uw (ab Gaye | to myself, = Baye ti The News le the paper to buy Gaye | THE DAILY NEW Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist rhe Hy, 6 Wi Ni MAILS Camosun., Thursday, p.m. 4 ...Priday toon Friday, 9 a.m. VOL. If, NO. 161 NEW HOTEL: HOT POLITICS: DISASTER KING AND QUEEN AT PITHEAD IN ENGLISH MINE DISASTER seventy-Five Dead Brought to the Surface Today After Dreadful Double Explosion---Harrowing Scenes Amongst the Bereaved ---Queen’s Sympathy With Widows---King Descended Adjoining Mine Shortly Before the Disaster to Daily News Coinsborough, England, July 10.—Following rapidly one after th» other two ter- rible explosions drove through the Cadeby Colliery yesterday, causing the death of nearly @ hundred miners. Many are missing, and it is feared the death roll will run up higher yet. Three gov- ernment mine inspectors were killed in the explosions, whicl. resulted from the igni- tion by a shot of an immense volume of gas and dust laden air in the workings. King George and Queen Mary were in the vicinity visiting the collieries when the disaster occurred, and the King had been down an adjoining mine very shortly before the acci- dent. Seventy-five bodies were brought to the surface today, and the King and Queen personally visited the scene, expressing sympathy directly with many of the be- reaved. The pithead scenes Prince Rupert, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JuLY 10, 1912. were harrowing in the ex- | treme, women fainting and giving way to wild hysterical outbursts of frantic grief. Her Majesty was visibly af- fected, | Earl Greys’ Scores. Foilowing are the scores made at the butts on Sunday last by the marksmen of Earl Grey's Own Rifles: 200 500 600 Yds. Yds. Yds. Total sergt Brown 32 43 33 ve Col, Sergt. Leek $1 28 30 ae Lieut. MeMordie 26 30 32 se Prvt. J. Smith 2 0 21 77 Prvt Molr 15 28 4 57 iPrvt Willisereft 23 12 10 45 DEL Stock holm = he Lawrence Compal rheatre ASQUITH FACES A CRISIS abor Members Threaten to Withdraw from House and Go on Stump. don, July &——The Asquith nt is facing a serious Crisis, the first serious he coalition lute that has place The Labor party ared so that)= «unless the ent e@andidate is with the Hanley bye-election hey will visit Hanley in during the whole cam ind thus withdraw forty. oles in the Commons I Vv next LAWRENCI who w Wednesday. appear at the West- declared on good authority that nt will persist in ils the governume intention to contest Hanley and thus a rupture is assured, It jmay be only temporary, but the j consequences must be perma- nent, rhe present challenge by the Labor party comes as a climax to a long series of incidents which have filled J. Ramsay Macdonaid and his colleagues with bitter. ness Seeing how narrow have been many of the recent govern- ment majorities in the House of Commons, the loss of the Labor yote on a motion of importance would imperil the existence of » cabinet , Minieipal sprinkler the dust trouble, of a +cholars wish illay magnificent for anothe Kumors of awful auto Memories aay who tripped over a dog near the auto is all right In the delicious coolness of ideal summer weather Prince ‘upert sends sympathy back east Merely Mabel says she's not going to make the mistake of he Vancouver lady who addressed the wife of the Chines¢ Consul in Pidgin talk and received a reply in pretty and pet Ct English PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO leaves the rose garden for Sixth street outing make many Anglican roveber island picni reach Seal Cove bul the accident SCOTSMEN HERE HONORED DEAD Funerai of Late Miss Mary Mac- donald Held Yesterday Under | Auspices of St. Andrew's So-| ciety to City’s New Cemetery.) | With the simple dignity f ai iid land funeral to the far away RRIBLE IS kirk yard in the glen, the re “oii of the late Miss Mary Macdonald | were rne yesterday to thei HEAT IN EAST resting place in Prince Rupert's ,new cemetery, still separated by considerable distance from the| Twenty-six Deaths Yesterday— iy's centre, Under the auspices! Heat Crazed Laborer Leaps 100 St. Andrew's Society of Prines Feet to Death from Moving Rupert the funeral was conduct- Train—No Relief Yet. fed, and.a beautifully situated lot Iwas secured for the grave. The Special to Daily News. funeral cortege started from E, L Montreal, July 140.—The hot Fisher's chapel on Second street,} wave continues throughout the where service was heid by Rey.| east and the terrifie heat in the} Mr. Andrews of the Presbyterian] big cities has e¢laimed many | Chureh At the end of the as vet/ more victims. Seven deaths oc- | unfinished plank roadway to the| curred in New York, nine in Chi- ;cemetery the casket was borne on} cago and two here, with several lthe men’s shoulders to the grave-| in othe, cities, making a total of i side, where further services were! the casualties due to heat for the j held Many friends of the de-| day of twenty-six. No signs of ceased altended, and pall bearers| relief yet. Near North Bay, while} I from amongst leading eitizens!a heat crazed Jaborer was being land members of St, Andrew's So-|taken to town, he jumped from ciety took the positions of de-|the train to the river 100 feet {ceased’s distant relatives at the graveside. Following were the pall bearers: Alderman George W. Kerr, P. Kerr, George. Scott, J. MeKeehnie, Robert Ross and M J. MeNeil, president of St \ndrew's Society, Pressure on Space. An interesting letter by Mr. Bassobert in defense of the honor of Italy is unavoidably held over, but will appear tomorrow, CONNAUGHT AT WINNIPEG Arriving with Princess Patricia! to Open Exhibition, Duke Re- ceives Address and Recalls Pre- vious Visit to the ‘Peg. (Special to Daily News. 10..-The accompanied Winnipeg, July Duke by! here} of Cannought, {Princess Patricia, arrived night to open the exhibition thousand people gathered! to weleome the} party. Replying to an ad dress of weleome, the Duke ferred to his previous visit twenty-two years ago, | last }} ft. the streets roval re-| | here} | Prince Rupert's leading hotel— | | Savoy. BASEBALL SCORES Coast. Angeles 4, Ver Oakland 4, Sacramento 2. Portland 0, San brane Los non 0, isco a National. Chicago 2, New York 5. Piltsburg 2, Philadelphia 0. Cincinnati 1, Brooklyn 0 St. Louis 3-8, Boston 0-7. American. Boston 2, St, Louis > hi es eveland 1-3 (6 Philadelphia 3, ¢ Washington 2-4, | New York 2, Detr SASKATCHEWAN ELECTION FEVER RUNS VERY HIGH Special to Daily News. Regina, July 10.—Charges and counter charges are marking the closing days of the bitterest campaigns in the history of Saskatchewan elections. Feeling is run- ning high and both sides are confidently claiming victory. Both parties are cailing upon their workers to arrest im- personators and _ heelers. Trouble is expected on poll- ing day and stormy scenes are expected at the polls. The “Province” newspaper here in an editorial actually calls upon the electors to arm themselves. below and was drowned, C,H. SAWLE IN THE CITY Editor of Omineca Herald Pays Visit to Prince Rupert and Has Good News of the Up River City of Mines and Agriculture. One of the visitors al present in Pringe Rupert is Charles’ H. Sawle, an old timer of the city’s newspaper life and a pioneer of newspaper work in Hazelton, as well as in Prince Rupert Mr. Sawle, who was formerdly ety editor and part proprietor of the Optimist (now The Daily News has established in Hazelton the Omineca Herald, a live newspape! for the great mining § district His accounts of mineral develop | } | N ENG PRINCE RUPERT TO HAVE NEW FIRST-CLASS HO Wire From J. H. Kugler Announces That G. W. Morrow and As- sociates Will Build Shortly a Substantial Modern Concrete Hotel on Site of Hart Block, Second Avenue and Sixth Stree.---Fireproof and Modern Throughout Site. Second avenue and Sixth street; site of present Hart Block, Structure. Reinforced concrete, with handsome fittings. Size. Fifty by a hundred feet area, four to six storeys high, Work Starts. Soon after present occu- pier vacates site, Promoters. G. W. Morrow and asso- erates, By wire today from J. H. Kugler Unele Jerry”) in Van- couver, Mr. Kugler Jr. was in- ;formed of the immediate inten- j tion of Mr. G. W. Morrow and his associates to ereet in Prince Ru- |pert a large and substantial per- jmanent hotel building on the site jof the present Hart Block, “The | Big Furniture Store.” on Second avenue and Sixth street. Concrete Building. The building will be reinforced ; concrete throughout, and its in. | terior fitting and equipment will ibe of the most expensive and }substantial. This will be in fact ‘the first permanent hotel build- | ing in Prince Rupert, fire proof and fully modern. It will be the Premier Hotel, the old pioneer [hotel of Prince Rupert taking a ) new of life and within | lease a stone's throw of its original site on the railway reserve, Four Storeys High. Occupying the whole of the ground space available the hotel will be from four to six storeys high. It will have a full of modern suites of apartments and will be furnished in keeping with modern requirements. The intention is that it shall rank with the first class hotels of Prince Rupert, both present and to be, and the promoters of the new en- terprise so soundly based on the success of the earlier one say it is their purpose “to maintain the excellent record of Prinee Ru- pert’s pioneer hotel.” series BRO. MOODY HAS GONE BACK HOME Pioneer of Rupert’s Early Days Takes His Very First Holiday ;),,, in Four Years—Wil! Visit His! Mother. After presiding over the ton- sorial requirements of Prince Rupert from the earliest days of the city’s establishment here, Brother Moody, the well known pioneer barber, has decided that holiday will do him It is his first holiday in four years, a good. and he is going back east to see his mother in the old home in Durand, Wisconsin. Afterward he will visit the eastern centres and will return to Prince Rupert in about six weeks or two months. Meantime his parlors in \. Gayziey. are charge of CHURCHILL KISSED THE BLARNEY STONE London, July 3.—Mr. Winston Churchill, first lord of the ad- miralty, paid a visit of inspection to the Haulbowline dock yard at Cork yesterday, motored after- ward to Blarney Castle and kissed the famous Blarney Stone, after ascending a tower 100 feet high to do this. He had to lean over the top of the tower head fore- nrost, while Sir James Long held him by the leg to prevent the hope of British demoeracy from falling. Mr. James Db. Witten, one of the best known traveling men on the coast, and the western repre- of B. Robertson & Co.'s Seotch whisky, is a guest alt the G,. T. P. Inn, HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE LIST Seven Prince Rupert Boys and Girls Whe Have Done Well in their Exam!nation With Total Marks Made by Each of Them sentative Number of eandidates, 12 ment in the Hazelton distriet al present are of the rosiest, and Number passed undoubtedly big big things wil! Minimum total, 550 be seen up there when the rail Those passed (in order hid. | way reaches the city, whieh will]. Jeffry, 764: William Rowell, be very soon now 645 Isaae Whit« 585: Phyllis | =") | MeCoskrie, 575 William Step | THE WEATHER. j{hen, 574; James Mitchell, 5666; ai i bs es i Arthur Manso: BO For twenty-four hours ending| iS a. m,, July 10th: Renemeatans | The modern, high class place 30,069; maximum temperature, | for billiards and pool, Beale's, | 2; minimum temperature, 50, | Third avenue, uf THE COMING SHOW | Advance Man for Dei 8S. Lawrence Stock Company Here. Mr. George W. Beattie, in ad- jvanee of the Del 8. Lawrence | Stock Company is here to smooth way and prepare for the com- jing of the noted organization he | represents, The two years in | Spokane, twu years in Seattle and ) one year in Sacramento and four- j}leen months in Vancouver is a sufficient guarantee of this com- pany'’s excellence. Every mem- ber is an artist, they bring their own scenic equipment and will present a sequence of plays of the very highest class, superbly mounted and with casts flawless every rolle. Every play pro- duced will be staged and dressed with the same careful attentiow to detail as would be shown in any of the larger cities. The theory that anything will do for Prince Rupert holds no lodgment with the management of the Lawrence Stock Company. As a company it is their first introduec- tion to this city and they intend to make good from the jump. WILL BECOME A NUN Only Child of Earl of Ashburnham Has Entered Convent. London, July 8.—The Earl of Ashburnham has announced that his only ehild, Lady Katherine, who was presented at court two years ago and is one of the fin- horsewomen in England, has entered the Sacred Heart convent al Roehampton to become a nun. She is heiress to great estates in Northampton, Sussex and Wales. east Festival of Music and Song. On Thursday night at 8:30 v'clock a festival of music and song will be given at the Salva- tion Army Citadel by Major and Mrs. Green, assisted by Miss Minnie Green, Captain and Mrs, Tutte, Cadet Layeock and other. Admission by tieket, 25 cenis. Doors open at 8, Tickets may be obtained at the citadel. Phone Black 269, ARRIVAL OF DR. CHANG KANG JEN Distinguished Visitor is Wel- comed by Canadian Ciub Presi- dent and Secretary and Is Be- ing Conducted Around City. Our distinguished visitor, the Chinese consul in Vancouver, the Hon. Dr. Chang Kang Jen, with his wife and two children, ar- rived this morning on the Prince George under most auspicious circumstances as regards weath- er, and a large gathering of citi- zens assembled on the wharf. The. consul was welcomed by the Hon. Judge Young aad Dr. W. T. Kergin on behalf of the Canadian Club. The consular party are registered at the G, T, P. Inn. Today will be spent in visiting points of interest in the city, in- cluding a visit to Seal Cove and the big cold storage plant, which, by the way, will be in actual operation in a day or two. This will be of especial interest as showing the progress being made in preparing for the big indus - tries in hand toward the upbuild- ing of our young city. ENGLAND'S DANGER H. G. Wells Declares That It Lies in the Legislature. “With our whole social order in danger, our Legislature is busy over the trivial little affairs of the Welsh Established Church, whose whole endowment not equai to the fortune of eny one of half a dozen Titanic passen- gers or a tithe of the probabie lwss of another strike among the Is miners. We have a Legislature almost antiquarian, compiling a museum of Gladstone legacies rather than goveruing our world today.’’——H. G. Wells, in the Lon- don Daily Mail, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4. a Y quarantine hospital, Prince Rupert sniff yaeht, PRINCE RUPERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR L. Bulloek-Webster explains street numbering system for the first time, Wedding is announced of Miss Mary A, Bolen to Supt, EB. Love of the municipal phone plant, Mrs. G, L, Proetor breaks her leg at the site of the new Hydro-Electric Co start constructing gas and power plant for city at onee, Funeral of tate John Yorke, longshoreman, is — reeerded, Maiden voyage of the municipal empty can carrier, or announces readiness to