WIFTEST UREST AFEST TWIN SOREW STEAMERS “PRINCE RUPERT”. AND “PRINCE GEORGE” For Vancouver, Victoria ana Seattle MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 9 am. Prince George Balle for Stewart on Thursdays at “PRINCE JOHN” Simpson, Naas, Granb Charlotie Islands : “PRINCE ALERT” regular satlings for Bkeena River Cannerics, and Prinee Rupert and Vancouver passenger service to Skeena Crossing from Prince Rupert Mondays and Saturdays at 11 a. Mm., making nnections fe 7” tan we Cheap Excursion Rates Over Grand Trunk Railway System netween Chicago and all points East, eo: ting scific coast, Let us prepare itinerary for ur trip EAST this summer une Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines. For ali information apply to A. E. MOMABTER, Jeneral Agent Centre Street 8am Je service to Port Weekly Bay and Queen all way points between with all roads from the COAL NOTIORS, District-Distriet of Queen Charlotte Islands feke notice thas 1,” William Watson, of City of Prince Rupert, B. 6., contrac intend to apply for @ license to pros Ct for coal and petroleum on and tinder following deseribed lands on the west cogs of Graham tstand “mrmencing at @ post planted two miles f the sowtheast corner of Coal Lease |; Skeena Land the tor eons No. 1172, thence south 80 chains, thence west chains, thence north #0 chains thence cast 80 chains to the place o | Commencement lated this 22nd da % ji ril, 1912, win WATSON, Put June 3, 101 Skeenha Land oeututes District of Queen Charlotte Islands. Take notice that J, William Watson, of City of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac ‘tend to apply for a license to pros pect Tor coal and petroleum on and under the lowing deseribed lands on the west coast of Graham Island ‘ithenecing at @ post planted one mile east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease No, 74 thence west 80 chains, thence jhorth 80 ehains, thence east 80 chains the south 80 chains to the place o commencement Dated this 29nd a % April, 1912. wil Aw WATSON, — ! June 3, 19412 B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX FAMOUS Le PRINCESS PACIFIC LINE SERVICE S.S. Princess Sophia —for-— VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE SATURDAY 9 A.M. J. @ MNAB, General Agent Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel the coast on by the Oriental Limited 3 SOLID TRAINS Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. 3.§ G. A. Sweet, Manager. from Vancouver or Seattle daily Sk s Lend Distriet-—District Charlotte Islands | hake notice that I, William Watsom of | the ty of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac- | tor tend to apply for @ license to pros- | pe for coal and petroleum on and under ul lowing deseribed lands on the west st of Graham Isiand fomencing at & post heast corner of Coal south 80 chains, thence west 80 ‘ thence north 80 chains, thence chains to the place of commence- of Queen planted on the Claim No. 7204, thence me D ited this 23rd i ot “ae 1912. WATSON Pub. June 3, 1042 Land District Charlotte lake notice that I, William Watson, of ity of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrag ntend to apply for a license to pros bect for coal and petroleum on and under lowing described lands on the west ‘ f Graham Island momencing at a post planted two miles ist of the southeast corner of Coal Lease 172, thence west 80 chains, thence chains, thence east 80 south 80 chains to the place lntrencement Dated this 22nd day of A WILLIA b. June 3, 1012 Sheena keena District of Queen Islands. th chains, of ril, 1942 WATSON District Charlotte Islands notice that I, William Watson, of ty of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac intend to apply for a license to pros ct for coal and petroleum on and under he following deserihed lands on the west oast of Graham [siand Comamencit § 4t @ post planted two miles }east Of the southeast corner of Coal Lease No. 7168, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains to the place of | commencement | Dated this 22nd ow. # ‘ot, 191. TSON June 3, sors Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands Land District of Queen rake the { il, | WA | Pub skeena Low round trip rates to all points in Canada and the United States. Call and let us tell you all about it Rogers’ Steamship Agency PHONE 116 Cor. Fraser and 5th RUPERT'S PALACE OF (COMFORT UNION S.S. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd The mew steel Passenger Steamers ew 6“ . 0X AND a ” Hotel mosun BESNER & BESNER, Proprietors The New Knox Hotel is runon the Buropean plan. First-class service hoe the Latest Madern improvements . BEDS We Ur FIRST AVENUE, Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver as follows: ‘Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 7 p.m. “Camosun ” Satardays at 10 a.m. Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively PRINCE RUPER! Cor, First Ave. Hotel Central 5 fisAss; European and American plan, steam heated, modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day Peter Black None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers Proprietor J H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 PHONR 301 P.O, BOK S4 PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS DELIVERY SBR VICE Baguage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. Fo: Kigs or Motor Ca: day or night Seventh Ave. and Fulton Littie’s NEWS Agency Periodicals :: Newspapers CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club L. A. Barbeau Cartage, Cos’ and Storage Neliable Messenger Service .Grand Hotel.. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 lst Ave. and 7th St. Phone 901 GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor: Magazines ;; The Most Modern Barber Shop) of Prince Rupert SECOND AVE. WASHINGTON BLK. THE IR OQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards SBCOND Ave 736 3rd Ave. Phone 68 | Twelve Tables PALAIS ™ “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in V Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - - Phone 8500, ancouver Vancouver, B.C. Canadian General Electric Company, Limited nd Contracting Machinery Electrical He soins of every description BOX 974 | Phom 145 Graham Kearney, Mgr. Savoy Hotel Choice Wines and Cigars | Dominion - Baths | Take notice that |, William Watson, of the City of Prince Rupert, B, C., contrac | tor, imtend to apply for @ license to pros- ect for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands on the west ast of Graham Island Commencing at @ post planted 1 mile east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease THE DAI'.'Y NEWS, BIG DEMOCRAT SAYS RECIPROCITY WOULD JUDGE PARKER STRONG FOR RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA | SE OF eFiT No. 7168, thenee north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains thence east 40 chains to the place ot cotmencemen\ | Dated this 22nd day of A ri, 1912. WILLI WATSON Pub. June 3, 1912 | Skeema Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands ake notice that I, William Watson, of) the ity of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac-| intend to apply for @ license to pros- t for coal and petroleum on and under t lowing described lands on tue west ist of Graham island | | mimencing at a post planted one mile }east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease Ne 7168, thence east 80 chains, thence) rh 8 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 8 chains to the place of! | fimencement Dated this 22nd day of April, 1912 j WILLIAM WATSON Pub, June J, 1912 | Skeena Land Distriet-—-District of Queen} Charlotte Islands Take notice that I, William Watson, of ithe City of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac ‘iecense tO pros- tor, intend to apply for a on and under| pect for coal and petroleun | the following described lands on ‘he west} ‘ pes t of Graham Island ymmencing at & post planted two miles) f the southeast corner of Coal Lease) ‘ ast N 7172, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains,| lthenee north 80 chains to the place of commencement Dated this 22nd - of April, 1912 | LLIAM WATSON, | Pub. June 3, 1e18. | }Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands. Take notice that 1, William Watson, of the City of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac- ‘ intend to apply for a license to pros pect for coal aad petroleum on and under ihe following deseribed lands on the west) vast of Graham Island ! Commencing at @ post planted two miles | east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease) N 7172, thence east 80 chains, thence) }north 80 chains, thence west 30 chains, | thenee south 80 chains to the place of jmenacement, | Dated this 22nd day of April, 1012 | WILLIAM WATSON. | Pub, June 3, 1912 | | TE as aa LAND LEASES. Skeena Land District pews of Coast, Range lake notice that |, Augustus W. Agnew, lof Prince Ruy Bb. C., ctvil our land acunge 45 agen for Porpeise Harbour L Company, Limited, of Victoria, B. C. ns | tend to apply for permission to lease owing described lands Commencing at a post planted on the most northerly point on Porpoise Harbour lof Lot 446, Range 6, Coast district, thence north to 4 point oe distant between Lot 446 and Watson Island, thence easterly | ud northerly following a line equa- Tot | dant between the bigh water mark of Lot | and the high water mark of rr be | j island to @ point on low water mark be- tween Lot 446 and Watson Island on rae | | Wainright, thence east to bi bh water | mark, thence westerly and sout rly fol- lowing high water mark to point of com- | | t mM PORPOISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, | LIMITED Per Augustee W. Agnew, Agent, | | Dated April Sth, 1912 April 8 1012. “4 District peer of Coast, | ee ‘ “« «tus W. Agnew, | Pub | nan | Take notice 4 ! j of Prince Ru B. one englise: | Sew ne as agen tot Pe rps Harbows | Sud) Cons ary, Limited, ica, B. Gy ime | a bo lease the sone wo rly for permise! } Mewins“t escribed lands: ; ene | Commencing @t &@ post planted te) bigh water mark of Lot aT Range & i | Coast district, at the mouth of Wol reek | estuary on lake Walnright, thence West to low water mark, thence northerly and) }easterly following the low water | /to & point due north of the portheast for- | inee cf Lot 446, Range 5, Const disirtes, | thonee south t© high water mark, scence westerly and southerly followtng eo water mark to point of commencement, POR HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, MITE Per Hat yi Agnew, Agent lated April yub, April 8, | skeena Land ‘ae plates of Coast, ange lake notice thas I ‘Augustus Ww.aA f Prinee Rw c., civil em oor, Une a8 agen tot Porpolse Harbour Land coupany, Limited, of Vietoria, B. G., tend to apply for permission to lease the wing deseribed lands: Communal ing at & post planted on the ust northerly point on Porpoise Harbour, Lot 446, Range 6, Coast district, thence north to low Water mark, thence wester! sad «southerly following low water mar lo @ point due west of the southwest wner Of Lot 446, Range 5, Coast district, | chee east t0 bigh water mark, theace following Sigh walter mark vortherly and ssterly to point of commencement, ka HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, Per setae W. Agnew, Agent Dated ‘pill e198. | Pub. ADF 8, Tost | TO BOTH COUNTRIES AND BELIEVES MISS CANADA MAY | - YET CHANGE HER MIND ON THE MATTER, ware, ware =) ae Headquarters for Camping and Batchi ( Judge Parker, former eandi- ‘Whether the mutual advan. rises i Batching Outfits date for preside: ind whe won|'age of our respective people SATURDAY SPECIAL \ out in his fight against Willian} S!all be appreciated by our neigh Full Dinner Sete 680 Up J. Bryan for the ch urmanship of ors across the border, the eon- be Bi sciousness with whieh we took the Baltimore convention, in his the right course should content keynote speech favors reciproeity,|us. In all probability, however, Prices Always Right We Deliver says it would red the cost of|tne sober seeond thought of the living in beth Canada and the! people of Canada will induce re. United States and believes that| consideration of their action last on sober second thought will in-|year. The temporary reduction — duce the Canadian people to re-|of the duty on cement by the consider their action of last} Ganadian opponents of reciproe- year, ity is significant of the results ie snoring at healt || KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY lo the action of the electorate of| pected. Cepada, of the effort to effeetu. “All honor to the Democratie THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 ite reciprocity with that ecountry| House which stood for the good is regrettable The agreement|of the nation as a whole and tee Pyne Sheet and Plate Glass proposed was in the interest of| prevented the repeal of the reei- Paints — HARDWARE oven eae the people of both countries, procity act, thus leaving the door Oils Tinware ‘Its immediate and laudable|open to Canada if her people Varnishes Graniteware purpose was to ssen the cost/shall later elect to accept our of living in each untry. | proposition,” MONARCH MALLEABLE The *‘ Stay Satisfactory } Range.”’ MORMONS GREAT “MENACE To CIVILIZATION” DECLARES A Stylish d Fash 1 REV. W. D. REID—TWENTY THOUSAND ARE IN SOUTH- tylish and Fashionable ERN ALBERTA EXTENDING THEIR INFLUENCE. x A NDB A Montreal, June 30 Every! pigs H G farm that is put up for sale in POLLING BACK EAST Southern Albert is bought by the] nnn } Mormons,” said Rev. W. D. Reid) Mew Brunswick Government Has| ye | | | | | in the course of an address to| 48 Supporters; Opposition Henry Birks & Sons the committee of ministers who Has Two. | ie required by every lady who wishes to ~Limitea— nmnave been appointed by the Min- ‘3 appeear to the best advantage on the Mail Order House éte i siietasion o a “ Bathurst, N.B.. June 30 Pol. street. .A study of the styles in our iL- Jewellery ister.al Associal f Montreal) © Gloucester county pec | 3§% WUSTRATED CATALOGUE wilt convince to examine the Mormon question,;''"8 1m Gloucester county re-| our OUT-OF-TOWN customers of the ae Mr. Reid has just returned from| sulted in the return of the four i= wisdom of buying their Handbags through Alberta, where be was superin.| #overnment members by 600 of! our MAIL ORDER SERVICE. We not only ancouv ‘ab tendent of missions for the Pres.| @ Majority, with seven places to x give you fashion in these bags but we v r+ BC byterian Church, to take the pul-| hear from. This will give the Fd oe on eon ee Sees eee pit of the Stanley Street Church| sovernment — forty-six ae iMustrates many other lines in leather here. in the next legislature, and the cods, such as Jewel Cases, Writing Port- Mr. Reid said he knew the| OPPosition two, R serten, Cipete Cate, Voarerne ows ae ad ; ee ciihiatelet aE 3% Cases, Pursees and Card Cases. A post lormons at close range and they card will bring this catalogue to your ad- were a greai menace to the civili-| RUPERT HAS FIVE 5% areces. write for it at once. pa zation of the present time There | ive, 20,000 Mormons in South! Automobile Population of Brit- Alberta. The little town of Ray-| ish Columbia nond alone sent out thirty mis-| am ‘ sia —$____—_—_—_———_ nee sionaries to Great Britain and the} Vancouver, June 30—There Mormons claim that they havejare 3580 automobiles in British LAND PURCHASE, NOTICES LAND PURCHASE NOTICE 800 missionaries at work in Great! Columbia, of these 1769 are itt} Skeens Land District—District of Coast} — Britain day Pheir converts | Vancouver, and 1005 in Vietor- TAKE NOTICE that = Henry Lo Skeens Land hangs 3° of Const, ire coming in through the port} ia, ° Massey, of Vancouver, 68.C., occupation Take notice that I, gore D. D. : | broker, intends to apply for permigsion Victoria B. C., occupation Le. oe if Montreal at the rate of 100 a ——— to purchase the following described lands: apply for permission to purcbase the week and something should be} You've been making speeches] , Commencing at a post planted on the roulowing described = : south bank of Skeena River, above Kayex Commencing at a done in the matter It was an-jal!l through the corn belt,” said] and about thre miles distant, thence south) nye chains in & northerly > Ereonen ‘hom from : ao : 7 Os : 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence the north end of Hermon Lake. nounced at the meeting that this|the politieal manager do you] north 20 chains, thence following ‘the riv-| jorth 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, "2e n srtel n« ‘e anv re ” er bank in an easterly direction to point morning ninetv-three convert I tee any result? of commencement, containing 60 acres =. as Sf ccheaene had landed in the city. | Yes, answered the spell-| more or less. HENRY LOUIS MABORY taining 320 acres more or less. —_—__—_— | binder; “my voice has become ngrace Massey, Agent SOREI DERBTAOT? BACB. 7 Delicious ice cream at Keeley’s.| quite husky.”—Chicago Tribune. re 15th in, a Dated April 20, 1943. ” ei = | Skeena tame Disirict—Distriet of Coast Pub. May 29, 1018 TAKE NOTICE “that I, Hector Franci Notice is hereby given that I, J. EB. QUEEN ENA’S HUMILITY MeRae, of Prince Rupert, broker, intend Stark, of Naas Harbor, occupation pros- to apply for permission ‘to Carchens the | pector, intend, sixty (60) from date, following described lands: to make the According to the custom Spain at this Queen Victoria Bna of Spain has once more ble aet of washing the feet of poor subjeets of Church takes oeeasion at this season to high rank the virtue of humility and ihe poo accordingly, season Hinpress Her performed the ber on t r box is throne, Majes'y | + hum hose enriehed | 606 3rd Ave, TRY US FOR Graniteware, Tinware, Crockery, Glass- Phone 379 chains mo 55 3ue7, lo chains, The | treal, |piy for permission to archers the eune folee. jie described lands; ’ Commencing at & post plantea at the | mutheast corner of Lot 004, ihence west ey we or 1e88 to east bow ot si f north thence orth 15.7 euuins to point of com- mhencement, of i less Dated April Pub. May 8th, 1912. TAKE Prince Rupert, chains. w point of cominencement, conisiring 80 of Lot 5127; thence north 20 chains more soutiwest corner o® Lot 3065, thence north chains more east by Lot sta, to place of acres more OF jess. HECTOR PRANCIS MacRAB. 2ist, 1912. Land Dis rice —asoiet ange NOTICE that M, J, McNeil, of »C., occupation ee fs more or the east boundary or leas to south by Lot thence west 7 Chains more less thence south 55 7 Chains more or less mt, containing 40 thence east occupation spinster, intends thence south 15.7 chains to or ta by Lot Sa thence east 40 chains, containing 60 a "es more or MADOR KOMs valiyy Apr April Poe tae, or dd Lakelse May 15, 101 chains west, thence 60 of commonsemnent, = catain acres; more or Dated Lakelse valley. Dated Lakelse Lake, Hlasgow, o¢e wo et for chase the fo, Commencing at @ north and southeas ns, wes: or less to east by Lot 20 chains to east 30 chatns more comumencement, less. rae gene Bis, — to uty Com- and ores at Prince Commencing at 4 post planted 5 chains; missioner of east of the south east corner of Lot} Kupert, B. C., for perm te purchase 1723, thence east 20 chains, theace south | the foltowing described land, situated at 40 chains, thence west 20 chains more or| the Alice Arm, B. C.; less to the easterly pomeeaey of Lot 2702, Commencing at a post ted mies thence north along the eagterly boundary the northeast corner post of the River- of Lot 2702, 40 chains more or less mouth mineral one thence south along point of commencement, containing a0 the east et / A the Rivermouth min- acres more or less. eral claim 2,272 links, thence east 358 plus links to west boundary of Indian Ke- oerve, thence north said boundary hue, x 272 plus links mee west 141 ire! plus ‘inks to point of commencement, contain- Sskena Land ane — Set of Coast ing about five (5) a 3 oe OF Jess. TAKE NOTICE that M. J. McNeil, of J. Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation contrac: pair piice, arm » & C., May 11th, 1992. tor, intends to app! for rmission to u ay 2. purchase the ar = — ee a Commencing @ Pe a g, camer of bgmpator 2b tues outs | “MRR et a Rat oe 40 chains, east 0 ‘chains, thence | Vancouver, occupation married north 40 chaluay nee” west 20 chains, | intends to. for permission t pur- to point of Conmnaaeeenant, containing 8 36 chase the f ing lands: acres more or le-s, - Commenc! ata 40 chains MICHARL, J. McNBIL, | north and 40° chaing’cast fromm the. norte john Kirkaldy, Agent./ cast corner of Lot 1116, Severs . Dated Aprti 26th, 10142 Coast District, Vv, thence Pub. Mry 7th, 1912. east, thence 00 chains north, thence Skene of Coast to or less. vs M’TAVISH. tor, intends to apply ft . x purchase the following desc: described lands Dated Ape 5° b Commencing at & ty Pr thenee at the . Pub, April 2 ~ ‘ g. cqunes of premption 40 , thence east caomce north 40 chains, Senee. Sweat 80" skeena Land District—Diswiet of Coast, Kange 5. acres more or Take notice that I, - MICHARL i. e.. treal, vecupation iat fend < John ‘kaldy, A for permission to f Dated April 26 ‘via described lands: Pub, May 7th, 1912 Remmensng | 0 a ‘ 4 4.3 see fet chains west of sou Lot Skeena Land District Digsie of Coast 5148, uence west th oF as TAKE NOTICE that Dora L. Wrighi o eas y Lo » thence sou = Prince jiupers, married woman, intend chains more or less to southeast corner of appiy fer per on to pur Lot 4131, thence east 10 chains to norte. follows ‘described lands: east corner of Lot 2658, thence south 30 Commencing at the worth east corner nee east 35 chains more or less of Lot ATT nce east #0 chains; thence chet tebe. aa thence =e < south 20 more or less to the nor c commencement, ° th boundary of Lot 2285, thence west 20| ining 160 acres more or ee. less. rama ee 1912. or less to the of commeucement, and containing 40 "Sere more or less. Pub, May 15, 1012 D L. WRIGHT, Alfred BE. Wright, Agent.) —— see 2and, 1042. Skeena Land District—-Disiriet of Coast, ub. 2 ss. wae Land District—District o: Coast, Take notice that Alfred &. Wright, of henge 6. Prince Rupert, occupation surveyor, in- Take notice that Ethel King, of Montreal, tends to ty for ee pur- occupation spinetes nannee to apply fo for ‘ollow: scribed : permission to the follo Commencing @t & post wr at the seri lands; northeast corner of Lot 421, thence east Commencing at @ post planted at the 25 © or ETHEL KING, Pub, May 15, 1012. RK. Fle arn, Agent, pojet j.abene vations apr? th, 1012. u OO Skeena Land Digertes— mpiaeoinn of Coast, Goeene Lint Cate pisisics of Const, a 4 Take potice that Madge Ean. of Mon- cope, ane = MeVienr, of Ewing about 3 + corner of Lot thence borth ut ee NS i all i eimeittinee sy