THE DAILY NEWS. WIFTES1 URES T AFEST TWIN SOREW STEAMERS For Vancouver, Victoria and seattic MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © om. Prince George Sails for Btowart on Thursdays at “PRINCE JOHN” weekly service to Port Simpsa@n, Naas, Granny Charlotte Islands F “PRINCE ALBERT” sailings for Skeena River Canneries, ion Rat Cheap Excurs ae Double Track Route) erween Chicago and all points Rast, connect Hee coast. L@t US Prepare itinerary for yoer tha bee agency for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines. roads “upRINCE RUPERT”, AND “PRINCE GEORGE” Bay and Queen ular and hes Prince Rupert and Voncoaver” Way points between passenger service to Skeena Crossing from Prince Rupert Mondays, W and Saturdays @t 14 4 m., making connections for Hagslt lednesdays on Over Grand Trunk Railway System from trip EAST this summer For all information « pply to A. E. MoMABTER, Jeneral Agent, Centre Street the eE gc. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE ae PACIFIC AND s, 5. PRINCESS MARY —for— VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE EVERY SUNDAY 9 P.M. 1. @. WNAB, General Agent Owned and Excellently coast 3-—- SOLID TRAINS ——--3 from Vancouver | or Seattle daily operated Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. furnished, steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. PRINCE RUPERT INN ANNEX by The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. G. A. Sweet, Manager. with the Low round trip rates to all points in Canada and the United States. Call and let us tell you all about it Rogers’ Steamship Agency PHONE 116 WOW $.5. COMPANY OF B.C. Ltd The new steel Paasengcr Steamers “Chelohsin ” ~ AND— Cor. Fraser and 5th. RUPERT'S PALACE OF ew X & ” Hotel BESNER & BESNER, PrRoprieTors The New Knox Hotel is run on the European First-class service. All the ies Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver as follows: ‘Chelohsin”” - Wedmesdays at 7 p.m. “Camosun” ~ Saturdays at 10 a.m. Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively plan Improvements None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers Peter Black 1H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 PHONE 301 PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE P.O, BOK BO4 Hotel Central S25 European and American plan, steam Savoy Hotel Choice Wines and Cigars COMFORT EDS me UF FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER’ First Ave. Tth Street heated, modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 to $2.80 per day Proprietor .Grand Hotel.. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Baggage. Storage and Forwardi ts. For ple Rigs or Motor Caa Ges [7 Phone 178 ist Ave. and 7th St. Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 30! GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor’ Little's NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :; Newspapers CIGARS TOBACCOS :: FRUITS | énd Ave, Below Kaien island Club oo oono ave. L. A. Barbeau Cartage, Coal and Storage ellable Messenger Service Eng 736 3rd Ave. | Twelve Tables Phone 58 “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager Newest and Most Up to-date The Finest, Mode Excellent Cafe. 1142 Pender Street West Phone 8500, rate Prices Hotel ii Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C. Dominion - Baths F The Most Modern Barber Shop| of Prince Rupert WASHINGTON BLK. | ‘ | THE IROQUOIS |cam POOL lish and American Billiards SECOND AVE. 7 TTT rer otors, Contracting Machinery eters, aie cates of every description 11! Phos 245 Graham Kearney, Mer. General Electric Company, Limited wa 974 ——— COAL NOTICES, Skeena Land District-—Distriet of Queen Charlotte Islands th Fake notice thas 1, William Watson, of he City of Prince Rupert, B. 6., contrac OF. Intend to apply for a license to pros pect for coal ane petroleum on and under he following deseribed lands on the west coast of Graham Island Commencing at @ post planted two miles east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease No. 7172, thence south 80 chains, thence West 80 chains, thence north 80 chains thence cast 80 chains to, the place of commencement Dated this gond oy. of April, 1012. 1008 "LLIAM WATSON, Pub | District-—-District of Queen Charlotte Islands. Take notice that I, William Watson, of ' June 3, Skeena Land the City of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac- tor, Intend to apply for @ license to pros- pect for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands on the west coast of Graham Island; Commencing at @ post planted one mile east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease No. 7172, thence west 80 chains, thence horth 80 chains, thence east 80 chains thence south 80 chains to the place o ommencement Dated this 22nd day of April, 1912. WILLIAM WATSON, Pub. June 3, 1042 | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen } Charlotte Islands. Take notice that I, William Watson, of f= City of Prinee Rupert, B. C., contrac- | intend to apply for @ license to pros- pect for coal and petroleum on and under the following deseribed lands on the west coast Graham Island: Commencing at @ post planted on the southeast corner of Coal Claim No, 7204, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 ehain thence north 80 chains, thence east 50 chains to the piace of commence- ment April, 1912. Dated this 23rd day of WILLIAM WATSON. Pub. June 3, 1012 District--Distriet Charlotte Islands. lake notice that I, William Watson, of the City of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac. tor, intend to apply for @ license to pros- pect for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands on the west coast of Graham Isiand | Commencing at & post planted two miles east the southeast corner of Coal Lease N 7172, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to the place of commencement Dated this 22nd day of April, 1912. WILI 1AM. WATSUN Skeena Land of Queen ib. June 3, 1012. District—-District Charlotte Islands, Take notice that I, WilKam Watson, of the City of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac- tor, intend to spply for @ license to pros- pect for coal and petroleum on and under ihe following described lands on the west | coast of Graham Island Commencing at 4 post planted two miles | east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease Sheeba Land of Queen 7168, east 80 chains, thence thence west 80 chains. chains to the place ot ril, 1012. WATBON. | thence south 80 chains, thence north commencement Dated this 22nd da Wi 1012. Land District-—District of Queen Charlotte Islands. Take notice that |, William Watson, of the City of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac tor, intend to apply for @ license to pros pect for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands on the west oast of Oraham Isiand Commencing at post planted 1 mile east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease No. 7168, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains thence east 80 chains to the place of comme bcement, Dated this 22nd day of April, 1912. WILLIA WATSON 80 of LLIA Pub. June 3, Skeena Pub. June 3, 1912 Skeeaa Land District-—District of Queen Charlotte Islands fake notice that I, William Watson, of the City of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac tor, intend to apply for @ license to pros pect for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands on tue west coast of Graham Island Commencing at a post planted one mile east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease No, 7168, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to the place of commencement Dated this 22nd day of April, 1912 WILLIAM WATSON 1912 Pub. June 3, District— District of Queen Charigtte islands Take notice that I, William Watson, of the City of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac tor, intend to apply for @ license to pros pect for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands on ‘he west coast of Graham Island: Commencing at @ post planted two miles east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease No. 7172, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains t the place of commencement Dated this 22nd day of April, 1912. WILLIAM WATSON. Skeensa Land Pub. June 3, 1912 lSkeena Land District—District of Queen | Charlotte Islands. fake notice that I, William Watson, of the Clty of Prince Rupert, B, C., contrac- tor, intend to apply for a@ license to pros- pect for coal and petroleum on and under ihe following described lands on the west coast of Graham Island Commencing at @ post planted two miles east of the southeast corper of Coal Lease No. 7172, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to the place of commencement, Dated this 22nd day of Apel, 1912. WILLIA VATBON. Pub. June 3, 1012 Skeena Land District-——District of Coast, Range 5 Take notice that Caroline Johnson, of Vancouver, B, C,, occupation married woman, intends to apply for rmission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at 4 post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains east, thence ns north to southeast corner of Lot thence west 40 chains along Lot thence north 20 chains along Lot thence 40 chains west along Lot 5 to point of commencement, contain- 560 acres more or less. CAROLINE JOHNSON. W. J, Goodwin, Agent, Dated May 20th, 1912, pub, June 18, 1012. gor ne COAL NOTICES, District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands. Take notice that I, William Watson, or ne te of Prince Rupert, B, C., contrac- lior, intend to apply for @ license to pros- pect for coal an petroleum on and under ihe following deseribed lands on the wes coast of Graham Island | Commencing at & post planted 1 mile ast of the southeast corner of Coal Lease No 7168, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 cna east 80 chains to the plave commencement . nis 22nd day of A ril, 1012, oo . Wit Liam, WATSON, 3, 10:2. Distriet—District of Charlotte Islands. rake notice that I, William Watson, of | the city of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac- } tor, intend to apply for a license to pros- lpect ror coal and petroleum on and under he following described lands on the west Pub, June Queen Land | thence Skeona | j coast of Graham tsiand: commencing a a post plented, one mile as » Si east corner of Goal Lease east of the south a I No. 7168, thence east 80 chains, south 80 chains, thence west 80 chales, thence north 80 chains to the piace oO comimenceaes at ted this 22nd day of April, 1012. ase Wintiam WATSON, 3, 1012. Pub, June Che Doetor to the Hut you must admit ssion does not make angels of sole iter your pro- fi mel The Sotieitor. doctors eertainty of us there. No, my dear sir; have the POULTRY RAISING Poultry raising works in splen- didly as a profitable hobby in Prince Rupert. Very little is res quired in the way of outlay, and the returns in proportion thereto are a good many times targer than in any other branch, The poultry houses need not be ex- pensive, just so long as they are of the serviceable kind-—the kind that give resulis. There is much waste every year that could be converted into poultry and eggs very easily at a handsome profit. Only about four pounds of grain are required to produce one pound of chicken, which is less than is required to produce one pound of beef, mutton or bhaeon, The labor required to suecess. fully manage a flock of poultry is proportionately small, The market demands are practically unlimited, and the price of dressed poultry and eggs is sulffi- ciently high at all of the year to make poultry keeping a paying business, even when prices times are at their lowes! From these facts we see that poultry ean be made very profitable with but very little in the way of initi- alive expenditure. Best Way to Start. To begin poultry raising start with a few settings of eggs the first season and hatch chickens from the ege@s, and then have your own stock the second sea- son, This way of starting is the cheapest. Whére a person wants to invest a little heavier a better start can be mad* by buying ten to twenty birds and hatching chickens from these the first year, This means, of course, a heavier expense, but then one would be a year ahead in getting returns already the first year. The Poultry House. The poultry house should located fairly close to the home and should be protected from the north winds. The idea is to have the poultry house well lighted, dry, well ventilated ar’ free from draught, and also fairly cheap. of the houses the straw loft poultry house, built 16 feet wide and any length desired. This house has a peak or gable be One best is roof. is seven feet high from sill to plate and has the south side made of one-third boards and the mainder one-half glass and one-half curtain, Such a house is not very expensive and answers the purpose very well for the raiser of chickens, Small Equipment. The equipment required to operate a poultry department on a dry farm need not be very large. All should be = as possible. ‘machinery the better appliances The poultry yard it will Drinking pans, feed hoppers, boxes and on should be as simple as possible. incubators. required = to num- less about a be, ao nest The appliances raise chickens are not very erous. Incubators and brooders, of eourse, become a where large numbers are hatched and raised, or where early hatched pullets are wanted for winter ege production, but where only a few chickens are raised the in- vestment would hardly be profit- able. The brooder usually superior to the old hen for rais- ing chickens, providing it is properly handled, Let Fowls Run. The ideal place to raise chiek- necessity Is ens is on the kind of ground where inseet life is fairly abun- dant. Chickens raised on free range with hens or with brooders will always be healthy, strong and vigorous, and they develop quicker than those raised on a limited range, Exercise “ds essential for lay- ing stock, Make them work for the whole grain, of which wheat is probably the _ best, Feed tjerushed oats in a feed hopper, always within access, Buttermilk is the best drink for them, Give grit and oyster shell, and also green food, Feed for Chicks. Little chiekens should be fed on stale bread pressed dry (after being soaked in milk) and mixed with hard boiled eggs. Add ehareoal and finely cut onion leaves to this. Give ehieck food five times a day and gradually change to whole wheat, so that at the age of six weeks they will get all wheat, Start them on dry mash made of equal parts of corn meal, tlour and ground oats serap, chareoal and eorn meal, and feed this a few times a day in low pans, After six weeks of age hopper feed both grain and dry mash in order to lessen the labor, Give buttermilk to drink and also feed grit, Provide shade of some kind, PROFITS | PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT. HOW TO START AND MAINTAIN THE GOOD PAYING HOBBY OF KEEPING CHICKENS—HATCHING, REARING AND FEED- ING POULTRY IN A PIANO CASE. The simplest colony house ean made by be placing two piano boxes back to back, first taking off the backs and the flat tops. Run up the steep sides so as to form a bip roof, then cover with roofing. Securely fasten the two boxes together and place them on 4x4 runners; put a door and runway in one end, and the house is ready for use. Raising Chicks. For raising chickens the eol. ony house should be fitted up with a detachable lamp vox and a hover which can be taken out just as soon as the chicks are old enough to roost A colony house can be made and a detachable brooder can be purchased at the same price. One can buy an out- door brooder complete, and the former can be used from the time the chieks are hatched until ready go te the regular house, Whereas the latter answers the purpose for the first six weeks. to poultry satisfactorily only Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas. Phone Green 391. Govt. Wharf. —— DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore subsisting between the undersigned as contractors and carriers, under the firm name of Beirnes & Mul vaney, in the town of Hazelton, county of Atlin, province of British Columbia, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All moneys due to the said partnership are to be - to George M, Beirnes at the office of the said partnership, and all part nership debts will be paid by the said George M. Beirnes, provided bills for same are presented on or before July 1, GEORGE M._ BEIKNES, LYSTER MULVANY. . dune 7, 1912 Hazelton, B. ¢ j29 WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice is hereby given that the Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Co., Litd., of Mon- treal, Canada, will apply for a license to take and use 100 cubic feet per second of water out of McKnight Creek, which flows in a northeasterly direction through Wm. Agnew application to purchase, and empties into Hocsall River about 1 mile above mouth of Browns Creek. The water will be diverted at MecKnight’s Lake and will be used for ywer purposes on the land described as m. Agnew application to purchase. This notice was posted on the ground on the 25th day of May, 1912. The ap- plication will be filed in the office of t Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. Objections may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1HE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELEC- TRic CO., LTD., a ne By A. . Agnew, Agent. Pub, June 3, 1912. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. Note is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Revised statutes of Canada and Amending Acts that the Ocean Palls Co., Limited, an tn- corporated =o incorporate under the laws of tue Province of British Co- ljumbia and havicge its head office in City of vancouver in the said Province, has filed with the Mioister of Public Works of the Dominion of Canada a plan of 4 certain wharf and other works proposed to be constructed by the company and a de- scription of the site chosen by the om- pany ,for the said wharf at Cousins Inlet, Coast District, Vancouver Isla.d, British columbia, and that the said company has also filed at the oMce of the Regisirar of Deeds at Victoria, British Columbia, boing the proper registry in that behalf, a av- plicate of the said plan and description ana will ly to the Governor General in ouncil for cepcora thereof. Dated this th day of May, A. D. 1912., at Vancouver, B. C. TUPPER & GRIFFIN, Solicitors for the Said Company. Pub. June 3, 1912. Lost Rocker Mineral Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located: On the west side of the entrance to Goose Bay, Observatory Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that I, W. T. Kergin, a6 Dakers, Free Miners’ . agent for F. 5. . Ufcate No. 33959B, intend 60 3 from date hereof to apply to the Mining Re- corder for a certificate of improvement for the purpose of obtaining a Crown grant of the above claim. And (urther take notice that action under Section 37 must be fore the issue of such certificate of im- provements. Dated this ist of May, 1912. oe . KERGIN, Pub. May 4, 1912. For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice is poreby Gitan t Lakelse De- ve mt Co., Lid, of 3 Haddon Bidg., Vancouver, will apply for a license to take and use 400 cubic feet r second of water out of Williams © , which flows in a westerly direction Southeast Lakelse Valley and ongess nto Lakelse Lake near North End. he water will be diverted at a point 3 miles above the bridge and will be used for irrigation and wer purposes on the k described 4s akelse Valley between Skeena River an Lakelse Lake. This notice was sted on the ground on the 6th day of May, 1912, The appli- eation will be filed in the oMice of the Water Kecorder at Prince Ri 1. Objections may be flied with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Building, Victoria, B, ©. LARBLSB VALLEY DEVELOPMENT co., . By W. R. Flewin, Agent. Pub, May 18, 1912, WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. N..OTICE is hereby given that James A. rue FERRO The World's Famous 2-Cycle Marine Engine ‘ We Are Representatives For This Locality Winner of 3 Gold Medals at Seattie Exposition rhe engine should be the deciding factor in purchasing boat, engine a motor the is not satisfactory simply has nothing whatever te enjoy. 5 days its Orders See Us Before Buying BAINTER and SLOAN Phone 387 Demonstrations Free No matter how high class the hull may be, if operation, the owner filled within A Stylish and Fashionable HANDBAG evicunsilliiaiadhaasssiiikaiiaaiiale is required by every lady who wishes to appeear to the best advantage on the street. A study of the styles in our iL- LUSTRATED CATALOGUE will convince our OUT-OF-TOWN customers of the wisdom of buying their Handbags through our MAIL ORDER SERVICE. We not only give you fashion in these bags but we guarantee you quality in both workman- ship and material. Our catalogue 2iso illustrates many other tines in ieather ocds, such as Jewel Cases, Writing Port- folios, Music Rolls, Travelling Bags, Suit Cases, Pursees and Card Cases. A post card will bring this catalogue to your ad- dreess. Write for it at once. Henry Birks & Sons Jewellery Mail Order House Geo. E. Trorey Vancouver B.C. ot KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Suppliee Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes MONARCH MALLEAB LAND PURCHASE NOTICES to of to of E. Skeena Land District—District TAKE Massey, broker, Commencin south bank of Skeena River, above Kayex and about thre miles distant, thence south 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence following the riv- er bank in an easterly =e, more or less, nera Dated 15th April, 1912. Pub. May 8th, 1912. following described lands: Commencing at a post planted 5 chains oo of the south 172% 40 chains, thence west 20 chains more or less to the easteriy boundary of Lot 2702, thence north along the eagterly bowndary point of acres more Dated April 21st, Pud. May 8th, 191 skena TAKE Prince Ruper?, tor, iuatends to appl purehase the folhow Commencing &t & post 40 chains, north 40 chains, to point of acres Dated April Pub. Mey 7 skena Land Diverias—-tuswrtss TAKE Prince Ru tor, purchase the follow! Commencing at & Commenc! of Lot 5127, sou th chains more or less to of Lot 5127; thence north 20 | or less to the point of commencement, and containing 40 acres mere or less Dated ril 22nd, 1012. Pub. ape 24. Skecna Land Diswriee oare 5. Take notice that Ethe! King, of Montreal, occupation spinster permission to purchase the following de- scribed lands southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence north 55 chains more or less to south DB; 3007, to east chains, thence east 7 chains more or less to place of commencement, containing 40 acres more or less. HARDWARE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors The ‘‘ Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ LANE PURCHASE NOTICE of Coast a 5. NOTICE that 1 of ees b. ; intends to apply for rm! sion purchase the folicwing deserbea lands: at a post planied on the Henry Louis .C., occupaticu the to point commencement, containing 0 acres HENRY LOUIS MASSEY, I ce Massey, Agent apply for permission ‘to purchase the b Oo east coroer of Lot thence east 20 chains, theace south) the 2702, 40 chains more or less to commencement, containing 80 r tess. HECTOR FRANCIS MacRAB. fois. Lot eral sald land District—District of Coast Range 6 NUTICE that M, B.C., oc for corner of prempton thence eas: thence 767, 20 \e west 20 t, oC 8. MICHAEL J. MecNBIL, John ,» Agent. s6m, 1912 th, 1912. chains, 36 more or le of Coast NOTICE that M. J. McNeil, of rt, ».C., occupation contrac- to app on inten for to lands: corner of Fate Poa Tet tance Mouth at the north east corner) © uce east 20 chains; thence th 20 chains more or less to nor- boundary of Lot 2285, thence west 20 the east L. WRIGHT, Alfred E. Wright, Agent. District of Coast, intends to y for Commencing at a post planted at the Lot thence west 7 chains more of less by Lot 4135, thence south 65 ETHEL KING, north 80 thnee south 80 chains, chains to point of commencement, con- taining 320 acres more or less. missioner Rupert, B. C., f des “ribed ~ of nee Arm@, 2. C.: ommencing at a ihe orineart, Sohal adh of te, Riper, sou the east of the fam sae links, pius links to west boundary of serve, thence boundar f ‘inks ing about five (5) Dated Alice Arm. Pub. May 27, 1 enains west, t of commencement, Datec Pub. , thence east wont By Lot 6 taining 160 acres more or north end of chains, Skcena Land District—-District of Coast, Range &. oe SORE] DEMETROFF BACILE. Elliott, Dated April 20, 1912. Pub. May 23, 1912. pector, intend, six’ 60) from make cation tS the beputy Com- of Leeds a at Prince oo wi ral line, to polnt Dated Lakelse Valley” Pub, May 15, 1919. northeast corner 20 chains, thegce sou less to Lakelse 20 chains taining 35 acres more or w. Dated Lakelse ae. pub. May 15. 4 . north 2 ere Peat tt plus of commencement, less. LOTTIE Ww. occupation for permission southeast Lot 421 to place of Agent. Skeena Lanu Riptries—Bianeias of Coast TAKE NOTICE that 1, Hector Franci, Notice is hereby given that I, J. E. MeRae, of Prince Rupert, broker, ip Stark, of N occupation oer . to purchase land, ‘situated at Rivermouth min thence t E, 40 a. ane east eo oe bY i. . " nor , thence mane, skeena Land District—-District Coast, to point of coqemonetanpet, containing 8 on eat 6. * acres more or less. e notice Hilda » MICHAEL J, MecNEIL, treal, occupation Jobn Kirkaldy, Agent.|for permission to i “g,abpty Dated April 26, 1912 dese $ oe ae chains west Sr Nout t of fat sevens norice, unt? Sure 1. Weigay |S ceas By” LOT dibs tisnes "Sot TAKE NOTICE that Doras L. W sou ? Rupert, married woman. in Lot 4131, thence Wy aS following described a, east corver of Lot 2058. thence south, 30 i ra Skeena Land District—-District of Coast, Take notice that Alfred E, Wright, Prince Re surve be chase the * wing of Spar: described tands ; en april tbh, 1912. District of Coast, * pa 3. W. BR. Fle’ Agent. iS a bstene ho take and the Yee 7 u- Dated Lakelse Valley, April 20th, 1012. sand (2,000) inches of water out of| Pub. May 15, 1912 Skeena Land Di Browns Creek which flows in @ north-|Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, easterly digegction through Lot 124, and Range 5. Teke notice empties into Hocsall River, near Grassy vake notice that Madge Kohl, of Mon-| Glasgow, oce island. the water will be diverted 4t) reali, occupation spinster, intends to »- intend» to Browns Lake, and will be used for im-|piy for permission to purchase the follow- | chase f dustrial pu s on the land deseribed| ing described lands Commencing at @ as Lot (#1 ange 5, Coast District. commencing at @ post plantea at the/porth and about This notice was posted on the ground wvutheast corner of Lot 004, the est | southeast corner of Lot 2 on the Q@nd day of May, 1912, T -|40 chains more or teas to east 20 chains, Breeton will be fied in the oMee of the| .f Lot 4477, thence south 15.7 chains to/ or less to east by Lot 2 ater Recorder, at Princ Rupert, B. C.| north by Lot 4120, thence east 40 chains, 20 © wo Objections may be filed with the said|ihence gorth 15.7 chains to point of com-| east 30 chains Water Recorder or with the © trolier| mencement, containing 60 gecres more or) commencement, of Water Rights, Parliament Bulldings, | less. or less. Victoria, B, C Mapes ko JAMES A. YROWN, af a rns . Applicant. Dated Li Valley, 12. Pub, May 4th, 1042. Pub, May 15, 1012. 2. — Jom yaya, pase Laneie ir, Basie, Yyu2ay | eer rocccccce Fa % nn eee ee ae