weekly he ra “PRINCE RUPERT” AND “PRINC and Saturdays at chicago and all points Bast WIFTES1 UREST AFEST TWIN SCREW STEAMERS ‘or Vancouver, Victoria and Seatt "momeave AND FRIDAYS © am Prince George Bails for Stewart on Thursdays a 8 “PRINCE JOHN” service to Port Simpson, Naas, Granby 7 Charlotte Islands we “PRINCE ALBERT” iar saflings for Skeena River Cantieries, and al eu Prince Rupert and Vaner uver we onger service to Skeena Crossing from Prince Rupert Mond 11 4. Mm, Making connectio ' Cheap Excursion Rates Over Grand Trunk Railway System (The Double Track Route) connecting with all etweer oades ce rie " coast Let us prepare itimerary for your trip BAS » neem te agency for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines. For att moana apply to A. ©. MOMABTER, Jenerai Agent, Contr reds E GEORGE” am and Queen points between ays, Wednesdays favelt — FAMOUS | PRINCESS LINE daily 3c. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE —— ——__ CANADIAN aL S. S. Princess Sophia —for— VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE SATURDAY 9 A.M. J. @ WNAB, General Agent by the Oriental Limited 3 SOLID TRAINS — from or Seattle PRINCE RU ANI SAFETY SPEED SERVICE Owned and the American and Excellently steam heat, electr lutely first-class ir 3 1 G. A. Sweet, Vancouver ANNEX operated Grand Trunk Pae furnished, moderr. convenience The appointmen are equal to any coast Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. PERT INN ) by the ifie Railway on European plan, with and all es, being abso ie light 1 every respect ts and service hotel on the Manager. Low round trip rates to all points in Canada ar i the United States. Call and let us tell you all about it Rogers’ — Agenc PHONE 116 WON $.5. COMPANY GF Bc The new steel Passenger Sie 6 Che “ “( » rHONE 30) SYST EMA Tic Magazines $8 CIGA Carlage, Pome 245 None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers LH. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 PONY EXPRESS. taggage, Storave anc For iiuge or Motor Cas day or night Seventh Ave. and Fulton Coal and Storage Keliable Messenger Service Savoy Cor. Fraser and 6th RUPERT'S PALACE ita e VI 99 ”? Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver The New Knox Hotel is as follows: ‘Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 7 p.m. FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERI - Saturdays at 10 a.m. Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively plan. First-class service improvements Hotel Centra heated, mudern conv $1.0 to 82.50 per day Peter Black = Grand Agents. For Phone 178 Phone #0)! FRUITS of Prince BEQOND Ave Twelve Tables 736 3rd ave. | European and Americar Hotel Choice Wines and ¢ Sad OF COMFORT) W X Hotel |BESNER & BESNER, runon the European hoes the Latest Modern BEDS %e UP Cor. First Ave. and 7th Street Diar eniences , steam Rates Propnetor Hotel. Workirigman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection lst Ave GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor. and 7th St. litle’s NEWS Agency Dominion - Baths Periodicals :: Newspepers The Most Modern Barber Shop TOBACCOS :: thd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club L. A. Barbeau Rupert WASHINGTON BLK THE IROQUOIS POOL | English and American Billiards Seconp Ave “FROM HOME TO HOME.” lhe Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Excellent Cafe, 1142 Pender Street West - ° HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager V Moderate Prices. Phone 8600, Canadian General Electric Company, Limited Hlectrica Mining and Contracting Machinery a. _Apparatus of every description Graham Kearney, Mer. Vancouver, B.C. aneouver, wa 974 NOTIONS COAL Skeena Land District District of Queen Charlotte [stands fake notice thas 1, William Watson, of the City of Prince Rupert, B. 6., eontrae tor, intend to apply for a license to pros pect for coal and petroleum on and under the following deseribed lands on the west coast of Graham stand; Commencing at @ post plented two miles east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease No. 7172, thence south 80 chains, thence West 80 chains, thence north 80 chains thence cast 80 chains to the place ©! | Cofmmencement | PROPRIETORS | Skeena Land Skeena bated this 22nd 7.9 of April, 1042. TLLIAM WATSON Pub, June 4, 1012, Skeena Land Distriet——District Charlotte Islands, Take notice that I, William Watson, the City of Prince Rupert, B, C., contrac. tor, Intend to apply for a@ license to pros pect for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands of the west coast of Graham Island; Commencing at @ post planted one mile east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease No, 7172, therice horth 80 chains, thence south 86 commencement Dated this gand . t April WILLIAM, of Queen of west 80 thence chains thence chains place o chains, east 80 to the 1912. Pub. J WATS: mm keena | ne 3, 19412 ind District District Charlotte Islands. tice that J, William Watson, of the cit Prinee Rupert, B. C., contrac- tor, end to apply for 4@ license to pros- oal and petroleum on and under ving described lands on the west Graham Island Lommencing at & post planted theast corner of Coal Claim No, 7204, uth 80 chains, the west 80 thence north 80 chains, thence hains to the place of commence of Queen on the Dated this 23rd —. | April, 1942. LLIA WATSON rub. Jume 3, 1012 skecia Land District Charlotte notice that I, William Watson, of the f Prince Kupert, B. C., contrac tor end to apply for a license to pros be oal and petroleum on and under ! wing described lands on the west ‘ f Graham Island encing @t @ post planted two miles east the southeast corner of Coal Lease N 2, thence thence chains, chains, the south 80 place of i" ement Dated this 22nd day of April, 1012 WILLIAM WATSON, a, 1042 District Charlotte notice that I, William Watson, of the y of Prince Rupert, Lb. C., contrac ntend to apply for a license to pros r coal and petroleum on and under wing described lands on the west mast of Graham Island wumencing @t @ post planted two miles east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease No. 7168 80 chains, thence south & west 80 chains, thence to the place of District Islands. of Queen weat thence chains 80 chains, east #0 to the June District Islands Land of Queen thence chains, north 80 womencement Dated this 22nd day of April, 1912. WILLIAM WATSON 1992 bDistrict-—District Charlotte Islands. notice that I, William Watson, of the City of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac tor, intend to apply for a license to pros pect for coal and petroleum on and under he following described lands on the west mst of Grabam Island Commencing at a post east thence chains Pub. June 3, Skeena Land of Queen Take planted 1 mile east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease 7168, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to the place of snmencement Dated this 22nd day of April, 1912 WILLIAM WATSON. Pub. June 3, 1912 Skeena Land District District of Queen Charlotte Islands Take ytice that |. William Watson, of ‘ i ft Prin Rupert, B. C., contrac t apy for a license to pros t al and petroleum on and under wing described lands on tue west ast of Graham Island mmencing 4t @ post planted one mile ast of the southeast corner of Coal Lease s then east & hains, thence h 8 ns, thence west 80 chains ‘ chains w the place of| nunen | Dat 20 Jay Apr 1912 | WILLIAM WATSUN Put Jule viz She , Land District—District of Queen harlotte Islands rake notice that 1, William Watson, of te ty of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac end to apply for a license to pros pect for coal and petroleum on and under the following deseribed lands on ‘he west coast of Graham Island Commencing at 3 "ost planted two miles east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease Nc 7172, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains to the place of vrnmencemen t Dated this of April, 1912 vind day WILLIAM WATSUN 1912 istrict — District urlotte Islands Pub, Jume Queen of Take not that I, William Watson, of City of Prince Rupert, B. c., contrac intend to apply for @ license to pros t for coal and petroleum on and under following deseribed lands on the west ast of Graham Island: mmencing at @ post planted two miles eas f the southeast corner of Coa! Lease \ 172, thence east 80 chains, thence i so chains, thence west 80 chains, tue south 80 chains to the place of ratiie —— Dated this 22nd ow of April, 1912 WILLIAM WATSON Pub. June 3, 1912. LAND LEASES. Sskeena Land District fake notice that 1 é prince Rupert, ‘a 4 as agent for Porpeise Harbour Lat Limited, of Victoria, B. C, in- apply for permission to lease the wit escribed lands: mmeneing @t @ post planted on the northerly poimt on Porpoise Harbour r Lot 446, Range &, Coast district, thence 1 to & point ogee distant between Lot i“ aod Watson Island, thence easterly ortherly following a line equa dis- anit between the high water mark of Let and the high water mark of Watson siand to @ polbt on low water mark be- ween Lot 446 and Watson Island on Lake Walnright, thence east to bi bh water mark, thence Westerly aud southerly fol- iowing bigh water mark to point of com- encement e - PORPOLSE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, LIMITED Per Sugustus w. Dated April 6 1912 pub. April 8, Mets District— District Range 5 Take notice that |, Augustus WwW. Agnew, et Prince Rupert, Bb. , civil engineer, acting as agent for Por youse Harpour. Laud Co D Limited, of orla, B. LU. - end 0 *wply for PE to lease the foliowum deseribed lands Commencing at & post planted on the bien water mark of Lot 446, Range 5, Coast district, at LS monte of jolt Creek es y om Lake ainrlg oe tow water mark, thence northerly and easurly following the low water mark to a point due north of the nortieast on- m * Lot 446, Range 5, Coast district, south & high water mark, isence aud southerly following bigh wate! ark tw point of comme tunel ement, PORPOLSE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, LIMITED Per Augustus W. Agnew, pated April bth, 1012 yuu, April 8, 1012, skeens Land District , i ange 6. notice that 1, Augustus W. fupert, B. C., civil capinees, scting a8 agent for Porpoise Harbour Lp company, Limited, of Victoria, . tend | tw apply for permission to “teat the desertbed lands ues at & post planted on the iit vat northerly point on pore Harbour, jot 446, Mange 6, Coast district, thence wih to low Wate? mark, tence westerl southerly following low water mar the southwest District of Coast, Augustus W. Agnew, civil engrpene, 4 s mpany, Agnew, Agenl. of Coast, Land thence west west 7 Agent. District of Coast, take f Prinee point due west of pner Of Lot 446, Range 6, Coast district, ice east (0 high water mark, thence nie wind, hi ot mark north rly and a oe commuchcoment wy “il HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, IMI ver oe, ots Agnew, Agout Dated Kpott Pub, April 6, 1 Pe THE DAILY Nkwe. INCREASING — IMMIGRATION An analysis of the figures of immigration tron the United States into Canada last month shows that 38 out of the 48 states of the Uni contributed to the swelling tide of American citizens pouring into the De- minion, Of the 21,494 arrivals from across the border during the month over 1,300 took up home- steads, while hundreus of others purchased land outright, Eaeh arrival brought an average of over $1,000 either in cash or ef- fects, the aggregaly wealth aetu- ally represented being estimated at over $25,000,000 The border states were most irgely repre- sented, North Da ta sent 366 homesteaders to Canada; Miane- sota, 257; South Dakota, 79; Wisconsin, 58; Miehizan, 49; Tlie nois, 45; Washington, 44, and New York, 314, Immigration to Canada ,via month of if, ocean ports during the April this year Was compared with 35 for last year, an increase of eent, The numbe of the United States was 21,494, as during April, 31 per insmigrvation for 62,933, During ing last 680, an increase In discussing this highly satis- factory increase, J. Bruce Walker said that proportionately the in- crease of settlers of the Great Lakes was greater than before. In previous years, perhaps 50 per of the immigration would come west, the half of the tiling in Eastern course, it to be that the westward Fastern Canadians probably large the number of immigt emained in the east. the proportion of Canada cent, 437, as April 17 per arrivals for April, against 16,- i911, an in- The total month was 2385 from i942, 397 crease of cent the the year it correspond. 51,- cent. month was of 22 per west much ever cent, sete of mind of immigrants Canada. is borne in movement large year as ‘ants who This year new- is last as actual! far the locating was so to comers to 75 per weat, the with 25 per cent in east, THE DOG mankind's firmest he's known follow, and de- is his aim, When slack, he bones; brings them hens and in Car- the love But he mus. rhe nd: ame; dog is fri lo such to as to d his master that lawt off, he with rags, dead Affection dwells deeper than heart that eternity, to ‘adore hours by more and Into save love, | ine 18 with business in the carted strewe when back stones, love lo’s eves; in his lo there's away and will rise dog's no one the lawn when whiles sing up the scratching some up the flowers. Alpine snows he leaps to some pilgrim there, and through the drifted, shining heaps he drags them by the hair, But when there are no Alpine snows or dying strangers near, into the chieken yard he and: whips poor chanticleer I've heard about a thousand tales of Carlo’s deeds; and when at night and wails until my bo- try to think he’s virtues T reeall, and so I take the the wall. WALT MASON Sold in balk by quart o* pint, delicious, refreshing hot weather goes noble he howls sam bleeds: ! not a fake, his but all in vain shotgun from necessity, ice cream at Keeley’s. - = —— McCaffery & Gibbons Section 1. Lot 13, Block 34, $14,500, Lots 18-19, Block 30, $16,000, House and lot on Fraser St, 65,500, lot on 2nd Ave,, $2,750 : Section 2. Lot 25, Block 20, #1.500 4550 wan. Section 6. 2 lots om Summit Ave., $530 each, Walt | 3062, NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION aor. Notice is hereby given purstant to the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Revised statutes of Canada and Amending Acts that the Ocean Pails Co,, Limited, an in corporated company incorporatec ter the laws of the Province of British Co lumbia and having its head office in the City_of saneouver in the said Province, has fied with the Minister of Public Works of the Dominion of Canada 4 plan of a certain wharf and other works proposed to be constructed by the company and a de scription of the site chosen by the com pany for the said wharf at Cousins Inlet, Coast District, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, end that the said company has also filed at the office of the Registrar of ae at Victoria, British Columbia, being proper registry in that behalf, a du SBnake of the said plan and desc ription and will apply t the Governor Oeneral in ouncil for approval thereof. Dated this > ad of May, A. D. 1¥12., at Vancouver, * UPPER & GRIFFIN, Solicitors for the Said Company. Pub. June 3, 1912. @ License to Take and Use Water. Notice is hereby givengthat the Prince fupert Hydro-EBlectrie CO, Ltd, of Mon-| treal, Canada, will apply for a4 license to take and use 100 cubie feet per second of water out of MeKnight Creek, which) flows in 4 northeasterly direction through) Wm. Agnew as to purchase, and) empties into Hocsall River about 7 mile) above mouth of Browns Creek, The water! will be diverted at ‘Knight's Lake and will be used for wer purposes on the land described as m, Agnew application to purehase : This notice was posted on the gr: ound on the 25th day of May, 1912. The plication will be filed in the office * the | Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, Objections may be filed with the a Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B 2 For THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELES TRIC €O., LTD., Appliéant. By A. W. Agnew, Agent Pub. Jume 3, 1912 For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice is —— given that Lakelse Dx velopment Co., ., of 3 Haddon Bidg., Vancouver, will ly for @ license to take and use 400 cubic feet r second of water out of Williams Creek, which flows y 4 westerly direction through Southeast Lakelse Valley and empties into Lakelse Lake near North End he water will be diverted at @ pint 3 miles above the bridge and will used for eee 7 power purposes on the land describe wakelse Valléy between Skeena River Mond Uakelse Lake. This notice was posted on the ground on the 6th day of May, 1912. The ~~ cation will be filed in the oifice of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupe-t. Objections may be filed with the said Water Secorder or with the ” Water Rights, Parliament Victoria, B. C. LAKELSE VALLEY co., LTD Comptroller Bulli ting, DEVELOP MENT By W. R. Flewin, Agent Pub. May 18, 1012 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. given that the partner subsisting between the undersigned as contractors and carriers, under the firm name of Beirnes & Mul vaney, in the town of Hazelton, county of Atlin, province of British Colymbia, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent All mone due to the said partnership are to be paid to George M. Beirnes at the office of the said partnership, and all part- nership debts will be paid by the said George M, Beirnes, provided bills for same are presented on or before July 4, 1912 GOBORGE M. BEIRNES LYSTER MULVANY , June 7, 19192. Notice is hereby ship heretofore Hazelton, B. © j29 For a License to Take and Use Water. N..OTICE is hereby ~~ Lg James A. Brown, of Port Essing c. will ly for a license to take ani me Two Thou- sand (2,000) inehes of water out Browns Creek, which flows in a north easterly direction through Lot 124, and empties inte Hocsall River, near Grassy istan’ ‘The water will be diverted at) browns Lake, and — be used for in-| dustrial land described tot ft "Range ‘%, the 5, os oan. } ‘> ee Se, Soon 1019. The ap | on ng oO! ’ qcorien will be fied in * the Smee ¥ tthe ater Reeorder, at pene Rupert Objections be fled with She sald Water Recorder or with the troller of Water Rights, Parliament Bulldings, Victoria, B > JAMES A. BROWN, Applicant. Pub. May 4th, 1912. Take notice that Samuel A. Peterson of the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, bas purchased the trade, assets and good will of the Pie Express, formerly seleagrag to ae Rootjes and Fred Peterson of the city of Prince Rupert and now owns and runs the said business under the name of the PONY EXPRESS on his own behalf, and that the said Samuel A. Peterson is the sole owner and proprietor of said busi- ness. Dated at Pea * day of May, A. D a B. C,, this 10th camean 4‘. PETERBON. By His Solicitors, Williams & Manson. —___—— LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. District——District of Coast that John M. Buchanan, of Aulm, B. C., cccupation teamster, intends lo apply for a to purchase the following Gpocrines Skeena Land Take notice Commencing at “post planted at the southeast corner of 4450, Range V, Coast District, thence 40 chains north along east line of Lot 4450, thence east) 40 chains more or less W Rorthwest post) of Lot 597, thence south along west line | of Lot 597 40 chains more or less to shore line, thence west 40 chains more or less| lo place of commencement and containing 160 aeres more or less. J. M, BUCHANAN. George M. Shirley, Agent. Dated May 30th, 1912 Pub, Jume 13, 1912 § ; District of Coast, Skeena Land District Range 5. Take notice that caroline Johnson, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation married woman, inteads to apply for MSsion to purchase the following dese lands Commencing at 4 post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains east, thence 60 chains north to southeast corner of Lot 4062, thence west 40 chains along Lot 3062, thence north 20 chains along Lot thence 40 chains west along Lot! 3065 to point of commencement, contain: | ing 560 geres more or less CAROLINE. “JOHNSON W. J. Goodwin, Agent Dated Muy 20th, 1912 rhb, Juve 18, 1012 cash, Lots 9-10, Block 17, $6,000, Good terms, Lot 21, Block 4, with good house, #3,750, Terms, Lots 9-10, Block 27, with good howse, a3.i50 Terms. Section 6. Lot 21, Block #7, with 4-room ‘Ww. and bath, #2,750. Terms, ss Lots 21-22, Block 31, #950 each $575 cash } Lot ®, Block 25, with’ house, $5,000 Double corner, 7th Ave, $4,000 Section 7. Lot 6, Block 15, 61,375 Terms Lots 2-3, Block 40, #1,800 ge00 eash. | Bection 8. Lot 22, Block t4, 8400, % cash, Lot 15, Block 1, $500 % cash | FOR RENT. Store. on Third Ave., near post office iat in Bmad Building store on cerner 3rd Ave, and Centre St.) hour room house (new), On Seveath Ave.,| section 6, | Three room furnished house on Firth Ave.) Section 6, 820 INSURANCE. Niagara Pire Nova Beetia Fire L'Union Pire Mutual Life Accident McCaffery & Gibbons, Canada Ouaranter & Company Dominion of Skeena Land District--Distriet of Coast, Pange 6 Take notice that Williaw Agnew of Mon- treal, occupation capitalist, intends to) apply for permission to purchase the fol-| lowing desertbed lands ; Commencing at 4 post planted on the| west bank of the Hocsall River, about one jmile above Browns Falls, thence west 20 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east 20 chains, more or less to bank Of Hocsall) River, thence southerly following river bank to point of commencement, to con tain <4 aeres more or leas. WILLIAM AGNEW, Locator i Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. | 25th, 1018 | Date! May ivi Pub, June 3, lof Prince Rupert, married 606 3rd Ave, ware, Prices Always Right TRY US FOR Graniteware, Tinware, Crockery, Glass- Chinaware Headquarters for Camping and Batching Outfits SATURDAY SPECIAL Pull Dinner Sets $10 Up CARRIGAN & MILLER Phone 379 We Deliver KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes P.O. DRAWER 1624 HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ A Stylish and Fashionable HANDBAG PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware ‘* Stay Satisfaciory Range.’’ x me | | | % appeear to the best street. LUSTRATED CATALOGUE will our OUT-OF-TOWN customers give you fashion in guarantee you quality ship and material. iMustrates many other Our dreess. Write for it at once. is required by every lady who wishes to advantage on the A study of the styles in our IL- convince of wisdom of buying their Handbags through our MAIL ORDER SERVICE. We not only these bags but we in both workman- catalogue also lines in leather cods, such as Jewel Cases, Writing Port- folios, Music Rolls, Travelling Bags, Suit Cases, Pursees and Card Cases. A post card will bring this catalogue to your ad- — Henry Birks & Sons Jeweller; Mail Order House Geo. E. Trorey Vancouver -- B.C. the ce a) | LAND PURCHASE NOTICE | Skeena Land District—Diswiet of Colty~~ Range 5. Take notice that I, Sorei D. Bacile B. C., occupation lahorer, iotend - LAND PURCHASE NOTICES Skeena Land District—District of Coast a 5. TAKE NOTICE that I, Henry Louis Massey, of Vancouver, 8B.C., occupation broker, intends to apply for rmigsion Victor lo purchase the following described lands: torte, south bank of Skeena Kiver, above Commencing at 4 post planted 3 following desert a and about thre miles distant, thence south 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, north 20 chains, thence following ‘whe riv- of commencement, containing 60 more or less. ce of er bank in an easterly direction to point: acres” to apply for permission to purchase We i triy. dineetion “trom abuu. Commencing five chains in . pam ~~ the north end of Hermon north 80 chains, thence west nae thnce south 80 chains, thence east chains to point of commencement, con- | taming 320 acres more or less. | elgrace "A es Agent | SORE! DEMETROFP BACILE. | ~ Ponet poem eerie | Rated April 20, 194d. Pn 3keena Lanu Sieerien- *-pistriet econ ae wt Pe oe i, Bocter Franci, | utguee, ig heres -@ given that 1, Vecupauiot brow: c r upert, : » Oo oO apply for permission ” to > purchase the pector 2 ppt sixty (oo) “days tru from date, following