Canadian Club The Hon. Dr. Chang Kang-Jen Consul of China WIFTEST UREST S AFEST TWIN SOREW STEAMERS “PRINCE RUPERT’) AND “PRINCE GEORGE” For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle will address the Oanadian Club MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © a.m. on Thursday, July 41th, at the Prince George Gaile for Stewart on Thursdays at 8 a. m. G. T. P. Inn. Subjeet: The Veekiy service to Port Simpson, Naas, Gran» ver Charlovie Isisnds ” -"*Y 884 Queen “PRINCE ALBERT” jar sailings for Skeena River Canneries, and Regu Prince Rupert and Vepsearee” Way points between passenger service to Skeena Crossing from Prince Rupert Mondays Wednes 5 and Saturdays at 11 4, ™., making connections for Haslie Cheap Excursion Rates Over Grand Trunk Railway System The Double Track Route) ween Chicago and all points East, connecting with all roads pecific coast, Let us prepare itinerary for your trip BAST this om" agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines. For ali information apply to A. E. MOMASTER, Jeneral Agent, Centre Street Awakening of China Trade Prospects,” Luncheon from 1 to 2 Tickets can be procured at the hotel on the day of luncheon DR, CLAYTON, BSeey, | ——————— rac consT sTEAMGn sevice] | ramous ling, sarery |] PRINCE RUPERT INN PRINCESS Coa SPEED | | ae LINE s. 5. PRINCESS MARY —for— VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE | FOR SALE EVERY SUNDAY 9 P. M. Owned and operated by the 4. @. M’NAB, General Agent jf Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on | Section Two the American and European plan Block 12, lots 66-67, 41.000 ile ‘ Excellently furnished, with B) owaeh % cash . meh | ach; ash. steam heat, electric light, and all | Block 19, lots 13-14. #850 pair; modern conveniences, being abso- £200 sh. lutely first-class in every respect. . 4 cash Section Six. The appointments and service ai . lot 34, $1,050 cash | Block 28, are equal to any hotel on the ecast. Section Seven. Lot in block 3 on Sixth ave.; snap : . for cash, : Section Eight. Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. | tock 1, lots 18-19, $1,359; third cash, Oriental Limited 3——— SOLID TRAINS ———3 daily from Vancouver or Seattle For Rent, Store on Second Ave., ‘Jeremiah H. Kugler, Led Savoy Hotel ——— Cor. Fraser and 6th. Choice Wines and Cigars RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT near 7th St. G. A. Sweet, Manager. Low round trip rates to all points in Canada and the United States. Call and let us tell you_all about it ; $ Rogers’ Steamship Agency PHONE 116 UNION S.S. COMPANY OF 8.6., Ltd The new steel Passenger Steamers “Chelohsin ” = Hotel “ ( 9”? nd S un |BESNER & BESNER, Proprietors Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver The New Koes Hotel ts co the European as follows: wtete BEDS 60c Ur mprovemen ts. ‘Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 7 p.m. FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER? | “Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 a.m. ‘ Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively New Knox WIEL EXCHANGE 20 acres of first class Yakima [frait jand for Prinee Rupert property to the value of $6,000 Insure With The Gresham Life Assurance So clety, Limited Founded 1848 Funds exceed $51,000,000 Take a policy for the children Hotel Central Sj iiss European and American pian, 5| None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116) team heated, modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 to $2.60 per day. ; : Peter Black Proprietor accident with good companies Fire and insurance “— .Grand Hotel... Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor: P.O. BOK 804 PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE Sagwage, Storage and Forwardi » & Rigs or Motor Ca: day aise - Seventh Ave. and Fulton George Leek 618 3rd Ave. j | | } } | Prince Rupert Phone 301 | Little’s NEWS Agency Dominion - Baths) FOR RENT Magazines :; Periodicals :: Newspapers | The Most Modern Barber Shop Premises on Second Ave, near| ee Rupert Sixth St., formerly occupied by} CIGARS :; TOBACCOS :: FRUITS | - sepa . Exchange Grill. Will rent whole} 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Cus) SECOND AVE. | - eee L.A. Barbeau § THE IROQUOIS Keliable Messenger Service POOL We Have the Following Cheap Properties For Sale Exclusively Section 6. Lots 20.30, Block 22, $1,850; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 months. Section 7. Lots 15-16-17-18, Block 20, $500 on . | English and American Billiards Twelve Tables Phone 68 736 3rd Ave. SECOND AvE. “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager sh: ‘ 2 The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. each; 1-3 cash, _~ 6 and 12. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. Section 8. Lots 18-19-20, Block 20, $400 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. each: i<9 cash, bal. 6 end 48. }Lots 1-2, Block 16, $900 pair; 1.3 eash, bal. 6 and 12. Lots 12-43, Block 18, $950 pair; ’ 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 | Phone 8500, Lot 32, Bloek 38, $450; 1.3 cash, bal. 6 and 142, ‘Samuel Harrison & Company Brokers and Financial Agente sabe \ Second Ave. Prince Rupert, Canadian General Electric Company, Limited Hlectrical Apparatus of every” description Graham Kearney, Mgr. | Hw 2 THE DAILY NEWS. IT TAKES AN ADVANCED STAND, AND IS CREATING NO LITTLE INTEREST IN POLITICAL CIROCLES—-RECENT BYE-ELEC- TIONS WERE WON WITH IT THE MAIN PLANK The Liberal par! London isfin land, while the Liberals advo contemplating a lew departure}ecate state ownership of land, and mn polities An ential see.] setliers being vil ‘ ten-| tion of the young men sup ants The lUniorri« prefer that ported by some of the cabinet andi smatl holder should | enabled | led by Mr. Lieyd-G ze, is nowt! purchase land f he state actively advancing land ilons payment plar lorontol policy for England. It aims at} Star compulsory purchasing of large estates, rebuilding of rural homes and resettling the country with FAST STRIDES small holders rhe authorities have for some f tine been seriously alarmed at T0 HAZFLTON the steady growth of emigration of the most desira elements } of the English population. Last Chief Wynn, of the P inejial ia year half a million thrifty, healthy] Police is in town from Hazelton and industrious p mostly] He is full of enthusiasm and de.| young, left England the over. ht for the new tra service, | seas dominions “i ind’s pop That one eould leave Haz i ut] ulation is now sta owing|10 a.m, in the morning and ar-| | to the migration Canada. and|rive here *f 8 p.m. the same day | . | i J : authorities ae j seems the realization of dream | - — sb cm jually)" ote) liiadet toed a ue '| $32 is required by every tady who wishes to alarmed at the ove h g rush] 'fe ‘ ' 5 ' ms appeear to the best advantage on the of population toward the towns,|! ‘ street. .A study of the styles in our iL- and the depletior he country. | Things are moving a ght LUSTRATED CATALOGUE will convince ; o onl . P OUT-OF-TOWN customers of the Political Parties !nterested. ind a good deal fa than a} on Handbage Recently two by elections it| Whole lot of people ma rhe ee 6 See ee nee ( » atl our MAIL ORDER SERVICE. We not only Holinfirth and Ne Norfolk bie f reports that the dg 7 “ give you fashion in these bags but we were won by Libe indidates.| Skeena Crossing s completed Guarantee you quality in both workman- who made the adva d land pro-| und that the work of laying the op ane -— Our logue oansibin Sis Mme é a eile on tha Eeeine will be bart iNustrates many other tines in leather grain i ig pla 1eir : ; oods, such as dowel Gaces, Writing Port- election poliey r" 1 has| ®@ toda It will only be a very folios, Music Rolls, Travelling Bags, Suit ot been lost on th rnment.| Short time getting to Sealey, and Cases, Pursees and Card Gases. A post n t | } u en While the ines sain n two or three months that card will bring this catalogue to your ad- S I ome? we igae ait i} dreess. Write for it at once. gramme is not ve ed, every, ' : PUBL or geal Wilt De influence is being nake ached it adopt two mair axa tion of land values and the ttle] CITY TO HAVE CONDOR ment of small ho ile 5 as sntel Sip Baer n ein 99 + on state wned land Ry taxa_| Substitute for Alser Cement is ~#$00-— oe tion of land values it is hoped to Agreed Upon compel owners of gee 7 The city council has decided to to sell Settlement smalllacecept the Condor brand of ce- holders may be undertaken under| ment to finish the reservoir at e the direction and instruetion of] Aer polis Hill. M. Albert explain- official guides, Both Unionists|ed that it was impossible to get “or = and Liberals are agreed that there] the Alser brand. Mr. Mason, the General Merchandise - . Largest Stock must be a general scheme of re | i ng city engineer, was well! =— housing country laborers rhe} satisfied with the quality of the Daily Mail Unionist has this|eement Some of the aldermen Pp ° ° this week opened a campaign de lissented, but the motion, pro- Lowest rices in Northern B. C. manding this The Unionists} posed by Ald. Dybhavn that the may bring an opposing scheme|Condor brand be used, was fin- j ” ooo for settlement of small holders|ally carried z— > ~~ -O-— a motor boat, the engine is not satisfactory in » dave BAINTER and Phone 387 A Stylish and Fashionable HANDBAG The World's Famous 2-Cycle Marine Engine We Are Representatives For This Locality Winner of 3 Gold Medals at Seattic Exposition The engine should be the deciding factor in No matter how high e its operation, siniply bas nothing whatever to enjoy. See Us Before Buying Demonstrations Free purchasing lass the hull may be, if the owner Orders filled within SLOAN Sixth Semi-Annual CLEARING SALE Our semi-annual clearing sale commencing WEDNES- DAY, July 10th, will be a great money saving oppor- tunity for you who are in need of a New Suit, pair of Shoes, Hat or Furnishings of any kind. Now is the time to let us sell you a new suit that has style, finish, tailoring and fabric that are the best that can be duced at a price that will suit your purse : : pro- Men’s heavy wool Underwear, | Men’s fine wool reg. $2.00 suit, now light weight, reg. $2.50 $1.50 2 $2.00 —, Sale starts Wednesday morning, July 10th — FSS eee Underwear, Men’s Working Shirts, regu- mone ——————— ——~ — Men’s shoes, all odd sizes, lar price $1.50, now reg. $5 and $6, now $1.00 | $4.00 BESS . TERMS--STRICTLY CASH SS MARTIN O’REILLY s