The Daily News ty —— ——- _— 2 LL pn = mewn = eee ee Baseball Lesson No. 17.~—A Phenom is Discovered i in the Grand Stand _.Drawn for the Daily News by ‘‘Hop’ : a OH s THAT DON vA YAKE You out To =\ Was ws BYE. one cae Sou Hit"eM Must BE Al i} THE BALL Game », | BALL-HE KEEPS ON \aedapavnntscs To DAY AND SEE IF “1 SU KNOCKING FOULS NOU REMEMBER BALL HE DONT HIT SAFE! Ou THAT IVE TAUGHT, GAME. - : You You! TO-DAY ; thhyementes BANG ~ i Look WHAT I FOUND IN } = ce " - : | - y SS : BAe - ZA MY HANDs ! A= JULY FIRST SPORTS|",°°9:00002 8,000 pe eee eae. Mac and Rover battling ie the és A big beautiful 88 key e ews” lassi 1e Ss electric player piano, worth id $1,200 given away to the (Continued from Page 1.) right of way in closest neek and neck struggle. It was admittedly Rs Oc os es the performance of the Laura F.ja splendid event, rendered recalculation necessary The Races. wield itadinitaincrinnsiacasiitiatnisiltilian lly i tee the 8 te ascertain if her rating :n the In the afternoon the erowds oon > a e ven | race had been correctiy estimat-|thronged Second avenue, where ~~ Sone a moana mp | fed. Tremendously exciting work the flat races were held. Here, e n or or C. i0n== eatre bu ng. ; was done at the distant mark]ot the musie of the Indian band, ‘ - : boats, out of view of the shore|some pretty lively athletic work —~THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" HERE— spectators, the crowding round] was done, as the results and times me | i: A Fast Disappearing ; show. The ten mile race deserves special, mention. fis winner,|—_* a Opportunity FOR SALE RACES TO THE SWIFT young Ralph Rogers, proved him- ; , \ ; still on exhibition in the stores, fo get in on the ground floor at FORT ia eabennee self.a splendid little stayer and . ei Wanted GEORGE 1 w ’ which were closed for the day. i . bi P ‘4 inners in the Speed Com-. 3} deserves the greatest compliment] ppe Mayor. | vyeins hi sae 4004) | ou Not iW i. ae fae inevitebly grow SECTION ONE. 5 petitions on the Fiat. , 1@ Mayor, however, in a little ‘oe S tree, oe ' Block 14, two lots on Second Ave possible for downright pluck and mn . e Because of its strategic location that , b : speech explained this and award-| wanrTrep—rirst class wood turner: prince | sssures her Of @ GREAT FUTURE as 0} Block 24, one lot on TRird Ave ‘ Bam backbone. He had heavy odds}/eq to the Caledonian Football part Gab a Becr Ce a Hstributing centre Block 30, two lots on Third Ave Five Mile—First, Nichol- $}against, him. He could not havel@jypy the Overseas ¢ eeant..|PORTER wanted at Savoy Hotel Because there is the contre of she fel ee vee a son; second, Astori Time won had Nicholson, last year's stub the verseas cup. Aecept- 140. ! | re toln vest! ens mains Sapeet in America——the © Pair of lots for $800; snap . “29:2 . mT ” - oe 4 ie : ' ing the cup for his team, M&N-|, 465 genorsl servant or young girl f Because great areas of TIMBER, 1,101 SECTION FIVE. ; ta. she 2@ ~ “ i nerd Tr i) ou P we Cause ee eas 0 ’ ‘ ’ > an : 0 ‘ champion, not been injured, but)ager Kelly made a capital ad-| tight housework, Mrs, A stewart, 346| = : [MILES OF” NAVIGABLE | WATERS, ‘EX-| Pair of lots on Borden street, 99 Two Mile—First, Chester voung and slight as he is he had ‘ ith avenue, 159-154 KRELLENT WATER POWERS, are tribu cash Moore: sco 8 dress, in which he emphasized . tary to Fort George SECTION SEVEN. oore; second, John Sher- an opportunity given him for grit) very aptly the sed for the GOOD sash and door man wanted, Apply B ~« oe re t| Bi 0. 1 man; third, Alfred Saunders and he showed Nichol a 1 need for the sup-|"Siice Rupert Planing Mills, corner]. Let us tell you. There should De Mo) pcg age mere are 800000 ganes oft Bin 60, Tet 38, YOPe ew Seem ar ee $g on he showed | it. MIOROIBOR, port of the general public toward 5th and Fraser Sts, 148-tf| diMculty about a matter of this kind if good agricultural lands, open for pr gain Time not recorded, too, comes in for huge eredit. A}, donee : ijattren—Sirst eines jourvevtnen’ printers | 7OU, ee Ge wroulie to exepcios. cnminar? me SECTION EIGHT. yrope " . ‘ . i class journeymen printer . 9 5 ‘ 4 railroad a br a - a proper recreation park, His 7 |care and common sense. You would not Because of all we railroad that are] pigek 4, lots 18-19, $1,300; @ ' Three Mile—First, Niehol- reat runner, as Rupert knows : and linotype operators, Minimum seale| , ce : Carss; second J. G. Watts; tackled the ten mile and actually OUR AMATEUR 4 ees + W Il! Wh Don't ueorte, m for ree hing either Prince Ru third, R. MeLean, A close managed, after the fifth round, M | eu. y Because Fort George bas & better . d race ’ t she : ; iscellaneous trateg location than Spokane and is the j » won by inches. One to take over a lap from his most { y T h W ? IGATEWAY to the Pacille coast of the er yard better than :6:114. dangerous opponent. The race VAUDEVILLE ~+ ou ry t e est ” | on r- ie 000.0 hank ca Oe ? ; 100 Yards Dash (Indians was Nicholson's had he been suf- FOR LEASE—Rooms now oceupied by |Ggricultural jand in Canada PHONE 317 —Firsi, 8 Oakle ,p ; . Wenderers Club. Apply at a We suggest the west, because the we t| Within a few years Fort George will be Pst, aan akiey. Piwe fering less pain, As if was he edibienifinian Jewelry Store. 142-tf spells Progress! tere are th ties of] Where Vancouver and Winnipeg | are t wot recorded, s , 8 velous . | A capable and experienced hous ee er| the future, where hamlets ex 1 a few]day. This is the time to Act. THE MAD | prepereerreeePeeOeeOPOPOOOPOOOr ooo 220 Yard Dest Fir howed his marvelous pluck atl) Exeellent Show Given Again by wants situation, cooking fos mene on years ago. Here are the vhs which po °- | with a prompt decision is the man whe — ' . ards ash irst endurance as well as his great the Boys at the Westholme| red. Apply Box 405, it3-if4 | S@88 both sea and rail transportation | wins, and you have everything to win if A, Carss; second, Weistflog. speed under extraordinarily ad- Theatre—All the Favorites in| ne mare me. monmed ot nae Bay nei bon oe S* wee whos surat. | 3 %. @ = 5 w. ps couse es ae Ti jot ; urther notice e Granby Consoll- : , ; ' ivanc , ime, :0:2 -5. Pee © gers Peane : large commercial distributing centres intand the prices wi dvance vid ; "Ket . io8 . verse conditions, Rogers reaped Delight in First Class Turns. | dated M., 8. & P Co 104-0 | the near “future! Here is Alberni, the fu P al Nt OKM ATION "PRs é oy THE Two Mile Walk—First, A. the vietory, and earned it, too, }ture Liverpool of Canada : ASKING 2 : 4 Azalli; second, Youngman. 3/but both men proved themselves The amateur vaudevillists| — F. Oleson came in first, but as game as the west can turi/achieved quite a triumoh last | For Rent A Seaport Town SOME GOOD BUYS IN PRINCE RUPERT) me disqualified for running, men out. evening at the Westholme Ope iis Biiseenaciinestitindianis-aiiniiebecle) DOUBLE CORNER: ‘Siock. 3° ‘seallen 7 Time, :18:40. The Entertainments. House, Their show, which was] piano for rent, Apply F. D. Keoley’s of nd Small Renowii Li ind two room hobse, block 39, section} 100 Yards Fat Men's Race Empress and Westholme The- a first class one in every way, g0- ~_ Store. . 140-08 5. $1,000.00, : pr : | —First, Oliver Besner; sec- atres were packed in the evening. ing ‘right through twice without | FO i B RENT. 4-room house, 640 8th ave. So situated at the head o° Alberni Cana! We rnea: tore sy te pa a ond, McArthur. Time, :0:44 Both provided splendid programs a hiteh and playing to a erowded pow Puss 00s. on the eee Sees a bi pode stent, ~ tot and house, block 95, section 6,| o , “ ™ : FOR ee hs re Hall; well heated renames G2 8 Buapees ONS eT wens $4,100.00; very good terms 2 a 2 As the official eoneert in aid of house, The unavoidable post. |" lighte: J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116. Le a 0 ey re Seere. ci Le iv mow 39, section 7, $685.00 ts fipe : . ce opens Se ou ate ie Cue wo lots 0 5, sectio 7 00.06 Cc ns eee A. the sports fund, the Empress ponement of their regular Friday ron RENT—Two suites first class house-|Gcean, after its land locked ‘ourse from] §500,00 nen > oe ae arss; secon Jes; . \ . . si . aa -. eeping rooms, also store, in new build-| Alberni, extending for ¢ distwunce of 26) One , on 7. section 7 75 Ww Ww th iain : ly " ibird, conceit was well patronized, Fol- night entertainmert last week} jing on oth avenue, opposite Skating| miles ite water is of great depth per- | Two The bi kK eens’ , $1 300 00 CHANGE - : iliseroft, Time :0:53 lowiie 18 the exeellent program | seems to have added zest rather} je All conveniences. Apply Tony|mitting of safe navigation to the largest) this is @ snap Christian. 5 essels p ‘ est coas « ol One lo ri 5 4 anf. yrovided, every item in which | ‘han otherwise to the patronage ere 14-00 ta three miles in width. Am Gromen| scat nears ee ay 100 Yards Business Men’ | ’ ; c ; . q oes ers mers ree rrr in i aes od . aa nee | ectian 7 9 Isihness Mens was worthy of the special men- of Prince Rupert's popular local os place possessed of such enviable fea — Sores, Died 16, section 6, $750.| 0 acres of first class Yakima fr te LN ae" . “ee - 5 23 | Two lots, oc 15, sectio . 600.69 _ s ” . Race—First, McNulty, Time, tion whieh iack of space alone vaudeville aggregation, From the For Sale | nothing cheaper on ge . land for Prince Rupert propert 20:47. forbids: : moment the curtain went up to M be | On ~*~ ae Pe eee. MEaE oe. | the valine of $6,000 P ‘ir » , : ust | 0 lot, i ,» Sect . 750.¢ | 1a ge oo gh se Mobley, 4. Overture......... Orehestra|!ts final dropping to the strains eee tunnete Surely ' on a 7" » 19088 + ae : : 7 oe GHORN hens and Pekin ducks | 7. » Ives. Time, :2:33 S. Bong...... es ..H. Pleteher | 0f the national anthem, close on for sale from my well known strain of One of the Best ! COLLART & REYNOLDS e =v. ‘ > ; : » ‘elock . » . these birds, L. F, Solly, Lakeview 3. Duet.Mamie and Florie Gray|!! 0" lock, turn followed tury) poviy Far 59.488 . Sole Agent | W th » ile ire He : “ : o Farm, Westholm B.C. 153-15 me Mile. First, Mobley; i. Gomg@.......% Mrs, Henderson) Pictures, songs, sketches, et¢.,| pun SALE—Two ‘oxtu tog ing oan Yes! Without a shadow of a doubt it aor 108 a ecurity pd nsure ! second, P. Miller. Time, 5. Duet..Davey and Clapperton|to the continual applause of an p= EN ae hy “Cammlnghan:| these” be Best:" Don't ‘be asleep to] ee oS He 5 , 7. : ‘ ’ ° n hese t one 9 h do “ « EE ap oo Rel F 6. Violin Solo...... G. Kearney | enthusiastic and good natured ‘. ~ Lid, vor ssington, B C.| too often, Remembe Aiborat Ms atl ¢ , . ne Mile Relay — First 9 ; .| ples “oe seek audience. Spe , present served by one great transcontl The Gresham Life Assurant ’ 7: Acrobatics....Happy Hoboes| Pleasure seeking audience. & pe- nental railway system, th e ave e . ar . ’ . system, e Canadian Pa elety, Limited ae Brotherhood team Beer... oa _A. Stowell|cial mention of any particular Pr ree Seley: pee ee he ond Of Founded sen (Carss, pani ) nee . ‘ ah asides f Prete i call 1 Canadian Northern wil! have completed UTGed aoe ee eat oar 9. Duet.Mr. and Mrs. Henderson| turn is unnecessary where all are CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. j its track into Alberni. | Then will come Following Cheap Funds exceed $51,000,000 Ss. » oe -v. : " , Y aa mits eo y The a we redging 0 Seymou Narrows, © - Ten Mile—First Ralph 10. Song......- Miss Ethel Gray|s” wey anes. yas moves PX tne” oxy Rocker | Mineral, Claim, fun necting the island with the ms intand — P s vake a policy for the ebild ? wart i J. E. Davey|tures were especially good and] pistriet, Where located: On west sic Mail and passengers from the Orient r e Rod Only - ’ ; th a \Omiy men tn at 42. Song......-. Mr. Henderson | caused the most favorable com- os ee entrance to Goose Bay, Observatory ane dees og A vig the Panne Come, ° Fire and accident insurance w 1¢ finish and pretty well all 13.8 ; ' » he e Dr Sion sais : © be opened next year, will be landed at . ene : To. vas ....W. Whitley; ment upon the enterprise of the TAKE NOTICE that I, W. T. Kergin, as} Alberni, and transported by rail to Var e Soge eompagres in, but sticking gamely tu a 14. B B popular management Despite \8ent for FP. S. Dakers, Free Miners’ Ger-| rover, saving from eight to twenty-four a xclusive y reat rac Ti » 4:97 . OXIME 1) ° sp lificate No. 33949B, intend 60 days from] ours to the present rout 2 & ce. ime, 227540, “Go » the ; he fact that the whole show was| date hereof to apply to the Mining Ke-| ALBENNI therefore is where Section 6. ; Shot P Fi d Save t it “” corder for a certificate of improvement , revere \s where Jou sueeee a nv ult—First, A. Me- : gone through twice, two of the|for the purpose of obtaining a Crown — t I Kats 29-30, Block 22, 94,880; 1-9) Geor e Leek 4 « inehee«-: . - 2 ols can be bou t for #156 . . , 1 os 38 woes 3 in hes; The Prizes. five performers found time to Se mee ¢ eatice thet action ‘oS. limits, Seay terms, 46 oa &". cash, bal. 6 and 12 months, 8 memene, S. ©: MeMordie, 35 Unfortunately it was @pos-|run over to the Empress Theatre | under Section 87 must be eommenced be-| Pe month. Section 7 318 | feet 3 inches. ; , ' 1 ai Sa oe ach, |e othe, iaeue Of such certificate of im-) | Test, it for yourself, Buy a lot today . 618 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert Other e l sible to award the prizes won by}and sing a couple of songs each. provements. and help tw develop the west Lots 15-16-17-18. Bloek 29, $500 ; ler events Lo be eon- the athletes in the day’s events|These were Messrs, Stowell and OAOe This 108 OF ME, 4048. cae eeinimallann eatee £_9 . ce oe nd ht tested Wednesday. at the concert, as had been in-}Whitley, and their popularity and] Pub. May 4, 1912. : o Th "goat a nga: ection tended, All the trophies were good nature was attested by the == —_ F ank A e » ’ : : Lots 18-19-20, Block 20, $400 —— ——————————— wile hearty applause tendered them PONY EXPRESS r ° Ellis v-aW, 20, $4 ’ ——— . —_ sip anaedin » ; each; 1-3 cash, bal, 6 ar 2 dae their appearance upon the|Metice of Change in Business. Real Estate Agent Lois 1-2 ui ch ‘46, ‘8900 7 i ) ‘ oe “ OCK » OF air, stage, fake notice that R. W. Rogers | Prince Rupert . . ’ B.C. {1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 r eT has purchased the business and ef ’ i. as 8: Lots 12-13, Block 18, $950 pair; : Power Boat Honore. plant of the Pony Express from { ; ae ear: ery eecee ee Although there was delay iD} sa njye| . Petar ah nd will COAL NOTICES -3 cash, bal, 6 and 12, You must call and see Ke me "lL A, sLerson ang eon. ’ did Be ot 32 tac \ ‘ die Uesedintin wien bie tei ans take a obtaining the oMfcial result of the oe ie ae hie” oh ’ : ww Block 3, $450; 1-3 cash, Delicious, Hefreshing ae ree twelve mile race for power boats,| .. . “md 7 = mal, 6 and 12, Ick CREAM _— for a cash—$2,500 worth of Pool and Billiard TUE cites likens 16 te aj -0m? mame from the 1st day Of] sxeeng Land District—District of Queen : i COREA! ables; $2, worth of Bowling Alleys; $1,500 worth of Hal duubt on the metter, the fo! July, 1942, All aeeounts prior to Charlotte Islands Samuel Harrison & Co an ” “Tr ’ 27 -) Fixtures and supplies. loan natietadtten t that date must be settled with Take notice that |, William Watson, of mp y KEELEY’S PHARMACY . Lease runs for 3 years and 3 months. oe ee to ba a oes owners! aid Peterson, lor, inter i 40 apply tor a Seuets Stee Evehase eng Oipenciel Aguas im the race to be e position re- ‘ , : ene O Or @ license to pros : 8. Apply on the premises at Second Avenue, between Sixth Bring ihe cup: First, Georse| Re W. ROGERS, | Pet, tor coal and petrcietun on and thier | Second Ave. __ Prince Repert| Cth Ot. and Ord Av i, e . : rst, i “ue oO , describec anc ) t s and Seventh Streets any time between 10 o’clock a, m. and aida’, Lan a » : senand. Gs -— porrenaisbinnmabengeees oast of Graham Island is on the west 8 p. m. ‘had, + Lau os f , Cap- ie re “Commencing at @ post planted 1 mile TENDERS FOR HOSPITAL tain Freeman's Narbethong. || | cast of the southeast corner of Coal Lease : . | No, 7168, thence south 80 chains, thence ADDITION Fastest time over course, Evelyn,|| THE WEATHER. || west 80 chains, thence north 86° chains, — ee L : pl eS 50 chains to the piace of eee , ee : rs eee p > a Sealed tenders marked fender for For twenty-four hours ending Hated thi "iar 1 aR re, 1018, fospttat Addition will be received by . P AT? ” unders od up to 6 pan. o 5, . 5 a.m, July 2nd: Barometer, | Pad dune 3, 1012 tay, the Stat day of duh. ietd, for (he | aaa » a4 6 t . — - - erection and completion o s Enna ~—IN THE— |? ? SOS; maximum temperature, at o r the See or Ly “ ot op edition to 7; minimum temperature 50. rince Rupert Southbound. All iabor to be paid fo unio ry a 6 7 “k ! ral ! Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley June summary aa temy : rh foll . and an eight hour day rat union revel Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Beoll : ! i : a i eliper. ObHOWI INE pa eugers Every tender must be ccompanied by Bulkley Valley Fort George District FARM ature 22; precipitation, 4.00} sailed for the south on the Pri; chedue peyante wo tn srder Ot “ine As Fine Harbor View 2 a : Q ; 7 ‘ ! ice “iAtion and accepted § by ‘ cha . IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS - h oe highest temperature, 68,| Rupert Mr. Cat i. Goodwin, | 2am ef Canada seeped ~~ ¢ chars rod aie neboe 5 : on the Sth; lowe , “ : oP amount of tender, which will be forfe res Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS a = z a west temperature,|Mrs. J, T. Thompson, M Torey, ed If the successful tenderer be fortelt- a : easy terms, |" : 16 308 Mr, Lowery, Mrs. Woltereck, Mr pegrects, to enter into & contract with the | aaa Woltereck, J. W. Meba MA viens and specificstt ms 2 \ ° ni Will Give Termes The Kjarine Trata Swe F aie ek are may be seen AST LA N Bs Jaring rata Swedish|Lawrence, F, W Andrews, Mpr,.| Primes fuser’ Bt Barker, architect PAID UP CAPIT A Y, | imited — y : rane enjoyable} erry, J. Norris, V. J. Tompkins salt i we at Ra any tender not. neces ‘ —e dance last night al ” of P ‘ s , on AL $1,500,000, 00 VANC VER, B.C ion + i i th kK f V.t My A. Karb vyhil Ha iu By order of the Board OU ° j Ha oul twenty-five couples|dolph Halton, Ella la My Manes WwW. M. WRIGHT ¢ R. Nade Co Lt sas . ; ae anaging ecreetar Prince upe Gen e were in attendance Halton at ry, vain 8 pert 11] ey »spital B. &,, June 26, 1098, Gt SECOND AVENUF