| Se eee = = “SAY Scoor - was WANT INON A BORN IN NICE QuieT Game- GOT A COUPLE. H\ AND ITCOSTS CAN PLay— a ee > tinny ti C$ DELEGATES FROM Money To (Se 'S UP IN MY MissouR WHO TAKE LESSONS —_ Room: ! THINK THEY FRom ME ! —“ The Daily News The Gentleman Fi rom Missouri Held a Democratic Hand Tu Just / DEAL MYSELE = AN ACE FULL_ BIG SESSION i de ae TAKE THe - 7 %(" Pot MY FRIEND- \ JA) THOse ARENT THE CARDs THAT For HE LIFE OF MEU I CANT FiGuRE | wit} ME DEALING - How HE PicieD UP THOSE Four. DEmMocRaATIC Donneeys AUT lights at its To be sold by ; WHEN THE BAND mises, iin ata aS a lis Shwe gO | | } ‘he steame riwid this The Victoria Hotel mezzo: exes te amare — Aldermen and Mayor iM) vonage. bring in from $15 to $20 per day.|ing permission to the amateur | \apcock, Mr the city e oth do it for the pre-| - | wh expense until; r Prince George ar- rning at eee 10 cteeenessenisemennsntenaneepe PF J v7 Sunad. simp -Drawn for the Daily News by ‘‘Hop’ Public ‘Auction’ BECINS T0 PLAY reseor«vae.. | “The News” Classified Ads. |) ::::" $1,200 given pool players in the ment pool room, Empress FREE! FREE! =<" One Cont A Word For Each Insertion== ||| F522 FREE! beautiful electric player piano, worth aw ay 88 re e, Se cretary, “BO x 42 $00 FIRST AVE. Doubt as to Rival Attraction | Hawberidge, Mr Carl, Mrs | for the Public. ee’ ae Giake’ jalos -THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES’ HERE— TEACHERS WANTED. This offers a splendid chance \onahue ft o>” Mae Donahue, Mr. Bear, Mi to get into a remunerative busi- Saunders, Captain Bear, Mr. 4 u Two teachers wanted, for jun T In reporting in favor of grant- | Westenhaveer, M. J. Putnam, . EF n the Prince Rupert publi éeho ness. The rooms are all let and Spo & . ~| Westenhaver, Mrs. Dunean, Mrs, and commence at the expiration Babeock, Mr child —jsummer holidays “Salary montt 7 eatio Ju } : Parker, Mr The owner is leaving the town|bana to practice in the city hall li-| and family Woodward, Mr Wanted on ae momen |W D. Van ; ae “ay ‘i Monday | Gilbert. € Woodward, Mrs | | an Rupert, B. ¢ and has instructed me to sell. brary the Council on ONGAY | Missedat, Frank Martin, Mr and | For Sale Miscellaneous Comprising lease of ground ex-| "ight was a little in doubt as tol iii Goh ew p ‘sd : , < : : i er, 8 os | s a piring November, 1914; building the advisability of ietting the and child Ross, Mrs | W Set ra mee ee ine oo WE ARE THE AGENTS : , : : Mercer, L. h N. 1 ° - ? ; 2 storey and basement: furniture|Dand have the council chamber] yereer N. Cochrane, , HIGH class furniture for sale cheap; 818! «6% sssn and door man wanted. Apply ‘Ralr ber A bale hee. teeta 7 ae . a. 7 > stelle » jouse for rent Apply 425 Dumnad GUOD 1 an an ’ » ' wees for 22 rooms, 32 beds in all;|because it was fitted with lights, | Baker, wes. Bosworih,. Mr 160 162 a 2 Ke | Prince Rupert "Planing Mills, corner cabin on rear of lots Ald. Douglas and Ald. Montg@om-| sewali, Mr. Wall, Mr. atboo eed: scape tas —— ron a saa che ‘hoot on we ad FOR = : » : : ‘ » ¢ one ers ub p a ' Full arti lery were a little afraid that the} Dunning, Mr. Wright, Mr FOR SALE—A snap, launch “Islander,” 32) wanrep—Man and wife to take charge| “jewelry Store, sass 142-08 u particulars from the ails aibebitietes Aa éores of Nichol, ‘ wt Reteher, wi ft. long, 10 ft. beam, 10 h.p. engine of hotel; will rent or pay wages. Apply rhe Liverpool & London & | ti yublic -efer some oO Villard, b eattice, G } “ a é : j os a6. Ce ' ate . 7 . Auctioneer, : : ektie I ight ed at Willard, Mra Alien, W. H Apply on board, Government wharf r ~y ' a oe betw ab :, 4 ie ‘ Insurance Co To be s0ld as a going concern | eee eae eae ann parrel dames Bryan, Mr 159-164 on council nights, and the fear) Farrel, Mrs. Sharper, Mr For Rent |The Phoenix Assurances Brown, L. MeVitty, Mr. | ’ on the Spot. was expressed by the mayor that] grown, F. Dixon, Mr | Pe ae i| st and Found i London, England . . jilliams, C, B. Sparling, Mr the band might want to use the| ‘} WANTED. Lo | .,| Helpin, Mr. Change Kang Jen, Dr.| . ninkes Thursday, July 11th council chamber on council Remm, ues Chang kang Jen, Mrs. | FOR LEASE —-Mcinigre Mall: well heated rhe British America A . Reed, Mrs. L. . ste ; 1 lighted. 0 . ne ‘wo. of Te ' at 3 p. m. nights to the great intermingling | phinips, Mr. Chane, Mies Engineer holding B. C. ||Lost—saturday night, @ bar brooch set) rts : ' ae , ¢ ins enteé one Johnston, R. Marie, Mrs. 8 ‘ertifieate Len | with white stone, Return to News of-| FOR KENT-—-4-room modern house Apply of voeal and instrumental « Exley, J. W Rowers, Mr certificate, Apply MeLeod fhe Reward 159-tf 121 Oth ave 161-0 joyment. Tt was eventually ag-|Mecierhaty, Mr. Marshall, Mr on exeavation opposite the FRANK A. ELLIS Watson, J. M Price, Mr m FOR RENT—Tw tes first class h ade x . . rive i ‘ : ak » On BR wo suites st class use eae reed nrg? Ay, ne dares be i cro, k Cairnes, ur Prince Rupert Inn. tf keeping rooms, also store, in new build G. R. Naden Co Ltd granted the use o ne library | Campbell, r Chesty r i} T ing on 6th avenue, opposite Skating "9 le ; Campbell, Mrs. Coyle, 'W. T | — ry a Daily News Want ad. i} conveniences. Apply Tony| Phone 44 Second St.) apartment, with leave “to fit up| sp Behys, Mr ner er ee Oe SECOND AVENUE NFPSee See see reese eee eset eee see cee See see cco cee cee cee Fee ose See Se ose eee ose ese cce cee coo csee Complete House Furnishing Sale | at Geo. D. Tite’s_ - Commencing Wednesday, July 10th Third Ave. for 10 Days SEDREBSESEESRESEESLESSESSESEESSESSEREESSESSESEESEESSESE CS Sea teSseasessesseaseasemteasestesteacesseaseateasetseaseaseeseasease tees cocesccceaseotooteateateoteatee eoteete SS33e38 ae" S333 20 and 25 per cent. Reduction Throughout Entire Stock Some Lines of Our Furnishings at Cut-in- Two Prices Special Carpet Values Never Before Equalled in Our City—Wilton, Axminster, Brussells and Tapestry Squares at 20 and 25 percent. Reduction. Take this opportunity and buy the good Rug you require at the big reduced prices. Special Values in Chamber Sets 5-piece Chamber Set, all white, Sale Price - - $1.50 Set 6-piece Chamber Set, floral design, Sale Price - $2.25 Set A SNAP—Water Glasses, 50 cents a dozen. Special Bargains Wicker Chairs and Rockers at one-half Regular Values—-Colors Brown, Green, and Natural. All shapes and styles of these Wicker Chairs 50 and Rockers must be cleared out at our vv SPECIAL SALE PRICE - - - - Fach Select early for choice. Great Linoleum Values Regular 90c Yard Seotch Linoleum, Sale Price - - - Regular 70c Values Scotch Print, Sale Price Our Big Stock of Brass Beds Receive Our Special Sale Reduction of 20 and 25 per cent. off Regular Values. 70e¢ Oc 5 lron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Dressers and Stands, Blankets, Sheets and Pillows all reduced in this sale. oe eee Soe S80 S80 S80 Sos 285 280 099 89 689 89 299 2” + 089 S05 S89 090 089 O80 C95 229 89 280 089 280 « Remember Sale Lasts Only 10 Days - - Place Your Order Early and Secure First Choice aby Carriages and Go-Carts receive a special 25 per cent. reduction at this sale Phone 20 The Home of Quality House Furnishings 2 S82 S00 S80 280 Ce C80 220 S20 S00 689-29 99 299 899 899 299 819 880 O89 089: reese sie sce sce cesses ese ass ose, Third Ave. easearsersess estas este aie ate ate ate ate ake ane ane bee Dy one eet ete Seb ateaseaseaseese |. wd SESUEF eS seee : CHEESES