lto take an interest in one dog AN EDITORIAL IN PICTURE only, or in one kind of dog only, or in well bred dogs only, may be sure that his feeling is not gennine and disinterested, it is vualified by vanity or selfishness r the ignoble desire to be in the fashion. The Dogs of Today. Strange, is it not, that even in} A Pretty ey of a Past Dominion Day Triumph ee OUR @uap DOMINION DAY; THEIR SAD ONE. Dominion Day, 1912; will go down in the history of Prince Rupert as one of the greatest ever. Not that our rising city has any special one-man record or series of records to claim this} time, but because of fhe superb general suecess of the day. | Prince Rupert's luck on Dominion holidays is getting to be pro- | verbial. Long may it remain so. Those who are here they're here certainly deserve every ounce of it. Our he | and qur present day citizens, have striven against many ra catse pioneers, | culties to make a bright, live city of Prince Rapert, and their Suecess shows tip every time Rupert makes holiday. But while congratulating themselves on the success of their civic holiday| our citizens, one and all, are sending out auxious thoughts sympathetic toward that sister-city of ours in the great, grand), Dominion which is, so sorely stricken in the hour of rejoicing. | Fresh news from Regina is not to hand at the time of writing | this. of eslaimities, and ~ EVELYN THAW PROTESTING ie It is earnestly hoped that later details will reduce the tale | ¢ Pik DAILY NEWS. KH. Gordon Munro FOND OF YOUR DOG; OF COURSE EVEN IF HE ISNT PURE BRED Pup to the Veriest Mongrel Finds Its Way into the If you are really you will be fond of eve AGAINST RETELLING STORY SPECIAL MESSA GE FROM “ANGEL CHILD” WITNESS Again IN THE LEGAL SUITS RAISED BY HER HUSBAND IN HiS FRANTIC EFFORTS TO GET OUT OF THE CRIMINAL INSANE ASYLUM. June 27.-..-| noon ‘identified several of Thaw's j | j White Plains, N. ¥., fond of dogs Affections of Someone ry ! ‘ ' j}dog, big and little, good and bad | i a should T katchewan an \ mongrel is simply a dog|pedigree is, They love him efor} Sorte Bare, wh father and mother were of|hinself, and he returns their de- | CARSS & BENNETT 2nd Street Phone 166 Green ferent breeds; and as the mon.) yolion a thousandfold, Barristers, Notaries, Erc. wre has little or no pecuniary Wonderful Eyes, | Office Albert Block, Second Avenue. he 19 Alable to be knocked wa, & . Labor im Storage 7 ~ seer - re oe Mark the sorrowful, pileous WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.S. | aly 0 ar to post: to have oi , home or @ vers oo nid. anil look in the eve of the homeless DENTIST. be. ial : mongrel, and you will be slow 'l=| Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. | A percentage of your wages to " reated with seorn and deed to add to his miseries In All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas an’ le sited . i Saving ruelty, Often, indeed, he is set toca! auanihetes edenietetsess ter the piiniens os deposite im a savings ' las ’ account r we i trac’ teeth. ¥ > cen: | : adrift and abandoned by a hard|'he last Oe ace ‘on "a i. in | Hielmerson Bock. ae ii-12 Account is so much of your e sure the we shail receive oO | ; hearted Or thoughtless owner,|” Dee 2 te , » Hinesaa| | labor in storage for emer- » o ol : 1 dogs oO orses| too indifferent to give him even : di 1 reddit or | Alex.M.Manson #.a., W-.E.Williama,p.a.L.t.0 | gencies or old age j f : » and caret vw; *| “ | . the boon of a humane death at Saini be mainly Cs ol WILLIAMS & MANSON motive there was main 2 of] on ae ae , ‘ e lee nha i ever has be-| Barristers, Solicitors, ete What seems an inexhaust- ntelligont Mongrel. ownership, But whoever has be Box 286 Oo | : 2 Not only is the mongrel! quite| stowed shelter and affeetion on| Prince Rupert, 8.4 | ible supply of strength may the peer of the well bred dog injan animal that nobody owned, or | not last as long as you bes “aes in loyalty, in obedience,| wanted to own, may “a ee | PLO. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPERT | expect. Begin storing some reel te is offen superior to thelcured an intercessor ma ie of it now, @fais week. i . = 1is week, in the well bred dog in intelligence.| never dreamed of. It is a Russian JOHN E. DAVEY ante s De asienaiian But, alas! his outward appear-| legend that the man who be-| TEACHER OF SINGING ¥ 8 Pe a 9 mre PUPIL OF WM. FOXKON, BSQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG THE BANA OF | JOHN DYBHAVN ‘British North America > | | Real Estate — Loans | 76 YEARSS IN BUSINESS and Insurance | | 334 | CAPITAL AND RESERVE OVER $7,500,000 | 319 8rd Avenue Phone 384 —| ' Like selecting a pet mankind anee is against him. many/friends a friendless animal will ve governed by fashion? And} human beings, he is the innocent| find that animal waiting to help yet that is largely the case. Years | Vietim of fate. him across the deep dark river| ayo people bought pug dbbe, then t is among boys that the/that, according to tin d myth mongrel finds his warmest| ology, separates this w d from ox terriers, and later Boston} friends. Boys are more natural! the next | terriers——nol, in most cases, final one therefore more democratic - ause they preferred that kind of|than men. If a dog is good na- The modern, high class place | log, but because it was the cor-|tured, intelligent and affection-|for billiards and pool Seale’s, | thing to own that kind, jate, they care little what his) Third avenue tf VETERAN GENERAL BOOTH TO THE SALVATION ARMY W. Nicholeon Latley MUNRO & LAILEY Architect Stork Building, Second Avenue. Silversides Bros, ef tors of Prince Rupert STUART & STEWART ° en6 Accountants Sign Writing.. 2nd Ave. Phone No, 280) . Rupert P. O. Box 351] Paper-Hanging Auditors for Gity of Prince Rupert ote ae : Our payee ©, V. BENNETT, B.A. ALFRED CARSS, of B.C., Ontario, Sae- | we of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. TATE Prince Rupert Branch, F. S. LONG, Manager. HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS The up-to-date House Decora. ORIGINATE. oTHERs im. ee Georgetown Sawmnill Co. Lid. Lumber Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Funeral Directors 3rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT oD Prince Rupert Lodge, [.0.0.F. Our prices are as low as any. Meets in the Helgerson Block Call on ws before ordering. Every Tuesday Evening | |All members of the order in the} city are requested to visit OFFICE: \. DOUGLAS » q | EMPRESS THEATRE SLDG. A. "LAS, _ = , d Ave. W. G. BARRIE, See. Cons: SE. Ch SAEORD. Hee “Valhalla” of S.H. & E. r. Sth Ave.——-Best Bay i in City SCAN DINANIAN Soctery) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8] Lots 7 p.m. in the kall at 319 3rd Ave. and 8, Block 22, Section avenue, #700 each; % cash, 6 and months, or $650 each cash +H. DOUGLAS 339 Third Ave. P. O. Box 606 (Opposite Post Office) SONS OF NORWAY Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7 Evelyn Nesbitt Thaw protested] !etters which were introduced in My dear Comrades--,If the un- First, there is my confidence! p, m., at 319 3rd ave. All Nor- bitterly today at the hearing iv evidence and described several| expected blow regarding the loss n God. Tam not going to allow| wegians are welcome ‘ . , displays of temper over sma!'liof my eyesight has not actually the existence of a few things P R D the ease of her husband, Marr) things on his part during their| fallen, as the newspapers have which are in confliet with my age mpert mm? K. Thaw, against having to #0) jjfe together. She was then given stated, it is hovering dangerous- udgment to interfere with my CARTAGE and FRESH MELK & CREAM DAIL) all over again the details of her|uver for cross-examination by | ly near. Instead of the res‘tora- confidence in His Wisdom—con |} DSAY STORAGE Guaranteed Pure relations with Stanford White |C. J. Shearn, counsel for Thaw. |tion of sight for which I had fidence that is inspired by a life-| | “Hignt here ard now.’ ‘she erjed Mr. Shearn had her go into de-| hoped, and for which i mow you long knowledge f His lov ing | G. T. P. Transfer Agents ms thi . os1 when pressed by ceunsel for| tails about her early life in a/have so earnestly prayed, the care, | Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. oped Cul hpne Thaw, who is trying to secure his| little New Jersey village, then | oon a wre ot on the very Phen, dy not lost the @8-~- | oprice—BH. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone ® 7 7 eve of en «c ar ess, surance o vn app ‘ela | release from Matteawan, “I want! Philadelphia, and finally in Nea | t : aro in ~~ oat happy e la-| THE to know whether I have to go} York. where she began to pose In a few brief — my com- go wi y my Heavenly : ather. | > > ay > ‘ ave no Os the ‘~. nee all through this thing again. It's) for artists and then went on the rades —_ oe mad er the a ran . le confidens | SMITH & MA ETT Westholme Lumber Co bad enough that Thaw hid behind| stage. He led her through the|CO™PUsion of announcing that and love of my own dear peapie. allies tome LL . my skirts in his two dirty triass.| first stages of her acquaintance rhe General is hopelessly blind. I have not lost tl inestimable ee. —LIMITED “ak an : ee ry oa In that event, what an indeserib- blessing of life. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and “You don't need to go into de-|with Stanford White, of her ° . ; ably painful loss will be mine I want the « ied loyalty Sheet Metal Work tails, and you know it, and you} visils to his studio with the swing , ? ’ ¥ . , r never again to see the light of of ny own peopk i the hear OMes: ard Ave. Workshop can't get me to answer,’ hung in the ceiling, and to his}” . , ' wi pool ‘ uM Pal) T Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and sth Sts gs Kwelyn Thaw, after having} quarters in the Madison Square day, or behold the countenances Hes ¢O-operation ii men and} ! heen excused at the morning ses.| Gaiden iower of my friends, or look into the women whose hea are fired ies : . rs sy athetic eves of my eom- with the same pury as my — . . . ‘n recatied in the after-| Thaw hung intentiy on the: | SY! Pa > yor , n NOW ston whe ecatlé i e afte Be \ me 1 ’ i rades: ever again to witness own, i ecee Ali Kumds of Buslding Supplies ————— — = a = —f{that for over sixty years has | In a few weeks I hope to That we have more front on - ~~ ~~ been to me the sight of sights be found once mor the be : avenue, we are abe da = P| os : i : ~~ _ - \ oa wg he battle; farge stock of beautiful ‘oak furnic| First Avenue Phone 186 ~$66-~ mom men and women kneeling at thé field, ture and some of our upholstery, Merey-Seat. GENERAL Boots Anyway, my dear comrades, j cpstoine, drapery, ato. See our = . in show windows at the Furniture Phen, too, I have lest the hope = the light or in the dark, you may paase. es — or] ene | of being able with any facility to|* Pile up all my losses, they are|count upon your General to trust Grockery ané Kitchen meses on’ the EE write, while it will be an absoi-jmany and serious, I admit; but|in God and go forward! nd avenue. Entrance front. ute impossibility to read well. look at the mereies ieft me! | WILLIAM BOOTH F. w HART ————————————— SS == ———————— a —— = CORNER 6TH 8ST. AND 2ND ave. Th nent aeote oS ee | , - ‘ ag 1 Canada call a ork's Goneral Merchandise . - Largest Stock girl's testimony. He appeared to HUMOR OF THE HOUR. Hardware and inspect the Nev: SSeS SST = be biting his nails. ee Ch h Se . PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0. Chancellor. You will say that | | She told of her visit to wats ae you promised at least} urc rvices ” Bi Pog oa? yo are i look ks . 4 : ) f your friends some —= a ‘ apartments, but burst out with) alti: ¢ 10) OR Prices in Northern B. C. are . - oe % ‘l early vegetables.” || . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Big stock of all kinds of TORK ier ( hah “oles Mw + aBKee _ | ‘ > wT hs ern ” ‘ me "| “IT know I did. «I wonder if they eS re os Garden Seeds, Timothy, E L L an e+e ‘o answer turther intimate ques! couldn't compromise on a trip to Empress Theatre at 730 p.m | Clover and Grain t~ ~~ ee eep: np ee preeen eres rer sense omer | UIs. th ee ttre in stead I don't , ay Saas & a em Seeds. vous Tears filled her eyes after beh ae re i -~ = 7 a REV. F. W. KERR, M.A. PasTon — i ho ai #0 KW 0 cle fir , outburst and she spoke in aj padishes among ” Mail Orders Promptly Attended to aaah wabhin i z 1) “ jong a dozen famil THE VIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rte ile “Zoe tindee att kbout tin i i| le Oursviile Courier Jour MCINTYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR OTH #7 rr o } &peut . al. | Services every Sunday ll ele ade eden Ta 5 the A om. ond TH pan Dundes : Agents international Stock Food:- ( 7 O A L | } School 240 p.m Baraca ALL KINDS OF FEED Asked whether she had test ‘ or Bible Clase 2.30 p.m lied that she had never seen any Hite boy was in the habit of|f BBY. W.H. MeLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor thing to lead her to believe that |‘ reeping through a hol he} er ree ree ee IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS New W: ston Coal. Best on hem © ‘ +? i orehard fence in order to siea tap vinet METHODIST CHURCH Coast i as net wo serfoct yund ‘ SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE ENGINEE mind, she answered ‘Yes she ome “ermer's apples, Gue day rie ow =e - ve aa Phone 116 Rogers ‘ ts own to ‘ . en nm Suna . ’ ”/ . te . later qualified that answer by Known t th thief, the fa mer! School at 2.40 p.m, ~ | oy Ss rop., Prince Rupert _— saying, “exeept on the question| “@?Pened to be immediately in-|] BBV. CR. ING, B.D Pastor P-to-Date Equipment. Work and quertion | ia, Ale f Prices Right, Engine Work ef Stanfore Thite th fer and as the boy's . igin 1 a 1 White head and shoulders appeared he| ri SALVATION anMY CITADEI and General Repairing, For Kiteumkalum or Lakels? Mrs Thaw was aiil m the] evelaiined Now . dd. ehare Sunday services at 14 Bhop, Cow Bay e stand when eourt ; ‘ eal ; 4m, and 8 p. uo n Mor any eee a ms are you we ix Awin Boing Wi k ee mn : | i Agente tor imperial line Metere. | baek! the iad replied as hi Week MEME services Mor Phone Blue 259 - P. 0, Box 957 iW |! backwards out of the! day gue Saturday For row boate end launches) tivle.—The Bailir Or aeteneine Oe arte Ad ° ° | telephone $20 green. Davia boal vertise in write or call on the house, . e Made from iresh, pure, rich . ¥ . C rocuraile. 2 Absolutely ure a /cream--ice cream at Keeley's Terrace Land (2 Best meal in town at Savoy. | Pharinacy | Warm, clean rooms at Say y ews ‘ es} | TERRACE, B. 0. vev m