THE DAILY NEws. THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States snd Mexico—Daty, 60c | per month, or $6.00 per year, in advance. Weerxiy, $2.00 per year. All| Other Countries —Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekiy, $2.50 per year, strictly | in advance. Contract rates | HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98, BRANCH OFFIGES AND AGENCIES New Yore—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., SBATTLE—Puget Sound Newer Co. Lonpon, ENGLAND —The C!ougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Butiding, Trafalgar New York City Supsonipers will grvatiy oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 DAILY Eprrion. THE CHINESE CONSUL AND HIS WIFE. sinninhtciinescam In inviting Dr. Chang Kang Jen, the Chinese Consul from| Vancouver, to address its members the Canadian Club of Prince | Rupert showed itself far-seeing. In accepting the invitation Dr.; Chang Kang Jen honored Prince Rupert and at the same time showed himself a man keenly alive to the outlook for the future. There can be no doubt that in his reports to his own country for purposes of commerce, present and to come, Dr. Chang Kang Jen will make particular mention of his visit to Prince Rupert. There is a treat in store for the members of the Canadian Club and their guests tomorrow in the Chinese Consul’s address. The presence with the Chinese Consul of his wife is a further com- pliment to Prince Rupert which will be gracefully acknowledged by the Daughters of the Empire on Thursday. In marking the rapid development of China the emancipation of China’s women is apparent so early in the history of the movement that it may even be at the very root of the new era of progress in the Orient. MMR a i ee ANSWERS, NOT QUESTIONS. Crowds care more for a man than for a document. There ‘is observable a strong tendency on the part of the people of the United States to find a leader and follow him, and a platform means less to them than the man who is on it. The trouble with a platform is that not only the politicians but the people forget forgotten. On the subject of platforms an American speaker forgotten. On the subject of piatforms and American speaker the other day made a remark that has a good deal of point. He said the people were tired of public questions; what they wanted was answers,—-Toronto Star. BETTER THAN AN ALIBI. is as a The Prime Minister of Great Britain denounced murderer for forcing the imprisoned suffragettes to take food. And if they had died because the Premier did not foree food upon them he would still be denounced as a murderer, Ii rs THE DAILY NEWS. A SALE THAT IS A SALE Not gotten up to beat our competitors but a GENUI NE Clear Cut Get Rid of Stock Sale the and that very shortly, landlord has the last extension. SO OUT WE GO. And not having any other place to move to that is large enough, rid of the stuff AT ANY OLD PRICE Indeed we will be thankful to get wholesale prices. We are compelled to move out, as us given we have got to get First hundred ladies attending the sale will receive a souvenir Free. |. Gordon Munro w. stichateon Lailey MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STEWART Accountants 309 2nd Ave, Phone No, 280 Prince Rupert P. O. Box 351 Auditors for City of Prinee Rupert ALFRED CARSS, C, V. BENNETT, B.A. of Britien tish Columbia rf BO. Seiren and At and Manitoba Bars. Al CARSS & BENNETT Barristers, Noraries, Etc. Offiee— Albert Block, Second Avenue. WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., 0.0.8. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental tions skilfully treated. Gas and local —— administered for the painless ex- traction of Consultation free. Offices Block, Stock, Prince Rupert. 1-12 Alex.M.Manson 6.a., W.E. Williama,8.A., L.1.0 WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ete Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.¢ PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate — Loans and Insurance 319 8rd Avenue Phone 384 HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funeral Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT STORE CLOSED. UNTIL 10 O’CLOCK FRIDAY MORNING HART’S F. HAYHURST, Sales Manager The Only Complete House Furnisher in Town. better to be accused of the murder of the living than of the dead. There is always a chance then of producing the murdered per- son as evidence for the defense.—Toronto Globe. THE NEW CHAIRMAN OF THE WILL GRAD RAILWAY'S GERMANY DOMINION RAILWAY BOARD ROPED IN FLIRT RUTHLESS WAY TRIES SHAM LEADING EVENTS IN THE CAREER OF MR. DRAYTON, LATE Shiens Lady Plays Sieuth in CITY SOLICITOR OF TORONTO, NOW SUCCESSOR TO Minneapolis and Adventurous es mom - i AIRSHIP RAID JUDGE MABEE ON THE RAILWAY COMMISSION. Swain Gets Most Severely Girt xteen jade idow ee Stung. —@. T. R. Employee Run Over Bw. L. Drayton, K. €., oes | is now; Club, Ontario Jockey Club, Rose- . by a Train and Killed—Loft selected as the successor to Mr.|dale Golf Club, Glen Major Fish- Minneapolis, Minn., July 9. Young Gride. Hamburg, July 8. The Zep-| justice Mabee, has had much ex- ing Club, Toronto Racquet Club.| Miss Marie Watson, a graduate —_— ; plin dirigible airship, Victoria|perience in the settlement of At age of 43 takes biggest non jof the 1912 class at Medill, Huntsville, Ont., July 9.—A irl), cise, started ai a quarter past|duestions arising between rail-| elective position in the Dominion, | daughter of a professor at Johns of sixteen years and a bride at .ix today on a ten hour over-sea] ¥@Ys and a great municipality. ——— j}Hopkins University, Baltimore, but a few months is left a widow os ith 42 passengers on board He is hard working and clear told in the municipal court a few by the death at midnight of Mas- res wits to arte flew direct headed, and there is confidence HUSBAND OF |days ago how Charles Bloom- som Ferguson, an employee of ; um ie or a ies ona the that the interests of the public| berg tried to flirt with heron the the G. T. R. Ferguson was g0- : a oo or © ’ will be served by his appointment. sireet and take her to a dance ing to werk yesterday morning| ‘°° . | ‘ om re ; a took a moving freight to the It is stated that the purpose Mr. Orayton’s Career. am it Watson, who is in tool house. Im alighting he fell of the trip is to demonstrate Born in Kingston, Ont., April Minneapolis studying socialogical , . truck by the|that an airship raid on England] 29, 1869, son of P. H. Drayton, —— conditions, was detailed by Emilie peteunry see oee olan { : ble| is possible as the vessel's speed h. €., official arbitrator for To Bride Who Was Chained to the! (iloreaux, a police woman, to moving cars, receiving terrible) '> ‘ as ® »s ae , P 45 serve as .. a oti The funeral takes|of 45 miles an hour and its fuel} ronto. ee ee ene erve as a decoy to the flirt, and place this afternoon carrying capacity gives a radius} Attended schools in England Sh re Geolares Trio owed} his conviction by the court fol- i : as wide as London from Ham-|and Canada, e@ Had a Treasure. lowed her testimony, mor ¢ as . , . Became law student in 1886 en ee BISHOP DEMANDS HELP burg and as far as Bristo! from . eo : : ee Emden. entering office of Lount & Marsh| Philadelphia, July 9-—Mrs. Ed- SECTION TWO BRIDGE is Wa akaks ‘ -sedliof Toronto win H, Clark Jr., the bride who hpineteste Protection Requi for The Victoria Louise passed)? . mae 6 holic 4 i ment over the island of Heligoland at Admitted to bar of Ontario in| was chained to her bridewroom|What the City Council is Doing in Uleter a quarter past nine. 1891. on the beginning of their honey- About It —_—_—_ Shortly before three o'clock Married Edith Mary Cawthra, moon, when she arrived home si ae Belfast, July 8—Thé Catholic this afternoon, the Vietoria Lou-|daughter of Joseph Cawthra, aitis The much needed improve- ’ ise was again sighted over Ham-| 1892, ments Section T ‘ ; t Belfast tode ; “Tt we lovel We had in ion Two, and the Lord Bishop of elast today) ure, where she landed at a quar} Became assistant city solicitor was 10s Taree yee bridge across Morse Creek telegraphed to the Lord Lieuten- | jo, past three after a flight last-| in 1893, leaving the city service|!? ride seventy miles on the train ge ¢ 8 Morse Creek, have ant of Ireland demanding mili-|ing nine houre. m 1900, before the train erew filed the vceupied nearly the entire ‘me tary protection for all Catholic nore Became partner of ©. J, Hol-|Chains. But T got a splendid In-|of the acting city engineer for inatitutions in Siletee dering the On His Way West. man. K. C. sight into my husband's char-|the past several days. In a hur- coming celebration of the battle Calgary, July 8.—Minister of _ Appointed Crown attorney for — a oh = ae eey ried report the plank roadways ae the Boyne Railways Hon, F. Cochrane left York County in 1904. _ Ade eS ewe ne eceery, and the preliminary Owing to the Home Rule mea-| here tonight via Crows Nest Pass Made a K. C, in i908. “s a 8 ae eee m trestles are estimated at $22,125 sure the Orangemen are to cele-| for Vaneouver and Prince Rupert. Went into private practice in a - “ 10 b as ajand $7,300 respectively, To com brate with even more than their! Sa 1909, ; _— , a ge ‘4 ‘ piele & permanent bridge wouid accutomed vigor. Quteesine fer the Daily News. Became corporation counse! of Any man who can be chained| cost many times that amount it Toronto on April 25, 1910. to a worman in the sight of hua 'was deeided to allow further time ies cena a . r . Appointed by Ontario govern-| dreds and never whimper is per-|for a decision and the engineer SP sess |inent member of Toronto Hydro-|feetly safe to be married to was notified to this effect, Electric Commission in 1911, . — ATTENTI ON Is a member of Toronto Club, Launch Alice B,, W. J, Thomas, Choicest liquors and cigars— Engineers’ Club, Toronto Hunt} Phone Green 391, Govt, Wharf.) Savoy. For Real Estate Investors These Values Are Below Market SECTION ONE. Lots 24-22, Block 35, double corner on lane. These excavated and on Third Avenue, $413,000; % cash, ance 1-2 years, 7%. Investigate this, SECTION TWO. lots are bal. Block 1, Lots 47.48. The best view lots in Prince Rupert #2,200; equity cash, balance G. T. P. PHONE 387 2ND AVENUE j - ia —IN THE— Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District IN TRACTS OF 160 ACKES AND UPWARDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on FARM LANDS FARM LANDS easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited PALD UP CAPITAL $1,500,000,00 VANCOUVER, B.C meee Prince Rupert nt Lodge, LO.OF. Meets in the ot Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A. DOUGLAS, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. ‘Valhalla’’ of S.H. & E.F. (SCAN DINANIAN Soctery) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. SONS OF NORWAY Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7 p. m., at 319 3rd ave. All Nor- wegians are welcome. LINDSA CARTAGE and STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Vrices OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 6. bb SMITH & MALLETT, THIRD AVE, Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 3rd Ave. Workshop Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts NO W cece That we have mere front on @nd avenue, we are able to d our large stock of beautiful ‘ueni- Lames on and i Siehen needs on the 2nd avenue. Entrance t. F. W. HART CORNER 6TH ST. AND 2ND AvE. PRINCE RUPERT | FEED CO. Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy, Clover and Grain Seeds. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to Agents luternational Stock Feed: —~ALL KINDS OF FRED— ENGINEERS AND MAOHINISTS H. RK, Love, Prop., Prince Rupert Up-to-Date Equipment. Work and Prices Right. Engine Work and General Repairing. Bhop, Cow Bay Agents for imperial Gasolina motores. Phone Bive ase P. 0. Bex 067 Advertise in The Daily News FORT GEORGE Fort George is situated midway betw: Prince Rupert and Rdmonton, being at the wnetion of the two great waterways FORT GEORGE will be the Hub of Br); ish Columbia, beeause the ratiways jay to follow the rivers for a natural FOR GRORGE will be distriy ing centre, like Calgary, Edmonton, wi; peg, because all the grain of the pray will come through there on ite way to o coast FORT GEORGE Will have miles and mi), of trackage facilities, also elevators, milis breweries, ete Fort George has a goo climate a good mixed farmi.g country FORT GRORGE distriet_ and Cariboo « trict are rich In mineral FORT GRORGE will be connects train with Edmonton by next spring Lots in Fort Georgee are and advancing in prices; take of this disappearing opportunty at onee at a great and selling fq advant and t COLLART & REYNOLDS Box 806 225 Oth Street Phone 391 Sixth Ave-—Best Best Bay in City Section » | ae , cash, « ude “te months, -' §68 cash 4. DOUGLAS 339 Third Ave. P. O. Box 606 (Opposite Post Office) Westhohme Lumber Co Lumber and Mouldings For Kiteumkaium or Lakeise Fruit Lands write or call on the Terrace Land Co. TERRACE, 8B. C. ALBERNI A GREAT SEAPORT IN THE MAKING! Only When Canada Stops Growing Will Investors Cease to Make Money on Land Boll Ni fai Do you think Canada is growing soon’? She has only to stop course not, started, And as Canada grows 50 ! new centres of population d:- velop. The place for the investo! make big profits is in some tow or city where evitable, Take Alberni for Instance Alberni is as certain to ber a large shipping centre as Vancouver, Situated on the coast of Vancouver Island eight to twenty-four nearer the east than couver——Alberni will shortly the largest boats of the Pacili docking at her waterfront. With the Canadian Pacific Ita: way already there, and the Cab adian Northern Railway rushité its tracks toward the cily as fas! as possible, Alberni will develop within (lh next year in a way that will su! prise you all, Your ehance to buy a lol Alberni is something whieh you cannot afford to overlook. We do not ask you to buy be cause of the few reasons we have given above, Bult we do want you to gel new booklet about Alberni. handsomely illustrated. and tell you about Alberni in @ Ww") that is convineing, Get it toda) Lots can now be bought [:'! #150 on easy terms, See us a! talk it over, Frank A. Ellis Real Estate Agent development Was west sor h is Van pul It will Prince Rupert . ° B.C.