; indentation 4 et ta thm tama ct clit i i, THE DAILY NEws Published Deily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. NAVY SAVES US TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—650 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DAalLy, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year, inadvance. WERKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C, Telephone 98, BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New Yorx—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 28rd St., New York City SBaTTLE—Pug*t Sound News Co. LONDON, ENGLAND —The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar DalILy EDITION. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 al Warship Builder Tells of Great Danger of War at Early Date— Germany Held Off Merely by Strength of British Navy. Port Arthur, June 30, That Britain's strength is the only factor which prevents Great naval war between Germany and Great Britain was the statement made here recently by James N. Vick- ers, of the firm which makes nearly all of Britain’s dread- noughts and heavy ordnance, This was coupled with admission J, VICKERS SAYS THE DAILY NEWS. REPORT BY E. GETTING CONCERNS 18 VERY FAVORABLE—AN INCREASED OUTPUT MAY BE EXPECTED FROM MINES THIS VEAR. The following review and fore- of mining mineral operations and British has bven pre- of Vie- cast production in Columbia in 1942 pared by Mr. EB, Jacobs, toria: The outlook for British Columbia for the current year is more promising than has been the case at the correspond- ing period of any of several re- mining im JACOBS OF VICTORIA ON VARIOUS MINERAL dard, and several others, to in- of crease its productions silver and lead, “Then, the larger copper mines,—namely, Granby, British Columbia, Copper, and Brittania are expected = to make an en- larged output of copper, and will also add their queta of silver and gold, which with copper in the mines of the first and second of these, and in smal- is associated aD i ian callin that relations between the two]oont vears, as the following sum- ler degree in the last mentioned, eountries are undoubtedly}; ary will indicate ——— a DOMINION HOLIDAYS. strained, and no better than] oi vdpautieking operations for Made from fresh, pure, rich represented in British despatehes.| i), recovery of staner gold give cream—ice cream at Keeley’s In comparison with the incidence of holidays in Britain and mae arena hnoughts on the stocks promise of being larger on the Pharmacy. other rts of the E in, th ee for Great Britain now are nonel iy oie than for some years, for uid — e pa e Empire, ve arrangement of the statulory|to9 many. Mr. Vickers thought addit ‘on “uy Hi ’ tls POINTED AND POINTLESS. holidays of the Dominion could not well be bettered. In Greai|that war would never be while 7 oe ; ne to t he as * Pun shill : : : ¢ . . sion oO sassiar siric sAT I~ Britain the people’s holidays are, with one exception, relics of| England maintained her presen! diesbhans ae thet song ttt A green little boy in a green little ; wo ‘ paride strict, >t saints’ days and holy days, and their agcurrence is erratic, tak- poliey of two power strength.) oi ane those of the Quesnelle Way, seas i a js ‘ Mr. Vickers are , ‘ : eee - i ‘ee » » evoure ing no note of the weather or seasons. The great church feasts Mr. Viekers was here with (heli deautie Gold Mining Company \ green little apple « e British manufacturers. one day. in Quesnel division, Cariboo, both|~ of Easter and Whitsuntide are notable holidays in Great Britain, but sometimes they oecur at a time of the year quite unsuitable for outdoor holiday making. From Whitsuntide to Christmas there is but one holiday, namely the first Monday in every Augist, sometimes known as St. Lubbock’s Day, in memory of the scientist whose efforts created it. Canadian holidays, in comparison, are well arranged—Christmas, Victoria Day, Do- minion Day, Thanksgiving Day, are all well recognized and suitable holidays: There seems to be considerable misunder- standing and ambiguity in the public mind with reference to the observance of June 3rd, the King’s birthday, and employers of labor object with justice to the observance of three holidays so close together as May 24th, June 3rd and July ist, at the busiest time of the whole year. Victoria Day, originally estab- lished in memory of the greatest Queen who ever sat upon the throne of the Empire, the first Queen-Empress, has become an established part of the life of Canada. It is today associated with Empire Vay, with the imperial idea. By all means let its ob- servance be perpetuated and strengthened, so that round it may grow ail the associations so dear to the Briton, be he from the homeland or from over the seas. But the attempt to make a regular public holiday of the King’s birthday is a mistake, and will result in blurring the great memories bound up with Vic- toria Day, and but a half hearted observance of the King’s birth- day, which, in the natural course of events, will some other day yield place to the natal day eof another king. In Greai Sritain the observance of the King’s birthday means merely the closing of the law courts, the trooping of the colors and other purely GYMNAST Bandit Holds Up Mail Car While bandit national & Great road, his guns, mail pouch out of a pile of sev What was in the pouch was not known apparently, except to the And the green little grasses now tenderly wave the green little apple boy's green little grave. Medical Journal, which company has not hereto- fore been a producer of gold. “Lode gold mining has had the addition of the operations of the Motherlode Sheep Creek Mining Company, which commenced erushing early in May; beside which the Hedley Gold Mining “And so this is the end,” said the hero, as he bent over the form of the dying heroine, while MAIL THIEF Train Speeds — Mysteriously| Company may be expected to » oroheste 8 a Particular About One Mail considerably inerease its output the orchestra played soft, sad this year, its tonnage for the| USI. Bag, and One Only. a . “Thank heaven for that!” ex- first three months of the year claimed a pathetic voice from the Loneview, Tex., June 30-—A having shown an increase of ful-| ; a made his way into the ly 35 per cent,—16,974 tons this gallery.—London Tit-Bits, ‘anes nae . , _ |year, as compared with 12,559 mail car of a train of the ‘Inter- tons to April 4, 1944—and an Newed: “Did the grocer have Northern Rail- with the nerve to tell you these eggs were fresh?” Mrs. Newed: “Yes, dear. I understood him to say they were almost proportionate tmerease in net profit, the average of which, in 1941, was $5.34 per ton of ore milled. covered three clerks carefully selected one eral, kicked it out of the ear, then] “Silver and lead, also, will pro-| right froia the incubator.’ — Bos- alighted, while the train con- bably show an appreciably large ton Transcript. tinued at full speed. The holdup} inerease, for the Sullivan mine, oceurred near Port Bolivar.|in East Kootenay, promises to in Mrs, B—Take my advice, my dear: don’t become the wife of a genius. Myrtle considerable sate for the measure compen- loss of output of Bul, [ thought you had robber. A posse is in pursuit. lead caused by the closing of the ee Si, Eugene mine, while at Ains- always been ideally happy with The modern, high class place worth division, the Blue Bell and| your husband?” for billiards and pool. Seale’s,|some smaller mines also non- Mrs. B-—Yes, I—er—lI have. Third avenue. tf produetive in 1941, are on this| Life. year’s list of producers, and the — Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas nanan ll i : om : pe Prince Rupert’s leading hotel— | Slocan will have the Rambler- formal observances connected with the King’: position as the Gaver. Cariboo, Rio, Slocan Star, Stan-| Phone Green 391. Govt Wharf head of the army and navy, and the embodiment of the supreme power of the realm. It would be a thousand pities to disturb] 70 ee 2 al ooo A ne po aan eee the present most admirable arrangement of Canadian holidays— May 24th, the feast of our imperial associations, July ist, the natal feast of our national entity, and Thanksgiving Day, the very name of which signifies its own intent.—Canadian “Mining Journal. . Keep Out the Weeds A RUN AT HIS OWN DISTANCE Weeds unchecked will ruin the crop. le lal It isn’t sufficient to plough and sow well in THOUGH FORCED TO LEAVE THE TRACK IN THE FAMOUS FIF- Spring and Fall and leave the rest to nature. TEEN MILE WITH LONGBOAT, THE PLUCKY CHAMPION IS GAME FOR EVENT THAT WILLL ATTRACT WORLD NOTICE. There are weeds to fight. The man who feels his defeat) have raced Longboat, Wood, There are weeds in Business, too-—weeds of of Saturday night at the Isiand|Queal, St. Yves, Svanberg, Johan- competition and opposition—of public indif- Stadium is Alfred Shrubb, the en Se ae ference from without, and of lack of enterprise o o 2 ud oO - ‘aL: hd idol of all Englisi followers of|) noes, and they have won fame from within—weeds that unchecked seriously athletics. The little Englishman]}y meeting me—a world’s eham- retard business growth. did everything but cry when he|pion. Now I want them to give e e . ? ss broke down at the Stadium, yet at}me some consideration. I want Cultivation 13 the only effective weed-killer. that he was game enough to come|them to meet me at five miles, a " Keep cultivating and the weeds never get a oui and congratulate the vietor- distance I know | ean step at my chance to thrive. ious Indian and say to the crowd: | best speed, Just say for me that 7 ce “Longboat is the greatest living|1 will meet any man in the worid There is a combination plough and harrow, fifteen miler.” He followed that) at five miles and run him in two fertilizer and s ray, for eve busiiess—an up by letters to the newspapers} Weeks, here or any place on ihe effective weed-killer that will. keep out the congratulating the Unondaga continent, providing a suitable weeds. wonder. purse is hung up.” t a “[ had intended Saturday| Shrubb is right. He is entitled It is Advertising ees eee to ome — to consideration at five miles, A he said today. “I felt in such). gi : : ; : good shape and had shown such race with Sbrubb, Queel, Wood, It is not enough to plough and sow well with grand trials in my training and Longboat, Abbie Wood of Mon- advertisements in Spring and Fall and leave in my races al Springfield and treal, Smallwood, St. Yves, Al, the rest to human nature. Port Perry that [ felt that IT could Raines, Svanberg and other flyers | go out and just about win that|in would be a clinker, It would Human nature and the respect your customers race, At any rate, I expected to|be a battle of giants, and it would bear you are not proof against the Surumer lead that buneh such @ merry not be surprising if ‘Serubb’s weeds that can thrive on rest and apathy. dance for ten miles that my own marvelous world’s reeord = of 3 ee pores a — momee sould ane ago eight years ago, woe ipa ~e. busy in the hot weather—you ee e onee 3o . . i : ‘ as I was feeling like forcing the Shrubb ran it in 25:19 with must Keep Cu tivating. | pace my ankle gave out and I Wood, Queal and the Indian on T > : Dis ook oe was like a man with crutches,|his heels Saturday night. If they rue See a into activity by Sum- and instead of winning in a blaze all ran themselves out, as they d ve ng. an Summer attractions | of glory I had to quit the track. would have to do with Shrubb in ani plant for a crop of Summer profits, and “There is just one thing | want|the race, the record would get a the Advertising cultivation will keep out the and I think my record entitles me | severe shaking. At any rate, it weeds. to it, and that is a crack at these| would be a race that would draw fellows at my own distance, I/a record crowd, Ei Keep Cultivating npr i Keep Advertising ~soo~— resi, > ” KEEP OUT THE WEEDS ; Se Se SS = General Merchandise y is Largest Stock Agvice regarding your advertising problems is available through any secognived Conudian Se SS SS SSS cern AeOeys OF the Secreta! of the Canadian Press Association, Room 405 Lameden vronto, Enquiry involves no obligation on your part-—so write, if interested. Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. oO OOr— a Ed es lial a. eute senso W. Nicholson Latley MUNRO & LAILEY Architecis, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART * STEWART Accountants 19 2nd Ave. Phone No, 280 prince Rupert Pp, 0. Box 351 Auditors for City of Prince Rupert ALFRED CARSS, ©. V. BENNETT, B.A. of British Columbia of B.C., Ontario, Sae- and Manitoba Bars. katchewan a 5 CARSS & BENNETT Barristers, NOTARIES, Ere. Silversides Bros. sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties WE ORIGINATE. OTHERS imi- TATE 2nd Street Phone 166 Green Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue. WM. S. HALL, L.D.8., D. 0.8. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. i tal operations skilfully treated. san ott Socchatlcs administered for the painless ex- traction of teeth. Consultation free. Helgerson Block, Prinee Rupert. 11-12 enn shaiees pa. W.E.Williama,s.A., bt.0 WILLIAMS & MANSON Rarristers, Solicitors, etc Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.¢ P10, BOK & PRINCE RUPER! JOHN E. DAVEY | TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ, ARAM, LON, ENG JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate — Loans and Inrurance $19 8rd Avenue HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano BMBALMERS Funeral Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHAdGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Prince Rupert Lodge, L.0.0.F. Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. | A. DOUGLAS, N. G. | W. G. BARRIE, See. “Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. (SCAN DINANIAN Society) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. SONS OF NORWAY Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7 p. m,, at 349 3rd ave. All Nor- wegians are welcome. CARTAGE and LINDSAY'S “storace G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 6». SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. || Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work e. Workshop 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts Office: | Phone 174 NOW.... That we have more avenue, we are able large stock of beau’ curtaines geome of e wopeletery, rapery, our show windows at the e. cone Store. ves and Lam street side; ery and kitchen needs on the 2nd avenue. Entrance front. front PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. _ Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy. Clover and Grain Seeds. Mail Orders” Promptly Attended to +: Agents International Stock Food: ~-ALL KINDS OF FEED IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS H, R, Love, Prop., Prince Rupert Up-to-Date Equipment, Work and Prices Right. Engine Work and Genera! Repairing. Shop, Cow Bay Agente for imperial Gasoline Motors. Phone Biue 269 - P. 0. Box 967 Advertise in Phone 384 nieiinaiehiii slits | A percentage of your wages deposited in a Savings Account is so much of your | labor in storage for emer gencies or old age. | | What seems an inexhaust- ible supply of strength may not last as long as you | expect. Begin storing some | of it now, this week, in the Savings Department of | THE BANh OF ‘British North America © eam msn oe ena | Prince Rupert Branch, F. S. LONG, Manager. “Georgetown Lumber 1 Mouldings | | A largesstock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at shor! notice. | Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. | | i OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. | Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. ‘Sixth Ave.—Best Buy in City Lots 7 and 8, Block 22, Section 7, 6th avenue, $700 each; % cash, 6 and {2 months, or $650 each cash. +H. DOUGLAS 339 Third Ave. P. O. Box 606 (Opposite Post Office) Westholme Lamber Co. Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies Firet Avenue COAL New Wellington Ceal. Best on the Coast Phone 116 Rogers & Black For Kitsumkalum or Lakelse Fruit Lands write or call on the Phone 186 Terrace Land Co. LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. Skeena Land District—Distriet of Cour! rake notice that John M, Buchanan, 0! Atlin, B. €., O@eupation teameter, intends to apply for permission to purchase | following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted at | southeast corner of Lot 4456, Range ‘ Coast Distriet, thence 40 chains 1b iu along east line of Lot 4450, thence 40 chains more or less to northwest por! of Lot 597, thence south along west |!) of Lot 597 40 chains more or leas to eho" line, thenee west 40 chains more v! . to place of commencement and contain! 160 acres more or less J, M. BUCHANAN George M. Shirley, Ages! Dated May S0th, 1012 Puo, June 18, 1042, Skeena Land District—Distriet of var! Hange 6. fake notice that William Agnew of Mo! real, occupation capitalist, intends apply for permission to purchase the | lowing described lands Commencing at @ post planted west bank of the Hocsall River, abou! mile above Browns Falls, thence west * chains, thence north 20 chains, thence °4*) 20 chains, more or less to bank of Hotes” Kiver, thence southerly following ?! bank to point of commencement, to oon tain 49 aeres more or less WILLIAM AGNEW, on tv pine vel Locate The Daily News Augustus V'. Agnew, Agent Datel May 25th, 1012 ub. June 4, 1012,